Wait a second, any chance they might be teasing with maps that might happen on the moon? Check out the video around 6:14, it looks like there is structures on the moon, so maybe there will be some maps later on for that?
It shows on other videos as well, like Dragons. I think it could be the base where Winston is shown as a baby, I remember the scientist holding him and looking out and seeing earth in the distance.
The lore from what I know is that the moon in inhabited by an angry violent race of gorillas. Winston grew up there (as shown in Recall) but he wasn't the only one. There was a revolt and the other gorillas killed the human Dr. Winston during the rebellion. Gorilla Winston was able to get away in an escape pod and took on the glasses/name of his adoptive father. I really hope we see more of it in the future as far as new maps or story. Would be cool if they fleshed it out.
I played this in the beta and enjoyed it a whole lot but, does anyone else find the microtransaction model they use crazy exploitative. Not only is there mtx in a pay to play game but the model is founded round gambling. You might only want one skin but it's gated behind rng so the inevitable cost to gain a single mtx is much greater, which is understandable from their perspective but seems pretty dark. It has a put a whole damper on my desire to purchase it. I dunno maybe i'm missing something.
To be honest I have no issues at all with the market feature the game has right now. Like Beefaroni said, it's just skins, sprays and voice lines. It's not going to give anyone an advantage over you, gameplay wise just because they paid a little extra.
I do have an issue with having a real money shop within a full priced game. If it was a f2p game I'd have no issues with it. But this is a worrying development to me, which I expect to continue seeing in more and more games.
I really don't see the problem, as long it has no affect on the game. You can buy skins and sprays, if its really that important for you to look different in the game. You are not getting any better or frankly cooler by having skins.
I do have an issue with having a real money shop within a full priced game. If it was a f2p game I'd have no issues with it. But this is a worrying development to me, which I expect to continue seeing in more and more games.
well it's only skins so no real problem.
Also whatever keeps companies from going the mobile game route I'm for, In Japan we have had a big shift in what games are being made a game like puzzle and dragons make more then any AAA game or even all of them together, but it's something you could develop with a small team of people in a short amount of time. many developers especially in Japan saw this and now everyone is making one, and the big budget console games are getting very little effort put into them, if these kind of sales keeps companies from going that route I'm all for it.
Yea, this route also gives a bit more stability for artists in all studios, which is fantastic. I think Blizzards approach is perfect. Introduce cosmetic-only features into a game in order to gain more money back on production and ensure job stability for the artists that worked on the title rather than laying them off or hiring a bunch of people on contract.
I don't know why people are complaining about it on an art forum... I guess you all would rather just look for a new job whenever a title you're working on is released.
I don't really get the whole "bad on principle" thing either because it is not egregiously done at all and exp requirement to get a new level stagnates to 22k per level on level 23 so it does not get ridiculously tedious to obtain new boxes. It has zero impact on the gameplay and since it's random drops chances are you won't get what you really want either so it's more fun to just play the game and save up your coins and earn whatever you clamor for.
Yea, this route also gives a bit more stability for artists in all studios, which is fantastic. I think Blizzards approach is perfect. Introduce cosmetic-only features into a game in order to gain more money back on production and ensure job stability for the artists that worked on the title rather than laying them off or hiring a bunch of people on contract.
I don't know why people are complaining about it on an art forum... I guess you all would rather just look for a new job whenever a title you're working on is released.
This model has been working perfectly for dota 2. I love that people can support the game, get something cool, and still not "pay to win." It's a really great business model and I hope more games go for it.
I've been really enjoying my time with the game, you guys have outdone yourselves with the art and design aesthetic. Are there any chances we could get _some_ sort of workflow breakdown to painting those gorgeous character textures?
Loving paying Junk Rat, and as a long time TF2 demoman player it's no suprise. Spent most of yesterday just learning to "double jump" with mines on empty maps to work out the best roll outs and flanking routes. Double jumping is very easy compared to air pogoing as demoman (which I never quite got the hang of), just shame there is a cooldown on the mines. ;P
I spent most of my extended weekend, playing this game (mixing in some Uncharted 4). An example of simple, yet fun. I still feel like they tweaked a couple characters wrong, but overall, great job on the diversity among characters.
On the micro-transactions subject, I'm usually against micro-transactions, except when they are like this. I would prefer they not exist at all, but as long as it doesn't change the gameplay, and I can still earn in through grinding, I'm completely fine with it. Micro-transactions are part of the reason game prices didn't skyrocket, with the new consoles.
Yeah, that would be nice, however they have the disadvantage of not having a platform specific for that, like Steam does with Team Fortress 2. Don't know how they would deal with that, also since they don't have servers per say, you can't filter servers having certain maps ect.
I hadn't followed this game too much since it was announced, than a couple of my buddies got me to try to beta, now I'm addicted and have been grinding levels for loot boxes this past week haha. I watched all the shorts last night and they're all sooooo good. Anyone know if they're releasing any more? Or if those were done in house? They quality reminds me of big hero 6, or some kind of Disney film.
There was basically no BS with how the marketing for this game was handled, it's so honest and straight forward. Combine that with some of the most polished and solid design the industry has seen, signature work of Blizzard, and you have a franchise that is going to permeate pop culture to the core and stay with us for decades.
I enjoy playing this game so much. I notice new little things every time, today during lunch I discovered random character dialogue exchanges. It made me smile.
I generally get quite obsessive with games like this, and although i'm definitely no pro (not even close) I like to absorb as much info as possible to give me a fighting chance. My reflexes are slowing down at my age, having a good understanding of the classes, maps, etc is the only way to "get gud".
Anyway, here's some links that I subscribe to and get info from. The game is so much deeper than I expected
Please let's be honest and say it's a complete TF2 ripp-off with a taste of league of legends. I have 6000+ hours of playing TF2 and it immediatly screamed it in every aspects. Gameplay is the same. Payload, koth...Some classes are almost the same. Junkrat/Demoman ? I insta had the same automatisms. Art direction, pretty much the same + manga/maschinen krieger Pior Oberson style. But sure it's perfectly done. I'm not sure i have as much fun as i had with TF2 beginnings but i'm 10 years older and pretty much every game bores me now. Also no gibs. My main critic is that the game is a bit cluttered visually . I start to get used to it tho. Some skins make characters silhouettes too look alike. Reaper Soldier 76 MCree mainly. So it's hard to tell in a blink who you have in front of you. Also way too much bloom on Numbani and Tracer is a pain to kill.
Oh yeah, without doubt its TF2 in blizzard clothing. I have 2.5k hrs but in the last few years TF2 has got way overly cluttered itself with hats and daft particle effects. I stopped play TF2 regularly about a year ago and need something to fill the gap. OW is doing a great job of that and I'm discovering some of the advanced movement techniques that I love in TF2 (Rocket jumping, pogo-ing, surfing, etc).
Currently learning to wall ride maps as Lucio. Its tons of fun and actually a very useful skill in games. Great for rollouts and has saved my life loads of times, its also great for flanking the back lines and harassing snipers on pubs. I hope that one day we might get some agility style map modes (like RJ and surf maps) but I highly doubt it'll happen unless mods become a thing.
Regarding skins, I have read that there is concern about skin silhouettes in competitive and maybe they will restrict players to default skins. If not in competitive mode they might do it in high level comps.
Honestly, I could care less if it copies the format/look of TF2. It's not unusual for the game industry. Why would people suddenly get upset about Overwatch? For me, on the PS4, I can't get TF2 anyway, so it's Valve's loss that I'm playing Overwatch, and not TF2... or TF3 if that's in the works.
I have to say though, I'm a bit concerned about the new trend (spread even more by youtube), of teams equipping only one character. Mainly Soldier 76, but other characters too. It really takes the joy out of the game. Blizzard hinted that ranked mode is coming, near the end of July. I hope it comes sooner than that. We've shutdown several of these groups, which resulted in them finally breaking up their characters, but it doesn't stop it from being annoying.
Oh, and I was glad to see Blizzard actually make good on their word, and ban hackers/glitchers. I suspect this is a bigger deal for PC users, since I had not experienced anything on the console yet, but it's good to see a studio pro-actively do this. I'm tired of studios letting this get out of control, then talk up banning people, but never feel real action was taken. Not only did Blizzard already ban a large group of players, but they've name & shamed many of them (which I'm fine with)
I'm not upset, it's a great game, perfectly polished, and probably we will see gameplay becoming sharper with players experience. I hope they'll do what needed for the competitive side. But people beeing surprised it gets compared to TF2, please be serious. I don't really get why people want to play that kind of game on consoles, then asking for crossplatform (where they will get raped by PC gamers), but that's another issue. Yeah i agree, it's a bit painful to have several instances of the same hero. But if heroes are balanced, they should be defeated anyway. Never had a team of 6 Tracers tho. Must be a nightmare. But to me it's a discovery/fun mode, where you can test all heroes easily. It would be frustrating to wait for a slot to change your hero.
I don't really get why people want to play that kind of game on consoles, then asking for crossplatform (where they will get raped by PC gamers), but that's another issue.
Why do you assume they would get raped? There is no proof, since the game is not cross platform. For me, I have friends, on the PC, since I used to game exclusively on the PC, but now I game on my PS4. Some of those old friends, now play Overwatch. I'd love to game with them again
Yeah i agree, it's a bit painful to have several instances of the same hero. But if heroes are balanced, they should be defeated anyway. Never had a team of 6 Tracers tho. Must be a nightmare. But to me it's a discovery/fun mode, where you can test all heroes easily. It would be frustrating to wait for a slot to change your hero.
It's very annoying, when Soldier 76 can lay out heal circles, and everyone on their team is doing so. Then the all get their lock-on alts, and take turns wiping out the other team. I brought out Genji, and used some creative flanking, to turn things around.
Don't get me wrong, I don't mind 2 people using the same character. I just don't like the whole team doing it. In my stream, I was suggesting doing a class restriction. So maybe only 2 tanks. If two people want to be reinhardt, they can, or one reinhardt and one winston.
Overall, it's not a make or break for me, but it's just not as fun, because it limits the characters I can use, down to only ones that can counter theirs.
aaah. The age old PC vs Console player debate. Not wanting to start any arguements or anything, I do believe console players would struggle against PC players, purely because the characters that can be used effectively with "mouse aiming" are just that much faster at aiming and movement. High level widow makers on PC are pretty much untouchable and the only good way to counter is a better widowmaker. Apparently widowmaker on console just isn't a thing. Interestingly and something I hadn't thought of is that the meta is quite different on each platform, because of the control systems.
While I agree, as I've mentioned in past arguments, PC can be more precise, but I don't find myself needing to target an eyeball. Headshots are still completely possible, on either system. As your video points out, consoles get aim assist, so while gamepads may need the aim assist, they still have it, so that should equal things out. The speed/sensitivity is also completely adjustable. I feel like this argument keeps coming up, because of PC players who don't use console controllers on a regular basis. And again, to the video, I feel like there are other reasons why characters are used more/less on different platforms. Along with control variations, player personalities are also different. It may be that console players just enjoy close combat more than sniping. And on that widowmaker point, I have had several rounds, where a player gets the play of the game, using widowmaker. They pop off 5 headshots, without much issue. If I knew which of my streams had it, I would link to you it.
I use Torbjorn a lot. It's nothing to do with aim, or controls. I like setting up a turret, to defend if someone gets behind us. He's also a fun character. I don't use widowmaker much, because I like getting into the thick of the battle. I usually pull her out if we have a Bastion camping the obj, or a Torbjorn spamming turrets.
I don't want to inject another pc/console debate, I just don't like when vague claims are made by people who only play on one platform (as it feels like that video is doing).
I feel like this game just needs a few player tweaks, and things will be good. Hopefully blizzard won't start tweaking every character.
After having played the game for a few weeks now, I REALLY don't get the unanimous praise of it. It's simply not fun. The gameplay feels shallow, even with the supposed depth of hero combinations. The maps are absolute shit compared to what TF2 did almost 10 years ago, and the gameplay feels unbalanced (it might not be in practice, but the balance doesn't feel good at any rate). Even with a team of friends and some attempts at drafting/team work the game feels hollow. It looks fine, but compared to TF2, it's just another soulless Blizzard game where they rip off every cliche they can find. TF2 was completely unique at the time, and still is very refreshing as far as I'm concerned.
I'm seeing 5/5 and 10/10 all over the place.. it's a 3/5 or 6/10 at most in my book. I get so confused by people's taste every now and then, really surprised people think this is fun. If anything, Overwatch just makes me want TF3.
After having played the game for a few weeks now, I REALLY don't get the unanimous praise of it. It's simply not fun. The gameplay feels shallow, even with the supposed depth of hero combinations. The maps are absolute shit compared to what TF2 did almost 10 years ago, and the gameplay feels unbalanced (it might not be in practice, but the balance doesn't feel good at any rate). Even with a team of friends and some attempts at drafting/team work the game feels hollow. It looks fine, but compared to TF2, it's just another soulless Blizzard game where they rip off every cliche they can find. TF2 was completely unique at the time, and still is very refreshing as far as I'm concerned.
I'm seeing 5/5 and 10/10 all over the place.. it's a 3/5 or 6/10 at most in my book. I get so confused by people's taste every now and then, really surprised people think this is fun. If anything, Overwatch just makes me want TF3.
You're welcome to your own opinion, but it feels like you were expecting TF2, and not letting the game stand on its own. That being said, I agree, it's not 10/10, but I do find it fun. I think you mistranslated poor teamwork, as a lack of balance though. With the exception of a couple characters, I feel like there is a good combination of counters, for everything. The only time I feel like matches are unbalanced, is when my team makes poor character choices, or simply aren't engaged in the match (hiding in the back to stay 'safe').
The maps, with the exception of one or two, offer plenty of paths, for attacking an objective, which keeps them very balanced. There are a couple, which basically have one opening, which creates a campy choke point, which I do NOT like. It's still possible to bypass those entries, but I would like to see those maps tweaked, to offer alternate routes.
I think calling it 'soulless' is a bit harsh though. People have been connecting with the characters, and you'll likely seeing people cosplaying many of these characters. Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you consider soulless, but when you have characters, that connect with players, I consider that a win.
After having played the game for a few weeks now, I REALLY don't get the unanimous praise of it. It's simply not fun. The gameplay feels shallow, even with the supposed depth of hero combinations. The maps are absolute shit compared to what TF2 did almost 10 years ago, and the gameplay feels unbalanced (it might not be in practice, but the balance doesn't feel good at any rate). Even with a team of friends and some attempts at drafting/team work the game feels hollow. It looks fine, but compared to TF2, it's just another soulless Blizzard game where they rip off every cliche they can find. TF2 was completely unique at the time, and still is very refreshing as far as I'm concerned.
I'm seeing 5/5 and 10/10 all over the place.. it's a 3/5 or 6/10 at most in my book. I get so confused by people's taste every now and then, really surprised people think this is fun. If anything, Overwatch just makes me want TF3.
You're welcome to your own opinion, but it feels like you were expecting TF2, and not letting the game stand on its own. That being said, I agree, it's not 10/10, but I do find it fun. I think you mistranslated poor teamwork, as a lack of balance though. With the exception of a couple characters, I feel like there is a good combination of counters, for everything. The only time I feel like matches are unbalanced, is when my team makes poor character choices, or simply aren't engaged in the match (hiding in the back to stay 'safe').
The maps, with the exception of one or two, offer plenty of paths, for attacking an objective, which keeps them very balanced. There are a couple, which basically have one opening, which creates a campy choke point, which I do NOT like. It's still possible to bypass those entries, but I would like to see those maps tweaked, to offer alternate routes.
I think calling it 'soulless' is a bit harsh though. People have been connecting with the characters, and you'll likely seeing people cosplaying many of these characters. Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you consider soulless, but when you have characters, that connect with players, I consider that a win.
The TF2 comparisons arise from what Overwatch is delivering, it's not anything I came in with when I started playing. I wasn't really expecting anything in particular when I started playing it, except a hero based, team oriented shooter. Thing is, because you can have duplicates of heroes, it's actually just a class based shooter with a handful more classes than TF2. But even with less heroes/classes TF2 felt like it had more stuff going on with each different class. For instance, the Engineer is a much more complex, interesting builder hero than Thorbjørn, because you simply have more stuff to do - and the interplay with the counter mechanics (Spy, medic uber, pyro etc) feels more interesting than what's going on in Overwatch. And there are so many other comparisons to TF2 that the similarities end up taking up a lot of mental real estate for me when playing Overwatch.
As far as the maps goes, I don't think there's a single map in Overwatch that is even close to the gameplay quality of the maps that TF2 launched with - which is distressing, because TF2 is a game from 2007. I kind of was expecting something more innovative at this point (granted, "refinement" is Blizzard's thing, not innovation.)
As I've mentioned before, I have never played Team Fortress, so I can't comment on how Overwatch compares.... but that's also part of my point. I'm enjoying the game, but I'm not comparing it to TF2. Every complaint you have about Overwatch, is matched to TF2, and I don't mean to offend, but I fail to see how your expectations weren't for it to be like TF2. I get the sense that it's the reason you bought it... to have the closest thing to TF3, until it actually gets announced/released.
As I've mentioned before, I have never played Team Fortress, so I can't comment on how Overwatch compares.... but that's also part of my point. I'm enjoying the game, but I'm not comparing it to TF2. Every complaint you have about Overwatch, is matched to TF2, and I don't mean to offend, but I fail to see how your expectations weren't for it to be like TF2. I get the sense that it's the reason you bought it... to have the closest thing to TF3, until it actually gets announced/released.
I'm "matching" it to TF2, because several elements of Overwatch are directly lifted from TF2 or has close analogues/gameplay roles. It's an automatic response on my part. It might be also because some people on for example the Giant Bomb podcast are saying Blizzard are doing their thing and taking something that already exists and making it better (the Everquest to WOW model, basically.) But in the case of Overwatch I really, really disagree. TF2 is design-wise a much superior product, or at least it was before all the hats.
After having played the game for a few weeks now, I REALLY don't get the unanimous praise of it. It's simply not fun. The gameplay feels shallow, even with the supposed depth of hero combinations. The maps are absolute shit compared to what TF2 did almost 10 years ago, and the gameplay feels unbalanced (it might not be in practice, but the balance doesn't feel good at any rate). Even with a team of friends and some attempts at drafting/team work the game feels hollow. It looks fine, but compared to TF2, it's just another soulless Blizzard game where they rip off every cliche they can find. TF2 was completely unique at the time, and still is very refreshing as far as I'm concerned.
I'm seeing 5/5 and 10/10 all over the place.. it's a 3/5 or 6/10 at most in my book. I get so confused by people's taste every now and then, really surprised people think this is fun. If anything, Overwatch just makes me want TF3.
Not everyone has to enjoy the same things, but to call the game soulless is pretty screwed up. in 3 posts you have not really explained why you think the maps are bad in comparison to TF2, you just keep claiming they are bad (try giving an example). And the stabs at the developer in every post are not necessary.
wow.. the good old big labowski meme. That sure wins that argument, huh. Of course it's my opinion. Almost everything on the internet is someone's opinion.
Blizzard are in general know for stealing ideas and "refining" them, it's a very common assessment of how Blizzard do things. And sure, it's a stab at that practice, because it's awful to see that many talented people almost never do anything new or original. I really don't see how calling the game soulless is "screwed up." It's my opinion of the product. It's a bunch of tired memes, with a very corperate Disney/Pixar look slapped on top of TF2's carcass.
The maps are in general very lat (made for the controller, I get it) there are too many choke points with not enough alternate paths and there are too many areas of the map that don't feel fun to fight in - especially the areas around most capture points. The last part is where TF2 really shined back when I was into it. Even getting stuck at the spawn gates because of good enemy defense felt fun, because the map design in combination with class design allowed for much more finesse and movement to get around a problem (even as a solo player.) In Overwatch, it's all instant kill ults that you have to wait for and badly designed choke points.
Haha, okay man. Overwatch has been out for 3 weeks. TF2 has been out for 8 years. That kinda makes a difference. Maybe your nostalgia blurs the fact that TF2 wasn't perfect at launch either.
But your reductive opinion sounds like it's working for you. I remember when TF2's trailer came out and everyone said it felt like disney/pixar too. We've come full circle, and I just love how stylized game characters are automatically pixar.
I wasn't attempting to make an argument. i was merely pointing out that you were saying things were bad (or not as good as tf2) without listing any examples of what about it was bad.
I probably should have said it was a bit harsh to call the game soulless.
adjective: soulless
lacking character and individuality.
lacking or suggesting the lack of human feelings and qualities.
Its a harsh adjective for a game with 21 diverse characters (with more to be added in the future). I cant recall any other shooters where you could play as a Korean mech pilot who flies her mech into a group of enemies and has it self destruct. or a dj support character whose gun plays music which is either an aoe speed boost or heal. there is enough in the game to make it unique.
i agree that certain maps have a few choke points that are a pain when the other team knows how to defend them, but i have not ran into that issue on every map and there were plenty of choke points in tf2 maps that were no fun to get stuck at.
Also whatever keeps companies from going the mobile game route I'm for, In Japan we have had a big shift in what games are being made a game like puzzle and dragons make more then any AAA game or even all of them together, but it's something you could develop with a small team of people in a short amount of time. many developers especially in Japan saw this and now everyone is making one, and the big budget console games are getting very little effort put into them, if these kind of sales keeps companies from going that route I'm all for it.
I don't know why people are complaining about it on an art forum... I guess you all would rather just look for a new job whenever a title you're working on is released.
Loving paying Junk Rat, and as a long time TF2 demoman player it's no suprise. Spent most of yesterday just learning to "double jump" with mines on empty maps to work out the best roll outs and flanking routes. Double jumping is very easy compared to air pogoing as demoman (which I never quite got the hang of), just shame there is a cooldown on the mines. ;P
On the micro-transactions subject, I'm usually against micro-transactions, except when they are like this. I would prefer they not exist at all, but as long as it doesn't change the gameplay, and I can still earn in through grinding, I'm completely fine with it. Micro-transactions are part of the reason game prices didn't skyrocket, with the new consoles.
Blizzard made Overwatch
Ubisoft made Rainbow Six:Seige
Will they last long?
with all this hype surounding it,
yeah it will
shame I can't say the same for Seige....
I enjoy playing this game so much. I notice new little things every time, today during lunch I discovered random character dialogue exchanges. It made me smile.
Anyway, here's some links that I subscribe to and get info from. The game is so much deeper than I expected
(Map) Knowledge is power!
Cynical Nerds. Map stretegy guides and team comps(only 3 maps covered so far but by far the best map guides I’ve seeen so far) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDwoCUCfLxCE7FNO8hZnvXg
Overwatch Central. Quick guides and news, etc https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZmz0RdI6LvX_rRmrlwx0Eg/videos
Unit Lost (Stylossa). guides, In depth map guides, vlogging, etc https://www.youtube.com/user/unitlosttube
One Amongst Many
Tactics, etc https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvKqy6-GzhIgJCVcE2nn8nQ
Omnic Lab Podcast – Hero and map strategy talk https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZsJLxSSdwXqvh0M5BzpvbA
Chanman https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvKV_Qc64JR9FjSDa6vlMBhnWJXMbuOyv
A_Seagull (Pro TF2 player). High level gameplay and takes time to answer questions and explain the game when steaming.
Match Replays http://www.gosugamers.net/overwatch/vods
Overwatch News, extensive guides, etc http://overwatch.metabomb.net/
Quick reference Hero guide image (Strengths, Strong/Weak against, etc) http://i.imgur.com/Dr7dBH6.jpg
Extensive hero guides http://www.furiouspaul.com/overwatch/
Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/
Competitive OW Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/competitiveoverwatch
But sure it's perfectly done.
I'm not sure i have as much fun as i had with TF2 beginnings but i'm 10 years older and pretty much every game bores me now. Also no gibs.
My main critic is that the game is a bit cluttered visually . I start to get used to it tho. Some skins make characters silhouettes too look alike. Reaper Soldier 76 MCree mainly. So it's hard to tell in a blink who you have in front of you.
Also way too much bloom on Numbani and Tracer is a pain to kill.
Currently learning to wall ride maps as Lucio. Its tons of fun and actually a very useful skill in games. Great for rollouts and has saved my life loads of times, its also great for flanking the back lines and harassing snipers on pubs. I hope that one day we might get some agility style map modes (like RJ and surf maps) but I highly doubt it'll happen unless mods become a thing.
This guys has some great vids. Hope to be able to do this kind thing in future
And here's A_seagull using those skills in a match
Regarding skins, I have read that there is concern about skin silhouettes in competitive and maybe they will restrict players to default skins. If not in competitive mode they might do it in high level comps.
I have to say though, I'm a bit concerned about the new trend (spread even more by youtube), of teams equipping only one character. Mainly Soldier 76, but other characters too. It really takes the joy out of the game. Blizzard hinted that ranked mode is coming, near the end of July. I hope it comes sooner than that.
We've shutdown several of these groups, which resulted in them finally breaking up their characters, but it doesn't stop it from being annoying.
Oh, and I was glad to see Blizzard actually make good on their word, and ban hackers/glitchers. I suspect this is a bigger deal for PC users, since I had not experienced anything on the console yet, but it's good to see a studio pro-actively do this. I'm tired of studios letting this get out of control, then talk up banning people, but never feel real action was taken. Not only did Blizzard already ban a large group of players, but they've name & shamed many of them (which I'm fine with)
Yeah i agree, it's a bit painful to have several instances of the same hero.
But if heroes are balanced, they should be defeated anyway. Never had a team of 6 Tracers tho. Must be a nightmare.
But to me it's a discovery/fun mode, where you can test all heroes easily. It would be frustrating to wait for a slot to change your hero.
It's very annoying, when Soldier 76 can lay out heal circles, and everyone on their team is doing so. Then the all get their lock-on alts, and take turns wiping out the other team. I brought out Genji, and used some creative flanking, to turn things around.
Don't get me wrong, I don't mind 2 people using the same character. I just don't like the whole team doing it. In my stream, I was suggesting doing a class restriction. So maybe only 2 tanks. If two people want to be reinhardt, they can, or one reinhardt and one winston.
Overall, it's not a make or break for me, but it's just not as fun, because it limits the characters I can use, down to only ones that can counter theirs.
The speed/sensitivity is also completely adjustable. I feel like this argument keeps coming up, because of PC players who don't use console controllers on a regular basis.
And again, to the video, I feel like there are other reasons why characters are used more/less on different platforms. Along with control variations, player personalities are also different. It may be that console players just enjoy close combat more than sniping. And on that widowmaker point, I have had several rounds, where a player gets the play of the game, using widowmaker. They pop off 5 headshots, without much issue. If I knew which of my streams had it, I would link to you it.
I use Torbjorn a lot. It's nothing to do with aim, or controls. I like setting up a turret, to defend if someone gets behind us. He's also a fun character. I don't use widowmaker much, because I like getting into the thick of the battle. I usually pull her out if we have a Bastion camping the obj, or a Torbjorn spamming turrets.
I don't want to inject another pc/console debate, I just don't like when vague claims are made by people who only play on one platform (as it feels like that video is doing).
I feel like this game just needs a few player tweaks, and things will be good. Hopefully blizzard won't start tweaking every character.
I'm seeing 5/5 and 10/10 all over the place.. it's a 3/5 or 6/10 at most in my book. I get so confused by people's taste every now and then, really surprised people think this is fun. If anything, Overwatch just makes me want TF3.
That being said, I agree, it's not 10/10, but I do find it fun. I think you mistranslated poor teamwork, as a lack of balance though. With the exception of a couple characters, I feel like there is a good combination of counters, for everything. The only time I feel like matches are unbalanced, is when my team makes poor character choices, or simply aren't engaged in the match (hiding in the back to stay 'safe').
The maps, with the exception of one or two, offer plenty of paths, for attacking an objective, which keeps them very balanced. There are a couple, which basically have one opening, which creates a campy choke point, which I do NOT like. It's still possible to bypass those entries, but I would like to see those maps tweaked, to offer alternate routes.
I think calling it 'soulless' is a bit harsh though. People have been connecting with the characters, and you'll likely seeing people cosplaying many of these characters. Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you consider soulless, but when you have characters, that connect with players, I consider that a win.
As far as the maps goes, I don't think there's a single map in Overwatch that is even close to the gameplay quality of the maps that TF2 launched with - which is distressing, because TF2 is a game from 2007. I kind of was expecting something more innovative at this point (granted, "refinement" is Blizzard's thing, not innovation.)
Not everyone has to enjoy the same things, but to call the game soulless is pretty screwed up. in 3 posts you have not really explained why you think the maps are bad in comparison to TF2, you just keep claiming they are bad (try giving an example). And the stabs at the developer in every post are not necessary.
Blizzard are in general know for stealing ideas and "refining" them, it's a very common assessment of how Blizzard do things. And sure, it's a stab at that practice, because it's awful to see that many talented people almost never do anything new or original. I really don't see how calling the game soulless is "screwed up." It's my opinion of the product. It's a bunch of tired memes, with a very corperate Disney/Pixar look slapped on top of TF2's carcass.
The maps are in general very lat (made for the controller, I get it) there are too many choke points with not enough alternate paths and there are too many areas of the map that don't feel fun to fight in - especially the areas around most capture points. The last part is where TF2 really shined back when I was into it. Even getting stuck at the spawn gates because of good enemy defense felt fun, because the map design in combination with class design allowed for much more finesse and movement to get around a problem (even as a solo player.) In Overwatch, it's all instant kill ults that you have to wait for and badly designed choke points.
But yeah, this is just my opinion, man.
But your reductive opinion sounds like it's working for you. I remember when TF2's trailer came out and everyone said it felt like disney/pixar too. We've come full circle, and I just love how stylized game characters are automatically pixar.
I probably should have said it was a bit harsh to call the game soulless.
- lacking character and individuality.
- lacking or suggesting the lack of human feelings and qualities.
Its a harsh adjective for a game with 21 diverse characters (with more to be added in the future).I cant recall any other shooters where you could play as a Korean mech pilot who flies her mech into a group of enemies and has it self destruct. or a dj support character whose gun plays music which is either an aoe speed boost or heal. there is enough in the game to make it unique.
i agree that certain maps have a few choke points that are a pain when the other team knows how to defend them, but i have not ran into that issue on every map and there were plenty of choke points in tf2 maps that were no fun to get stuck at.