I only have a virtual ticket, but when Metzen presented it on the opening ceremony, ... it was breath taking, knowing they have been working on it for about 15 years!!
Btw: on the Overwatch Panel, when the question about Titan was raised, this was NOT a mini game, since the game was only playable only for six months ( as was stated by Blizzard's CEO Mark Morhaime in an interview right after the opening ceremony )
Looks pretty cool, but based on the CG it also appears to be marketed more toward kids. It had a very strong Disney vibe to it.
I pray to God that voice chat has a mute option at release.
Looks pretty cool, but based on the CG it also appears to be marketed more toward kids. It had a very strong Disney vibe to it.
I pray to God that voice chat has a mute option at release.
Some of the normals almost look hand-painted. Blizzard constantly raising the bar of stylized graphics!
This looks incredible, awesome stuff yall! Impressive not just in the visuals, but how it was announced, playable on the floor, and signups available for alpha, huge press kit. Feels like the publishing side of Blizzard has grown up a lot from the "show a cinematic and 4 years later we'll tell you about the game again."
its grounded, can relate to it, characters are vibrant, really well done.
Looks pretty cool, but based on the CG it also appears to be marketed more toward kids. It had a very strong Disney vibe to it.
I pray to God that voice chat has a mute option at release.
The irony here is that all those kids are playing the 'mature' realistic modern shooters.
A very peculiar project! I'd be very interested in learning of its development history, because it seems so far removed from Blizzard's comfort zone -- so much that it's a bit jarring to me. The art is vibrant and full of character, but the rest is less so. Like in the cinematic trailer, which has a cheeky voiceover intro and tries hard to be pixaresque with two kids, but fails at that because it is, in the end, still a heartless, gritty fight scene. I guess I'm confused that the art style promises a divergence from Blizzard's usual fare into something more joyous, whereas the tone and content of the trailers don't actually differ that much from previous projects. Does that make sense?
I just think some of the normals, mostly this one :
Looks alot like they painted the normals by hand instead of doing a full sculpt. Kinda like Copernicus did on some of their textures? The first picture looks like just the normals and then a tiling texture. While the other part looks more like someone painted normals on top of a handpainted texture ( they're both the same normals (but flipped?) but used with different base colors?)
It just caught my eye, I don't know if it's true, obviously! But damn everything about Overwatch looks really good!
the first thing I though was "this is how Wildstar should be". Then again different games. Art style is slick. But somehow there's nothing that surprises me a lot. Even the pretty flawless execution is something expected. Hope to see more of the art though - a concept art dump for this would get me excited though!
Oh, so 3 of that kind are too much ?
God forbid players have choice between more than one game.
Better call the oversaturation police, for them to define what players should
like, and to put the ones, that like 2 similar games in prison, where
all the people reside that have an xbox AND playstation or maybe like dota and league at the same time!
Game looks very nice, I was surprised to see a different artstyle
Battleborn? That's... not really TF2-style FPS, though. It's... got a campaign and all that stuff, and I'm super looking forward to that too. Kinda looks MOBA-inspired, which is kinda rad, and Gearbox have a history of trying to put twists on their FPSs (...Borderlands probably being the finest example imo but hey), so I wouldn't actually doubt it. Looks like fun to me.
Battlecry channels TF2/Arena/objective-based FPS games way more, despite the fact it's third-person action... It's arena and class based.
Seriously though Battleborn looks nothing like this, to me at least, and beyond that... why not have more than one? They all look like a good time!
Where does this mentality come from that every game has to be absolutely unique in it's gameplay? Can't a game just be solid, polished and well executed?
hate to be that guy, but it looks really friggin' generic. I mean like a mish mash of styles and trends and gameplay mechanics over the past 7 years thrown into a blender.
hate to be that guy, but it looks really friggin' generic. I mean like a mish mash of styles and trends and gameplay mechanics over the past 7 years thrown into a blender.
art looks great though.
I'm kinda in the same boat as you. Looks pretty and might have a few interesting gameplay mechanics, but it doesn't really have that Blizzard character you come to expect from them. Diablo, Warcraft, Starcraft, they all have very unique personalities, whereas this feels like a more generic universe.
Let me guess, people think that Starcraft, Diablo and WoW were all unique snowflakes when they came to fruition? Improving is Blizzard's schtick, not inventing.
Having said that, the characters do feel a little too scrambled together... but my (optimistic) theory is that they are starting out it with distinctive "races" to appeal to as many people as possible and THEN they will churn out characters within the same theme. Kinda like how in League of Legends all characters from Frejlord share a similar winter theme.
Hey guys, thank you so much for positive response and the feedback! Looks like the second panel found its way on youtube as well. This one is more about the cinematic and the art direction.
I think I'm worried this'll take too much from the Free to Play MOBA bandwagon, in that there'll be a pile of characters with a fairly broad 'skill tree' of sorts. I'm not sure I'd want to have to deal with the commitment to learn all that stuff to play reasonably. I could handle maybe up to around 9 classes with more limited sets of abilities, but more than that and stuff gets too much for something fast and match based..
It's one of the reasons I don't bother with MOBAs (that and the horrifyingly toxic communities).
I'm just gonna refer to a quote I really like, because everytime a blockbuster movie,TVshow or even a videogame is launched, I think of that quote:
'' Because the network officials say you're not smart enough to get what I'm doing, and every day I fight for you. I tell them how smart you are. Turns out, I was wrong. You people are stupid''
I'm just gonna refer to a quote I really like, because everytime a blockbuster movie,TVshow or even a videogame is launched, I think of that quote:
'' Because the network officials say you're not smart enough to get what I'm doing, and every day I fight for you. I tell them how smart you are. Turns out, I was wrong. You people are stupid''
-Dave Chappelle
The burdens of a staggering intellect- it must be difficult
hate to be that guy, but it looks really friggin' generic. I mean like a mish mash of styles and trends and gameplay mechanics over the past 7 years thrown into a blender.
art looks great though.
Yea, none of their other games look generic.......... space marines? Demons? Orcs? come on.
Hey guys, here's a sneak peak of the characters I worked on for the BlizzCon build
Matt "Empty" Taylor and HaiKai will post theirs too pretty soon We decided to just link our facebook "public" galleries for now and do a proper "Pimp & Preview" thread as soon as we can get approval to show more "behind the scene" images.
Not getting the generic vibe, or the mishmash either. From a forum of artists, I'm pretty surprised that you guys don't see the shape, proportion, surface, and material uniformity of all the characters.
As far as generic goes, not getting that either. Well executed, reinvented ideas sure. But every idea is influenced by another. Can't say that there are a lot of "original" ideas on this board as it is. We're all a blender of our own and each other's ideas.
I for one think this game looks gorgeous, and fun, and considering it's coming from Blizzard I know for a FACT that it's going to be good.
Renaud: saw that last night, man! Thanks for putting all that up (was super sheepish about adding you as a friend, just followed instead).
I really want to know how you guys did your character hair. It looks amazing, and unlike any game hair I've seen before.
Like Renaud said, we'd love to post more once we get the go ahead, but that's probably not gonna happen anytime soon, haha. For now, I hope everyone enjoys the media that's out there now. If you were at Blizzcon and got to try the game out please let us know how you felt about it!
I knew it! Renaud was behind "Tracer" like too many other characters
In some screenshots there is like an egiptian statue with Pior's style. Glad you all can showcase all this, it's a nice work. It's not the usual blizzard style but i like it, it's different, fresh air.
Not getting the generic vibe, or the mishmash either. From a forum of artists, I'm pretty surprised that you guys don't see the shape, proportion, surface, and material uniformity of all the characters.
As far as generic goes, not getting that either. Well executed, reinvented ideas sure. But every idea is influenced by another. Can't say that there are a lot of "original" ideas on this board as it is. We're all a blender of our own and each other's ideas.
I think the over all "soso" reaction of you see from some, including myself at first, come's from:
1) Being so used to past Blizzard work, having expectations tied to it and a really high bar for them to meet.
2) The global illumination/lighting are also throwing some people off. It really changes the look and feel. When you slap a Blizzard sticker on it, it just feels misplaced.
3) Not seeing or experiencing the backstory/cinematic/panel first, which would help add context to some of the gameplay or character styles.
Over all, it feels like a bit of a departure from Blizzard's previous work... and thats bound to create barrier of appreciation. New things can take some time to get used to before appreciation can sink in.
loving it myself
I`d rather have them create a fun game first and add backstory lateron, the character designs alone make you wonder about their stories already so theres enough stuff to be done there.
got to play it at blizzcon for a few matches and you can really feel the potential for challenging gameplay once you get to know the different heroes
Thanks for the kind words guys! I'm sure we will do an art dump when we are able to do some nice shots, but for now here are some of the weapons and equipment work I've done so far
I think the over all "soso" reaction of you see from some, including myself at first, come's from:
1) Being so used to past Blizzard work, having expectations tied to it and a really high bar for them to meet.
2) The global illumination/lighting are also throwing some people off. It really changes the look and feel. When you slap a Blizzard sticker on it, it just feels misplaced.
3) Not seeing or experiencing the backstory/cinematic/panel first, which would help add context to some of the gameplay or character styles.
Over all, it feels like a bit of a departure from Blizzard's previous work... and thats bound to create barrier of appreciation. New things can take some time to get used to before appreciation can sink in.
For the harcore Blizzard fans, sure. I still find the accusation that it's generic or a mishmash to be unfounded; if you don't like the departure, there's no sense in calling it something it's not to reconcile your mixed feelings.
I heard the same stuff from hardcore Valve fans when they made the style change for TF2. Still one of the best decisions they made.
For the harcore Blizzard fans, sure. I still find the accusation that it's generic or a mishmash to be unfounded; if you don't like the departure, there's no sense in calling it something it's not to reconcile your mixed feelings.
I heard the same stuff from hardcore Valve fans when they made the style change for TF2. Still one of the best decisions they made.
I disagree with the implication that only "hardcore blizzard fans" would have that reaction. The level of fandom doesnt really matter, just difference in expectations and bias.
The term generic or mishmash is merely the means to articulate a first impression. Generic is almost brandless, not unique in characteristics. Mishmash implies a "confused mixture" of visual and gameplay elements. I think these are just descriptions that are trying to explain a feeling, it might be unfounded and it might not be. It really depends on what you are presented with. If you look at the first gameplay video and dont look beyond that at anything else, you just see an assortment of DC comic like characters fitting into existing character types (ninja, monk, smart ape, gundam mecha, dwarven engineer..ect) fighting in arena's based on Egypt, Ancient Japan, and a jack the ripper themed british alleyway. I could argue that suggesting a generic or mishmash of themes and characters is some what accurate for a first impression.
The art isnt bad, in fact its great, but based on that first impression and having an expectation tied to previous blizzard work, its not surprising to have the reaction they did. Between the cinematic and the panels, it starts to feel a bit more unique and it helps create a perspective that can diminish the feelings of "generic-ness".
Again "Over all, it feels like a bit of a departure from Blizzard's previous work... and thats bound to create barrier of appreciation. New things can take some time to get used to before appreciation can sink in."
In regards to Valve's TF2, dont forget there was a TF1 before it. Naturally fans would feel a bit weird with such a drastic change to art direction. It doesnt mean the game is bad, or that the art is bad, but people being honest with their feelings and first impressions. Nothing wrong with that.
Anyways, at the end of the day its just arguing semantics. I find it a natural reaction to something a bit different from the usual blizzard style, in a market over-saturated with competitive shooters. You may not, we can agree to disagree.
Once people play the game, see more about the characters and world involved, they will probably warm up to it more.
Very interested to see how it'll do and what kind of payment model they'll have (hats, anyone?). Without a doubt, unless it falls flat on its face like Brink, I think it'll do really well. The balancing I kind of worry about with the amount of characters and unique abilities.
Art wise, I can dig it, as many before of said, has a very "Pixar" look to it (solidified in the animated trailer).
I haven't looked too much into the map size so far, but does anyone know how large they are? Titanfall? Tribes Ascend? TF2?
Also get ready for full teams of nothing but Tracer.
Btw: on the Overwatch Panel, when the question about Titan was raised, this was NOT a mini game, since the game was only playable only for six months ( as was stated by Blizzard's CEO Mark Morhaime in an interview right after the opening ceremony )
I pray to God that voice chat has a mute option at release.
How do you mean?
its grounded, can relate to it, characters are vibrant, really well done.
Blizzard got some very talented animators.
Literally the first time a game character impressed me with acting.
The irony here is that all those kids are playing the 'mature' realistic modern shooters.
I just think some of the normals, mostly this one :
Looks alot like they painted the normals by hand instead of doing a full sculpt. Kinda like Copernicus did on some of their textures? The first picture looks like just the normals and then a tiling texture. While the other part looks more like someone painted normals on top of a handpainted texture
It just caught my eye, I don't know if it's true, obviously! But damn everything about Overwatch looks really good!
Bram found a site with collected environment screens if you guys are interested: http://www.gameplanet.com.au/pc/galleries/g545d4149dd53d/Overwatch-environments-screenshots/
Oh, so 3 of that kind are too much ?
God forbid players have choice between more than one game.
Better call the oversaturation police, for them to define what players should
like, and to put the ones, that like 2 similar games in prison, where
all the people reside that have an xbox AND playstation or maybe like dota and league at the same time!
Game looks very nice, I was surprised to see a different artstyle
Battlecry channels TF2/Arena/objective-based FPS games way more, despite the fact it's third-person action... It's arena and class based.
Seriously though Battleborn looks nothing like this, to me at least, and beyond that... why not have more than one? They all look like a good time!
Cinematic : Awesome
Game : Uhm, haven't we seen this type before?
I just couldn't get excited by what appeared to be a mashing of several games together. The dialogue reminded me of the Wildstar cinematics.
It will do well, but this seemed very formulaic.
*The idea is not in the game, it's in the Cinematic. Turn that into a feature film and I'll be first in line.
Blizzard would make a lot more on a project like that with the additional marketing merchandise, than they ever would on the game.
art looks great though.
I'm kinda in the same boat as you. Looks pretty and might have a few interesting gameplay mechanics, but it doesn't really have that Blizzard character you come to expect from them. Diablo, Warcraft, Starcraft, they all have very unique personalities, whereas this feels like a more generic universe.
Having said that, the characters do feel a little too scrambled together... but my (optimistic) theory is that they are starting out it with distinctive "races" to appeal to as many people as possible and THEN they will churn out characters within the same theme. Kinda like how in League of Legends all characters from Frejlord share a similar winter theme.
I can't wait to be able to show more.
I'd love to see more. Especially of the concept art.
It's one of the reasons I don't bother with MOBAs (that and the horrifyingly toxic communities).
I'm just gonna refer to a quote I really like, because everytime a blockbuster movie,TVshow or even a videogame is launched, I think of that quote:
'' Because the network officials say you're not smart enough to get what I'm doing, and every day I fight for you. I tell them how smart you are. Turns out, I was wrong. You people are stupid''
-Dave Chappelle
The burdens of a staggering intellect- it must be difficult
One thing's for sure, Overwatch looks stupid good
Some of the doubters need to actually PLAY a Blizzard Game before criticizing the gameplay.
The things you should expect are:
- Huge Scope
- Perfectly balanced
- Unprescedented levels of polish
- Ridiculously addictive gameplay
- Easy to learn/impossible to master
Blizzard is like the James Cameron of Video Games than an indie. Innovation for the sake od being different isn't high on their list of priorities.
Blizzard is about creating an epic Magnum Opus style spectacle.
Yea, none of their other games look generic.......... space marines? Demons? Orcs? come on.
Matt "Empty" Taylor and HaiKai will post theirs too pretty soon
Here's mine :
I Hope you like it
As far as generic goes, not getting that either. Well executed, reinvented ideas sure. But every idea is influenced by another. Can't say that there are a lot of "original" ideas on this board as it is. We're all a blender of our own and each other's ideas.
I for one think this game looks gorgeous, and fun, and considering it's coming from Blizzard I know for a FACT that it's going to be good.
Renaud: saw that last night, man! Thanks for putting all that up (was super sheepish about adding you as a friend, just followed instead).
I really want to know how you guys did your character hair. It looks amazing, and unlike any game hair I've seen before.
Like Renaud said, we'd love to post more once we get the go ahead, but that's probably not gonna happen anytime soon, haha. For now, I hope everyone enjoys the media that's out there now. If you were at Blizzcon and got to try the game out please let us know how you felt about it!
I, too, am very curious about the hair. Is the process something you have time to shed light on for us?
In some screenshots there is like an egiptian statue with Pior's style. Glad you all can showcase all this, it's a nice work. It's not the usual blizzard style but i like it, it's different, fresh air.
Tell the animators to work in the eyes!
Here's my gallery
Link to all the characters without backgrounds
I think the over all "soso" reaction of you see from some, including myself at first, come's from:
1) Being so used to past Blizzard work, having expectations tied to it and a really high bar for them to meet.
2) The global illumination/lighting are also throwing some people off. It really changes the look and feel. When you slap a Blizzard sticker on it, it just feels misplaced.
3) Not seeing or experiencing the backstory/cinematic/panel first, which would help add context to some of the gameplay or character styles.
Over all, it feels like a bit of a departure from Blizzard's previous work... and thats bound to create barrier of appreciation. New things can take some time to get used to before appreciation can sink in.
I`d rather have them create a fun game first and add backstory lateron, the character designs alone make you wonder about their stories already so theres enough stuff to be done there.
got to play it at blizzcon for a few matches and you can really feel the potential for challenging gameplay once you get to know the different heroes
Gallery: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10154834755445472.1073741830.588335471&type=1&l=8e24c31266
For the harcore Blizzard fans, sure. I still find the accusation that it's generic or a mishmash to be unfounded; if you don't like the departure, there's no sense in calling it something it's not to reconcile your mixed feelings.
I heard the same stuff from hardcore Valve fans when they made the style change for TF2. Still one of the best decisions they made.
I disagree with the implication that only "hardcore blizzard fans" would have that reaction. The level of fandom doesnt really matter, just difference in expectations and bias.
The term generic or mishmash is merely the means to articulate a first impression. Generic is almost brandless, not unique in characteristics. Mishmash implies a "confused mixture" of visual and gameplay elements. I think these are just descriptions that are trying to explain a feeling, it might be unfounded and it might not be. It really depends on what you are presented with. If you look at the first gameplay video and dont look beyond that at anything else, you just see an assortment of DC comic like characters fitting into existing character types (ninja, monk, smart ape, gundam mecha, dwarven engineer..ect) fighting in arena's based on Egypt, Ancient Japan, and a jack the ripper themed british alleyway. I could argue that suggesting a generic or mishmash of themes and characters is some what accurate for a first impression.
The art isnt bad, in fact its great, but based on that first impression and having an expectation tied to previous blizzard work, its not surprising to have the reaction they did. Between the cinematic and the panels, it starts to feel a bit more unique and it helps create a perspective that can diminish the feelings of "generic-ness".
Again "Over all, it feels like a bit of a departure from Blizzard's previous work... and thats bound to create barrier of appreciation. New things can take some time to get used to before appreciation can sink in."
In regards to Valve's TF2, dont forget there was a TF1 before it. Naturally fans would feel a bit weird with such a drastic change to art direction. It doesnt mean the game is bad, or that the art is bad, but people being honest with their feelings and first impressions. Nothing wrong with that.
Anyways, at the end of the day its just arguing semantics. I find it a natural reaction to something a bit different from the usual blizzard style, in a market over-saturated with competitive shooters. You may not, we can agree to disagree.
Once people play the game, see more about the characters and world involved, they will probably warm up to it more.
Art wise, I can dig it, as many before of said, has a very "Pixar" look to it (solidified in the animated trailer).
I haven't looked too much into the map size so far, but does anyone know how large they are? Titanfall? Tribes Ascend? TF2?
Also get ready for full teams of nothing but Tracer.