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Overwatch - Team Arena Shooter by Blizzard



  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    If you've ever watched high level comps of OW you'll know that its definitely a game designed for competitive and E-sports. Hence the 6's format.

    I think this is why a lot of new players think the maps are "difficult" and have unforgiving choke points. TF2 is a much more casual game for new players with larger servers and more open maps (with various routes), allowing players to test things out and do their own thing a bit more. Trouble with OW is that it is so heavily focused on team composition that the casual player has trouble if they want to try out something new because doing this can break team composition. Yes, just about any composition can work but people need to know what they are doing. In TF2 unless (you're playing lobbies or comps) you can do whatever the hell you like and it has little to no repercussions on the game. Whenever I want to test something in OW I feel I have to join an versus AI match.

    If you jump into a 6's lobby in TF2 and start messing doing your own thing, the game wont go well and you'll probably get kicked and reported. I think OW has tried to make a more casual version of TF2 6's rather TF2 as a whole.

    OW is a great game and i hope they add more game modes to allow a bit more casual play. Larger servers, TDM, CTF and a highlander type format would be cool. Payload was never my favorite TF2 mode if I'm honest so its a suprise that I enjoy OW so much.

    I love TF2, I love OW. I expected OW to be the new "casual" fps to fill the gap since I stopped playing TF2 but I don't think it's casual enough for most tbh.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter

    Legend of Titan (Overwatch ripoff)

  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Strange... I hardly see any similarities  O.o
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    @Stinger88 I agree somewhat, but I don't think it'll be that bit a struggle for casual gamers to pick up and play. The game is designed for smart, competitive, coordinated play, but you are matched with people with roughly your skill level, so it's not like a new player will get dropped into a super competitive highly skilled team and just get annihilated and yelled at, they'll be paired up with other newbies or low skill players just doing their own thing and it's still a lot of fun.

    I think this will especially become the case once competitive mode opens up, because the more casual players can always stick to quick play, and if someone is expecting an organized high-skill team in quickplay, that person is the dick. 

    At least I hope that's how it plays out. When I started in the closed beta early on it was a lot of chaotic fun, no one knew shit and I was able to do pretty well and have a lot of fun even though I didn't even know what all the buttons did in some cases, let alone know anything about counters and team comps. As long as there's a solid matchmaking system in place I don't think new players will find this too intimidating.

    Anyway... I love this game. It has consumed me. GG, Blizzard.
    Add me on battle.net? Jonas#1416
    I'd love to get a team going before competitive starts up
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    do we have somewhere on here to share battlenet tags? It could be fun to play with some polycount people every now and then.
  • McGreed
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    McGreed polycounter lvl 15
    Anyone tried the beta competition server? Had one session, which we won, but damn, it seem more intense then normal gameplay. People REALLY want to be on the point now. :) Also, you play all three matches, not just two if you won the first two. Wonder how it is after you get placed.
  • Renaud Galand
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    Renaud Galand polycounter lvl 20
    Thought I'd bump this thread with our latest announced character : Ana (Pharah's mother)

    Origin video :

    Gameplay preview :

    We hope you'll like her :)


  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I like her, though I'm concerned she may end up a bit OP, especially at the slow pace of Blizzard's character tweaks. We'll see how things get flushed out though. 

    I'm curious if she's the character that was rumored to be announced at Comic-con, on the 21st, or will there be another character?

    I'd like to see some new maps get released soone
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    You do good work, Renaud.

    As the team's designated healer about 80% of the time, I don't think she's going to replace Lucio as my favourite, but I'm really looking forward to giving her a try.

    If I'm honest, the changes to D.VA might actually have me more intrigued at this point.
  • Magihat
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    Magihat ngon master
    If I'm honest, the changes to D.VA might actually have me more intrigued at this point.
    As someone who plays d.va quite often the changes does sound awesome for me. The shield is pretty great for countering ultimates from Reaper and Pharah but other than that the long cool-down makes her way to squishy to actually play as a tank. Her peashooters are not very effective for anything other than really up close either. I could also see her ult being actually dangerous rather than just acting as a temporary thing to clear the point.

    Best character in the game in my opinion is Symmetra though, I just wish people would stop complaining when you stick with her towards the end of defense at Numbani and King's Row. Especially the latter she is really great for funneling enemies and helping the team to push the payload back.
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