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  • AlphaMix
    Hey there! Trying to register my copy of the Quixel Suit, but in the registration window I cannot tell what input fields are what (in fact, none of the text fields are all that legible)

    This easily could just be an error on my system... (windows 7, 64-bit)

    Could you tell me what the first two input fields are? (Final Field being Serial Number, of course)

    I believe first is Email and second is organization
  • Lazerus8102
    Hey, I was wondering when you will support an export format for the vray rendering engin, like stated on your cover page?
    I really love the suite by the way.
  • AlphaMix
    I still cant use version 1.5

  • surferHalo
    Hey there! Trying to register my copy of the Quixel Suit, but in the registration window I cannot tell what input fields are what (in fact, none of the text fields are all that legible)

    This easily could just be an error on my system... (windows 7, 64-bit)

    Could you tell me what the first two input fields are? (Final Field being Serial Number, of course)


    Just type the license code in the third field, then click Register.
  • Lazerus8102
    In the latest version of Ddo scaling the project size down results in tiling textures in 3DO, this was never a problem in version 1.4 only when working at 100 percent does 3DO display properly.
  • Grusti
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    Grusti polycounter lvl 11
    Thx guys for SUITE! Program works amaizing!

    Just 1 question. How I can create object space normal map after I edit my tangent space normal map in Ndo2?
  • Axcel
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    Axcel polycounter lvl 14
    It's my first day with ndo2, I'm using Photoshop CS6 and trial wersion of ndo. Naturally I have a fresh new normal map, without any additional layers. I'm making convertion from normal to ndo2 then making new layer and then I convert my selection to new element of normal. Lets say it's some circle bevel. nDo2 then should change interface to allow me modify just made bevel. But instead of this I stuck on convert window, which you can see below:

    I stuck on this:

    Regarding to this http://quixel.se/nDo2/nDo2_workflow.pdf

    "nDo2 comes with more than 50 unique sliders and normal tweaking options, letting you experiment with your normals in endless ways. The moment a new normal has been created a tweaking interface will show up."

    Interface should just show up.

    DE1Svok.jpg I want to call this options.
  • Axcel
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    Axcel polycounter lvl 14
    After installation Quixel Suite 1.5 it asked me about path to Photoshop CS6. No problem with that, but after launching Photoshop I have a error 52:I/O. Please help.

    After separately lunching photoshop and qixel suite i have new bar with icons in ps:


    but when i click ndo icon, bar just closes and nothing happen.
  • Grusti
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    Grusti polycounter lvl 11
    don't assigning materials in id map
    I just create new project for UE4
  • Grusti
    Offline / Send Message
    Grusti polycounter lvl 11
    problem solved!
    Just assign "Undefined" on different color. Deleting this material doesn't help
  • coffeeanan
    Hello guys, first time here.

    I've been trying out the 1.4 suite for a few days and wanted to switch over to 1.5 since there was some talk about massive speed improvements.
    I had about 14 days left on my trial period, after updating I'm stuck with 0 days and unable to test it out some more.

    I was really looking forward to witness the program actually working faster than before, since that was pretty much the only thing keeping me from buying it on the spot.

    Can anyone (admin, support team etc.) maybe hook me up with an extended trial period?

    Best regards
  • SkyDesign
    On Windows 8 I reinstalled Quixel Suite with v1.5, Java and Photoshop CC 2014. The bar with NDO, DDO and 3DO still freezes directly after opening...
    I can see that there are many people with this problem since v1.1.
    I dont know what else to do...appeal for help :(
    3DO - Still not able to load obj files exported from max. One clue is that it complains about non alpha-numeric characters in mesh names. This is bad for me as I have to use a standardized naming convention (which includes the _ character). I tried attaching all the meshes together with out and of these characters and it still won't work.

    DDO - the colourmap is not letting me assign all of my material layers. The problem here seems to be this. I feed it a psd file where all of my materials are separated into solid colour layers but DDO collapses all the layers into a single layer and then tries to separate based on colour register. This seems wrong to me. Would it not be better to assign materials based on layers if i pass layers to it. Also this way it could use my layer names in the material picker so i don't have a list of undefined. This also means that i lose some of the data i am passing it.

    DDO - Although an FBX list of materials is there still no swatches for Photoshop.
  • Axcel
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    Axcel polycounter lvl 14
    I see that this application has A LOT of bugs. Anyone could recommand me working version ndo application? I just need basic options. Nothing fancy.
    Pussik wrote: »
    I see that this application has A LOT of bugs. Anyone could recommand me working version ndo application? I just need basic options. Nothing fancy.
    Have you tried the legacy nDo2?.
  • ThePriest
    I just updated my beta to 1.5 and it's asking for registration information.
    However, there is also an option to 'try'
    How do I go about getting an extending the trial?

  • ajherzog1234
    I've downloaded 1.5, and after not taking care to point the patch to install in the right directory, I was forced to click cancel, and the 1 GB download seems to have disappeared... Re-downloading is not an option as I have limited data..

    So Where does the patch save?
  • Different_Directions
    Im getting the same issue as Pussik..

    ...was looking forward to this :/
  • Different_Directions
    Johnm3D wrote: »
    Hi guys, for all those who get the 0x80029C4A Errors or when you click nDo2 or dDo and nothing happens, you need to give the applications admin rights.

    Navigate here -

    then to fix this error for myself I Right Click > Properties > Compatibility > then tick box "Run this program as an administrator"

    I did this too the 3DO.exe, DDO.exe, NDO.exe and SUITE.exe

    this fixed all my problems and now the entire suit works perfectly :)

    hope this helps others !! ty for the hard work Quixel :)

    I found the answer on page 4 :) for those still wondering..
  • Axcel
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    Axcel polycounter lvl 14
    TJTAS wrote: »
    Have you tried the legacy nDo2?.

    Yes..this is my topic:

    and now, after 1 day, my trial ended.

    I didn't even made one bevel using ndo2 and already had 5 or more problems with that shit. For sure I'll buy license.
  • Axcel
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    Axcel polycounter lvl 14
    I found the answer on page 4 :) for those still wondering..

    Do not work for me.
  • Karaoke_Warrior
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    Karaoke_Warrior polycounter lvl 13
    "Flip Normal Y" on the Options menu doesn't seem to work. Anyone else having this issue?
  • Kosai106
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    Kosai106 polycounter lvl 13
    Just a quick video showing off an issue with Dynamask not picking up colour ID's.

  • Lazerus8102
    Zarakun wrote: »
    I just updated to version 1.5, but 3DO seems buggy now, while working on a normal map I loaded it with the custom loader on the default sphere primitive and this is how it appeared in 3DO.


    It was the same with the other shapes (plane/cube/cylinder).

    I'm using the 64 bits versions of CS6 and Quixel Suite and the OS is win 7 professional, with all my drivers up to date.

    I'll try to downgrade to the previous version to see if it solve the problem for now :)

    Edit: It's confirmed, I rolled back to 1.4 and the problem disappeared.

    I had the same problem and it goes away when working at 100% preview image size
  • SkyDesign
    I found the answer on page 4 :) for those still wondering..

    If it would be that easy...
    Thats the first thing to do if something runs not quite right, but sadly it
    helped nothing in this case to get it run.

    In the task manager it shows that:
    - Suite (3)
    --- Suite
    --- Alert Window
    --- Thinking...

    by 0% CPU all the time... :poly141:
  • KaiserKloud
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    KaiserKloud polycounter lvl 6
    Photoshop give to me this kind of error when i press the "bake" button and i really don't know what i can do...
  • Grusti
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    Grusti polycounter lvl 11
    I Have a question. How properly create normal map from ddo texture and combine it with my base normal map?

    I ask because after I create normal map with Ndo2 and then duplicate it to normal map psd my Base normal map starting looks like a shit
  • Zarakun
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    Zarakun polycounter lvl 7
    I had the same problem and it goes away when working at 100% preview image size

    Did you have the same problem on 1.4 or 1.5? Thank you for the tip I'll try this.

    Edit: Oh I just though about that..The problem occur when I'm only using nDo so the map I'm previewing is always at 100%. Unlike dDo I can't change the texture resolution. Unless I'm unaware of that nDo functionality? :S
  • Sythen
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    Sythen polycounter lvl 14
    Have just fresh installed Quixel Suite 1.5, and it opens. When I hit nDo or dDo photoshop refocuses, the suite disappears for a second, and then it returns but neither of them open.

    I've tried a fresh install, nothing is working. Also tried updating from the Launcher.
  • Axcel
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    Axcel polycounter lvl 14
    Many people have this issue. I'm waiting for a solution.
  • teddybergsman
    Thanks everyone for the very quick reports. A new build with a number of fixes to the issues reported in this thread has been now been uploaded. You will also find the 30 day trial has been reset for everyone (my apologies for the prior expirations), and the activation UI is no longer broken/unreadable. You will find the build here: http://quixel.se/suite/Install_Quixel_SUITE.zip

    Should any issues persist, we have also put up a temporary troubleshooting guide that might help. If it helps to in any way get you back up and running, feel free to let us know what helped you. You will find the guide here: http://quixel.se/usermanual/quixelsuite/doku.php?id=troubleshooting

    I am on standby and will happily troubleshoot with you live (Skype ID: teddybeargbg) -- let's get these issues sorted ASAP.

    Thanks again everyone,
    - Teddy
  • DarkEdge
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    DarkEdge polycounter lvl 10
    I am running the x64 bit version 1.5 and Photoshop CS6 x64 bit, my texture maps are at 2048, I have a total of 12 different materials.
    If I save the project it literally takes 12-15 minutes for it to finish.
    If I add a material it takes 5-7 minutes.

    Why in the world is this taking soooooo long for, do I have some settings that need to be adjusted??
  • teddybergsman
    Hi DarkEdge,

    It sounds as if you may have an issue with your hard drive -- saving a 2K map in Photoshop shouldn't take more than a second. Adding a smart material should take perhaps 3-10 seconds depending on its complexity. Perhaps you have a scratch disk that is slow or low on disk space? Two things to try is increasing your available RAM in the Photoshop performance settings, as well as changing the scratch disk to a faster disk or one with more space.

    If it is not the hard drive, perhaps Photoshop has corrupted its preference file; this is known to cause slow downs. To reset the preferences, hold Ctrl Shift Alt when booting Photoshop, press OK, and then close down PS again. Open it up and try to save some documents and see if the speed has improved.

    - Teddy
  • Othelnic12
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    Othelnic12 polycounter lvl 5
    If enabled dDo and try to run 3do the computer freezes hard. Before the update 1.5, this was not
    This is a very critical issue for me
  • Zarakun
    Offline / Send Message
    Zarakun polycounter lvl 7
    Thx Teddy, the new build fixed the 3DO issue I had. I can't wait to see all the 1.5 improvements :) Thank you for the fast support!
  • SkyDesign
    Thanks everyone for the very quick reports. A new build with a number of fixes to the issues reported in this thread has been now been uploaded. You will also find the 30 day trial has been reset for everyone (my apologies for the prior expirations), and the activation UI is no longer broken/unreadable. You will find the build here: http://quixel.se/suite/Install_Quixel_SUITE.zip

    Should any issues persist, we have also put up a temporary troubleshooting guide that might help. If it helps to in any way get you back up and running, feel free to let us know what helped you. You will find the guide here: http://quixel.se/usermanual/quixelsuite/doku.php?id=troubleshooting

    I am on standby and will happily troubleshoot with you live (Skype ID: teddybeargbg) -- let's get these issues sorted ASAP.

    Thanks again everyone,
    - Teddy

    Many thanks for your effort. I really appreciate it.
    I installed the new version and it worked...for a moment.
    But after computer restart its the same problem as before, the
    bar freezed instantly. That is really too bad, i was delighted
    to work with this fantastic tool finally... :(

    I still hope :icon15:
  • teddybergsman
    SkyDesign: It could perhaps be that you are running a 32 bit version of Photoshop with the 64 bit version of the SUITE. Make sure the 64-bit version of PS is running before starting the SUITE and let me know if this has any effect on the issue.

    Zarakun: Glad you are back on track! Thanks for letting me know, and for the original report.

    Othelnic12: Does this happen when you have started a brand new project as well? Feel free to post a screenshot of any error messages or what your screen looks like during the freeze.

    Thanks guys,
    - Teddy
  • Othelnic12
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    Othelnic12 polycounter lvl 5
    This happens for any project. Including projects from the site.
    Not provide a screenshot with that. The whole system freezes completely
  • Avis Para.doc's
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    Avis Para.doc's polycounter lvl 10
    Don't wanted to create a new topic for that simple question.

    Old version of dDo takes information from AO map for erasing patterns on UV edges and hiding obvious seams on textured model, because that we needed to fill not used AO texture space with black color. How that process works in new Quixel Suite dDo? Is it uses a black background from object space map or other input map?
    It would be great to have some info about that in wiki.

    Thanks for the answers.
  • Miroxs
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    Miroxs null
    Hi Guys,

    I have bigg problem wit 3do,in update 1.5:

    When i made project with ddo with someone model, i see this guggy shere..:(
    I reinstal PC and problem persisted.
    I have never this probl
  • SkyDesign
    SkyDesign: It could perhaps be that you are running a 32 bit version of Photoshop with the 64 bit version of the SUITE. Make sure the 64-bit version of PS is running before starting the SUITE and let me know if this has any effect on the issue.

    I always run both on 64 bit with all .exe's of the suite on adminstrator.
    I tried everything of the troubleshooting guide http://quixel.se/usermanual/quixelsuite/doku.php?id=troubleshooting, still it pops up behind photoshop cc and if I click on ndo,ddo,3do it freezes. I attempted to load photoshop manually out of the adobe folder or even started the suite from another harddrive but nothing changed. Just the first run of this version worked perfectly. Second run...same old story.
  • ajherzog1234
    In 1.5... The viewing of png normals is broken so have switched to tga for the time being.
  • KaiserKloud
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    KaiserKloud polycounter lvl 6

    Still have the same problem, i changed the language of ps, somebody can help me?
  • AlphaMix
    SkyDesign wrote: »
    I always run both on 64 bit with all .exe's of the suite on adminstrator.
    I tried everything of the troubleshooting guide http://quixel.se/usermanual/quixelsuite/doku.php?id=troubleshooting, still it pops up behind photoshop cc and if I click on ndo,ddo,3do it freezes. I attempted to load photoshop manually out of the adobe folder or even started the suite from another harddrive but nothing changed. Just the first run of this version worked perfectly. Second run...same old story.

    I had the same freezing problem, where the suite starts behind photoshop, but I couldn't get it to run even once with the new version. Tried the troubleshooting guide, but nothing helped. Double checked I was using 64 bit with both.

    I've noticed that even though the suite opens, most of the time it doesnt appear in my windows taskbar as an open application. Admin rights changed nothing either.
  • gerardol28
    Someone Help!

    I bought the quixel academic suite and i have installed it but when i try to use it, i get this error


    Could not authorize license usage. Please try again. If problems persist please contact customer service.

    Anyone know how to get around this?
  • teddybergsman
    Hey guys,

    A new patch has been uploaded: http://quixel.se/suite/Quixel_SUITE_1.5.zip

    This is a patch so simply install it into the current install location without uninstalling the previous version.

    This will fix the licensing issues and also fixes start up crashes for CS6 users. Let me know if you are still having issues with this latest build! If so hit me up on Skype (teddybeargbg) and I'll be happy to assist.

    - Teddy
  • pxlntwrk
    epos wrote: »
    Hi! This problem... Using version 1.5 Freelance License

    same here , with new patch too?...
  • pxlntwrk
    hi teddy ,
    having an issue with Ndo,
    the same in post #1101 , i have nothing in the menu (or just for 1 sec and disapear when mouse over), and nothing for my shape in picture viewer.
    i was unable to use Ndo..

    sorry for english
  • Leto
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    Leto polycounter lvl 16
    Slowly getting better with dDO. It's a great tool.

    I have a question about masks - some of the masks, when applied (in Dynamask Editor), affect the entire object as opposed to the previously selected material ID.

    For example, Light Edge Scratches affects the entire object, but Big Tarnish obeys the limits of the material ID.

    How do I prevent those masks to stay contrained to the material ID?
  • DarkEdge
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    DarkEdge polycounter lvl 10
    Teddy, with this new update what do we do with the old one, like do I uninstall Suite??
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