i dont know if i feel the whole segregation stuff. i feel cyberpunk has more segregation between rich/poor, megacorporations/citizens than races. how about injecting some class struggle a la red faction (the first one) into the franchise? survaillence and induvidual rights is as a hot topic as ever, so is copyright and intullectual property . actually, the increasingly capitalist/ consumer based soicety's effect and threat against democracy would be a fine topic for a cyberpunk game. give me a lower class hacker that struggles against megacorporations, not some ex military just motivated with personal revenge (adam jensen). after all cyberpunk is supose to be "high tech, low life"
im really hoping for cd projects cyberpunk actually, beacuse a lot of other cyberpunk games has been a let down. didnt like the gameplay in shadowrun, heard satellite rain was bad, same syndicate reboot and watchdogs. deus ex setting and story leaves a lot to be desired. like the stealth and rpg elements though
I feel cyberpunk has more segregation between rich/poor, megacorporations/citizens than races. how about injecting some class struggle a la red faction (the first one) into the franchise?
Thats the exact segregation thats in the game... DE:HR had a whole class struggle thing too (Those who can afford rejection meds, those who cant). The game isnt about race segregation so maybe you just got confused by some of the general chatter over the past few months about the game?
And yeah, went through 5(or 7?) playthroughs of Human Revolution. One with dev commentaries because why not?
And Cyberpunk looks awesome as heck.
If they could not pull of a megascans and release it before 2077 it would be great.
A bit off topic but they've only released the one trailer for cyberpunk right? I find it underwhelming and hard to tell what kind of game it'll be. I expect nothing from the best from that group of people though.
And as for the games dealing with segregation Well here's a list
The Witcher 3:The Wild Hunt (Humans and Non Humans)
Bioshock Infinite(Blacks and Whites)
I guess you're right, But still, there's no moral to be learned from a story like that, it's obvious Segregation is bad
Is it as obvious as you think though?
One of the American presidential nominees is scapegoating Mexicans, talks about building a wall, and wants to register muslims.
Norbert Hofer narrowly lost the Austrian presidency, appealing to nearly half the population with his Hitler inspired rhetoric.
Right wing nationalism is on the rise globally, with the Syrian refugee crisis at the forefront of this all, and xenophobia is becoming socially acceptable because it's "honest". Swiss People's Party, Hungarian Jobbik, and even the Danish People's Party are giving a huge voice to a lot of xenophobia.
I mean I haven't played the main story of the game yet (wanting to wait to play it in it's entirety as I'm a fan myself), but I'd imagine this particular franchise is capable of treating this subject with the bluntness of an allegorical baseball bat to the face.
Nice to see Eidos' perspective on this, To be honest I never thought a lowly beginner freelance 3D generalist like myself would ever get the chance to talk to a guy who worked on the studio that made Deus Ex
But I have to say, The only reason Trump is winning is because the guy's a entertainer, not a politician. People like laughing, Many people don't take elections seriously, they think it's just a thing that you do as an American citizen so... people vote for the funny man, Trump. Sounds stupid but many American citizens aren't educated
No one would allow trump to implement these policies,
Let's not forget a similar occurrence that happened, In Egypt in 2012 there was a constitution that was passed that people didn't take likely to, Let's not forget, 51% of the country wanted that constitution to be passed Yet people still rebelled against it and succeeded in 2013.
Bad candidates with bad ideas might win the elections but once they start implementing the policies, they'll fall.
Well this discussion has become too political, I mean it's a video game about segregation not ignorance.
So let me steer this conversation to well...
I feel like all "Give me deus ex" did was just make the consequences of getting spotted deadlier. Increasing damage isn't what I call "hard mode"
Why not look at Quake for inspiration? Where Hard modes add more monsters and make the monsters more deadly. In Deus ex's case you could add more cameras or Guards or more level 5 terminals.
But it's far too deep in development to think of that now. Besides, I don't want the game to be delayed for 2 years now do I? Maybe in Deus ex 6.
FDFXD2, I agree "Give me deus ex" wasn't a true hard mode, would have been great if they added more stuff to make it harder instead of just making the enemies deal more damage. With that being said, I am really excited for Mankind Divided. I am curious how (if?) they tied today's right-wing issues, which JacqueChoi wrote about in his post above, into the gameplay and I can't wait to sneak around in Deus ex again!
I love this series so much, just some of the ideas that go into these games bring tears to my eyes. Its really the only game I care about for this E3 and I am so pumped to be playing it in August.
just straight forward gameplay, no sci fi B movie to introduce us to the story, no hamfisted message ("THEY TOOK HER AWAY FROM YOU" - News reporter... mhm..)
And judging from the gameplay I am just excited for it thanks to this trailer Everything I could have possibly asked for has more or less been delivered here(except for the.. difficulty level, that has yet to be seen..)
Only seen a few gameplay trailers. Facial animation was the only thing that looked sorta lackluster, but then I remember most of the character art details and facial animation was pretty limited in the last one. I mean it looked bad even for the time it came out.
Not that I give a shit enough for me to not pre-order it. Last one was so epic at the time and I'm sure they improved what was lacking.
One thing I hope and expect to see is more lively hubs. There were people around in Human Rev and stuff, but it just feels sorta lifeless if you go back and play it now. Hopefully better tech and less restrictions have allowed for improvements here.
And there had better be a good balance of stealth. The trailers I saw didn't show much of that and just stuck to the gunplay mostly. I know that's probably just a marketing thing. At least I hope it is. I never really liked the playthrough of Human Rev I once did where I went the shooter route.
Also, its nice to see the devs are confident enough in what they're serving up to not have their review embargo a few days before release and not right on the day. That's always a good sign.
Only seen a few gameplay trailers. Facial animation was the only thing that looked sorta lackluster, but then I remember most of the character art details and facial animation was pretty limited in the last one. I mean it looked bad even for the time it came out.
I hear you on the facial animation.
We'll be working to improve it in the future, but you have to realise, it's an open world game, and our lip-sync tech is competing more with something like Fallout 4, than Uncharted.
We rely heavily on procedural solutions like FaceFX because we don't have time or budget to hand-animate the hundreds of faces in the game, with the hundreds of thousands of branching dialogue lines that are all done completely in real-time.
WHOA, Just got reminded this is releasing this month. Where's the marketing machine?
They've put out some amazing advertising for this game! And some of it's really low key too, like pro/anti aug flyer style posters in big cities. The videos have been fantastic. I had totally forgotten the release date myself, so there's that...
Only seen a few gameplay trailers. Facial animation was the only thing that looked sorta lackluster, but then I remember most of the character art details and facial animation was pretty limited in the last one. I mean it looked bad even for the time it came out.
I hear you on the facial animation.
We'll be working to improve it in the future, but you have to realise, it's an open world game, and our lip-sync tech is competing more with something like Fallout 4, than Uncharted.
We rely heavily on procedural solutions like FaceFX because we don't have time or budget to hand-animate the hundreds of faces in the game, with the hundreds of thousands of branching dialogue lines that are all done completely in real-time.
Yeah, didn't mean to sound insulting. I think everyone who loved the last game also thought the lip-synch and facial animations were a bit lackluster. And yeah, I'd never expect something as good as Uncharted for a game like this. Always assumed it was time, budget or priority reasons behind it.
Congrats on the good reviews so far. The IGN one especially should do wonders for sales.
Really looks like Deus Ex is shaping up into a good series. I remember no one expected much from Human Rev before that came out, mostly because the one before it had been poorly received. Then it came out and surprised everyone with how good it was. Good to hear this next installment has so far continued on with that level of quality.
Can't wait for this. Only thing that has me worried is all the mentions of a lackluster story.
evrything i have heard isnt so much lackluster, but smaller scale as in its not "omg da world is going to explode" over the top stuff that comes along with most AAA games these days. a smaller scale detective thriller style story seems like it could be interesting and a nice change of pace. also apparently your choices have a decent impact in the overall story arc which i hope is true.
Can't wait for this. Only thing that has me worried is all the mentions of a lackluster story.
evrything i have heard isnt so much lackluster, but smaller scale as in its not "omg da world is going to explode" over the top stuff that comes along with most AAA games these days. a smaller scale detective thriller style story seems like it could be interesting and a nice change of pace. also apparently your choices have a decent impact in the overall story arc which i hope is true.
I take that as a very good thing, a smaller, more detailed story with lower stakes is a good change of pace from the usual 'save the world' shtick. I'm all for more 'personal' stories in AAA, really. I'm curious to see how it plays out.
Can't wait for this. Only thing that has me worried is all the mentions of a lackluster story.
evrything i have heard isnt so much lackluster, but smaller scale as in its not "omg da world is going to explode" over the top stuff that comes along with most AAA games these days. a smaller scale detective thriller style story seems like it could be interesting and a nice change of pace. also apparently your choices have a decent impact in the overall story arc which i hope is true.
That actually doesn't sound so bad. I get my copy tomorrow so we'll see. Hope its as immersive as human revolution.
I've been thinking why a sequel isn't usually as interesting as the first and I have some thoughts. Just some ramblings.
I think I prefer games where your back is against the wall, you're pretty under powered and you have no idea what's going on. The first entry in a game usually leaves you pretty confused as to what the status quo is and I find that really interesting. When people say "oh so and so game is great, you really feel like a badass", to me, that isn't as interesting as feeling like your enemy is much more powerful than you and you're pretty weak compared to the world.
So if the first entry is like this, then second entry is usually, "NOW ACCEPT WHAT YOU ARE AND TAKE THE FIGHT TO THE EVIL COOPERATION". Which I find much less interesting.
This isn't about Deus Ex in particular but its some stuff that I've been mulling over.
Playing through HR again now. That vibe. Damn. One of those rare games for me where playing through it just has this unique feeling, looks like Mankind Divided is getting that same kind of attention. Color me excited.
I hate all you american, damn you all, damn you to hell... for your early access... we have to wait until 18:00 cest before we can get it here. Then again, still at work, so I guess it would fit perfectly.
Just a few hours to go now (for the definitive release ;P) I have to agree with others that I haven't seen much advertising/footage for the game, but I see that as a good thing personally as I can go into the game without knowing exactly what to expect visually and thematically, which is uncommon these days. It's been years since I've played HR (hopefully the next game doesn't take quite as long?). Definitely playing on the hardest difficulty. Hopefully it's balanced well
Not surprised. The characters look damn good in this game, and Jensen's new jacket, dayum. Shame the performance is a little worse than what I expected it to be. Doesn't help my gtx 1080 hasn't even hit a projected delivery date since July I guess
I mean I haven't played the main story of the game yet (wanting to wait to play it in it's entirety as I'm a fan myself), but I'd imagine this particular franchise is capable of treating this subject with the bluntness of an allegorical baseball bat to the face.
It seems like a mismatch, how do people get these super expensive high tech augmentations that make them better than normal humans? I would have preferred it to address real issues that amputees and the disabled face - the rich get the best stuff while everyone else pays out the nose for things only slightly better than a wooden peg leg.
I absolutely love Deus Ex since the first game. I was really happy with DX:HR after the "thing" that was released between. The only thing that prevented me from buying it yet, is that I would spend my complete limited free time on playing it, resulting in an unhealthy lack of sleep.
I mean I haven't played the main story of the game yet (wanting to wait to play it in it's entirety as I'm a fan myself), but I'd imagine this particular franchise is capable of treating this subject with the bluntness of an allegorical baseball bat to the face.
It seems like a mismatch, how do people get these super expensive high tech augmentations that make them better than normal humans? I would have preferred it to address real issues that amputees and the disabled face - the rich get the best stuff while everyone else pays out the nose for things only slightly better than a wooden peg leg.
They usually don't have insane augmentations in the first one. Most of the people that have the really good augs are either buisnessmen/women, ex-military, gangs (who steal their augs), or other people who are forced to get them (in Heng-sha, don't want to spoil anything).
The other people who need augmentations are actually indebted for life afterwards because of the need to take Neuropozyne. It was mentioned in Human Revolution quite a few times.. (Spoilers in the article linked) http://deusex.wikia.com/wiki/Neuropozyne
"The high price of Neuropozyne makes it difficult for less wealthy augmented people to afford the drug. This drives some people to acquire the drug by other illegal means. The Sarif Industriesemployees Brian Tindall and Tim Carella steal Neuropozyne from the company's Detroit labs and distribute if for free to people who cannot afford it.[4] For the same reason, people are willing to use the experimental but cheaper alternative, Riezene, despite the fact that it has not been shown to be completely safe."
Hey, I hear the game's great(except for the storyline) So, congrats @JacqueChoi You and your department did a great job making the game look great and play great.
survaillence and induvidual rights is as a hot topic as ever, so is copyright and intullectual property . actually, the increasingly capitalist/ consumer based soicety's effect and threat against democracy would be a fine topic for a cyberpunk game.
give me a lower class hacker that struggles against megacorporations, not some ex military just motivated with personal revenge (adam jensen).
after all cyberpunk is supose to be "high tech, low life"
im really hoping for cd projects cyberpunk actually, beacuse a lot of other cyberpunk games has been a let down. didnt like the gameplay in shadowrun, heard satellite rain was bad, same syndicate reboot and watchdogs. deus ex setting and story leaves a lot to be desired. like the stealth and rpg elements though
To be honest I never thought a lowly beginner freelance 3D generalist like myself would ever get the chance to talk to a guy who worked on the studio that made Deus Ex
But I have to say,
The only reason Trump is winning is because the guy's a entertainer, not a politician.
People like laughing,
Many people don't take elections seriously, they think it's just a thing that you do as an American citizen
so... people vote for the funny man, Trump.
Sounds stupid but many American citizens aren't educated
No one would allow trump to implement these policies,
Let's not forget a similar occurrence that happened,
In Egypt
in 2012 there was a constitution that was passed that people didn't take likely to,
Let's not forget, 51% of the country wanted that constitution to be passed
Yet people still rebelled against it and succeeded in 2013.
Bad candidates with bad ideas might win the elections but once they start implementing the policies, they'll fall.
So let me steer this conversation to well...
I feel like all "Give me deus ex" did was just make the consequences of getting spotted deadlier.
Increasing damage isn't what I call "hard mode"
Why not look at Quake for inspiration? Where Hard modes add more monsters and make the monsters more deadly.
In Deus ex's case you could add more cameras or Guards or more level 5 terminals.
But it's far too deep in development to think of that now.
Besides, I don't want the game to be delayed for 2 years now do I?
Maybe in Deus ex 6.
Not sure what it is exactly about though, to be honest.
just straight forward gameplay,
no sci fi B movie to introduce us to the story,
no hamfisted message ("THEY TOOK HER AWAY FROM YOU" - News reporter... mhm..)
And judging from the gameplay I am just excited for it thanks to this trailer
Everything I could have possibly asked for has more or less been delivered here(except for the.. difficulty level, that has yet to be seen..)
I'll miss Stephen Shellen as Sarif though
Here's some previews:
PC Gamer: http://www.pcgamer.com/taking-on-the...ffer-pcgamertw
"Deus Ex: Mankind Divided's hubs are as deep and interesting as we hoped.
Trusted Reviews: http://www.trustedreviews.com/news/d...e-order-news/2
"Deus Ex: Mankind Divided could very well be my GOTY."
IGN: http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/07/...series-problem
"Deus Ex: Mankind Divided Fixes a Big Series Problem"
Ars Technica: http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2016/0...video-preview/
"New augs, new weapons, and a killer story. This is gonna be good."
Et Polygon: https://www.polygon.com/2015/10/8/9477257/deus-ex-mankind-divided-preview-demo-dubai-prague
Gametrailers: http://www.gametrailers.com/videos/h53zrn/deus-ex--mankind-divided-mega-preview
The Verge: http://www.theverge.com/2015/10/8/9453553/deus-ex-mankind-divided-hands-on-preview-interview
Rock Paper Shotgun: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2015/10/08/deus-ex-mankind-divided-preview/
EuroGamer: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015-10-08-storytelling-in-mankind-divided-choice-consequence-and-cynicism
(dafuq music??)
Loved the original, more games should make pacifist runs fun.
9/10 from Edge Magazine is a promising start!
Not that I give a shit enough for me to not pre-order it. Last one was so epic at the time and I'm sure they improved what was lacking.
One thing I hope and expect to see is more lively hubs. There were people around in Human Rev and stuff, but it just feels sorta lifeless if you go back and play it now. Hopefully better tech and less restrictions have allowed for improvements here.
And there had better be a good balance of stealth. The trailers I saw didn't show much of that and just stuck to the gunplay mostly. I know that's probably just a marketing thing. At least I hope it is. I never really liked the playthrough of Human Rev I once did where I went the shooter route.
Also, its nice to see the devs are confident enough in what they're serving up to not have their review embargo a few days before release and not right on the day. That's always a good sign.
We rely heavily on procedural solutions like FaceFX because we don't have time or budget to hand-animate the hundreds of faces in the game, with the hundreds of thousands of branching dialogue lines that are all done completely in real-time.
They've put out some amazing advertising for this game! And some of it's really low key too, like pro/anti aug flyer style posters in big cities. The videos have been fantastic. I had totally forgotten the release date myself, so there's that...
Congrats on the good reviews so far. The IGN one especially should do wonders for sales.
Really looks like Deus Ex is shaping up into a good series. I remember no one expected much from Human Rev before that came out, mostly because the one before it had been poorly received. Then it came out and surprised everyone with how good it was. Good to hear this next installment has so far continued on with that level of quality.
I've been thinking why a sequel isn't usually as interesting as the first and I have some thoughts. Just some ramblings.
I think I prefer games where your back is against the wall, you're pretty under powered and you have no idea what's going on. The first entry in a game usually leaves you pretty confused as to what the status quo is and I find that really interesting. When people say "oh so and so game is great, you really feel like a badass", to me, that isn't as interesting as feeling like your enemy is much more powerful than you and you're pretty weak compared to the world.
So if the first entry is like this, then second entry is usually, "NOW ACCEPT WHAT YOU ARE AND TAKE THE FIGHT TO THE EVIL COOPERATION". Which I find much less interesting.
This isn't about Deus Ex in particular but its some stuff that I've been mulling over.
EDIT: It arrived early!
I have to agree with others that I haven't seen much advertising/footage for the game, but I see that as a good thing personally as I can go into the game without knowing exactly what to expect visually and thematically, which is uncommon these days. It's been years since I've played HR (hopefully the next game doesn't take quite as long?). Definitely playing on the hardest difficulty. Hopefully it's balanced well
Congrats on the release though! I really hope it does well cause I'd love another one in a few years
The only thing that prevented me from buying it yet, is that I would spend my complete limited free time on playing it, resulting in an unhealthy lack of sleep.
The other people who need augmentations are actually indebted for life afterwards because of the need to take Neuropozyne. It was mentioned in Human Revolution quite a few times.. (Spoilers in the article linked)
So, congrats @JacqueChoi
You and your department did a great job making the game look great and play great.
I kind of regret cancelling my pre order now...
it's a massive dick move by the team/publisher.