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Kuadro - Free Reference View Tool



  • lkruel
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    lkruel polycounter lvl 4
    @Kerub, Glad you liked it! And glad you're using the import from Web feature, not a lot of people use that one! And yeah, the codename for the project was actually Mondrian =)

    @PolyHertz Thanks so much! I've heard people reporting this but I haven't been able to reproduce it! I usually close using the backspace key, and that seems to work, but when you use the right click menu to close it does indeed come back up. I'll look into fixing that. Thanks for the report!
  • CreativeSheep
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    CreativeSheep polycounter lvl 8
    Kuadro or PureRef, needs this option, more PureRef because it allows you to save a collection of images as a single file, which I love; but it needs the option to have categories. 
  • Zelfit
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    Zelfit polycounter lvl 8
    Hi. Any chance to add zoom without using scroll-wheel? Alt+MMB for example, I use it with my wacom tablet and to zoom in/out I have to take mouse.
  • lkruel
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    lkruel polycounter lvl 4
    Hey Zelfit, It's actually already in there, but kinda hidden. It's currently Alt Shift Left Click. The reason why it's not right or middle is because I usually use it with a mac trackpad and it's a pain to do middle and right clicks on it. =) 
  • Zelfit
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    Zelfit polycounter lvl 8
    Hey. Thanks it is great. In this case if someday you'll make to add option to store refs in one file I'll be completely happy with Kuaddro. At this moment I use mostly web images and in the morning when i open my ref file it takes some time to re-download images.
  • lkruel
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    lkruel polycounter lvl 4
    For sure, that's on the top of my list. The other one that is a pet peeve of mine is to pre-fill the add from web dialog with the contents of your clipboad, because most of the times I do Copy Image Location and then have to manually paste it in the box. 
  • 2bytes
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    2bytes polycounter lvl 2
    Need a way to move images between monitors.  I have a dual screen at work, and a single screen at home and dont know how to get the images to the single monitor.   Also,  maybe we could have an auto layout to fill a single monitor?
  • Gaurav Mathur
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    Gaurav Mathur polycounter lvl 13
    Not sure if this feedback has come up already:
    • This may be more work than it's worth, but it would be great to be able to right-click on an image -- especially from a browser -- and "Add to Kuadro"!
    • It may also be better for most users to have an installer that would put Kuadro into the Program Files directory structure with the option to have it load on startup.  I've manually put the executable into my Windows Startup directory so that it loads with the OS.
  • TripleDeuce
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    TripleDeuce polycounter lvl 13
    Any way to group move images and customize hotkeys?
  • Erised
    This is awesome! Thank you so much!
  • lkruel
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    lkruel polycounter lvl 4
    Hey Everyone, sorry I missed these. Thanks! I'm going to hopefully be going back on development on Kuadro soon and I'll take all of that in consideration! 
  • Ludvigs
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    Ludvigs polycounter lvl 5
    Thank you for creating this lovely piece of software. I've been using it for quite a while now. 

    My comments/requests/questions:
    1. I'm a huge fan of the Web image add function, but is there any way to add multiple URL's? I've tried separating by colon and semicolon with no luck. Perhaps a way to have the "Add Web Image" dialogue stay open once you hit OK, as having to click the little arrow on the taskbar, right click the little icon, and then the web image add, gets tedious when adding 20+ images. A hotkey to open the dialogue would also be ok. I try to avoid clicking as much as possible, and i know quite a few others who feel the same. 

    2. I'd like to give my +1 for images snapping to each other, and some sort of rudimentary auto layout. This I consider more of a luxury however. 

    Again, great work. I love this. 

  • Laciodrom
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    Laciodrom polycounter lvl 9
  • Croze
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    Croze polycounter lvl 6
    Are there plans to add video file or gif (animated) support?
  • sastromo
  • knacki
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    knacki polycounter lvl 12
    That is something I even don't know how  I could survived without.
    Thanks so much!
  • Makan
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    Makan polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks it's really useful! 
  • albertagung.ag
    @lkruel : just googling kuadro after watching Zbrush live today. this tool was all I need, thanks for sharing the tool :)
  • MrOneTwo
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    MrOneTwo polycounter lvl 12
    I just got back to Kuadro. It's a great tool but I have found two bugs that make it hard to use.

    - When an image is opened and you try to cycle through images in the directory with left/right arrow, it gets stuck
      on an image and won't cycle any more until you resize the window - then it refreshes. The thumbnail updates though.
    - When you turn on 'Always on Top' and you try to close Kuadro it may show the question if it should discard the layout
      under all those windows. In order to be able to see this window you need to turn off 'Always on Top' which is a bit

    I hope you will get back to working on this tool. It's great :)
  • Gaurav Mathur
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    Gaurav Mathur polycounter lvl 13
    @lkruel, I hope Kuadro is still an ongoing project for you.  Just checking in!
  • Laughing_Bun
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    Laughing_Bun polycounter lvl 17
    I love this tool but there is a bug I am finding rather annoying. Most of the time I am not able to save my preset. It lets me click the buttons but it doesn't actually save a file properly. I tried running as an admin but that doesn't help. I am running the latest version on windows 10. Any help would be awesome, Thanks!
  • Gaurav Mathur
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    Gaurav Mathur polycounter lvl 13
    @Laughing_Bun, I get that, too.  Looking forward to a version 1.0 that fixes this!
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    Awesome but losses a lot of functionality once u use it in zbrush since I like my zbrush to be full screen I need to exit zbrush everytime to add an image. Would love a floating menu button or import image shortcut or something like that.
  • CreativeSheep
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    CreativeSheep polycounter lvl 8
    I love PureRef.
  • Laughing_Bun
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    Laughing_Bun polycounter lvl 17
    It has an option to always keep images on top. It works amazing with zbrush. 

    Also I figured out the saving bug, It appears to have an issue pulling images from multiple drives or directories? easy work around once you know. Love Kuadro
  • Gaurav Mathur
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    Gaurav Mathur polycounter lvl 13
    I tried PureRef recently, and it felt a bit clunky to me in comparison to Kuadro...  I hope version 1.0 remains lightweight!
  • knacki
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    knacki polycounter lvl 12
    Sunray said:
    Awesome but losses a lot of functionality once u use it in zbrush since I like my zbrush to be full screen I need to exit zbrush everytime to add an image. Would love a floating menu button or import image shortcut or something like that.

    Once in zBrush, you need to click on your kuadro ref pic and press "n" for new picture.
    Kuadro needs to be active somehow to understand the hotkeys. On windows ALT+TAB until you are on your refpic and then "n" would do the trick as well.
    If you right click the kuadro icon and click on about, you'll see the hotkey list.
    "Add Web image" seems to be missing.

    I personally like Kuadro a bit more as well, but the guys at PureRef are really interested. Kuadro seems to be on hold for quite a while already.

  • eduardobedoya
    I would appreciate it if Kuadro could rotate the imgs smoothly, I mean by 1° increments, not just 90° Left or 90° right, like PureRef does. thx advanced.
  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    Just found this. An incredible ref tool! Very intuitive, easy to install and operate. Kudos for all the work.
  • Gaurav Mathur
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    Gaurav Mathur polycounter lvl 13
    Hey, @lkruel, I can't seem to get my Kuadro Reference file to save.  Have you or anyone seen this behaviour before?  I've been using Kuadro successfully for years, and this is the first time I'm running into this strangeness.  I don't think I'm doing anything unusual... This is the first time I'm using Kuadro on a new machine.
  • Gaurav Mathur
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    Gaurav Mathur polycounter lvl 13
    I'm not sure if this was addressed earlier in this thread, but I figured out that Kuadro won't let you save a Reference file if any of the images exist on a Windows network drive.  Once I copied images to my local machine, I was able to save my Reference file.

    Also, to get Kuadro to launch at startup:

    To find the Windows Startup folder, the quickest way is to do the following:
    1. Hold down the Windows key, and type R.
    2. Type: shell:startup.
    3. Click OK.
    Copy the Kuadro executable into the directory that comes up when you follow the steps above, and you should be good to go!
  • lkruel
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    lkruel polycounter lvl 4
    Digging this back up from the dead. 

    Happy to announce I'm back on Kuadro. Released version .9.5 today that fixes a lot of the bugs mentioned on this thread. 

    For more info check out the release notes, and if you have anything you'd like fixed or changed let me know! 
  • Shuma
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    Shuma polycounter lvl 9
    Really nice to see you back, with a new version of kuadro.
    Such a great tool I use it a lot. Will go grab this new version and test news functionallities. Thanks

    EDIT: Few things I've just notice on 0.9.5
    -SHIFT+RESIZE is great but can mess up with image proportion
    -When I cycle through images with left and right arrow, windows keep getting smaller at every image change.
    -The auto add from clipboard is awesome !!!  ;) 
  • CreativeSheep
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    CreativeSheep polycounter lvl 8
    Collections are needed, similar to reference warrior in that you can save a collection of images.
  • lkruel
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    lkruel polycounter lvl 4

    Thanks! I'll take a look at the cycling and the SHIFT resize. Yeah it'll probably change the aspect ratio because it's always fitting the image to the new size. 


    Thanks for bringing that app to my attention, I've considered doing that too where you can have nested windows, but I figured it would start getting unwieldy... but yeah PureRef and now this one operate like that. 

    Currently working on an auto layout and some icons to tell you the state that a image is (locked/on top/etc) 
  • CreativeSheep
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    CreativeSheep polycounter lvl 8
    @Ikruel PureRef can now do collections ? I was thinking having collections then nest those collections within a collection for the ultimate organization of images. 
  • Gaurav Mathur
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    Gaurav Mathur polycounter lvl 13
    Confirmed that presets with images on a network drive now save and load properly!

    I like the snapping functionality!
  • lkruel
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    lkruel polycounter lvl 4
    @CreativeSheep I guess the way I see of collections is having a Kuadro image that can have multiple images inside of it. PureRef is a single Kuadro image that can have multiple images inside. So in theory if I added that functionality you could recreate pureref with a single image. 

    @Gaurav Mathur Awesome! Glad it's working and that you're liking it! 
  • CreativeSheep
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    CreativeSheep polycounter lvl 8
    @Ikruel As you were mentioning a collection would be multiple images contained within a collection file; you can then have multiple collection within a single PreRef file.
  • stilobique
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    stilobique polycounter lvl 13
    Hi @lkruel, i have update your program but i can't open it. I have an message error "Failed to execute script run". I'm overwrite the old exe, maybe i have an fix with a setup file or something else.
    I'm see this error with onof my personal tools write with Python/PyQt, and it's an error make with my old init file.
  • Gaurav Mathur
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    Gaurav Mathur polycounter lvl 13
    @lkruel, minor bug in 0.9.5 where an image that is not tagged "Always On Top" is indeed always on top.  Meaning, I want the image to drop behind an actively selected window, and it refuses to do so.  :)
  • lkruel
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    lkruel polycounter lvl 4
    @stilobique which OS are you running ?

    @Gaurav, is a selected window another kuadro window or a different app?
  • stilobique
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    stilobique polycounter lvl 13
    Windows 10, last OS version.
  • Gaurav Mathur
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    Gaurav Mathur polycounter lvl 13
    @lkruel, it's multiple different apps: anything running in Windows.  Kuadro images stay running on top regardless of whether or not the "Always On Top" option is enabled.    
  • JocelynMilet
    Hi @lkruel, thx for your nice work, but i have the same probleme as @stilobique. on Win 10 too ...
    I don't know if there is a link but my plugins on photoshops ( coolorus and brushbox ) are broken too.
    Did you find a solution ?
  • Gaurav Mathur
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    Gaurav Mathur polycounter lvl 13
    @lkruel, can you turn off Auto Add from Clipboard and Auto Save by default? 

    Also, Rest Layout isn't working as expected.  Sometimes it appears not to work at all.
  • Bildan
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    Bildan null
    Hi @lkruel, thx for your nice work, but i have the same probleme as @stilobique. on Win 10 too ...
    I don't know if there is a link but my plugins on photoshops ( coolorus and brushbox ) are broken too.
    Did you find a solution ?


    What I've done:

    1) Kuadro showes "Failed to execute script run" - don't close this message - because despite the message it is still work in the down right corner  if you check it.
    2) RighClick on Kuadro Icon and download another Local image.

    It should work fine then.
  • < ASH >
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    < ASH > polycounter lvl 13
    For those who gets the "Failed to execute script run": I managed to get rid of the error enabling the Compatibility Mode for Windows 8 in the Kuadro executable (as shown in the attached picture). I hope this helps ;)

  • verydedfish
    Hello! Thank you very much for making this amazing reference application! :)
    I am currently using version 0.10.0 for Windows 10 and it looks like whenever I left click on the image to move it around, Kuadro prompts me to open a saved preset. I am not sure if this suppose to be like that or I am doing something wrong?
    Thanks again, Kuadro is awesome!
  • lkruel
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    lkruel polycounter lvl 4
    Hey everyone, 

    Thanks for the continued support. 

    I've updated the Gumroad version of Kuadro to version .11. 

    I've fixed a bug on the autosave not remember it's settings and turned it off by default. As well as externalized the preferences so they're portable and finally I've added logging capabilities to try to catch the underlying issues behind the Failed to execute script run errors. 

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