Wow, the visduals, the ost, the settings, heres a new trailer they released during the tgs, feels more final fantasy0ish than the one they showed during e3 2013.
Wow.I mean, thier studio hasn't released anything really transcenading since FF 13 (and even that was a deception).
Now they're mostly making games on mobiles and editing western games from companies they bought (deux ex, hitman, TR, sleeping dog,etc).
Their japanese studios have been quite silent since for a few years.
Hopefully, this and Kingdom Hearts 3 should bring their game back up.
These guys were the masters of the rpg bofre the ps3/360 era (at least for me).
Also, according to this, Nomura isn't directing the game anymore...
ps: How do i embed a video directly in my post?
Either way that trailer has me tickled.. to say the least
As for the trailer, I love it! I was losing hope for the game before but I'm sold now, everything looks fantastic from both an art and gameplay perspective, I just hope the story is interesting.
With this and some other upcoming games like Persona 5, KH3, and Bloodborne, I'd say it's time to finally upgrade to a PS4 for me.
Very dynamic, believable physics but not too realistic.
Also, this looks like it could be fun. Impossible to tell with a trailer because pacing is usually what kills a Final Fantasy game these days.
I love everything except the general direction of everything. The people making these games have no clue what was great about final fantasy. So sad. This will never appeal to a western audience.
Clearly the only thing they took from the older games was "Big swords are cool," but they look ridiculous here popping out of thin air because walking around with something like that would break the game.
Sadly it's just not the design, it's the way they act. It feels like a shitty anime rather than a charming game.
Edit: I apologize for my horrible bias against Square Enix
That being said, that trailer convinced me, that I'm not interested.
Style looks great, that female character looks incredible. Will play it, despite thinking the driving stuff looks stupid, and i dont understand the combat.
they need to get FF12 on Vita, asap
Every FF game has taken different turns compared to its earlier numbered brethren. Some games had turn-based traditional RPG combat, some had you running around the world smacking things. Some had sprites, some had pre-rendered backgrounds, some were entirely 3D. Some had your party be largely customizable, others your characters were locked into a specific role. Some had a more serious tone/atmosphere/art direction, others were incredibly playful. Every FF game I can think of introduced some new mechanics, tried a different playstyle or implemented some new look. The experimentation from one game to the next while retaining those recognizable FF bits (monsters, summons, magic, items, etc) is part of why I love the series so much.
I think people are making a mistake if they take the trailer literally as "This is totally what you will be doing 90% of the time in FF15". I seriously, seriously doubt 90% of the game will be roaming aimlessly in a car killing animals out of boredom. I interpreted the video as more of a, "Hey we know you folks want to see something, here's a little bit of what we're willing to show in the form of an awfully-nice-to-look at 'Sorry we're taking so long' video."
Looks awesome to me, one of the main reasons I really hope I can afford a PS4 at some point over the next year.
Also, is it just me, or did anyone else have this pop into their head when they were riding in the car @ 00:30 in the trailer?
is that eric northman from true blood?
Yeah, it's like FF X-2 contaminated the series; now every character looks like they're about to spontaneously break out in song/dance.
Yes, and there were cars in FF7 too, but that doesn't make them remotely similar, does it?
It's kinda like this.
It definitely looks quite different than what I was expecting.
The Japanese actors have so many familiar voices, it's weird hearing Natzu's voice from Fariytail coming out of the skinny blonde dude. Good stuff!
I think they are going to a hair convention that is up in the mountains. Why in the mountains? Probably because there is a special sap that fixes their hair there. Its not super hard, but it keeps their hair in all kind of exotic shapes while keeping the hair soft and presentable.
11/10 i would touch their hair.
edit: I don't blame them for wanting to play it safe however, the last two FFs were fairly controversial, but for game play reasons, not their worlds.
I like it!
I take back everything I said. I'll play this game to death.
looks like they`re trying to capture the monster hunter audience though.
That was the only thing that was super odd to me, everything else looked awesome and pretty!
But why are they in some modernish car? It doesnt seem to fit the universe at all. I would expect some hyper stylized future car! And a cast of unqiue people, not just bros in black.
Then you never played final fantasy 8 because it's pretty much the same.
It's like people are now complaining for the sake of complaining. I don't like the style of the car but we don't know anything about it since the game isn't out yet. From the looks of it, it isn't even required and players could run around the world on foot if they really wanted to.
The same thing could really be said about the characters. If you look at gameplay of the beginning of FF8, you'll see a bunch of brodudes (Squall, Zell, and Seifer) running around killing shit also.
On a side note, FF13 just got added to Steam for $16, game comes out October 9th. Apparently the rest of the FF13 trilogy will also be making it's way to Steam in the near future which leads me to believe FFXV will also be on Steam.
Sarcasm or what?
I'm willing to bet we're seeing a tiiiny glimpse of what the story MIGHT be considering the characters are all fairly uniform and male. They probably all come from the same place and decide to leave for some reason. Soon after the group will split (some might die) and the real story will get underway.
Crits aside, I'm really excited too. The graphics alone might make it worth picking up.
and a bit of the gameplay as well
Reminds me of Kingdom Hearts style combat. I think it looks fun so far. I think that if you're looking for more old school turn based combat, you're going to find it on the hand helds at this point. I really don't see it coming back to the main consoles for a bit seeing the slow evolution in combat since FF-X
-The ntsc version needs to have the japanese voice actors. (like how naruto gives us the option)
-Also I swear the blonde character is Natsu from Fairy Tale.
I love how IGN called this a roadtrip with swords and dinos. Nails the trailer. Ah! And babysitting! 3 guys babysitting a fourth one on a roadtrip with swords and dinosaurs!
Gives me a feeling of "fan service for yaoi fangirls".
We'll see how it will turn out.
BTW I like the designs. They are at least different from the modern day steorotype of a male hero we have in western games...
I want to be proven wrong, because it looks very pretty. It always seems like the art team has their act together on these projects.
Emo yaoi roadtrip to the hair convention. Seems about right.