one team must only focus on one project and try to make that as good as possible.
another little limitation here is that u can max. take part in 2 projects
a project is for example one heroset or one ward or one courier.
one team must only focus on 1 project means that no matter if u are a team with only urself or a real team with another guy - u can NOT do another project with the same team. u need to change at least one person.
so as example: if DNAdota does one set with DotaFX, they can not do another set together.
but each of them could do another project in a team with another guy.
the max limit of projects that anyone can do (in different teams) is 2.
the reason for this is basicly exactly what Sylei said.
Remember, it's not about who is able to make the most stuff, but representing equally all the artists who choose to be a part of this community event.
with the addition of another possible second project that gives people the chance to help newcommers or friends - since this event is also about learning from each other.
everyone can choose hisself if he wants to take part alone or if he wants to team up. also people can choose their teammates themselfs. in the next days i will create a sheet with everyones name and skills inside (that stuff from introduction) and will set it online displaying the link in the first post. so everyone can see who is up for this. maybe i can even color people who are already picked for a team. dno about that yet.
so u can contact everyone via steam or forum pm and simple ask for a collabo. also i advise concept artists to start working already now. post ur concept/idea inside that thread and ask for a modeler so everyone knows what u are going to do and what u are looking for.
Essentially Kunkka wearing Moorish clothing from 7th century to the 15th century. Shoes will be number 3 (leather shoes similar to moccasins) and belts might still go under revision.
This seems interesting, I will participate too, I do:
Concept, textures, presentation with loading screen.
Have knowledge about modeling too but only with high poly models, never used zbrush.
I'll be doing one set solo (for WR) and another one with Keinhangia on his Storm Spirit set, I guess I can participate this event with those two sets right?:) but I've started my own WR set a while ago and so far I'm done with the high poly for her hair, blockout is done for most of the rest, is it ok to use that set to participate? I'll post WIPs as I work of course
I am planning to participate on my own, as it's been a while since I last did a fully personal set. But still, I would be more than happy to post constructive feedback about all the cool things that are going to be made !
I might get started around feb 15th. I too am thinking of working on a WR as I have been wanting to do so for a while, but hopefully that won't be an issue ?
The question of items started before this thread announcement is indeed an interesting one.
I am very happy about this event, as I feel like its very simple guidelines is what is going to make it great !
I'd be up for doing concept art if somebody is interested in partnering up. Had an idea for a Nightstalker Ward that would have different animations during night or day time if someone is interested.
It would be really cool if we market this chest with a "Polycount" courier, HUD, ward.
It would REALLY make the whole package(chest) a lot more complete and those items will also provide more SENSE to the whole endeavour.
So whoever is master with these things, please, consider this as your entry(those items actually have a good chance of getting in as well.)
The task should be given to a professional who is willing to do it of course.
Also, showing us WIPs of the courier/HUD/ward will allow us ALL to give ideas and help with the concept.
here`s my Witch Dokta set i`ve been working on. I`m aiming for simple shapes with a percution instrument doctor feel. I`m readapting the old skeleton satchel with some african fruits that when dried cand make shakey noises. From my knoledge of african instruments, theee fruits can be filled with dusts and powders... so they can fit the doctor cask profile, and still make sounds. A new belt with pacay fruits attached, that also make shaky sounds when dryed and shaken. A didgeridoo as weapon, and as for hair slot... a modest Afro, with some fruits that can also make shaky sounds.....
bottom line. planning for high quality, wich will take me some time given my speed so i am oppened for collabs, also if anyone interested in making a custom particle cask.... i would be happy to accept. I`m also plaing on adding a slight Didgeridoo sound to the maledict... and maybe some more shakes on the death ward?
sorry for long post. cheers.
also... that poly courier sounds awesome
@down_limit: nice idea for the courier I'm not a fan of humanoid courier, but this one looks nice. Will the concept for the flying version come soon? I can't wait to see it I see that he has a backpack, I think it would be cool to see some in-game items carried along with the backpack, like a bottle or TP scrolls
@No pie for you!: is the picture on the top right corner the texture for the head? Or is it the one on the bottom right corner? the details on both look a bit small and might turn into noise in-game.
Here's my progress so far. I'll be doing an additional hairstyle for her I'm kinda worried about the UV and poly limit for her hair already lol. I did the four small hair strands separate from the main hair tails just in case, if I don't have enough UV/poly for those, I'll just get rid of them.
Will do the bow and quiver later once I'm done with everything else.
Since I can't really draw stuff with a mouse, I can't post the concept for the WR set. This set will be flowers and leaves themed
Oh, I forgot about the introduction, I can do 3D (high poly, low poly, rigging) and texture. My 2D skills suck so I might need to team up with someone else for the LoadingScreen of my WR set. I'm already teamed up with Keinhangia (who is capable of doing concepts, texture and promo) for his Storm Spirit set, so I can't really team up with him again for the LS of my WR set.
Alright! So, BladesofEvilBane and I has dcided to team up and redesign a Doom set I have been working on! This means that the hipoly has already been made, but we'll basically need to re-skin the model and do completely new maps and bake new normals etc. and do a bunch of other sch-bang all over again.
Very cool project, I will try to contribute something too. Will work on my own again
I'm gonna start concepting in 2 weeks, when I'm done with current commissions.
@down_limit: I like the facial expression idea. Very unique.
@MdK: thanks a lot I like the storm concept with only one sleeve, it has a nice asymmetrical look. Are you gonna sculpt the ripped cloth or use alpha? If you sculpt the ripped cloth please teach me how to do it, I've been wondering how to sculpt those.
A little update before I go to sleep. I'm done with the cloak and the alternate hair style also added a small flower for extra prettiness. Will try to fit everything in the UV and poly limit.
I think I will include the short cloth in the shoulder slot since there won't be enough poly if I include it in the cloak slot. Also this way that short cloth won't look weird with other shoulder items. It might look weird with other cloaks though.
I think I will work alone mostly because I haven't taken a dota 2 project all the way through the pipeline, so my skills are marginal at best compared to the ridiculous talent on this forum. Also I haven't done any animation or riggin before, and I would really like to get at least a basic understanding under my belt. Hopefully this project will give me the confidence and push my skills enough to be a valuable collaborator on the next event.
AAANYHOW, I want to make a courier, and I thought a raccoon would be cute. Started some sculpting. Lots to do, and more updates to come.
I think it would be best to post the WIP on our on threads to reduce any spam, then we would post the finished product here. If we could sticky this and call this thread something similar to the monthly competition, we could work like that as well.
Here's an update on BladeofEvilsBane and I's rework.
most of the forms and colors are in, but Blade still needs to render the parts of the sword etc.
@phil one of my architecture university professors allways advised us to reduce the concept to what it is about, so the whole product gets more clear. i think in ur case it would make sense to just remove the inner wings and make the eyewingpart instead.
I tested them in game and they actually look pretty good. His wing rig is sectioned into three parts, and he's moving them like normal wings would about 90 percent of the time, so it doesn't look odd with the animations. And as far as I can see they aren't bigger than the wings on that doom set that Sebastian (I believe?) did
@insanephobia wait what ? feathers on a demon general? doesn't his lore say that his wings were burned?
"Six and sixty times his wings were branded, until only smoking stumps remained. Without wings, he slipped loose from the tethers that bound him within the light and he fell screaming to earth"
I don't understand how the wings fit doom.. or what is your core idea, if there is one.. and not just aesthetics..
Hi guys! Count me in. I'll be working alone, because I'm busy and I don't want to disappoint someone if I don't make it in time. Steam and thread. Silencer.
@insanephobia wait what ? feathers on a demon general? doesn't his lore say that his wings were burned?
"Six and sixty times his wings were branded, until only smoking stumps remained. Without wings, he slipped loose from the tethers that bound him within the light and he fell screaming to earth"
I don't understand how the wings fit doom.. or what is your core idea, if there is one.. and not just aesthetics..
Yeah, I can see your confusion.
The idea for the set was that Doom was searching for the lost treasures of one of the demon Lords called Gialgas.
Each of his seven treasures represented one of the seven deadly sins.
So the wings was the demon Gialgas' wings, that was cut off.
i have not yet a fix team but my head was kinda exloding with ideas so i needed to start working already.
this is not yet finished but the rough concept, its a lion infected by the gift of a plaguedemon.
what do u guys think? any feedback and crit is welcome
The claw mouth is by far the most interesting part but the rest i think can be taken a lot further (maybe made to fit more with this hand?). green is not rly a color that seems to look nice on lion but there are lots of purple/reds that you can get with diseases that you can try. also it would be cool to see more asymmetry with the horns if its supposed to be deformed (the other asymmetry is working)
I'd love to help with this. In fact, I'd like to make it an official effort. I wouldn't change anything, I'd merely take the rules and suggestions as you've already written them and post them up on an official Polycount page and help get some more attention directed at this project.
@Shock, aren't Lion's colors dark purple, red and orange? green is like.. lone druid, natures prophet, enchantress, etc.. like pipotchi said, mouth is interesting, but maybe not green? the rest is not so interesting.. try having a main story for it.. that fits his lore.. and makes your design one.
I'm in too! First time participating on a challenge... should be interesting!
I'll be working alone for now, expect at least a concept from me this week!
GL everyone!
ok people i just had the meeting with r13 about how we are going on with this now.
it was a long a good talk. basicly we will try to make this event official there is also a possible option to talk with with valve about it (or at least showing them the stuff). r13 will make an official post about all the detailed information in some time as well as create a sticky thread for us. we can for now just keep using this thread and then port over the stuff. we did also talk about the polycount courier, hud and loadingscreen idea. doing such thing is basicly possible, but it need to be done in collaboration with polycount official - and cant be done on its own. i think r13 will also post detailed information about that.
that was the official part so far - about the lion thanks for the feedback. and yeah i feel i have to tweak the colorwheel a bit more as well as going to work more on the head and shoulder slots. thanks again
@Shock: it's an interesting concept for Lion, but I agree with everyone else about the color. I think purple will fit Lion better. I think his weapon looks kinda uninteresting compares to the rest of the set. Also what about the cloak?
A little update: I'm done with the quiver and the bow, also sculpted some details on the shoulder pad. I'm not a fan of symmetrical quiver, but I wanted to include many things so I had to stick to doing a symmetrical quiver for this set. Is there anything I can do to improve the bow? I feel like it's lacking something, it turns out not as interesting as it looks in the concept hopefully it would look better with some colors. Also, I think I will get rid of the small gem on the small shoulder pad, it's too small to be seen in game. Oh and please ignore the weird thing that stick out of the bigger shoulder pad, I was just too lazy to cut that part out.
Awesome news on going official! I really like that windrunner bow, and I also happy to announce that I will be working with cosmicsugar on a set, we will of course share more details once things get more finalized :poly136:
ur wr looks rly sick. plz make sure that u are able to get all those nice details and shapes into the lods. i would love to see it ship in that stunning quality.
about the lion, as i said u guys are right i already tweaked the colors and try to find a better head/shoulder/back solution
this is from my first post:
a project is for example one heroset or one ward or one courier.
one team must only focus on 1 project means that no matter if u are a team with only urself or a real team with another guy - u can NOT do another project with the same team. u need to change at least one person.
so as example: if DNAdota does one set with DotaFX, they can not do another set together.
but each of them could do another project in a team with another guy.
the max limit of projects that anyone can do (in different teams) is 2.
the reason for this is basicly exactly what Sylei said.
with the addition of another possible second project that gives people the chance to help newcommers or friends - since this event is also about learning from each other.
everyone can choose hisself if he wants to take part alone or if he wants to team up. also people can choose their teammates themselfs. in the next days i will create a sheet with everyones name and skills inside (that stuff from introduction) and will set it online displaying the link in the first post. so everyone can see who is up for this. maybe i can even color people who are already picked for a team. dno about that yet.
so u can contact everyone via steam or forum pm and simple ask for a collabo. also i advise concept artists to start working already now. post ur concept/idea inside that thread and ask for a modeler so everyone knows what u are going to do and what u are looking for.
i think this might be the most effective pipeline
Essentially Kunkka wearing Moorish clothing from 7th century to the 15th century. Shoes will be number 3 (leather shoes similar to moccasins) and belts might still go under revision.
Here's my steam if you want to contact me via steam,
Concept, textures, presentation with loading screen.
Have knowledge about modeling too but only with high poly models, never used zbrush.
Will try 2 sets.
I am planning to participate on my own, as it's been a while since I last did a fully personal set. But still, I would be more than happy to post constructive feedback about all the cool things that are going to be made !
My thread here on PC :
My workshop page :
I might get started around feb 15th. I too am thinking of working on a WR as I have been wanting to do so for a while, but hopefully that won't be an issue ?
The question of items started before this thread announcement is indeed an interesting one.
I am very happy about this event, as I feel like its very simple guidelines is what is going to make it great !
will try to keep it updated and also added the link the first page
Still undecided between a Skywrath and a Necro set.
woah, thats hot. To bad I lack animtaion skills to collab with u on this madness :poly127:
Go Necro dude!
My thread of examples
Steam profile
It would be really cool if we market this chest with a "Polycount" courier, HUD, ward.
It would REALLY make the whole package(chest) a lot more complete and those items will also provide more SENSE to the whole endeavour.
So whoever is master with these things, please, consider this as your entry(those items actually have a good chance of getting in as well.)
The task should be given to a professional who is willing to do it of course.
Also, showing us WIPs of the courier/HUD/ward will allow us ALL to give ideas and help with the concept.
Concepting is really important here.
Not sure if necessary, but here's our thread.
Can't wait to see some progress here!
bottom line. planning for high quality, wich will take me some time given my speed so i am oppened for collabs, also if anyone interested in making a custom particle cask.... i would be happy to accept. I`m also plaing on adding a slight Didgeridoo sound to the maledict... and maybe some more shakes on the death ward?
sorry for long post. cheers.
also... that poly courier sounds awesome
Looking forward to following this thread.
@No pie for you!: is the picture on the top right corner the texture for the head? Or is it the one on the bottom right corner? the details on both look a bit small and might turn into noise in-game.
Here's my progress so far. I'll be doing an additional hairstyle for her
Will do the bow and quiver later once I'm done with everything else.
Since I can't really draw stuff with a mouse, I can't post the concept for the WR set. This set will be flowers and leaves themed
Oh, I forgot about the introduction, I can do 3D (high poly, low poly, rigging) and texture. My 2D skills suck so I might need to team up with someone else for the LoadingScreen of my WR set. I'm already teamed up with Keinhangia (who is capable of doing concepts, texture and promo) for his Storm Spirit set, so I can't really team up with him again for the LS of my WR set.
I'm gonna start concepting in 2 weeks, when I'm done with current commissions.
@down_limit: I like the facial expression idea. Very unique.
A little update before I go to sleep. I'm done with the cloak and the alternate hair style
I think I will include the short cloth in the shoulder slot since there won't be enough poly if I include it in the cloak slot. Also this way that short cloth won't look weird with other shoulder items. It might look weird with other cloaks though.
I think I will work alone mostly because I haven't taken a dota 2 project all the way through the pipeline, so my skills are marginal at best compared to the ridiculous talent on this forum. Also I haven't done any animation or riggin before, and I would really like to get at least a basic understanding under my belt. Hopefully this project will give me the confidence and push my skills enough to be a valuable collaborator on the next event.
AAANYHOW, I want to make a courier, and I thought a raccoon would be cute. Started some sculpting. Lots to do, and more updates to come.
All feedback is most welcome!
So here is my concept for our team with bounchfx
most of the forms and colors are in, but Blade still needs to render the parts of the sword etc.
Crits are welcome!
"Six and sixty times his wings were branded, until only smoking stumps remained. Without wings, he slipped loose from the tethers that bound him within the light and he fell screaming to earth"
I don't understand how the wings fit doom.. or what is your core idea, if there is one.. and not just aesthetics..
Steam and thread. Silencer.
Yeah, I can see your confusion.
The idea for the set was that Doom was searching for the lost treasures of one of the demon Lords called Gialgas.
Each of his seven treasures represented one of the seven deadly sins.
So the wings was the demon Gialgas' wings, that was cut off.
this is not yet finished but the rough concept, its a lion infected by the gift of a plaguedemon.
what do u guys think? any feedback and crit is welcome
I'll be working alone for now, expect at least a concept from me this week!
GL everyone!
it was a long a good talk. basicly we will try to make this event official there is also a possible option to talk with with valve about it (or at least showing them the stuff). r13 will make an official post about all the detailed information in some time as well as create a sticky thread for us. we can for now just keep using this thread and then port over the stuff. we did also talk about the polycount courier, hud and loadingscreen idea. doing such thing is basicly possible, but it need to be done in collaboration with polycount official - and cant be done on its own. i think r13 will also post detailed information about that.
that was the official part so far - about the lion
A little update: I'm done with the quiver and the bow, also sculpted some details on the shoulder pad. I'm not a fan of symmetrical quiver, but I wanted to include many things so I had to stick to doing a symmetrical quiver for this set. Is there anything I can do to improve the bow? I feel like it's lacking something, it turns out not as interesting as it looks in the concept
about the lion, as i said u guys are right
Polycount thread:
Steam workshop profile: