The last 2 years, thousands of artists have participated in Inktober, a prompt started by artist Jake Parker. I want to participate this year, and I'd like to invite the artists of Polycount to participate this year too!
The premise is to draw, traditionally, something in ink every day of October.
(of course you don't have to draw every day, but at least try).
Check this site for more information, good inking tools, and the general rules and purpose of Inktober.
Starting October 1st, bust out your brush pens, and post your stuff here!
I went a little overboard
Day 1
Working on a concept.
1973 Ford Van
@Dado that is really great! Such clean lines!!
@Stinger88 nice drawing!
More practice drawing old men. Starting to get the hang of it. Bottom 3 are from imagination.
I tried using a different pen to try and work on my lines a bit.
I also tried to redesign Quiet from MGSV. Literally any design is better than her game design, but I wanted to take an honest whack at it.
Thinking about having some continuity for this year, remember that missile? I guess it missed its mark! Sci-fi Knight FTW
Wasn't really feeling these first couple of days. Hopefully tomorrow will be better! (◕‿◕✿)
Day 2
Sci-fi corridor. I wanted to add some atmosphere and light shafts but I got scared.
....and day 2 was Riven from League of Legends.
bad photo, I know. Sorry about that.
"you can't wash away all the tears"
Today on inktober i remembered how horrible i am with a brush pen and ruined this darling.(and also learned what a great purchase my gold paint marker was.)
and then i drew some flowers instead. (☉‿☉✿)
Didn't have time to do more studies. So just one piece for today. I still have to be more patient when using the brush pen, controlling it is reaaaally hard.
it is the sakura pen-touch paint markers! i got a pack of five so I also have copper, silver, black and white.
Back on track with this guys! Who do you guys think should be victorious by the end of the month? The righteous Knight or the fierce bounty hunter?
Dado: great shapes, man! Looking forward to any other animals you come up with.
day 4, just two this time. The day went by too fast.
i also feel it's vital to mention that all of her bling sparkles gold. very important.
Number 3
Thank you Stinger88!
I really like your bots too!
keeping the story going with this guys, someone got hurt today! i hope I can carry them for most of the month!
no real plan on any of these, just noodling around with more of a graphic approach and seeing what happens.
Dani, you've hit my soft spot for characters. Great execution! Followed you on tumblr.
Just one for today.
Makkon, awesome stuff! I really like the flow of your ink work
Stinger, ken, dani, you guys are killin it! This is a blast!
Full disclosure, i had to do a quick photoshop fix on that foot because it got realrealnasty really quickly.
Awesome thanks. Will try it out sometime. I thought it would be Strathmore. Seems to be the only Tan Pads I can find on google. Will order one and give it a go.
number 5: Spider Mech 5
(comfort zone)
Went with something simple today and just drew my fightsticks.
@eric, i am in love with your silhouettes.
quick one, because today flew by.
And for today Dmg control after the encounter!
The king welcomes the righteous knight after his encounter, the exotic musician and him exchange looks.