Home Quixel Megascans

SUITE 2.0 status update!



  • Spoon
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    Spoon polycounter lvl 11
    Hello Quixel team :)

    I got invited to the beta a couple months back, and everything worked great then.
    I recently formatted my system, and now I get the message that "it seems you dont have any licenses tied to this email account" when I try to boot it.

    I went ahead and installed 1.8 where I could apply my licenses, as 1.8 asks me to input serials, whereas the beta doesnt (just email input) but it still doesnt work.

    Since the beta invite happened very casually over skype, I dont have any emails or something to refer back to, in case I missed anything. 

    What am I doing wrong?
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Kohg - all you'll need to do is pay the difference when you decide to upgrade. :smile:

    Spoon - Please reach out to me at jonathan @ quixel . se and we'll get your issue taken care of.
  • NDH
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    NDH null
    I'm utterly disgusted by the negative comments towards Quixel not only in this thread, but in others as well. One could argue that Quixel has not been delivering as expected, but I believe Quixel has taken notice already. Not going to go into detail as to what I'm finding disturbing to read, but conveying hateful messages does not help in any way.

    Be critical and/or impatient, but please refrain from leaving hateful comments with intent to relieve frustration.

    Can't believe you guys are still humbly replying to these messages. You have my respect, Quixel. 
  • Teyon
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    Teyon polycounter lvl 11
    My only complaint about Quixel and their suite is that I wish I had more chances to use it. I don't get a lot of time to make my own art these days. :) Keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to 2.0's release!
  • Sands
    I have honestly never understood the anger about Quixel and the talk about it "not working". I have 1.8 and photoshop 2014 CC and have never had any technical problems with quixel. I even loaded up a scene with 15 objects each carrying 4k maps and even the 3d previewer works fine. I really don't understand why some people are having such major problems with this software. It works ....at least for me.  Granted with the 15 object scene and 4k texture my computer was using 31GB of Ram, I can imagine that if you lack enough memory and try to load up more than what your pc can handle quixel may start crashing? similar to how zbrush operations will start crashing you if you go beyond your pc's limit? 

    Either way, i use this software every single day and i can tell you that it works, it works fine and i'm not experiencing any technical problems with it. 

    I really want 2.0 though ......can't wait any longer! 
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    NDH - we feel that if a customer is upset with us that they have a legitimate reason for it. We've been changing the way the company functions as a result, with a better emphasis on interacting with the community. That's the major reason I'm here! If any of you ever need to chat about Quixel or its products, I'm your point of contact. :smile:

    We also have several other community staff members who regularly post here. Our aim is to ensure that there is no communication gap. We've admittedly had that problem in the past, but it's my personal mission to ensure that it never happens again.

    Sands - The Suite in its current state is somewhat unstable for some customers, and we've been reaching out to them to make sure that the software works until 2.0 is released. There are a wide variety of computer configurations in our base of users and problems naturally occur because of that. I can say one thing with absolute confidence: our beta testing has had many hundreds of people involved, and the major bugs are long since worked out. With our larger testing base, we're going to have far fewer problems with the software going forward.
  • Gandosh
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    Gandosh triangle
    is it too late to participate 2.0 beta?
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Gandosh - Yes, unfortunately. We've closed general beta invitations in preparation for the 2.0 release.
  • Gandosh
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    Gandosh triangle
    awww.. ok thank you! good luck :D
  • daisura
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    daisura polycounter lvl 3
    on the topic of (im)patience, I was a bit disappointed pre-ordering 2.0 didn't grant a licence to 1.x for these months leading up to release. I would have loved to have time to learn the software and start integrating it into my workflow, but as someone who watches a lot of game developments and knows the dangers of deadlines for deadlines' sake, I'm 100% for the idea that a product is done when it's done, not when the masses whine about wanting it now.

    Looking forward to more news in the coming weeks
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    I'm putting together a lot of news in the coming weeks, so you're looking in the right direction. :smile: 

  • davaze
    Looking forward to read and or see more about the upcoming 2.0 release. I also pre-ordered the new suite and do not own a license for 1.x. Guess we have to wait a bit longer but I'm sure it will be worth the wait :-)
  • Pleasure

    Hey Davaze and Daisura, you can still use the Trial of Quixel 1.8!

    If you have already finished it and would like to use it a bit longer, send me a message.

  • davaze
    Thanks Pleasure, i'll keep it in mind! Still looking forward in seeing and reading more about the upcoming suite 2.0 ;-)
  • MrPendulum
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    MrPendulum polycounter lvl 7
    Quick question here, would it be worth getting the stability patch or just waiting for 2.0?
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    I would definitely recommend that you utilize the stability patch until 2.0 is out of beta. It fixes a lot of common issues with the software. :smile: 
  • Eth.
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    I'll tell you what I can right now: the beta test is progressing very smoothly, and is almost complete. There's more news coming within the month. :smile: 
  • Eth.
    Awesome ! thanks for the fast reply!
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    I really do wish I could tell you more than that, but my hands are tied for the moment. I promise we'll have some great stuff to show soon. Not Soon™, but hopefully within the month. :smile: 
  • Flight
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    Flight polycounter lvl 10
    Any way to get in to the beta? Would love to try it early in the production before everything is more settled.
  • Gandosh
    Offline / Send Message
    Gandosh triangle
    They said beta invitation is closed :(. I would like to participate too. 2.0 looking too good that i can't even handle my hype. 
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Hey Flight! Gandosh is correct, unfortunately. General beta invitations are closed for now, as we're almost done with the testing. If testing opens up again in the future, I will certainly let everyone know! :smile: 
  • The_Distiller
    Is it safe to say 2.0 will be out between end of November and mid December?
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    It's very possible, but I can't guarantee it. Anything can happen between now and release. If no unforeseen consequences arise, I think we'll see the release before the end of the year as a conservative estimate. :smile: 

    Of course, if anything changes, you guys will be the first to know!
  • Eth.
    Great! quixe is going to arrive this month right? as you guys were saying coming this fall :smiley: 
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    I can't give any precise estimates, but trust me, we're very close. :smile: 
  • daisura
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    daisura polycounter lvl 3
    Not Soon™, but hopefully within the month
    Going by how I've seen most developers use soon™, it usually indicates it's anything but soon. So, not not soon. Good! (I think)
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Here, let me try this instead: Suite 2 is coming soon©. :wink: 
  • FieldMarshall
    Will we be able to rotate and manipulate textures/materials from within the plugin window? Also will we be able to load multiple normal maps at once into DDO? Sometimes I need to work with 2 different normal textures for one model but unfortunately I have to make two completely separate projects for it. This is often used when reusing a normal map with different diffuse maps for different parts of the model. Also is it possible for 3DO to support fbx.(makes the process faster)?
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    You're able to rotate textures in the Suite 2 beta, and there is *.FBX support now. :smile: I don't believe that a second normal map is on the horizon, however. You're the first person to bring it up, to my knowledge. The current workaround in 1.8 and 2.0 would be to save your project once you're happy with its appearance, and then save a copy of the project which you'll re-render using the second normal map as the input. That should do it!
  • ahtiandr
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    ahtiandr polycounter lvl 12
    Will it be possible to hide some model parts while painting on 3d mesh? Something like in 3d coat?
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    It's quite possible in the future. We've had several requests for that feature in the beta.
  • ahtiandr
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    ahtiandr polycounter lvl 12
    It's quite possible in the future. We've had several requests for that feature in the beta.
    Yeah! I am using substance painter atm and I really miss this feature and the exploding method isnt that cool especially when you deal with detailed character models with lots of props assigned to them.
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    I completely understand - I usually work with jet aircraft, and I end up having to work in an exploded mode to get any detail work in on the models with all of the moving components on them. We'll definitely look into adding that feature.

    For now, though, here's an example of an entire scene I generated in UE4 with the Suite 2 beta, if you're curious!

  • ahtiandr
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    ahtiandr polycounter lvl 12
    I completely understand - I usually work with jet aircraft, and I end up having to work in an exploded mode to get any detail work in on the models with all of the moving components on them. We'll definitely look into adding that feature.

    For now, though, here's an example of an entire scene I generated in UE4 with the Suite 2 beta, if you're curious!

    Yeah! Looking great! I am very excited to try new quixel suite.
  • Enpremi
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    Enpremi polycounter lvl 8
    I have a pair of questions: 
    I. What is causing you the biggest difficulties in the development at the moment? Maybe if you told us what hinders you from releasing the 2.0 some of us would better understand.
    II. Compared to the Substance software the photoshop files created by Quixel are very large. Any idea how to make them smaller without decreasing the resolution? Are there going to be any differences in 2.0 concerning the file size?
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Hey, Enpremi! Thanks for the good questions - there's really no difficulties that I'm aware of. It's a lengthy beta process precisely because we'd like to ensure that Suite 2 does not tread where Suite 1.8 did. If we released now, of course, you would see a huge improvement - but there's enough issues in the software to warrant a final round of polishing. :smile:

    I believe that the current *.PSDs generated by Suite 2 are smaller than 1.8's *.PSDs. There's also a significant improvement in speed. Photoshop feels more like an accessory to the Suite rather than the Suite being an accessory to Photoshop - I don't even notice Photoshop most of the time while I'm running DDO.
  • StormyBA
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    StormyBA polycounter lvl 10
    Are there any tools in there for leaks + dribbles for dirt and rust?  Currently I tend to do a dDo pass and then compile all the textures and have to then do another texture pass with general photoshop tools for dribbles + rust which all tends to be very directional down surfaces. 

    Very excited about the new release though. Been using dDo a lot more recently and been getting the hang of the mask tools so hoping to see a nice improvement there too! 

    In fact i think my whole work process is pretty... Different.... We don't have the resources to have unique textures on objects so I'm building a lot more repeating materials and details but rather then building poly meshes and baking I'm just creating grey scale images and using nDo to create normals, AO + Cavity maps.. plugging them into dDo and boosh. 

    One thing id like to do though is duplicate options in the mask tools... As in, have 2 sets of AO or Cavity tools. I think it would save me having two layers in a material. 

    Do you know if megascans will be released at the same time too? 
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Yes! There's several stock leak brushes, and you can import your own if you wish. Since you can 3D paint as well, you should be able to avoid manually editing anything in Photoshop to help maintain the PBR workflow. :smile: 

    I completely understand the grayscale workflow - it's versatile and allows for easy editing. That's generally how I work - I create a heightmap and convert that to NDO normals when I'm done.

    Having two sets of tools is something I can pass on to the team!

    Megascans will not be released when Suite 2 is released. It will, however, be the major focus after Suite 2 is done. :smile: 
  • Gandosh
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    Gandosh triangle
    "Since you can 3D paint as well, you should be able to avoid manually editing anything in Photoshop to help maintain the PBR workflow"
    Wait. does that mean when im 3d painting i have to dodge my photoshop 2d editing? i mean i can't use 2D editing? why?
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    You can still edit your maps in 2D, of course. :smile: There's a custom mask editing feature in the Suite that will propagate all mask changes to other channels linked to that specific layer. For example, editing a single rust layer's mask via Dynamask custom mask painting will propagate that mask change to the other channels for that rust layer, keeping the PBR workflow intact.
  • Gandosh
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    Gandosh triangle
    ohh right. Is there any new materials are coming in 2.0?
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Yes! There are new materials in 2.0. :smile: 

  • Gandosh
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    Gandosh triangle
    jesus... wish i could fast forward. Thank you!
  • davaze

    Will you release any kind of videos showing off the possibilities of the new suite 2.0 before the initial release?
    If yes, do you have any date scheduled to release some new footage?
    Can't wait to see the new suite in action. Keep up the good work.

  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    As much as I'd love to show off the Suite before the release, Davaze, we're unfortunately unable to do so.
  • kohg
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    kohg polycounter lvl 9
    You guys also talked about more video tutorials (which frankly i don't know why more people outside of Quixel team are noit doing) will they be released alongside Suite 2.0 or shortly thereafter?
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    There's some great video tutorials coming, from Quixel employees and contributors to Quixel from our incredible community. :smile: 
  • Gandosh
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    Gandosh triangle
    Oh yes i almost forgot. Do you guys adding more render calibration? like Arnold render, Vray, red shift etc?
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