Trying to put more thought into the marks and design, but failing miserably. This is so difficult to do! Soo much stuff I do not fully understand. Halfway through the initial marker block-in, I realized the perspective and proportions are very wonky. I got lots of studies I have to do.
Do you amazing people have any tips or feedback of how or where I should focus on next?
Sorry i disappeared for a bit! but you guys have been doing some really good stuff~
i did a bunch of really quick sketches to catch up and then a rose fairy for today!
dani, these cute characters are awesome!
kendmd, love'n these armor pieces!
xavi, I like the technique you've got going with areas of light and solid shadow.
trying to get looser with this one. couldn't resist a few PS tweaks, so I shall post them both:
You guys are killing it ! The diversity and craftsmanship on display is impressive. Couldn't get on the fun this month because of a tight schedule, but there's always inkvember, inkcember, januarink, and so on ...
Dear artists, I hope you don't consider it as spam, but I just would like to thank everybody participated. Had to go through this thread several times. You made a tremendous and very inspiring job.
@danipanteez that rabbit drawing is beauutiful
Day 18.
Last 4 days worth, maybe Im starting to get too ambitious
@Xavi Thanks!! 2 and 4 are reaaally good!
Day 19.
Makkon: Glad to hear you're doing better, love those characters!
Xavi: Great stuff! I dig the poses and the flowing capes.
Dado Almeida: Hehe looking good, really cute as far as zombies go.
Made a few studies from Kung Fu Panda 2 today.. :P
space goats and mermaids for yesterday and today!
Xavi, holy junk, man! Some of the best movement and composition we've seen in this thread so far. Amazing work!
Gnashed, dude, these are fantastic. You captured the FOV and subtle angle tilts of the character's heads. Superb work, as usual!
Dado! You're pumping these out so fast, your linework is utterly flawless. I don't know how you keep up the pace!
Trying to put more thought into the marks and design, but failing miserably. This is so difficult to do! Soo much stuff I do not fully understand. Halfway through the initial marker block-in, I realized the perspective and proportions are very wonky. I got lots of studies I have to do.
Do you amazing people have any tips or feedback of how or where I should focus on next?
anyhoo... Alien Cyborg Sniper Dude
I've been slacking.
Xavi: those are amazing man neat scenes!
I gotta post all the ones I missed to post in here, I hope they don't take too much space
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
Day 18
Day 19
Day 20
Day 21
i did a bunch of really quick sketches to catch up and then a rose fairy for today!
Day 25.
kendmd, love'n these armor pieces!
xavi, I like the technique you've got going with areas of light and solid shadow.
trying to get looser with this one. couldn't resist a few PS tweaks, so I shall post them both:
okay i wouldve drawn mermaids today anyway.
@eric thanks!
Day 27.
Hi why not scan your sketch then photoshop for add some atmosphere and light shaft
Great job everyone!!
Day 30 and 31.
Had to go through this thread several times.
You made a tremendous and very inspiring job.