I can see that. I'm sure they had a concern about balance too, since the rebels don't have giant vehicles like that. I was disappointed, but still open to seeing how they implement it.
They had static defenses and air superiority. Not that that helped them in the movie, but this isn't the movie.
They had static defenses and air superiority. Not that that helped them in the movie, but this isn't the movie.
Yeah, but the movie didn't have respawn The problem would be, if you could destroy an AT-At, then they could respawn another one, 5 seconds later. Kind of like the gunships, from BF4, that people complained about, but at the ground level.
Making it an objective is an interesting concept. Hopefully it's not like bombers, in BF4, where it strafes on through, and disappears.
Yes, they used photogametry. There's still plenty of creative work involved in turning the assets into a usable level, though.
Creative or technical work?
A lot of whats involved with photogametry really sounds like (super boiled down) is creating a lowpoly model and baking the asset down. The photogametry does all your HP and texture work for you. What is left creativity speaking?
Regardless, think the game looks great, hope it is fun because I cant wait to roam around pretty Star Wars levels
Level design and adding set dressing (even if the assets are photogametry) is still a creative process.
Of course level design, set dressing or building out the environments is creative.
I meant more on a per asset basis. Its basically like outsourcing and cleaning up assets. (again this is per asset)
Which hey I have no problem with, sometimes I feel modeling gets in the way of building cool worlds as I dont have the props I need or need to spend time making new things.
i hope the jedi gameplay would be like Jedi knight, it would rock so much, but again then everyone would be jedi and the vehicles would be collecting dust hehe
Played the demo at D23 last week. I was expecting my mind blown, but it sadly feels like a battlefield mod - that may be a good thing to some.
Not sure what I was expecting though, maybe it was the fact the game doesnt have the right cinematic look and clumsiness that gives the film charm.
I think the size of the level (it was 2p coop btw) made it feel like nothing was going on.
Maybe with some space battles and VR it might be pretty cool.
On the other hand I played the Battlepod arcade system, and that was pretty fun altough the gameplay was pretty bleak too (on rails, guiding a drifting crosshair to hit a target area).
Not trying to dissapoint anyone, I just thought with one of the greatest IP's in existence they could have done something amazing.
Oh wait, ignore my previous response. I heard them announce, previously, that it would no longer have a web based server browser. I thought that's what this was referencing. I see now, they completely eliminated the server browser. This is potentially a horrible mistake.
I say potentially, because it may be to resolve one issue that has plagued MP gaming. The out of region players. I know they said it's skill based, but if somehow part of that 'skill matching' also includes ping values, I may not mind it. But currently, I use the server browser to avoid Brazilian servers, and usually, I try to find "US Only" servers (even though those aren't regulated well). If I get this game, and I get stuck with high pinged players, who ruin the server, it will instantly kill it for me
beta is up, pretty fun so far. the terrain/rocks are some of the best and most natural looking landscapes in games I have seen. audio deisgn is stellar as well. vehicles feel a little too arcadey/constrained compared to bf, but the on foot stuff is fun as hell.
Oh wait, ignore my previous response. I heard them announce, previously, that it would no longer have a web based server browser. I thought that's what this was referencing. I see now, they completely eliminated the server browser. This is potentially a horrible mistake.
I say potentially, because it may be to resolve one issue that has plagued MP gaming. The out of region players. I know they said it's skill based, but if somehow part of that 'skill matching' also includes ping values, I may not mind it. But currently, I use the server browser to avoid Brazilian servers, and usually, I try to find "US Only" servers (even though those aren't regulated well). If I get this game, and I get stuck with high pinged players, who ruin the server, it will instantly kill it for me
Maybe you can make a proxy work for you? Or maybe make an origin account for the US?
I'm sure people will find ways around this, but i also feel like there may be a way to specifically log into servers.
It started off fairly good, but it didn't go well, about an hour later. Lag and rubberbanding began to happen, in spurts.
I'm really mixed on this one. I REALLY want to like this game, but I was really beginning to dislike it, once the 'cool' factor wore off.
Here are a few things I had issue with... and before I begin, I know it's beta, and some of these are beta related. Others are potentially not, and I've heard the "it's a beta" comments before... when I played BF4 and BF:Hardline, only to see my issues carry over into the final product.
(all comments are on PS4)
- The menu UI is clumsy, and not very intuitive
- The 'party' system is a mess
- I dislike the 'partner' system, instead of being able to join anyone in my party
- There is a bug, which breaks my partnership, if someone leaves the PS4 party (not the game party)
- The lag was just like the other frostbite games. For instance, I was shooting a guy, and I died... a second later, he dies, and it shows that I killed him. Another time, I was dueling with a guy, and I was taking hits, so I ducked back behind the rock(where I was peaking from). Then I died.
- Grenades need some kind of visual warning. I kept just dying, and (initially) having no idea why
- The spawn system is terrible, and led to a lot of spawn deaths
- The head glitching was in full effect ... they clearly did not put in the improvements made by DICE LA, on BF4 (though I don't like the solution)
- When trying to join friends, in my party, it would show me a player list, as though I'm joining their server, but when the game came up, I wouldn't be on their server. Sometimes, it would actually put me in a completely different game mode.
- Flying vehicles are a bit too sensitive, to fly, and there are no adjustments (hopefully they add one)
Things I did like:
- It's the Star Wars universe (duh)
- I kind of like that it's more of an arcade feel, and not overly complicated
- The vehicles are pretty awesome (Aside from the sensitivity)
- The sound effects are awesome
- I like having field items, to get into vehicles, rather than a base, where everyone camps in the spawn menu, waiting for the vehicle to appear
- Sharing a partner's loadout
Despite the issues, the game was fun, except moments were people were exploiting the head glitching, and spawn camping us.
I was really hoping that DICE went with smaller servers, because it improved lag issues in BF4. That's why I'm disappointed to see it's still plaguing things. It probably didn't help that I saw 'PR' players, which usually bring lag with them. So, my hopes that a matchmaking system, would resolve ping issues, seem to be crushed.
I'll keep trying the beta, and see how it goes. I won't be getting this on release anyway, because I'm going to be out of town. I'll see how things are, when I return, before making a final purchase decision.
Played it last night for about 3hrs and it's ok, but I don't know yet if I'll buy it. Even with all the technical difficulties that plagued the other Battlefield betas/games I felt more engaged than with this one.
I don't know if it's the whole Star Wars thing that it's not doing it for me.
I thought it was meh at first, but the more I play it the more its simplistic nature grows on me. It's been awhile since I've played a shooter than wasn't hitscan like CS, and it's a fun aspect to the shooting.
Also love the simplicity of the UI, refreshing. Though some elements could be placed better.
Clearly the game needs more content, but I'm sure that will come later.
I'd theorize you could just add noise to an existing normal map, so that you have less continuous light reflection. You'd probably have to tweak the noises softness to get it just right, though.
yeah noise in the normal and roughness should do something like that.
Its wierd I tried it on ps4 and didnt enjoy it much but tried it on pc and loved it...maybe its just because Im better at playing fps games with a mouse.
yeah noise in the normal and roughness should do something like that.
Its wierd I tried it on ps4 and didnt enjoy it much but tried it on pc and loved it...maybe its just because Im better at playing fps games with a mouse.
The only thing i don't like on PC is flying, i need to find a method to do this properly.
I thing i haven't heard anyone mention yet is matchmaking. HOLY CRAP.
There's is zero wait time finding a match, there's no game i've played that has had instant action like this.
Had to turn the graphics down all the way to run it on my lappytop, was fun for a couple of hours but then got really repetitive and I started wishing for things like ammo count, secondary weapon like a han-solo pistol, team reviving, squads versus partner, being able to select your spawn, etc.
Still might give it a try once I get my new desktop though, have a feeling it'll be a way cooler experience maxed out graphics-wise.
Still am torn between whether or not I enjoy having cooldown abilities versus "physical" weapons and vehicles. I also hate how every multiplayer game these days seem to have 5000 unlocks, it's like they don't want people with jobs to have fun for a couple of hours after work.
I understand why somethings like being in the AT-AT or as Luke/Darth actually have timelimits on them, but it's kind of so freaking anti-climatic that your health is tied into the timelimit that by the time you actually reach someone they wreck you with a pistol shot./not a fan of how the timelimit mechanic is handled AT ALL
I also hate how every multiplayer game these days seem to have 5000 unlocks, it's like they don't want people with jobs to have fun for a couple of hours after work.
seconding this, during lunch break we tend to play older games for that very reason (last rb6 vegas). it seems like so many games are completely about endless grinding these days.
seconding this, during lunch break we tend to play older games for that very reason (last rb6 vegas). it seems like so many games are completely about endless grinding these days.
Likewise. The game's good (a good shooter, whether a good battlefront game remains to be seen), but I probably won't pick it up for some time regardless. I can generally only game in 30-40 minute spurts every few days. And when I actually have time to sit down and play for a longer period, I don't want to sacrifice the quality of my experience for the sake of an artificial progression system. There're plenty of older games that let me jump into all the content from the start.
The main time grinding bothers me is when there's a locked path to reach certain items based on very specific goals like some of the battlefield games do. Where you HAVE to use a specific weapon for a long time and do specific things to make any progress meanwhile you're gimped at the start once you want to do something else.
Here you get some points, reach the required level, and you spend those points only on what you want, done. I don't think it's that bad compared to playing a single player game or something. It doesn't seem to discriminate between teams either which is even better.
Depends on how bad it is in the full game, but to me this is one of the most tame I've seen in a while.
are there classes in this game? Im still a little confused, like is there going to be a medic class or a heavy assault etc? Or is it just everyone customising thier own loadout and no one has to work together as a team?
Ged - It seems like there won't be, but then again this is a beta and only time will tell.
I agree the game actually gets pretty repetitive after awhile,but sadly this is the way I'm starting to feel about most shooters... The grinding aspect is exhausting, but man does it look beautiful!!!
Ged - It seems like there won't be, but then again this is a beta and only time will tell.
I agree the game actually gets pretty repetitive after awhile,but sadly this is the way I'm starting to feel about most shooters... The grinding aspect is exhausting, but man does it look beautiful!!!
thats alright, even life is repetitive in many ways how can we expect a multiplayer game to be any better? and yes it does look breathtakingly beautiful, probably the most atmospheric game out there (maybe largely due to the nostalgia of Star Wars), you have to admit DICE knows how to make their engine shine with art assets.
thats alright, even life is repetitive in many ways how can we expect a multiplayer game to be any better? and yes it does look breathtakingly beautiful, probably the most atmospheric game out there (maybe largely due to the nostalgia of Star Wars), you have to admit DICE knows how to make their engine shine with art assets.
Fortunately, when this game comes out, I'm going to be at a conference, so I get to wait, and hear how things turn out. I'm still very much on the fence, with this game. I end up frustrated, after I play it for an hour. If it wasn't Star Wars, I wouldn't have played it more than one day. The art is amazing though, and the additional game modes (and maps), may add a different level of enjoyment. Unfortunately, it's hard to tell, without buying it first.
i didn't played the beta but i looked at a few YT vids, and noticed that Luke and Darth Vader are in it. Who get to play those 2 in a multiplayer ?
The game relies on 'pickups' for everything, except for your main weapons (essentially). When you're running around, you'll find pickups for vehicles, special grenades, turrets, and 'heroes'. If you pick up a hero, you redeploy as Luke, or Darth.
I assume this will eventually include other 'heroes', in other maps. They show the millennium falcon, and slave one, in some of the other promos.
The game relies on 'pickups' for everything, except for your main weapons (essentially). When you're running around, you'll find pickups for vehicles, special grenades, turrets, and 'heroes'. If you pick up a hero, you redeploy as Luke, or Darth.
I assume this will eventually include other 'heroes', in other maps. They show the millennium falcon, and slave one, in some of the other promos.
Notman, i was thinking Killstreaks, but thanks for letting me know, i wasn't too sure.
The game relies on 'pickups' for everything, except for your main weapons (essentially). When you're running around, you'll find pickups for vehicles, special grenades, turrets, and 'heroes'. If you pick up a hero, you redeploy as Luke, or Darth.
I assume this will eventually include other 'heroes', in other maps. They show the millennium falcon, and slave one, in some of the other promos.
I'm pretty sure you'll also be able to play as Boba Fett in at least one of the maps, on their website they did mention more heroes so who knows. Here's to a playable Han Solo/Chewy or lol, C3PO
I really hate season passes like that - with four DLC packs you're basically fragmenting your player base into 16 groups of people with different combinations of content and allows parts of the game to die off fairly quickly
It's less problematic when you can host your own private servers, as you can always play what you want, but given that this is matchmaking and matchmaking only, it's a bit worrying; dropping £100 is a lot when you can't be sure how long the game will last.
The game looks and sounds amazing, and the interface wow. It really feels perfectly like star wars, down to the
screen transistions and everything, great art direction and art / sound.
Then came the big shock
4 Weapons (+ 1 preorder) with 0 attachments nor customization
& No classes
Edit: I have to take that back, there seems to be a good amount of weapons that were just not in the beta
4 Weapons (+ 1 preorder) with 0 attachments nor customization
& No classes
They had to quickly drop the pricetag of Hardline from full price to 40$ as a cause of the reduced content. Battlefront seems to have 1/4th of the tools that Hardline had, this can't turn out too well
Dosn't seem to be aimed at the Battlefield / Battlefont audience either way, so maybe im looking at the wrong things, still
Starcards are replacing classes and you can basically create an infinite number of classes by combining cards. Gives the game more variety than locking it down to only four classes imo. There are also more weapons than four in the full game.
And you are right, its primarily aimed at star wars fans, not traditional shooterfans.
They had static defenses and air superiority. Not that that helped them in the movie, but this isn't the movie.
Yeah, but the movie didn't have respawn
Making it an objective is an interesting concept. Hopefully it's not like bombers, in BF4, where it strafes on through, and disappears.
Looking by how accurate this cliffs scene is im wondering if there is a real creative work behind or just a straight "copy" of an existing place ?
Yes, they used photogametry. There's still plenty of creative work involved in turning the assets into a usable level, though.
Creative or technical work?
A lot of whats involved with photogametry really sounds like (super boiled down) is creating a lowpoly model and baking the asset down. The photogametry does all your HP and texture work for you. What is left creativity speaking?
Regardless, think the game looks great, hope it is fun because I cant wait to roam around pretty Star Wars levels
Of course level design, set dressing or building out the environments is creative.
I meant more on a per asset basis. Its basically like outsourcing and cleaning up assets. (again this is per asset)
Which hey I have no problem with, sometimes I feel modeling gets in the way of building cool worlds as I dont have the props I need or need to spend time making new things.
Some 4K screens from the Alpha.
Not sure what I was expecting though, maybe it was the fact the game doesnt have the right cinematic look and clumsiness that gives the film charm.
I think the size of the level (it was 2p coop btw) made it feel like nothing was going on.
Maybe with some space battles and VR it might be pretty cool.
On the other hand I played the Battlepod arcade system, and that was pretty fun altough the gameplay was pretty bleak too (on rails, guiding a drifting crosshair to hit a target area).
Not trying to dissapoint anyone, I just thought with one of the greatest IP's in existence they could have done something amazing.
Announced today NO SERVER Browser
I say potentially, because it may be to resolve one issue that has plagued MP gaming. The out of region players. I know they said it's skill based, but if somehow part of that 'skill matching' also includes ping values, I may not mind it. But currently, I use the server browser to avoid Brazilian servers, and usually, I try to find "US Only" servers (even though those aren't regulated well). If I get this game, and I get stuck with high pinged players, who ruin the server, it will instantly kill it for me
Maybe you can make a proxy work for you? Or maybe make an origin account for the US?
I'm sure people will find ways around this, but i also feel like there may be a way to specifically log into servers.
Links for anyone wanting to join in
I'm really mixed on this one. I REALLY want to like this game, but I was really beginning to dislike it, once the 'cool' factor wore off.
Here are a few things I had issue with... and before I begin, I know it's beta, and some of these are beta related. Others are potentially not, and I've heard the "it's a beta" comments before... when I played BF4 and BF:Hardline, only to see my issues carry over into the final product.
(all comments are on PS4)
- The menu UI is clumsy, and not very intuitive
- The 'party' system is a mess
- I dislike the 'partner' system, instead of being able to join anyone in my party
- There is a bug, which breaks my partnership, if someone leaves the PS4 party (not the game party)
- The lag was just like the other frostbite games. For instance, I was shooting a guy, and I died... a second later, he dies, and it shows that I killed him. Another time, I was dueling with a guy, and I was taking hits, so I ducked back behind the rock(where I was peaking from). Then I died.
- Grenades need some kind of visual warning. I kept just dying, and (initially) having no idea why
- The spawn system is terrible, and led to a lot of spawn deaths
- The head glitching was in full effect ... they clearly did not put in the improvements made by DICE LA, on BF4 (though I don't like the solution)
- When trying to join friends, in my party, it would show me a player list, as though I'm joining their server, but when the game came up, I wouldn't be on their server. Sometimes, it would actually put me in a completely different game mode.
- Flying vehicles are a bit too sensitive, to fly, and there are no adjustments (hopefully they add one)
Things I did like:
- It's the Star Wars universe (duh)
- I kind of like that it's more of an arcade feel, and not overly complicated
- The vehicles are pretty awesome (Aside from the sensitivity)
- The sound effects are awesome
- I like having field items, to get into vehicles, rather than a base, where everyone camps in the spawn menu, waiting for the vehicle to appear
- Sharing a partner's loadout
Despite the issues, the game was fun, except moments were people were exploiting the head glitching, and spawn camping us.
I was really hoping that DICE went with smaller servers, because it improved lag issues in BF4. That's why I'm disappointed to see it's still plaguing things. It probably didn't help that I saw 'PR' players, which usually bring lag with them. So, my hopes that a matchmaking system, would resolve ping issues, seem to be crushed.
I'll keep trying the beta, and see how it goes. I won't be getting this on release anyway, because I'm going to be out of town. I'll see how things are, when I return, before making a final purchase decision.
I don't know if it's the whole Star Wars thing that it's not doing it for me.
Also love the simplicity of the UI, refreshing. Though some elements could be placed better.
Clearly the game needs more content, but I'm sure that will come later.
Its wierd I tried it on ps4 and didnt enjoy it much but tried it on pc and loved it...maybe its just because Im better at playing fps games with a mouse.
The only thing i don't like on PC is flying, i need to find a method to do this properly.
I thing i haven't heard anyone mention yet is matchmaking. HOLY CRAP.
There's is zero wait time finding a match, there's no game i've played that has had instant action like this.
Still might give it a try once I get my new desktop though, have a feeling it'll be a way cooler experience maxed out graphics-wise.
Still am torn between whether or not I enjoy having cooldown abilities versus "physical" weapons and vehicles. I also hate how every multiplayer game these days seem to have 5000 unlocks, it's like they don't want people with jobs to have fun for a couple of hours after work.
I understand why somethings like being in the AT-AT or as Luke/Darth actually have timelimits on them, but it's kind of so freaking anti-climatic that your health is tied into the timelimit that by the time you actually reach someone they wreck you with a pistol shot./not a fan of how the timelimit mechanic is handled AT ALL
The audio is awesome though!
Yeah thats true, I used to hook up my xbox360 gamepad just for the flying in bf3 maybe that will work!
seconding this, during lunch break we tend to play older games for that very reason (last rb6 vegas). it seems like so many games are completely about endless grinding these days.
Also agree the flying controls on mouse/keyboard are crap.
Likewise. The game's good (a good shooter, whether a good battlefront game remains to be seen), but I probably won't pick it up for some time regardless. I can generally only game in 30-40 minute spurts every few days. And when I actually have time to sit down and play for a longer period, I don't want to sacrifice the quality of my experience for the sake of an artificial progression system. There're plenty of older games that let me jump into all the content from the start.
Here you get some points, reach the required level, and you spend those points only on what you want, done. I don't think it's that bad compared to playing a single player game or something. It doesn't seem to discriminate between teams either which is even better.
Depends on how bad it is in the full game, but to me this is one of the most tame I've seen in a while.
I hate the way heroes and the 'powerups' work in this game though, and the basic infantry combat is generally speaking pretty weak
I agree the game actually gets pretty repetitive after awhile,but sadly this is the way I'm starting to feel about most shooters... The grinding aspect is exhausting, but man does it look beautiful!!!
thats alright, even life is repetitive in many ways how can we expect a multiplayer game to be any better? and yes it does look breathtakingly beautiful, probably the most atmospheric game out there (maybe largely due to the nostalgia of Star Wars), you have to admit DICE knows how to make their engine shine with art assets.
Very true to both points!
Fortunately, when this game comes out, I'm going to be at a conference, so I get to wait, and hear how things turn out. I'm still very much on the fence, with this game. I end up frustrated, after I play it for an hour. If it wasn't Star Wars, I wouldn't have played it more than one day. The art is amazing though, and the additional game modes (and maps), may add a different level of enjoyment. Unfortunately, it's hard to tell, without buying it first.
i didn't played the beta but i looked at a few YT vids, and noticed that Luke and Darth Vader are in it. Who get to play those 2 in a multiplayer ?
The game relies on 'pickups' for everything, except for your main weapons (essentially). When you're running around, you'll find pickups for vehicles, special grenades, turrets, and 'heroes'. If you pick up a hero, you redeploy as Luke, or Darth.
I assume this will eventually include other 'heroes', in other maps. They show the millennium falcon, and slave one, in some of the other promos.
Notman, i was thinking Killstreaks, but thanks for letting me know, i wasn't too sure.
I'm pretty sure you'll also be able to play as Boba Fett in at least one of the maps, on their website they did mention more heroes so who knows. Here's to a playable Han Solo/Chewy or lol, C3PO
Yep, I was cautiously considering buying it but not now.
It's less problematic when you can host your own private servers, as you can always play what you want, but given that this is matchmaking and matchmaking only, it's a bit worrying; dropping £100 is a lot when you can't be sure how long the game will last.
Wasn't that basically the same thing for the same price?
screen transistions and everything, great art direction and art / sound.
Then came the big shock
4 Weapons (+ 1 preorder) with 0 attachments nor customization
& No classes
Edit: I have to take that back, there seems to be a good amount of weapons that were just not in the beta
Starcards are replacing classes and you can basically create an infinite number of classes by combining cards. Gives the game more variety than locking it down to only four classes imo. There are also more weapons than four in the full game.
And you are right, its primarily aimed at star wars fans, not traditional shooterfans.