Welcome to the Monthly Noob Challenge 9!
Join our Skype group too if you want!

Please read all the rules.
This may seem like it's pretty complicated, and if you are starting out it can be overwhelming, so take it piece by piece. This can be broken down into a segments. Think about what will be unique, what will be tiled, what kinda textures you'll need to make, just plan before you go. Set your standards high for your work, do your best.
PLEASE look at the ref, and work hard to get the blockout right. Take your time before you dive into it and plan, this will make your life easier.
All that matters is that you learn and give and get advice and are willing to be critiqued.
So here are the specific rules:
Must make your own textures, no stealing, we can't keep you from it, but the goal is to learn, even tileables, I mean you can take someone else's image and make it tileable, that's fine.
You must use a game engine OBVIOUSLY. UDK or Cryengine will probably be the most used.
You must try your best and finish as much as you can in this month.
Post what you are working on in this thread so that way it's a more centralized place for advice and critique and we don't have 1000 disjointed threads littering the forums.
Well that's about it, if you think the rules should be changed let us know.
I would strongly encourage you to go and look at other games and see how they make their assets as well as get concept art to give it your own feel, but it must stay very close to the concept, if not super close.
Please stay away from Ddo, yeah, it's great if you know what you're doing, and for a production pipeline supplement, but other than that, please don't use it. Ndo2 is allowed. This was talked about in the other thread, please don't complain.
Have fun!
PS: I am extremely familiar with Cryengine and can answer probably any question you happen to have when using it. Furthermore ask anything to anyone here, combined there is a wealth of knowledge. Cryedev is a massive source of knowledge as well.
Join our Skype group too if you want!
Blockout -
Will be using Modo and Unity.
I unintentionally ended up cheating on this month's challenge though, as while I was browsing through the voting thread last night, I saw this and decided to start working on it regardless. Now that it's officially the challenge, I'll be making adjustments to encompass the whole image that's missing. Anyways, after some work last night, and a bit this morning; this is what I have so far blocked out in 3ds Max. (I lit it, just to get an idea of how everything would work later on down the road [+fun])
It was apparent that the tunnel one was going to be selected for this challenge so I kind of cheated a bit. Finished the color breakdown the day before and started with the blockout yesterday. Also I am keeping a MNC journal sort of thingy, any n00b who wonders where to begin(I know I did) can take a look at that. The link is in my signature.
Here's the color breakdown btw.
Woah! That was quick. So far so good. :thumbup:
Here's my blockout so far:
At the moment I'm fighting with the hole, no idea how to get it in there.
Punch monitor as hard as you can!
What app are you using ? It seems you don't know the program you are working in very well. For something like that you can use booleans. I actually created cylinder for the tunnel. Extended open edges on one of the end. And formed those into square shape of the wall in which tunnel sits in.
I'm using Maya 2012, I'll try it using your techniques, definitely worth a try.
On the other hand I am thinking about building the four main walls in UDK using these brushes they have..
Any feedback is appreciated!
Also how would one go about in joinin said Skype group :O
The artwork is pretty nice! By the way, about this noob challenge. What is our polycount limit for the entire scene? And about the texture, do we have a limitation on the resolution, number of map or anything else?
The artwork is pretty nice! By the way, about this noob challenge. What is our polycount limit for the entire scene? And about the texture, do we have a limitation on the resolution, number of map or anything else?
I plan on blocking this out in Max hopefully by tonight.
i'm a beginner, but i think you can just press the extrude button while you selected the face of the circle... not sure just guessing xD
Add me on skype, I'll add you! alexmasterofcats
Btw Baron and ben those breakdowns help a ton thx.
Skype: alexmasterofcats
I never have the time due to my studies and final project but as I'm graduate now. I have some spare time to take part.
I here to improve a bit all the field, modular thinking, texturing and work again with udk after working 1 year on a proprietary engine of my school.
I'm working with 3dsmax and as said will put this thing in udk. I want to stay a bit in my comfort zone. Next time I'll probably use Modo and Unity
Enough said. Here is what I did in a few hours. Modular piece almost done. Need to uvmap everything and setup smoothing group.
my goal is to learn the cry engine.
get something started tonight!
This is my begining, in general modular.
Using 3DsMax and will use UDK.
I started with the rail and this time i did it modular.
Okay I have a question that's bothering me a long time. I notice when people make modular enviros, sometimes they block out the whole thing in 3D package. But I'm not sure how you get it in game engine (UDK) after? I know how to export individual pieces as FBX files and import them into UDK. But then I have to rearrange the pieces in UDK a second time to match Maya's placement. Seems like an unneccessary waste of time if they are instanced and placed properly in Maya already.
I looked for some mel scripts and found ones that create a .t3d file, but they didn't work. I found a vid showing the process from Softimage, so in theory it should work? http://vimeo.com/64790942 Could you do this with Maya somehow? Maybe there's better scripts.
It would be so nice cause I love blocking in Maya but then UDK is a nightmare...
good luck to all. also, consider me in on the skype thing
Glad it helped.
Quick question guys, How do I render wireframe in Max 2014?
Also nice work visoutre, already progressing far ahead.
I had a concrete texture sculpted but Imma redo it.
you make modular pieces to reuse them in your game or project, so you can easily build new scenes without to create them hole new in 3D programm.
You dont need to build the hole scene in maya first but you can make it to look how the pieces fit, but you can also build all together in udk instead.
sorry for my bad english, i hope you understand me. ^^
Yep seems to be a waste of time but by working modular you optimize what you get in game. When you duplicate something in UDK for example it's less heavy than have your whole scene/blockout load in one time.
Also this concept is really a small part of the whole tunnel. You can of course made it all in Maya and export this in UDK and have the same render. But if you have to create the full game level. You will praise lord to have made it modular and only have to duplicate asset to have all the level.
Made your level in UDK can be really fast if all fit together and have correct setup of pivot point.
Yes indeed. Another way to do that, is to do a simple blockout in udk with bsp(No detail, just to have correct proportions), and export all this in .fbx that you can import in your modeling software.
(Unfortunately, I don't like too much the bsp modeling in udk, but that's another story)
I Personally think that people are often spending far too much time during blockout, and end up with the whole scene in maya/max. For me blockout should really be simple, like a plan, to have proportions right. Then you model each pieces individually, and you set your scene correctly in the game engine.
Started blocking in UDK. Uglier than Maya atm.
Another question, file management stuff. When you guys are modeling the modular pieces in 3D program, do you keep all the pieces in 1 scene or separate them while working? In the end I export each to it's own FBX file, but I have a master Maya scene where I'm working on all them.
Or maybe have a scene for all variations of a model (like wall_a.ma, wall_b.ma, etc) and separate scene files for prop objects and complex assets?
This enviro is relatively simple, but I can imagine in a real game industry scenario where they're using hundreds of modular pieces and working on multiple enviros, file management can become a nightmare.
This is how my structure looks right now:
@ Fashoomp. Nice breakdown. For the #3 you have, I think it isn't a guardrail but actually the Third Rail. It carries electricity and has high voltage. Pretty dangerous! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_rail
My biggest concern about importing is floor tiles. Do I unwrap a plane and just add a tiling material? Or is my floor made up of individual planes to give the tiling effect.
This is what I have so far:
As for the file management, I'd be considered a n00b myself but the way I go about it is to have a master Maya/Max file which is organised through groups and layers to keep similar things together. That way I can also hide everything except what I'm working on. When I'm ready to export I simply move the mesh to the origin and 'export selected'.
I like to do it this way as it helps me to see the bigger picture without necessarily having to jump into UDK while keeping my files down to a minimum.
When it's time to export I use the moptool (you can find this here) to avoid having to put thing in 0.
Also good luck all!
EDIT: I read a bit further into the thread and it appears that he DID add fbx export, good stuff
@zocky nice one, I also found this... You'll want to skip to 6:50 and you may want to mute it :P
Mirror's Edge - 11 - Carpal Tunnel - YouTube