Just so you guys crying lazy PC port. PC was the lead sku on this game. I didn't work on it and have no ties to it but just figured I would share that tid bit for you and the pc version looks fantastic.
Also no FOV slider is a design choice not lazyness. By default the tweakable FOV exists in the engine.
Those that picked it up I'll see you online...
I think Ghosts has the potential to be the best in the franchise and I am loving every minute I spend on this game, but the people saying it is a shitty PC port have a right to be upset.
Personally I can deal with the forced 65 FOV, I still hate it but the game is playable and I got used to it after a few hours. Other people are reporting that they are unable to play because they feel sick after only 20-30 minutes.
There are people with high end PCs that are unable to break 40-50 FPS even on medium settings. I believe I saw a video of a guy getting shit performance on low settings with 2 Titans. Once again, I can deal with this issue, I'm at medium/high settings getting 60 FPS with a Radeon 6950, the only things I can't do are snipe or use that new outline scope as the double rendering kills my framerate. If I was somebody with a $2000 PC though, I'd probably be annoyed.
There was a community made FOV fixer that was released on launch day, Activision however sent a C+D to the creators of it who were forced to take it down.
Problems aside, I still think this game is amazing and I'm trying to force myself to be productive right now, although I'd much rather take a 9 hour "creative break" and get some Ghosts in haha.
I do hope they patch in a FOV slider though, I don't want to risk getting banned for using the community FOV changer.
Finally watched the video, that's what people are freaking out about? 18 seconds of reused animation? Yeah, I'm done with this thread and quote possibly GD all together, I can't take anyone that complains about this "controversy" seriously.
I was really eager to see the new character creation screen, but I have to say I am very disappointed by its presentation.
The soldier is stuck in that far side of the layout, not spinning nicely (it takes multiple mouse drags to make it fully spin around itself), there is no way to zoom, and so on. And while the gear is nicely modeled, the faces looks rather rushed compared to the high quality of the Black Ops II multiplayaer character assets - the heavy photosourcing and baked-in lighting of the face textures make the characters looks like they come from an old pc/ps2 game (not to mention the odd gun throwing animation when editing the loadout). Now this could all be fixed rather easily with a bit of work on the assets and some layout and UX changes so hopefully a patch can change that. Great games to look at for reference would be MGS3 and MGS Peacewalker, and of course GTAV (in the clothing store changing room)
Still I wonder what happened, considering that the source art is pretty good (as seen in the behind the scene trailers.) Also, having no cast shadow from the helmets onto the face really makes this screen look dated. It reminded me a bit of screenshots from old photosourced games like Black, or Soldier of Fortune.
I wonder what happened to the engine too - as a whole the game looks brighter, which seems to be on par with other modern games switching to linear lighting models, but at the same time there is a lot of washing out and oddly faded values. Compared to Black Ops 2 the menu UX is also more stiff and less breezy, and the game seems to stress my machine even for simple things like starting it up, changing video options, and so on. Maybe they tweaked that engine too much this time around ?
Regarding the FOV slider, I think it is fair to assume that it should be a given. Of course it can be argued that it is "how it is supposed to be", but not including it in the PC version is a slap in the face of every PC FPS gamer out there. Playing at 85 really feels better if you have been playing other games this way before. Almost every FPS game out there has it, and IW even stated that they were okay with the fan-made one released for MW3. So why not here ?
Also, I am getting some odd aspect ratio problems. Anyone else is getting that ? The aspect is good in menus, with the proper black bars showing up so that it fits inside my screen nicely, but the game reverts to stretched full screen during the map loading screen and during matches, causing the visuals to be stretched vertically during gameplay sessions. This is something I didn't experience with any previous CoD.
At the end of the day, to me this games stresses out how good Black Ops 2 is. BLOPs2 might not be the biggest, more complex FPS game out there but after a few patches it became a highly finessed game, with great gameplay and also great personality. The brightly colored near future setting seemed a bit goofy at first, but it really grew on me and now I can appreciate it as Treyarch doing their own thing, breathing fresh air and fun into the franchise. Ghosts on the other had seems to be taking itself very seriously !
Finally watched the video, that's what people are freaking out about? 18 seconds of reused animation? Yeah, I'm done with this thread and quote possibly GD all together, I can't take anyone that complains about this "controversy" seriously.
Itd be less of an insult if they scrapped single player all together and sold the game for $30
Regarding the FOV control, why does it matter? They designed the game to be used with a specific FOV, things look the way they intended it to.
Lower FOVs tend to be used for console games because people sit far away from their televisions compared to PC gamers who 99% of the time sit right in front of their monitors.
As a result, many PC gamers end up feeling sick if playing at a low FOV for too long (or if they play at an obnoxiously high FOV too long as well).
Additionally, it is much easier to see things in-game at a higher FOV since everything isn't zoomed in as much. I see a lot of gamers who are used to playing at higher FOVs running into walls and boxes, or better yet, walking past enemies, simply because they don't show up on screen.
To show you a comparison, here's what the game is currently at:
Yeah - personally a low FOV on PC doesnt't make me sick, but it totally ruins the experience. It feels claustrophobic and flat, giving me the impression of running in place. I really enjoy the sense of speed and visual stimulus of higher FOVs, it gives that extra movement rush which is so pleasurable. It is totally subjective of course, but that's the whole point - it is a known preference amongst PC gamers, and the game is not cross-compatible between consoles and PCs anyways, therefore the game breaking argument is not valid. So, why not add the slider ? There is no reason not to, and no excuse or justification for not putting it in. Especially when a user-made patch released day one addresses the issue flawlessly.
It actually boggles my mind to see that this issue has not been obvious during the development of Ghosts. Didn't they play their own game ? And didn't they notice that the patch adding the FOV slider to Blops2 was positively received ?
Yeah - personally a low FOV on PC doesnt't make me sick, but it totally ruins the experience. It feels claustrophobic and flat, giving me the impression of running in place. I really enjoy the sense of speed and visual stimulus of higher FOVs, it gives that extra movement rush which is so pleasurable. It is totally subjective of course, but that's the whole point - it is a known preference amongst PC gamers, and the game is not cross-compatible between consoles and PCs anyways, therefore the game breaking argument is not valid. So, why not add the slider ? There is no reason not to, and no excuse or justification for not putting it in. Especially when a user-made patch released day one addresses the issue flawlessly.
It actually boggles my mind to see that this issue has not been obvious during the development of Ghosts. Didn't they play their own game ? And didn't they notice that the patch adding the FOV slider to Blops2 was positively received ?
I'm not sure if you're still having that aspect ratio issue but some people are reporting that manually setting your aspect ratio in the options fixes it (by default it is set to auto.)
Also, if you set the CPU priority for the game from High to Low/Normal, some of the stuttering will go away. You can also try disabling the Steam Overlay as that is supposedly causing issues, especially with people with over 100 friends on their friend's list.
I would also suggest setting the "Image Quality" to Extra and disabling motion blur/terrain detail/distortion/anti aliasing/vsync to get a smoother and better looking experience.
On a related note, the only game I can think of that forces a low FOV is the Metro franchise and it was intentional to give people the claustrophobic feeling. The sad thing is, even they let you boost the FOV in both Metro 2033 and Last Light.
Thing I'm most disappointed about is that Megan Fox hasn't helped me out once... I mean if that isn't false advertising then I don't know what is.
I'm willing to give it a few more days but if she doesn't turn up by then and help me rank up, I might have to write a letter of complaint and demand my money back.
I hope when/if she does show up we can go and trash talk the 10 year olds on the other team whilst we t-bag their corpses. but at this moment it doesn't look like its going to happen!
(!!!We will not even mention black ops 2, I will never forget Robert... I am so disappointed!!!)
It is like MW3 all over again! fucking Jonah Hill and Sam Worthington didn't show up at ANY point when i played that game. I hoped for a master/apprentice type relationship with sam teaching me how to rack up kills and use the weapons effectively but no i ended up being t-bagged & camped by a girlscout from bristol. The experience went from karate kid to human centipede within an hour! I still played it for hours on end though with the same results everytime. why? because everyone plays CoD, my nan is a grand master or some rank i don't know because Im still waiting for Sam fucking Worthington to come mentor me! I AM NOT EVEN LEVEL 10! FUCK!
I am hoping anyone, someone who reads this can get the message out to Megan Fox that, I know there are a lot of people who bought the game, but could i be placed higher on the list to be helped out in the game and kill some 10 year old noobs, slagging them off and t-bagging their corpses. If she can't put me higher on the list due to contracts or fairness or whatever, then could she please contact Sam to mentor me as I'm sure he is already fully ranked up and pwning (he probably 956 no-scoped 15 people with 1 shot whilst diffusing a bomb).
I would even accept playing with Jonah. He is a nooby like me (although Sam did teach him a lot) and we could be noob buddies together on the maps...
so TL;DR: the game seems like it is about the same as every year with a lack of real innovation however most people play CoD because of the solid mechanics the series has been built on, however i think that they will probably need to do more to make the franchise last into next gen. people will still buy the next 2 or three no questions asked but I think sales will slowly decline if they do not do something to push the genre/title.
Why does anyone really care if they re-used the same basic animations, COD or Battlefield or whatever game? How many variations of putting slugs into a shotgun can you come up with? There is pretty much one proper way to load the damn thing anyways. Same thing for walking, running, jumping or any other basic animation. Same things for sounds. The M16A3 sounds the same, so if you use the same gun model so should you use the same sound. If I shoot the M16 at one range and go to another range and shoot another m16, it won't sound any different. Now if they replaced the gun sounds with farts, then you can complain or giggle or both.
No one should give a rat's ass about if the reload animation has been updated. Did they update the game play, AI, fix previous bugs/annoyances? That's the stuff you need to be more worried about. Most of you are going to be too busy screaming at that 14 year old camper who just blew your head off to be worried about how your character is reloading their gun.
I'd love to see COD: Ghosts 2. Now $120 because we had to re-do all of our basic animations so our budget increased 10-fold. The tag line could be, "Ghosts 2, with new technology for walking! Look at our advanced way we put one foot in front of the other! New gun bobs! Holy shit!" Then you all could scream about how it's such bullshit that they updated things that no one cares about and curse them to the fiery pits of hell for not updating the core game play.
the issue is its noticeable how much they're reusing yet they're still churning it out for $60
$60 is the standard price point for any game like it. Hell a lot of people pay 60 for a single player only experience. COD for what it is can provide 100s of hours of well polished fun game play for the same.
Every game shares assets across titles. If they don't they are stupid. Why remake things that really are not super important for no good reason?
We re-made a TON of assets for our DLC that had very similiar variants or styles for our disk based game and no one said a damn thing about it. We worked extra hard to give new experiences and did anyone really notice?
Setting the net on fire for 18 seconds of rehashed animation and a scripted scene is silly. They do it all the time in movies as well. Hell maybe it was just guys from the team during the talks of the level/event were like.. "hey this might be kinda cool if we made it like the end of MW2..."
It has nothing to do with the story of this game as it happens at the end of the first mission.
ok that aside...
I grabbed the game from work on PS4, 360 and PC. The pc version looks nice. A few things stick out here and there and tweaking it for best performance/look was a bit annoying at first but it looks good.
I wouldn't mind the FOV slider like we had in Black Ops 2 but hey they can add that in with a patch. Just keep tweeting out that it would be a great addition and maybe they will do it. Don't be all douchy about it but it is amazing what people are willing to do when people are polite... lol
Played MP for quite a while last night. Def a huge difference to Black Ops 2. The map design/angles/line of sight stuff is much different then what we focus on. Still learning the maps now and trying to rank up and figure out which weapons I want to unlock. The sniper rifles are pretty damn powerful and feel pretty good and fuck those damn ieds..... Ehhh died so many times because of those.
As a piece of side commentary, CoD games beginning with MW3 have all been £10 ($17)more expensive than other games on the market by RRP. I can't help but think of that as a shameful price-gouging tactic, knowing that people will still buy it. If it's $60 in the US, that also suggests the hike is regional. Wtf?
Not having a FOV slider for a PC version is terrible design.
Left is a person on a computer, close to the monitor. You see about a 90 degree FOV
Right is a person on a couch, playing further away. You see about a 65 degree FOV compared to a 90 degree.
More of the persons view is taken up by the screen when they are sitting closer, their peripheral vision is being taken up by the monitor more than a person playing on a couch. Ideally you should match up the FOV with how much your vision is being taking up by the monitor, but 65 FOV from a couch, and 90 FOV from a monitor tend to work well. Some people can get sick due to the uncomfortable feeling the mismatch in FOVs can cause.
Well hopefully it won't require diagrams and argumentation like that to convince IW to implement a simple slider. Because arguing that one is better than the other could lead to a fixed high FOV ... which could annoy people just as well
Console gamers also deserve to have access to the slider anyway - not everyone uses the same TV set, nor sits at the same distance. For instance, I use my secondary monitor like a TV, to watch movies, at a certain distance ; but this is also the monitor I use for PC FPS gaming.
Negev : unfortunately after an hour of tests and tweaks I have been unable to balance the stretching. What's annoying is that the menus are perfect, displaying the appropriate black bars ; but as soon as the game loads a map it pops back to fullscreen/stretched. It's actually very obvious, because the switch happens during the map loading screen ; the image and graphics show up perfectly at first, but after a split second they pop back to stretched.
Now I do have a rather special monitor in the sense that it has no OSD controls for image scaling or anything like that (all the tweaks have to be done in the Nvidia driver). But regardless - BLOps2 is much smoother to setup anyways, with the great feature of letting one pick the ID number of the monitor to fullscreen to, for instance.
I find it very frustrating to see that IW is not taking advantage of the engine tweaks and refinements made by Treyarch. In that regard I do not feel like the franchise is "the same thing every year" ; it is starting to feel like the two studios in charge are somehow ignoring each other, which is a bit of a shame given how sleek and streamlined BLOPs2 turned out to be.
Itd be less of an insult if they scrapped single player all together and sold the game for $30
I'm going to revive these quotes in 5 years to embarrass you guys.
Not having adjustable FOV is a legitimate complaint but it's not as simple as just enabling it, you have to design your whole UI and game around the idea that the players can control the FOV. They developed COD for 5 platforms, Xbox, Xbox One, PS3, PS4 and PC - it's the common problem with most multi-platform games, PC loses out to console when it comes to features.
Adjusting FOV - it's not as simple as just enabling it, you have to design your whole UI and game around the idea that the players can control the FOV. They developed COD for 5 platforms, Xbox, Xbox One, PS3, PS4 and PC - it's the common problem with most multiplatform games, PC loses out to console when it comes to features.
I totally get that. It changes the framing of shots, effects what is on and off screen, and completely changes your view of the enviroment. But from what I've seen in Ghost, it only causes some clipping issues on one gun.
Well of course it's a feature that takes time to implement and polish ... but it was implemented flawlessly in BLOps2, available as a user made patch in MW, and was made possible one day after release by the same group for Ghosts. Not to mention that this is the tenth iteration of CoD. By now it should be a rather mastered subject !
Since the reasons to have the slider are quite obvious, I am really curious about the reason that pushed them *not* to put it in. It's almost as if it was forgotten somehow ?
I can understand why they want to shift their focus on consoles. There are currently <30,000 people playing Ghosts on PC at any given moment whereas on Xbox 360 alone you see over 300,000, at all times of the day.
The thing that pisses me off is that Activision went ahead and sent a C+D to the gamers who went ahead and fixed the issue themselves. That is nothing more than a middle finger to PC gamers.
I just got the game, played for 3 hours, and i feel a bit disappointed, i was expecting a much better interface. The interface is neat, no doubt about it, but there's something strange when picking up a weapon with the soldier animation at the beginning. Why is it broken like this ?
There's a huge problem with lightning, im crouching in the dark but i can see in the replay shades and glows that don't exist nor make any sense over my uniform so to speak.
The artistic level of the game plunged a tad bit simply because every icon is simply white/yellow/or black whereas in the past, perks, bonus and hardware were fully decorated and thoughtful.
Dogs in multiplayer will simply spawn and jump near you and its instant death with missing frames (animation) in time or space at which something is out of place, literally. If there's an enemy dog near you it will terminate you, period.
Some guns so far will be out of control when aiming down sight, and you sense of losing what's really happening overall in a fight too much info on the screen. Some guns will simply shoot anywhere but my target.
Why is the whole game with a greenish color ? the same thing occurred with MW3 its hard to conceive that there's no way to have decent color correction in this game.
Either they have memory leaks and feel it needs 6 gigs of ram to address those issues.
Or this was some marketing scheme to make pc enthusiasts think it's a high end game like battlefield.
Or they really don't care about PC gamers.
Either they have memory leaks and feel it needs 6 gigs of ram to address those issues.
Or this was some marketing scheme to make pc enthusiasts think it's a high end game like battlefield.
Or they really don't care about PC gamers.
it just has problems, cant keep a decnet fps going with nvidia titans and a highend i7 and 32gb ram
Read that the false 6 gig requirement was a way to try and lock out the use of Cheat Engine on 32 bit systems as well as try to disable it on 64 bit systems.
Is it shitty? Yes. Would the alternative of making your own anti hacking software be better? Maybe, it wouldn't have worked though, since it never does and would probably be a waste of development time.
But yeah you can pretty much thank game hackers for this.
Read that the false 6 gig requirement was a way to try and lock out the use of Cheat Engine on 32 bit systems as well as try to disable it on 64 bit systems.
Is it shitty? Yes. Would the alternative of making your own anti hacking software be better? Maybe, it wouldn't have worked though, since it never does and would probably be a waste of development time.
But yeah you can pretty much thank game hackers for this.
That is great information. I was sitting here all along trying to think of why they would do something like that. But considering MW3 was hacked more than some F2P games I've seen, that move actually makes a lot of sense.
So I was playing Battle Toads tonight and kept thinking... this game is certainly not better than Call of Duty: Ghosts. But I kept playing anyways.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qor5Rn7glaU"]Battletoads (NES) SUPER FAST SPEED RUN (Part 1) - YouTube[/ame]
Man I was tempted to pick this COD up... Now I'm not too sure.
Depends on the platforms you are playing it on. If you're on PC, I would honestly suggest just waiting. If IW treats this game like MW3, then it won't be fixed. If they treat it like BO2, then it'll be solid in a couple of weeks.
I'm 99% sure they'll give it the MW3 treatment though, you should just wait until March when Titanfall comes out, then grab that instead. It's being made by some of the original creators of CoD, and I'm positive they won't ignore the PC gamers to focus on the console version of the game.
Just downloaded it.....it's been a while since I've been heavy into COD multiplayer, I am getting DESTROYED, the speed is like 5x what I remember, maybe I'm just old now. I appreciate the addition of squads though, lets me learn the maps/weapons without feeling like a waste of time.
I'm going to revive these quotes in 5 years to embarrass you guys.
Not having adjustable FOV is a legitimate complaint but it's not as simple as just enabling it, you have to design your whole UI and game around the idea that the players can control the FOV. They developed COD for 5 platforms, Xbox, Xbox One, PS3, PS4 and PC - it's the common problem with most multi-platform games, PC loses out to console when it comes to features.
Maybe it's time to use some legit and proper engine, not this ancient mess that evolved from Quake 3, and I bet noone understand it any more ?
And so on other side. Treyarch managed to add FoV. Magic!
Maybe it's time to use some legit and proper engine, not this ancient mess that evolved from Quake 3, and I bet noone understand it any more ?
iirc quake and the engines derived from it such as goldsrc and source always had changeable fov. So it seems the problem isn't the engine. But descions made by the dev.
Damn, that was a great read. I would have never guessed it was that complicated to implement a FOV slider. I guess it's one of those things that some people don't appreciate enough because they have come to expect it.
On a related note, I wish people would stop bashing the CoD engine. It is an incredibly difficult task to code any 3D game engine yet any time you go on youtube/forums/kotaku, you see everybody bashing various engines for no reason. These same people probably wouldn't even know how to begin coding a game engine.
Dang, I can't make a joke without Polycount getting hostile!
Personally I can deal with the forced 65 FOV, I still hate it but the game is playable and I got used to it after a few hours. Other people are reporting that they are unable to play because they feel sick after only 20-30 minutes.
There are people with high end PCs that are unable to break 40-50 FPS even on medium settings. I believe I saw a video of a guy getting shit performance on low settings with 2 Titans. Once again, I can deal with this issue, I'm at medium/high settings getting 60 FPS with a Radeon 6950, the only things I can't do are snipe or use that new outline scope as the double rendering kills my framerate. If I was somebody with a $2000 PC though, I'd probably be annoyed.
There was a community made FOV fixer that was released on launch day, Activision however sent a C+D to the creators of it who were forced to take it down.
Problems aside, I still think this game is amazing and I'm trying to force myself to be productive right now, although I'd much rather take a 9 hour "creative break" and get some Ghosts in haha.
I do hope they patch in a FOV slider though, I don't want to risk getting banned for using the community FOV changer.
Regarding the FOV control, why does it matter? They designed the game to be used with a specific FOV, things look the way they intended it to.
ooops, completely missed that page. sry
The soldier is stuck in that far side of the layout, not spinning nicely (it takes multiple mouse drags to make it fully spin around itself), there is no way to zoom, and so on. And while the gear is nicely modeled, the faces looks rather rushed compared to the high quality of the Black Ops II multiplayaer character assets - the heavy photosourcing and baked-in lighting of the face textures make the characters looks like they come from an old pc/ps2 game (not to mention the odd gun throwing animation when editing the loadout). Now this could all be fixed rather easily with a bit of work on the assets and some layout and UX changes so hopefully a patch can change that. Great games to look at for reference would be MGS3 and MGS Peacewalker, and of course GTAV (in the clothing store changing room)
Still I wonder what happened, considering that the source art is pretty good (as seen in the behind the scene trailers.) Also, having no cast shadow from the helmets onto the face really makes this screen look dated. It reminded me a bit of screenshots from old photosourced games like Black, or Soldier of Fortune.
I wonder what happened to the engine too - as a whole the game looks brighter, which seems to be on par with other modern games switching to linear lighting models, but at the same time there is a lot of washing out and oddly faded values. Compared to Black Ops 2 the menu UX is also more stiff and less breezy, and the game seems to stress my machine even for simple things like starting it up, changing video options, and so on. Maybe they tweaked that engine too much this time around ?
Regarding the FOV slider, I think it is fair to assume that it should be a given. Of course it can be argued that it is "how it is supposed to be", but not including it in the PC version is a slap in the face of every PC FPS gamer out there. Playing at 85 really feels better if you have been playing other games this way before. Almost every FPS game out there has it, and IW even stated that they were okay with the fan-made one released for MW3. So why not here ?
Also, I am getting some odd aspect ratio problems. Anyone else is getting that ? The aspect is good in menus, with the proper black bars showing up so that it fits inside my screen nicely, but the game reverts to stretched full screen during the map loading screen and during matches, causing the visuals to be stretched vertically during gameplay sessions. This is something I didn't experience with any previous CoD.
At the end of the day, to me this games stresses out how good Black Ops 2 is. BLOPs2 might not be the biggest, more complex FPS game out there but after a few patches it became a highly finessed game, with great gameplay and also great personality. The brightly colored near future setting seemed a bit goofy at first, but it really grew on me and now I can appreciate it as Treyarch doing their own thing, breathing fresh air and fun into the franchise. Ghosts on the other had seems to be taking itself very seriously !
As a result, many PC gamers end up feeling sick if playing at a low FOV for too long (or if they play at an obnoxiously high FOV too long as well).
Additionally, it is much easier to see things in-game at a higher FOV since everything isn't zoomed in as much. I see a lot of gamers who are used to playing at higher FOVs running into walls and boxes, or better yet, walking past enemies, simply because they don't show up on screen.
To show you a comparison, here's what the game is currently at:
And here's what it would look like with the standard max FOV that has been in previous CoD titles:
It actually boggles my mind to see that this issue has not been obvious during the development of Ghosts. Didn't they play their own game ? And didn't they notice that the patch adding the FOV slider to Blops2 was positively received ?
Also, if you set the CPU priority for the game from High to Low/Normal, some of the stuttering will go away. You can also try disabling the Steam Overlay as that is supposedly causing issues, especially with people with over 100 friends on their friend's list.
I would also suggest setting the "Image Quality" to Extra and disabling motion blur/terrain detail/distortion/anti aliasing/vsync to get a smoother and better looking experience.
On a related note, the only game I can think of that forces a low FOV is the Metro franchise and it was intentional to give people the claustrophobic feeling. The sad thing is, even they let you boost the FOV in both Metro 2033 and Last Light.
I'm willing to give it a few more days but if she doesn't turn up by then and help me rank up, I might have to write a letter of complaint and demand my money back.
I hope when/if she does show up we can go and trash talk the 10 year olds on the other team whilst we t-bag their corpses. but at this moment it doesn't look like its going to happen!
(!!!We will not even mention black ops 2, I will never forget Robert... I am so disappointed!!!)
It is like MW3 all over again! fucking Jonah Hill and Sam Worthington didn't show up at ANY point when i played that game. I hoped for a master/apprentice type relationship with sam teaching me how to rack up kills and use the weapons effectively but no i ended up being t-bagged & camped by a girlscout from bristol. The experience went from karate kid to human centipede within an hour! I still played it for hours on end though with the same results everytime. why? because everyone plays CoD, my nan is a grand master or some rank i don't know because Im still waiting for Sam fucking Worthington to come mentor me! I AM NOT EVEN LEVEL 10! FUCK!
I am hoping anyone, someone who reads this can get the message out to Megan Fox that, I know there are a lot of people who bought the game, but could i be placed higher on the list to be helped out in the game and kill some 10 year old noobs, slagging them off and t-bagging their corpses. If she can't put me higher on the list due to contracts or fairness or whatever, then could she please contact Sam to mentor me as I'm sure he is already fully ranked up and pwning (he probably 956 no-scoped 15 people with 1 shot whilst diffusing a bomb).
I would even accept playing with Jonah. He is a nooby like me (although Sam did teach him a lot) and we could be noob buddies together on the maps...
so TL;DR: the game seems like it is about the same as every year with a lack of real innovation however most people play CoD because of the solid mechanics the series has been built on, however i think that they will probably need to do more to make the franchise last into next gen. people will still buy the next 2 or three no questions asked but I think sales will slowly decline if they do not do something to push the genre/title.
No one should give a rat's ass about if the reload animation has been updated. Did they update the game play, AI, fix previous bugs/annoyances? That's the stuff you need to be more worried about. Most of you are going to be too busy screaming at that 14 year old camper who just blew your head off to be worried about how your character is reloading their gun.
I'd love to see COD: Ghosts 2. Now $120 because we had to re-do all of our basic animations so our budget increased 10-fold. The tag line could be, "Ghosts 2, with new technology for walking! Look at our advanced way we put one foot in front of the other! New gun bobs! Holy shit!" Then you all could scream about how it's such bullshit that they updated things that no one cares about and curse them to the fiery pits of hell for not updating the core game play.
The only way I'd ever consent to COD updating their walk cycles
the issue is its noticeable how much they're reusing yet they're still churning it out for $60
$60 is the standard price point for any game like it. Hell a lot of people pay 60 for a single player only experience. COD for what it is can provide 100s of hours of well polished fun game play for the same.
Every game shares assets across titles. If they don't they are stupid. Why remake things that really are not super important for no good reason?
We re-made a TON of assets for our DLC that had very similiar variants or styles for our disk based game and no one said a damn thing about it. We worked extra hard to give new experiences and did anyone really notice?
Setting the net on fire for 18 seconds of rehashed animation and a scripted scene is silly. They do it all the time in movies as well. Hell maybe it was just guys from the team during the talks of the level/event were like.. "hey this might be kinda cool if we made it like the end of MW2..."
It has nothing to do with the story of this game as it happens at the end of the first mission.
ok that aside...
I grabbed the game from work on PS4, 360 and PC. The pc version looks nice. A few things stick out here and there and tweaking it for best performance/look was a bit annoying at first but it looks good.
I wouldn't mind the FOV slider like we had in Black Ops 2 but hey they can add that in with a patch. Just keep tweeting out that it would be a great addition and maybe they will do it. Don't be all douchy about it but it is amazing what people are willing to do when people are polite... lol
Played MP for quite a while last night. Def a huge difference to Black Ops 2. The map design/angles/line of sight stuff is much different then what we focus on. Still learning the maps now and trying to rank up and figure out which weapons I want to unlock. The sniper rifles are pretty damn powerful and feel pretty good and fuck those damn ieds..... Ehhh died so many times because of those.
Left is a person on a computer, close to the monitor. You see about a 90 degree FOV
Right is a person on a couch, playing further away. You see about a 65 degree FOV compared to a 90 degree.
More of the persons view is taken up by the screen when they are sitting closer, their peripheral vision is being taken up by the monitor more than a person playing on a couch. Ideally you should match up the FOV with how much your vision is being taking up by the monitor, but 65 FOV from a couch, and 90 FOV from a monitor tend to work well. Some people can get sick due to the uncomfortable feeling the mismatch in FOVs can cause.
Console gamers also deserve to have access to the slider anyway - not everyone uses the same TV set, nor sits at the same distance. For instance, I use my secondary monitor like a TV, to watch movies, at a certain distance ; but this is also the monitor I use for PC FPS gaming.
Negev : unfortunately after an hour of tests and tweaks I have been unable to balance the stretching. What's annoying is that the menus are perfect, displaying the appropriate black bars ; but as soon as the game loads a map it pops back to fullscreen/stretched. It's actually very obvious, because the switch happens during the map loading screen ; the image and graphics show up perfectly at first, but after a split second they pop back to stretched.
Now I do have a rather special monitor in the sense that it has no OSD controls for image scaling or anything like that (all the tweaks have to be done in the Nvidia driver). But regardless - BLOps2 is much smoother to setup anyways, with the great feature of letting one pick the ID number of the monitor to fullscreen to, for instance.
I find it very frustrating to see that IW is not taking advantage of the engine tweaks and refinements made by Treyarch. In that regard I do not feel like the franchise is "the same thing every year" ; it is starting to feel like the two studios in charge are somehow ignoring each other, which is a bit of a shame given how sleek and streamlined BLOPs2 turned out to be.
I'm going to revive these quotes in 5 years to embarrass you guys.
Not having adjustable FOV is a legitimate complaint but it's not as simple as just enabling it, you have to design your whole UI and game around the idea that the players can control the FOV. They developed COD for 5 platforms, Xbox, Xbox One, PS3, PS4 and PC - it's the common problem with most multi-platform games, PC loses out to console when it comes to features.
I totally get that. It changes the framing of shots, effects what is on and off screen, and completely changes your view of the enviroment. But from what I've seen in Ghost, it only causes some clipping issues on one gun.
Since the reasons to have the slider are quite obvious, I am really curious about the reason that pushed them *not* to put it in. It's almost as if it was forgotten somehow ?
The thing that pisses me off is that Activision went ahead and sent a C+D to the gamers who went ahead and fixed the issue themselves. That is nothing more than a middle finger to PC gamers.
There's a huge problem with lightning, im crouching in the dark but i can see in the replay shades and glows that don't exist nor make any sense over my uniform so to speak.
The artistic level of the game plunged a tad bit simply because every icon is simply white/yellow/or black whereas in the past, perks, bonus and hardware were fully decorated and thoughtful.
Dogs in multiplayer will simply spawn and jump near you and its instant death with missing frames (animation) in time or space at which something is out of place, literally. If there's an enemy dog near you it will terminate you, period.
Some guns so far will be out of control when aiming down sight, and you sense of losing what's really happening overall in a fight too much info on the screen. Some guns will simply shoot anywhere but my target.
Why is the whole game with a greenish color ? the same thing occurred with MW3 its hard to conceive that there's no way to have decent color correction in this game.
Or this was some marketing scheme to make pc enthusiasts think it's a high end game like battlefield.
Or they really don't care about PC gamers.
it just has problems, cant keep a decnet fps going with nvidia titans and a highend i7 and 32gb ram
Is it shitty? Yes. Would the alternative of making your own anti hacking software be better? Maybe, it wouldn't have worked though, since it never does and would probably be a waste of development time.
But yeah you can pretty much thank game hackers for this.
I'm 99% sure they'll give it the MW3 treatment though, you should just wait until March when Titanfall comes out, then grab that instead. It's being made by some of the original creators of CoD, and I'm positive they won't ignore the PC gamers to focus on the console version of the game.
Im sure you have older COD games, play them its the same thing, but if you like new maps then it will only cost you $60.
Maybe it's time to use some legit and proper engine, not this ancient mess that evolved from Quake 3, and I bet noone understand it any more ?
And so on other side. Treyarch managed to add FoV. Magic!
iirc quake and the engines derived from it such as goldsrc and source always had changeable fov. So it seems the problem isn't the engine. But descions made by the dev.
]Here's[/url] an article about designing for adjustable FOV in Borderlands 2
On a related note, I wish people would stop bashing the CoD engine. It is an incredibly difficult task to code any 3D game engine yet any time you go on youtube/forums/kotaku, you see everybody bashing various engines for no reason. These same people probably wouldn't even know how to begin coding a game engine.
It doesn't have enough PR around it to convince gamers it's legit.