Welcome to our Dota 2 Monthly Community Competition
This is a single item competition and for the month
March the Selected heroes will be the 4 recently added to the workshop

Vengeful Spirit

Elder Titan

Life stealer

The competition
the idea of the competition is to create items in a friendly environment and with the feedback of the other participants to get the best result possible.
The single item style is good for the guys that are not used to make items, sometimes they just need a little pull with references and deadlines to get an item done
From this month and the next ones, its mandatory to post the work in progress, or else the submition will not be accepted!
We will announce the 5 best items in the end of the month based on public voting and/or by judges. Polycount will give first place their very own mini-Whomever wins first place will also be winning a mini Greentooth trophy!

Getting your item displayed on the first post*Items with images bigger then 200 px and/or missing the name of the contributor will not be accepted till fixed
PHP Code:
or this one for 2 creators
PHP Code:
set_name - name of your set, use equal as on the workshop
workshop_user_link - your workshop page, so people can browse your other items easily
Username - the name you think its easier to people find you, can be the one from polycount or the steam
item_link - the workshop page of your item
thumbnail_img - the image link of the thumbnail that is INSIDE your item page on the workshop
(the thumbnail is the one with 200 pixels wide, you can get from your items page or add Code:
to the end of the link)
**itens with larger thumbnails will not be accepted!**
- open for teams of any size
- its allowed one item per hero per team/person ( two or more items for the same hero made by the same team/person will not be accepted)
- everyone should keep posting feedback on other works, the feedback should be constructive
- the final submition need to be a single item that doesnt break the rules
- it must be submitted to the workshop before the deadline but not before the start of the competition
- The item should be made on the month of the competition, its ok to continue one started earlier, but you should work most of it during the month
- the deadline is the last day of the month at 23:59 (since we live in different timezones, some submitions may be accepted couple hours after the deadline)
- From this month and the next ones, its mandatory to post the work in progress, or else the submition will not be accepted!
---Tutorials/working in progress videoshttp://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=123800
Inspiring quotes
"It is absolutely insane the amount of top quality content that is being produced every single time here on Polycount. It's great to see so many cosmetics deliver not just on the technical end but also make for such great fittings in every other branch. You guys are doing an exceptional job and contests like this are only helping boost that exponentially. Brilliant stuff."
Wykrhm Reddy"It was bloody hard picking from this list, I honestly enjoyed all of the entries. Keep up the good work guys!"
Wow, that's really awesome. Please keep us at Valve informed so we can help draw attention to the winners, progress threads, etc.
Some advice:
Try to give some attention to heroes that are under-served so far (in terms of amount of content).
The success of sets tracks well with the popularity of the hero. (Although popularity can vary between updates and as Icefrog changes balance.)
Look for heroes that the community seems to have trouble creating content for. Good work can really open up the design landscape and help people think about the dynamic range of potential designs.
Don't forget about single items (instead of full sets). Many of the most popular items in the game are single items. Mounts and weapons make good candidates for this, but it varies by hero.
Mix up these approaches. So maybe one month you do a popular hero and another month you do a hero that has few items.
-Brandon Reinhart (Valve)
I love you guys for doing this! Dota2 is my favorite game at the moment and Polycount is my favorite community! I'm very proud to be apart of such dedicated artists and I smile every time I see some Polycount work in game
the presentation is a really important part on the workshop, save some time before the deadline for that. the first impression means a lot on the workshop.
If you want to fancy your presentation here is a the polycount logo over the aegis, there is no need of it to be used
Horns of the Astral Forge by MdK and BladeOfEvil'sBane
Worldsmith's Braid by Zipfinator and Fudgiewudgie
Hood of the Primal Titan by Nickelbeer
Crown Of The Merciless by PEAR
Eyrie's Eviscerator by Scuba Cat!
Tonsured Braid of The Broken by Dogmeat
Ancient Quaker by Pesky Pug(heckaa)
Shattered Boulder of the One by Nenquel
Life Extractor by Andyk125
Fallen Wings by Andyk125
Shreek by Mr. Toodles
The Stone Fist by Virgl
Soaring Vengeance by Yuri and KAaS
Shard of the broken world by Nikey and KAaS
I think the horn bend is too drastic for that texture. Look at a deer antler, the base is kindof of like a trunk with the branch texture splitting off. Maybe something like that
A different base tex and point tex.
Those look badass! Almost makes me throw away my sketches...
Good job! ^^
or a totem, i'm not sure...
Up for graps
I love Elder's "ancient technology" look so I hammered out a weapon concept in case anyone wants to model it:
Edit: CLAIMED by [juliannnDTD]
Was going to do Elder Titan Shoulders but he's getting a lot of attention.
It's all looking nice so far.
Cool to see some ET weapon work, that seemed like a tough challenge for me.
I'm going with Life Stealer.
I sketched a little on the back of a receipt, but it's not worth showing, I just mocked it up instead. I may do some paint overs before I go much further.
The Lap Dog's Harness
it also fixes that ugly neck seam
You should note that Elder Titan's Hair is quite long. The original hair might try to go right through your totem.
I fucking love him with that hood, looks very cool man!
here u can use the searchfunction to see how many items on each hero are:
http://dota2lounge.com/search (all the new heroes and for example medusa and meepo have alot less items compared to others)
and here is the list with the numbes how often heroes are played:
There's also this link that will take you to a google doc with a ton of information about polycounts, items submitted, concept sheets, the lore for each toon, and so on. Hope it helps
heh, assuming you're talking about what I posted, with the initial mesh it was supposed to be his horns sticking through the hair, not that the hair is growing out of the horns. If I go forward with the hair I'll try and make it more apparent.
Ups. Yep, I should look there before ask! Thank you mate! I will import ths smds and take a look.
pear that concept is looking awesome. No zbrush here - but one day...
Thank you!
@pear The shapes in that concept go everywhere and it's awesome.
@dustin I agree with Spudnik, go with a hero you like. Ideas and concepts will come out faster and probably at a higher quality. If anything, play a couple of games as the hero you want to make items for.
@Tamarin Really putting the Elder in Elder Titan. I like how all the forms of the horns and beard point and focus back into his face, looks awesome.
Going for a upperbody shoulders/wings piece of Vengeful Spirit.
Concepting and completing the pauldrons first, then I'll concept and work on the "wings". This is the basic concept but I'm going to experiment a bit. Hoping I'm not treading too far into Windrunner shoulder territory. I usually use Mudbox but I've been learning Zbrush and I want to try and use Zbrush for this. Guess I should look into Dynameshes!
it's a cool idea, but maybe instead of going for an actual ram skull shape why not make it flat and planar rock like his original, so it would look sculpted from stone.
I'd probably connect the tips of the horns back to the head and make the horns really thick and beefy all the way around.
More work on this. I'll probably add some more straps and on to sculpting.
Anyways, I got my concepting done for the most part, and wanted to post what I had thus far. Just my rough sketches, but open to any and all critiques!
His weapon was very awkward to me, but I'm trying to retain the overall shape and feel of it. As much as I wanted to make it a normal hammer (and even played around with making an axe-like weapon), this is what I chose. I loved the fact that the blue material in his weapon and Totem kind of glowed and pulsed green, so I wanted to make that the main focus, so I made it into a giant crystal. And yes, the name is a pun.
highpoly is almost done, now ill get to posing the hair a bit better and painting it.
@xajai, try to be more random with the hair, sometimes is hard but its better to avoid patterns
Will be doing this later this month. Such busy, much work work.
next will be lifestealer or venge. I intend to do a set for elder titan. He's one of my favs
Demons Crown (now includes Rotten Tongue!)
C&C Welcome!
Was sketching some venge items. I kinda like the idea of Silkwood being referenced towards spider silk. Will continue to work on this....i stopped at the mask
Comments are welcome as i'm a noob. Greetz M
Yes, That was my intention but I went very far from that. This is the new version of 3dsmax (pre-zbrush) doing. Now I think I am going to sculpt, bake normals and try to retopo.