Share your hand painted environment, characters, props, textures, whatever! The thread focus is handpainted stylized textures, not aiming to be photorealism.
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Randomly thrown in some stuff.
Not satisfied yet, but it's enough for today.
Really nice work Savannakhet.
Here is some finished work from my personal project.
More stuff can be found here.
Also did a Gumroad tutorial on this character's weapon.
Gumroad Tutorial
Awesome tutorial man! Very detailed explanations, highly recomended
Here's a few props for my scene:
Dude, that looks awesome! It almost looks like there's SSS in there, giving it all a cool glow, almost like it's from a dream.
An asari from Mass Effect, also my first foray into this... rip 'er apart!
Lots more detail, push that texture, more shadows/color variation.
@Savannakhet Lovely scene, i've been wanting to do a similar style, i love this good use of bold colours. Reminds me of one of my favorite low poly artist, Kenneth Fejer.
Tried a little painted environment scene this time, concept based on Kael Ngu.
Quite enjoyed using a square brush for the hard shadows and detail. Would like to try and do a style like this in some of my future work.
Let me know what you think.
Once again love all the work in this post
I really like this! Great colors, and your loose brush strokes really add a lot of character.
Here's my Sunday evening project. 3 hours to make.
Hi Pigart, could you post some views from eye level? I'd like to see your silhouette.
I have a blog thread which you can find here!
@Azzamat: That owl is super cute.
Here are more images Sweetangel.
And the concept that I followed is not mine.
Thank you
This could definitely benefit from some more definition in muscle and texture in general.
Right now it just looks like a solid color everywhere.
This is the gate for the main area of the game. Theres some mesh work on the stone and rock cliff, but its mostly texture work.
This somewhat reminds me of shadow of the collosus, dunno why, maybe the color sheme or something... anyway, it has a nice atmosphere! I'd love to so more.
Edit: Added it on sketchfab too.
Can never have enough planks!
Trees & Plants!
Here is what I have so far.
Nice Dennis