yea every second I was playing that beta it was pure fan service. the mechanics were pretty standard and not mindblowing, but every 20 seconds I would hear an iconic sound effect or enjoy shooting my blaster and really feel the whole sw universe feeling cohesive and authentically re-created. pure fan service and thats a good thing.
Really cool seeing the release trailer, a very fun project to work on
At 1:46 it's inside the room I spent a lot of time on, I made the cores themselves(not the particle effects though, and the effects are awesome.),
also made the modular walls, proud seeing it in the trailer
Game looks great, Im definitely gonna get it, I am surprised that the starcards define the classes - surely most people playing will just be trying to level up to be the one man army and people wont become a class that helps thier teammate against the enemy...unless there is some advantage to working together eg the levels are made in such a way that not working together makes it difficult?
I'm a bit impressed, i find the scenery pretty well done. Major Kudos at who ever worked on this title. Not a particular fan but trailers like this make me wanna play it.
fuckin' love it. And yeaaaah probably going to end up paying $60 just because the sounds and graphics are so damned good. Here's hoping the gameplay is varied enough and can support some tactics in the full version. Probably was my biggest crit of the beta, not being able to even choose where I respawned made it seem a little bit less tactical than Battlefield.
got the game, played like few hours, refunded and playing bf 4 again . Dont get me wrong, the graphics and sound are perfect and DICE succeeded on that but the gameplay is quite empty.
Im actually really impressed, its great fun, sure I wont play it for months but its good simple fun. A lot of the levels are so open that they seem to play like being in a big game of outdoor paintball where any player could be anywhere at any time so theres not much strategy in learning the environments and the combat ends up being quite reactive rather than planned.
The guy at :25 looking back at the falcon is how I felt seeing it again in the trailers:nerd:
At 1:46 it's inside the room I spent a lot of time on, I made the cores themselves(not the particle effects though, and the effects are awesome.),
also made the modular walls, proud seeing it in the trailer
fuckin' love it. And yeaaaah probably going to end up paying $60 just because the sounds and graphics are so damned good. Here's hoping the gameplay is varied enough and can support some tactics in the full version. Probably was my biggest crit of the beta, not being able to even choose where I respawned made it seem a little bit less tactical than Battlefield.