After watching the latest mad max, i really want a car in this game. tearing up the wasteland with my souped up corvega would be killer. Only problem would be you being tied to a roadsystem i suppose, oh well one can dream.
After watching the latest mad max, i really want a car in this game. tearing up the wasteland with my souped up corvega would be killer. Only problem would be you being tied to a roadsystem i suppose, oh well one can dream.
hmmm... watched the trailer a few times now. Is it possible that more interiors will actually be loaded into the game without the load doors?
I noticed the house the dog starts out in is seamlessly opened up to the exterior, as well as the Megaton-ish looking town seeming a bit more open. Then again, I saw a lot of closed doors too and this is probably the same cell-based engine so who knows.
It would be awesome if at least the city hubs were "open" like in Morrowind, allowing for radscorpians to storm the gates ( I never did use the open cities mods, due to them probably conflicting with 1000s of others)
That lead character though, deffo not designed to occupy as much screen res as it does in the trailer, the blue suit feels like a flat blue with a Ddo pass and that leather harness is nasty up close, but I'm sure that it will be just fine from a third person camera view.
Gotta give props to Bethesda for showing an in game trailer and not a CGI trailer in this day and age.
I think some of the negative impression of the graphics comes from the fact that they are using in game assets for this trailer. During gameplay, you probably aren't going to be zooming up to your character or the dog, but this trailer puts them right in your face. They'll probably look more acceptable at an in game distance. As seth pointed out, the belts on the back of the main character look pretty low res and not really meant to be zoomed that much on.
Also I feel like the pre-war stuff wasn't as polished as everything else, which once again the trailer focused on, but will probably only be like the first 15 minutes of the game. I think in general the environments look very nice and from what we see of the characters looks pretty good too for a game like this.
What I'm a bit more disappointed by is the lack of anything really new shown in this trailer. Everything they showed was in Fallout 3, and even the environments they showed looked very much like Fallout 3 (plus some much needed color, granted). It's too early to judge just based on one trailer, but I hope this game isn't just Fallout 3.5, I was expecting some new stuff (esp. since everything in fallout 3 was rehashed from 1&2)
Wasn't impressed at first - everything looks so familiar, and that's the point.
On the other hand the fallout feeling came back - which is a good sign, i guess ?
I think its good, when they invest in the gameplay.
Hope they don't mess it up - bad graphics and bad gameplay would make me sad
So, I think I just had a minor heart attack of the chills, after seeing the store page on steam it all became so real.
Also, glad to hear Ron Perlman seems to have a slightly bigger role (his voice on the radio) than the Narrator, I loved his acting in Sons of Anarchy. I'm wondering if they're making his role as more of a character in this one.
Ron Perlman The Narrator Mark VII Protectron - Complete with badass War Never Changes nuke-launching commie-crying weaponry.
Graphics looked unimpressive most of the time in that trailer, but there were some really nice shots here and there. Doesn't bother me anyway. I thought the last two looked really bad and I still played the hell outta those.
The art team doesn't create the gameplay or the story ... Investing in one of those areas doesn't mean the others suffer.
c'mon, you know how game studios work. Invest means spend money on, a bigger art team costs more and can spend more time per asset.
It's hard to find numbers but it seems like CDProjekt is slightly larger than Bethesda Game Studios and it's obvious that graphics is a big focus for them. Game studios have different personalities, design centric, art centric, a blend, etc...
Compare Fallout 4 to The Witcher 3 when it launches but I wouldn't worry, they launched Skyrim in a post Witcher 2 world and they both were super popular.
After watching the trailer I am not impressed. Fallout intro to FO2 (War never changes), the first FO3 trailer, and especially the FO3NV trailer were great. This one is just... bland. Not that it will stop me from paying 60 bucks for this thing but my expectations are much higher.
I think it looks fine. Not on the level of Witcher 3 or The Order (let's be real, many arent.), but looks way better than Skyrim and the art direction looks great. My expectations were low and they exceeded them.
I'v been amazingly calm regarding this subject but I'm going to go insane when this hits near release considering this is ( for me personally )the very best Dieslepunk post Appo series out there,Bethesda's modifiable Engine only makes this even better.
Fallout Extreme was the canceled game that was suppose to feature the Brotherhood of Steel from Chicago. The game took you from the US all the way to Alaska and China.
I still hope for the day when a title revolving around the Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel is made and the inevitable showdown with its vast army of humans/super mutants/deathclaws/robots vs the NCR/Technology hording BOS/Commonwealth. There is just so much potential there for a great story.
I tried Fallout 3 for a few hrs. Didn't really hook me in like Skyrim/Oblivion/Morrowind did.
I hope FO4 is good, cuz I wanna fall in love with it like many ppl do...
I tried Fallout 3 for a few hrs. Didn't really hook me in like Skyrim/Oblivion/Morrowind did.
I hope FO4 is good, cuz I wanna fall in love with it like many ppl do...
try new vegas, i didnt like fallout 3 at first either.
I'm always excited about new Bethesda Studios games, but they're usually gems in the rough. Here are some of the things that I've come to expect from Bethesda games: Below average facial animations, silly game physics, CTDs and instability, combat that feels floaty and boring rather than visceral or precise, mouse acceleration in menus by default, classic Bethesda mountaineering where you've lost the intended path to the quest marker and need to climb an unrealistically steep hill to get there or TCL your way there, and voice acting shenanigans of all sorts whether it's giving all the people of the same race the same voice (Morrowind) or giving all the shopkeepers different voices but not bothering to write new/original lines to flesh out their characters despite that being a relatively less expensive way to add some life to the world (Skyrim). Still, the environmental storytelling, world design, and lore are usually absolutely top notch and I suppose that's why I love these games and why they're generally critically acclaimed despite the compromises that Bethesda makes to artificially inflate the size of the game world. Bethesda's one of the rare studios that I will almost always buy from on launch even though I know the game's going to have loads of problems, because I know that I'll still have a great time in spite of them.
For me it makes more sense. When I was a little kid, I lived in a subdivision with a ton of other kids my age. Often we would all get together to watch someone play a game. Often it was my brother. I spent many hours watching other people play through SNES, NES, and Genesis classics. Lets plays are just that but done over the internet. Though i'll be honest that I don't really watch them myself. The most for me is giant bomb quick looks.
I've got nothing against Let's Plays, there are a few youtubers who I really like, and certain games that are fun to watch. In my experience though, The elder scrolls and fallout games just aren't very fun to watch unless you've played the game beforehand. That could be just me, but yeah, I think you're almost certainly missing the magic of it if you're not playing it yourself.
Well, true. The thing is I'm not a great gamer myself. (played FFXIII til the end boss, then watched someone else beat it. Then just watched let's play of FFXVIII 2 and 3). Many games would take too much of my time, so I watch let's play instead too.
Though some let's play does make me buy/play the game though. The Bureau: X-COM let's play did get me hooked.
And I don't have to run around getting lost in the game when I watch let's play ^_^
Many games would take too much of my time, so I watch let's play instead too.
Oh, I get that. Believe me, I get that. I won't be buying the Witcher 3 because I don't have the time to play it ... but I've watched friends stream it for several hours, so I feel I've at least experienced it vicariously.
Oh, I get that. Believe me, I get that. I won't be buying the Witcher 3 because I don't have the time to play it ... but I've watched friends stream it for several hours, so I feel I've at least experienced it vicariously.
Same here. I've had a hard time right now justifying the time it would take to play a game, so I have a massive backlog. But I can put a stream on a side monitor and leave it on as background noise while I work.
Holy Fucking Shit. You guys at Bethesda put in that WORK. I feel like I just got off of a roller coaster or something. Amazing, Amazing, Amazing. Thank you. I love you. PBR, the crafting system, customization, everything. I want to give more than 60 bucks haha. Seriously great show.
I was not expecting the game to be releasing later this year. I was thinking fall of 2016 at earliest. Wow. Apparently by the expression I had on my face, my wife has assured me it is "ok" to buy the version with the Pip Boy included.
This is WAAAAAY more of an overhaul to Bethesda's traditional gameplay mechanics and immersion than I thought it was going to be from the first trailer. I mean, stuff like them recording 1000 of the most popular names for the player character with full VO (man and woman confirmed!), having the dog actually grab the wrench and bring it back in its mouth, character actually climbing into the power armor, even the 2D S.P.E.C.I.A.L graphics being animated etc.
I was just expecting and honestly would of been happy with Fallout 3.5. Holy shit there goes my life!
FUUUUUUUCK they added in building structures. Now I really don't have a life.
hope i'll be able to install codsworth in my power armour, paint it red and gold, and add my own music to the radio, maybe choose a track that plays when i put it on.
Todd Howard says near the start of the video that it does have PBR. Uwotm8?
in my opinion the game was started to develop without PBR, because a lot is baked into albedo as I see and lately added. I think they will need to remake some textures and maybe it will look more proper, for now it's looking like last gen textures without rougness putted into pbr. but I can mistake, need to look HQ video.
but overall the game is looking sooo nice, can't wait to play it.
Eating my own words never felt so good. Loving it.
Dog may not have fur tech but it's adorable.
Game is looking nice in motion, animations are still.. well.. whatever, I can overlook it.
Honestly My ONLY questions now is how the modding will be. Will they allow custom animations and animation replacement to be proper this time?
Honestly though, the bethesda artists should all be given a goddamn raise, everything on show so far has been incredible, much much love to all of you.
Fallout 4 right on my birthday, niiiiice.
All this stuff is looking good, and the close release date is a welcome change, I was really expecting to have to wait another year for this!
the Mad Max game is coming out Sept. 1st!
I noticed the house the dog starts out in is seamlessly opened up to the exterior, as well as the Megaton-ish looking town seeming a bit more open. Then again, I saw a lot of closed doors too and this is probably the same cell-based engine so who knows.
It would be awesome if at least the city hubs were "open" like in Morrowind, allowing for radscorpians to storm the gates
That lead character though, deffo not designed to occupy as much screen res as it does in the trailer, the blue suit feels like a flat blue with a Ddo pass and that leather harness is nasty up close, but I'm sure that it will be just fine from a third person camera view.
I think some of the negative impression of the graphics comes from the fact that they are using in game assets for this trailer. During gameplay, you probably aren't going to be zooming up to your character or the dog, but this trailer puts them right in your face. They'll probably look more acceptable at an in game distance. As seth pointed out, the belts on the back of the main character look pretty low res and not really meant to be zoomed that much on.
Also I feel like the pre-war stuff wasn't as polished as everything else, which once again the trailer focused on, but will probably only be like the first 15 minutes of the game. I think in general the environments look very nice and from what we see of the characters looks pretty good too for a game like this.
What I'm a bit more disappointed by is the lack of anything really new shown in this trailer. Everything they showed was in Fallout 3, and even the environments they showed looked very much like Fallout 3 (plus some much needed color, granted). It's too early to judge just based on one trailer, but I hope this game isn't just Fallout 3.5, I was expecting some new stuff (esp. since everything in fallout 3 was rehashed from 1&2)
You shut your filthy n'wah mouth right now!
That's my hope anyway lol... Firing up Ultima 4 as I type... great game != good graphics.
On the other hand the fallout feeling came back - which is a good sign, i guess ?
I think its good, when they invest in the gameplay.
Hope they don't mess it up - bad graphics and bad gameplay would make me sad
Also, glad to hear Ron Perlman seems to have a slightly bigger role (his voice on the radio) than the Narrator, I loved his acting in Sons of Anarchy. I'm wondering if they're making his role as more of a character in this one.
Ron Perlman The Narrator Mark VII Protectron - Complete with badass War Never Changes nuke-launching commie-crying weaponry.
Graphics looked unimpressive most of the time in that trailer, but there were some really nice shots here and there. Doesn't bother me anyway. I thought the last two looked really bad and I still played the hell outta those.
c'mon, you know how game studios work. Invest means spend money on, a bigger art team costs more and can spend more time per asset.
It's hard to find numbers but it seems like CDProjekt is slightly larger than Bethesda Game Studios and it's obvious that graphics is a big focus for them. Game studios have different personalities, design centric, art centric, a blend, etc...
Compare Fallout 4 to The Witcher 3 when it launches but I wouldn't worry, they launched Skyrim in a post Witcher 2 world and they both were super popular.
Looking forward to mod this.
I still hope for the day when a title revolving around the Midwestern Brotherhood of Steel is made and the inevitable showdown with its vast army of humans/super mutants/deathclaws/robots vs the NCR/Technology hording BOS/Commonwealth. There is just so much potential there for a great story.
I hope FO4 is good, cuz I wanna fall in love with it like many ppl do...
try new vegas, i didnt like fallout 3 at first either.
Haha this. And we still play 'em to bits!
Watched Let's Play for New Vegas...
Got bored after 2-3 episodes.
I've got nothing against Let's Plays, there are a few youtubers who I really like, and certain games that are fun to watch. In my experience though, The elder scrolls and fallout games just aren't very fun to watch unless you've played the game beforehand. That could be just me, but yeah, I think you're almost certainly missing the magic of it if you're not playing it yourself.
Something like Half-Life, tho, is very watchable as background noise.
Though some let's play does make me buy/play the game though. The Bureau: X-COM let's play did get me hooked.
And I don't have to run around getting lost in the game when I watch let's play ^_^
Same here. I've had a hard time right now justifying the time it would take to play a game, so I have a massive backlog. But I can put a stream on a side monitor and leave it on as background noise while I work.
Todd Howard says near the start of the video that it does have PBR. Uwotm8?
This is WAAAAAY more of an overhaul to Bethesda's traditional gameplay mechanics and immersion than I thought it was going to be from the first trailer. I mean, stuff like them recording 1000 of the most popular names for the player character with full VO (man and woman confirmed!), having the dog actually grab the wrench and bring it back in its mouth, character actually climbing into the power armor, even the 2D S.P.E.C.I.A.L graphics being animated etc.
I was just expecting and honestly would of been happy with Fallout 3.5. Holy shit there goes my life!
FUUUUUUUCK they added in building structures. Now I really don't have a life.
in my opinion the game was started to develop without PBR, because a lot is baked into albedo as I see and lately added. I think they will need to remake some textures and maybe it will look more proper, for now it's looking like last gen textures without rougness putted into pbr. but I can mistake, need to look HQ video.
but overall the game is looking sooo nice, can't wait to play it.
Dog may not have fur tech but it's adorable.
Game is looking nice in motion, animations are still.. well.. whatever, I can overlook it.
Honestly My ONLY questions now is how the modding will be. Will they allow custom animations and animation replacement to be proper this time?
Honestly though, the bethesda artists should all be given a goddamn raise, everything on show so far has been incredible, much much love to all of you.
All this stuff is looking good, and the close release date is a welcome change, I was really expecting to have to wait another year for this!