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Lovely stuff!!
refined it some more and rounded off most of the kinks. painful!
still looks better with toolbags subdivision toggled on will probably use that for final renders then.
question: is there a function to only subdivide & smooth in X or Y across a surface? (blender or 3ds max preferably).
that could really save some time... not sure what it would be called hence scriptspot not proving helpful.
edit: updated with vertex colors.
CryEngine Autumn Environment
Cross post from the Dota thread, been spending most of my attention this month on our first set of 2016!
you can check it out here
Finally finished this art piece. Took a lot longer, but I learned a lot from this project. This project was focused on creating a modular set. Everything is using a tileable texture except for the door which is a unique piece.
For textures and more shots, check it out on artstation
Criticism welcomed !
Marmoset viewer here:
Acog sight textured
I still working on a workflow to bake PBR in Zbrush i share with you the progress on it , still looking for a better name for the plugin, if you feel i got one nice, tell me
well, here's the first two WIP character sculpts for an upcoming game I'm working on. Yes, our concept artist is F*ing amazing, yes I'm super lucky to be working with him at all!
More high res images and a marmoset viewer scene here: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/q2mqz
Thanx for all the support so far!!! Have an amazing day everyone!
I love this material.
Did some work on the folds and drapery and blocked in the boots.
there's a story on the front door, at first I was amazed how I made the door (the Blender tool and addons just got updated and I immediately tried it) then I noticed it wasn't an appropriate door, upon reading Paul Pepera's advice on 3DArtist mag, the design should be at least functional and grounded, so yeah I made a mistake.
Well anyways, I don't want to waste the time I spent to design that door, so I punch a hole so that's the entrance to the room, hang a sign "door to be replaced" ... and that's it ...
with my personal project - Project HQFi, a weaponsmith laboratory ...
but then I started texturing the small things (to be populated on the environment later on), well I know it should be bigger stuff first but then I would like to start with small stuff and see where the direction headed ...
so here it is, Moontella - my own version of Nutella, I added some humor on the textures
the rest of other stuff I uploaded it on my Sketchfab profile - https://sketchfab.com/siraniks
Here's an Unreal 4 environment I made for a tutorial. I recorded every single step while making this and will make the full process available soon on www.unreal4environments.com.
Awesome work from all of you guys, like always!
A lastest character that I've just made.
For more details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3ISsYD5n8I