Welcome to our 6th monthly unofficial Dota 2 workshop friendly competition
This month we decided something new! we are going for just single items split in 2 months
this month of july the theme will be
"Single items to Dire heroes"here is the list of Dire heroes
The competition
the idea of the competition is to create items in a friendly environment and with the feedback of the other participants to get the best result possible
Last month we got sponsored by Handplane3D which gave 2 licenses for the winners (for now still waiting for all submitions to make the voting)

Chest art by
Getting your item displayed on the first post
[/php]or this one for 2 creators
set_name - name of your set, use equal as on the workshop
workshop_user_link - your workshop page, so people can browse your other items easily
Username - the name you think its easier to people find you, can be the one from polycount or the steam
item_link - the workshop page of your item
thumbnail_img - the image link of the thumbnail that is INSIDE your item page on the workshop
(the thumbnail is the one with 200 pixels wide, you can get from your items page or add
to the end of the link)
- open for teams of any size
- its allowed one item per hero per team/person ( two or more items for the same hero made by the same team/person will not be accepted)
- everyone should keep posting feedback on other works, the feedback should be constructive
- the final submition need to be a single item to a Dire Hero
- it must be submitted to the workshop before the deadline
- the deadline is the last day of the month at 23:59
this month we are getting 2 keys for the Handplane3d software for the first and second place.
the prizes will be given to two different contributors. If it happen to repeat the same winner, we will go for the next ones till we reach two unique winners
---Tutorials/working in progress videos
Modbox Color Map by Lennyagony
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=BxzG9D9CoGoChaos Dota 2 SpeedRun by DoubleLeaf
Inspiring quotes
Wow, that's really awesome. Please keep us at Valve informed so we can help draw attention to the winners, progress threads, etc.
Some advice:
Try to give some attention to heroes that are under-served so far (in terms of amount of content).
The success of sets tracks well with the popularity of the hero. (Although popularity can vary between updates and as Icefrog changes balance.)
Look for heroes that the community seems to have trouble creating content for. Good work can really open up the design landscape and help people think about the dynamic range of potential designs.
Don't forget about single items (instead of full sets). Many of the most popular items in the game are single items. Mounts and weapons make good candidates for this, but it varies by hero.
Mix up these approaches. So maybe one month you do a popular hero and another month you do a hero that has few items.
-Brandon Reinhart (Valve)
I love you guys for doing this! Dota2 is my favorite game at the moment and Polycount is my favorite community! I'm very proud to be apart of such dedicated artists and I smile every time I see some Polycount work in game
the presentation is a really important part on the workshop, save some time before the deadline for that. the first impression means a lot on the workshop.
If you want to fancy your presentation here is a the polycount logo over the aegis, there is no need of it to be used
Thnk and
Splattered Skullcap by Hunter
Caput Draconis Tool 2.0 by
Zaphk and
Forge Phantom by
Grievous Grapnel by
Forgotten Omen by
Terror Rider's Bandana by
Guennor and
Fortune teller's bandana by
Trident of the Deep One by MdK
Feathered Mask of Mockery by Tomus
Petrified Grin by
Shoo~ and
Flavusrend by
Stefco and
Behemoth's Edge by
Zipfinator and
Mohawk of the Red Mist by
Zipfinator and
Obsidian Cutter by DusK and xB33
Calesvol by UltimateHurl
Royal Guard by Chaemirix
Pudge's Barberous Bodysnatcher by Prophet9
The Blood Scythes by: DeerHunter
Laments of the Dead by Airborn Studios and Ken
Corrupted Steel by Paskie
Bloodstone Blades by Andyk125
Helm of Infernal Despair by Murderface626 and SLIMEface
The Ancestors Bones by ceed
Arcane Mantra of Spell-Reader by HEEHAW
Dezun Bonetooth Rodent Staff by Zenchuck
Coil Lightning Armor by Andyk125
Staff of Infernal Chaos by Sylei
Blood Scythes by:DeerHunter
Ashborn Horns by Scuba Cat!
Wand of the Wailing Ones by Lan56k
Darkpropheth by iRYO400
Makeshift Boat club by mihalceanu
Hellthorns sword by mihalceanu
Battle Hunger Axe by Phrenetick
Shattered Destroyer by LennyAgony / DoubleLeaf, Bel
Kraken's Bane by PIXELHERDER
Obsidian Cleaver by bounchfx and Oroborus
Shadow Brand by Lennyagony and DoubleLeaf
Auspice of Iczoxtotec by Scuba Cat!
Hellfire Edge by bounchfx and Oroborus
Horns of the Infinite Void by NickelBeer
Kraken by Mihalceanu and Dusk
Hellforge Crystal Scepter by Dusk and XB33
Arms of The Dark Succubus by Jal and Hellmouth
The Jade Dragon by Starmony
Worshiper's Axe by Exceed
Staff of Shadow Rituals by bounchfx and Oroborus
Septic Scythe by Prophet9
Horned Watcher by Shoo~
The Sacrificial Stave by MdK
Helm of Wrath by Paskie!
Beast of Steel and Stone by Reverend
Facade Headdress by Reverend
Banner of Demathryx by Reverend
The End of Days by SebastianBastian
Meteorcius by Prostomogy and nights-x
Axe marks the spot by Coyo.Te
Darkpropheth by iRYO400
Slicer of the Depths by Sylei
Lost Treasure of the Sunken Isles by Zipfinator and Sharc
Ember Tipped Abdomen by Don Don
Spectral Blade by Don Don
Dark Womb of Black Arachnia by Mantra
Blade of Distortion by Nannou and Sylei
There was another submission but it was a whole set. sorry, but only single items pls
Made a quick list with all currently supported Dire heroes:
Quinnjdq - multiple entries have been allowed in all previous contests and I presume this month also?. Which should lead to a more reasonable selection of weapons instead of everyone attempting to make a single giant glowing over the top entry.
I have ideas for a few items...
The first is a Pudge weapon. The concept:
I expect to simplify the end pieces a bit with only 350 polygons available.
When we submit should we check the Polycount box on the Workshop page maybe since it's kind of a semi-official competition at this point?
sketching away silouhettes of our project.
also Highpoly model is just about done...
can't wait to become better and even to get my stuff aproved.
will go for slarder for my next item
Got a lot of cleaning up to do but I think it'll look good. Trying to make a detailed shield and weapon with such a low polycount is hurting. Have about 100 polys left to make a sword that fits well with the design. Also I've fixed up that glitch you'll see on the top right of the shield, just didn't remake the gif.
Is there a way to do spoiler tags on here or something? Don't know if some people have issues with large gifs or not.
I actually reacted audibly when I saw this, that's how much I like the design. Brilliant!
click for workshop linkses.
methinks i'll do a weaver piece next...
look forward to seeing what you do with the skeleton king idea. 2 items in one - you're so sneaky!
I'm gonna go for 2 axe axes for axe o.0
First one will be a collaboration with xB33.
AlexDascal: I agree with mihalceanu. Don't be afraid to use big, bold forms. There is a matcap that makes your sculpt into a perfectly flat silhouette, apply that and make sure that you can tell what things are by shape alone.
Also, try to get some sharp edges and flat surfaces in there to contrast with the curves and smooth shapes. Trim Dynamic, hPolish and Pinch are really good for this.
One final tip for you: If you're going to do runes like that, try painting them on with a mask, blur the mask slightly so that it's not too sharp and then use Deformation > Inflate to cut them into the surface. They'll look a lot cleaner that way!
Keep it up!
So i took your advice, thank you! it looks better
@Hudston: did not rework the runes this time, the trim actually made it look good, as a hard rock surface.
Here's the result:
Beat you to the punch :P
High poly and lod0 done.
Looking forward to seeing all the things people are making for this months competition
Nice improvement! I wasn't expecting you to rework the runes, it's just worth keeping in mind for the future!
one of the idea of this contest is to help other guys on the learning, if we just post finished entries the learning will suffer a lot
@Belkun - ty for the help with the hero list!
@Quinnjdq - feel free to submit as many as you want
rule suggestion
should we set to one item per team per hero?
im afraid someone making like 5 single items for the same hero and missing the idea of this month =]
btw, im glad to see people producing like hell in those few days, it was a good idea to change to single items this month! we need to beat May competition now =]
Yowza! Hope u guys like it!
Should be fun IMHO. Even though i had planned another Axe for Axe's Axe
@Thnk: that sculpt looks SO NICE!! Keep it up!
i figure...why does every weaver item have to be all bug carapacy? he needs some clothes, dammit!
well who helps nyx get is armor on in the morning? is there a Mrs. Nyx assassin? These are important questions.
also - i wanted to shamelessly drop the sculpt for my CK weapon - i'm a little more proud of it than i am of the finished piece.
again a prime example why i suggest some modelling before you dive into zbrush, the sculpt is pretty mushy, which in return makes the texture feel blurry. Sculpting the wraps out of the same piece takes a lot of work to look proper, while some simple retopo and sculpt over would take less than 5 minutes to look nice and sharp.
Another crit would be the material, it doesn't look like obsidian at all, it could be some dull metal but for obsidian all shapes need to sharper and it needs way more bright white spec.
Pretty sure Nyx' armour is just his exoskeleton.
necro scythe blockout based on Ken's concept
That is brilliant on every level (I still kinda wish the primary edge of the axe was facing the same direction as the blade, but I know that complicates the design), and yet, like you say, the submitted piece is...not.
I just think the design and sculpt are so well done you should post your wireframe, your unwrap, and your color and masks. Get some help from the pros around here on that stage of the process, because I really think this has incredible potential it's not reaching.
Neox - Damn that scythe looks sweet ingame !