I wonder why games like this still give AI patrol points that the enemies walk around to exactly the same pace until the end of time. It would be easy to add some randomness and alternate patrol paths. It would add a great deal of difficulty with 2 simple tweaks. I spose game designers see enemies as a puzzle element like any other "Timing trap" style puzzle. Rather than an organic/random puzzle.
Does anyone know any games where the enemies have natural/random behavior. Skyrim was sort of getting there with enemies just wandering about.
I hope this hype lives for its expectations.. I have too many hopes on this title, and i don't want something like dishonored with such pathetic AI, i want difficult game!
Well.. Obviously the arrow moved while he was investigating and it stimulated the brain to loose track and memory of what he was doing... triggering an involuntary "Must be my imagination..." line. I am sure this happens a lot.
Always bothered me about stealthy guys wearing pure black black clothes create harsh outlines in moonlight and firelight and against darker areas. Nothing is pure black at night in even a dark room, various tones of dark grey allow you to blend much better into the background surfaces.
Some interesting things to be pulled from between the lines there. Sounds like they're under real pressure to concede to whats considered mainstream and are having to fight for anything that might be considered "risky". Not that surprising given that it's a high budget game based on a franchise that's never exactly been a big seller, but it certainly doesn't bode well for a game that's in any way consistent with its predecessors.
Can't say I like were this is going at this point.
Mainstream and more "action moves" is not something I want hear when talking about a Thief game. If Stephen Russell isn't in this game, then it's gonna be real bad for a lot of the old fans, just too many changes made to Garrett.
Also in that vid he talks about the game being less gothic? Compare the new game to the previous 3 games and tell me which looks more gothic.
It was really cool seeing all of this stuff. I love being able to follow the development of a game whilst it's still in production.
I'm interested to see how immersive the game is. The screenshots allude to some pretty immersive gameplay but I'd imagine there's a lot of information the player needs to see as well.
I just hope that it doesn't have 'steamlined' level design (aka corridor maps). I want to be able to get to locations in several ways, not having to go though cinematic sequences all the time, whenever I do an action.
Yeah I agree, one route for each map or whatever would probably be too basic for thief. I really hope they don't go for that. Also I wonder if they will announce Garrett's costume DLCs and various weapon packs or something like that.
I just hope that it doesn't have 'steamlined' level design (aka corridor maps). I want to be able to get to locations in several ways, not having to go though cinematic sequences all the time, whenever I do an action.
Yes, and not in the now standard way. The official roof or sewer grate or air vent with really obvious markers above each so that you can't miss them. Let me figure it out!
i'm really excited about this, i thought they did an excellent job with Deus Ex. My only concern is the stilted development of Thief at this point. As far as I recall, they started working on this years before deus ex, and now it's been a couple of years since deus ex also. you have to wonder what's been happening with it's development at this point. i hope it turns out well though
"The actor playing Garrett needed to be able to perform his own stunts. Garretts a really athletic guy. We could have pasted Stephens voice on top of the actions and stunts of someone else, but this wouldnt appear natural."
I don't buy that. I've worked with voice actors in animation and they can re-create action-led sounds. Stephen Russel's voice is a very major part of the immersion for me. I believe his dialogue is crucial to holding the game together, since it's constantly there in-game in monologues.
As for not wanting to treat their star differently (in capture and performance) than the other characters, why not? Surely the point of having a star character (what makes them a 'star') is that they're different.
You wouldn't want Duke to be voiced by anyone else. Just my two-cents.
I have the same issue with movies and series, where suddenly they change an actor for a character, its just off putting imo. You have identified the character with these and these characteristics. I hated that in sequels of movies, where the main character was suddenly a different guy.
It's unfortunate, but I don't think it's a showstopper, so long as they get his world-weary personality right. I guess maybe that won't fit so well with younger Kung-Fu Garret.
Hm. That looks... not terrible. Playable. Potentially much better than that. I'm waiting for the Sneaky Bastards and RPS to throw down their opinions as they'll be much more harsh on the discrepancies, but I'm actually starting to quite look forward to giving this a try for myself.
Presumably he'd be interested in their opinion because they'd get to play the game, and the RPS guys are fans of the original Thief so they'd mention if the game was suddenly Call of Duty: The Heist.
Yeah. There's a lot of things they could easily hide in a carefully choreographed developer play through. The RPS guys can be relied upon to 'tell it how it is', particularly when it comes to the uneasy reworking of a classic PC title, and Sneaky Bastards pretty much exists because of Thief. Their input will be pretty valuable seeing what the game is, rather than what Eidos want us to think it is.
Fingers crossed those things aren't too different.
looks pretty tight, never played the originals but this looks neat. Eidos Montreals last offering of deus ex was pretty stellar so here is hoping for the same. heard that studio is pretty chaotic from multiple people, but this looks fun.
Yeah, that worried me as well, Ark. Thief was always about absolute stealth moreso than Deux Ex/Dishonored's 'choose your own path'. If you got caught you were basically dead, you weren't much of a fighter at all.
yeah, I loved that in Thief, the best option when confronted with an enemy was almost always to run away. It was a nice change of pace from the ultra-violent power fantasy of other games (which are enjoyable too). I'll reserve judgement until I can play it tho.
I just don't want those instant kill cinematics they had for example on Aliens vs Predator, they are so annoying and in my opinion, breaks immersion of me being the person.
That doesn't sound terrible, if you factor in the unfinished code and level that was probably rushed out for E3.
At this point I'm expecting something like Human Revolution. A game that's pretty solid in its own right with some impressive elements, but one that can't hold a candle to its predecessor. I think I'm ok with that.
and this boss.... lol
I wonder why games like this still give AI patrol points that the enemies walk around to exactly the same pace until the end of time. It would be easy to add some randomness and alternate patrol paths. It would add a great deal of difficulty with 2 simple tweaks. I spose game designers see enemies as a puzzle element like any other "Timing trap" style puzzle. Rather than an organic/random puzzle.
Does anyone know any games where the enemies have natural/random behavior. Skyrim was sort of getting there with enemies just wandering about.
-lets go to the St. Edgar's Church and steal the Hammerite's holy ralic.
-Loot 350 gold.
-Dont kill any Hammerite.
-Go back to the starting location.
"That arrow was probably just in my head."
Don't know if I like these changes.
just nitpick
This one is worth a watch too
Not sure I get it? :poly136:
Mainstream and more "action moves" is not something I want hear when talking about a Thief game. If Stephen Russell isn't in this game, then it's gonna be real bad for a lot of the old fans, just too many changes made to Garrett.
Also in that vid he talks about the game being less gothic? Compare the new game to the previous 3 games and tell me which looks more gothic.
I'm interested to see how immersive the game is. The screenshots allude to some pretty immersive gameplay but I'd imagine there's a lot of information the player needs to see as well.
Answered most of the questions right and what I wanted to hear.
Small Teaser is up:
Apparently more coming on 2nd April.
(Not an april fools joke)
Looks great otherwise, can't wait to see some gameplay.
Also....what the heck is with that stupid superscript?
I read that as "What's yours-to-the-power-of-is mine?"
So it's confirmed, no Stephen Russell!
Sad day.
I don't buy that. I've worked with voice actors in animation and they can re-create action-led sounds. Stephen Russel's voice is a very major part of the immersion for me. I believe his dialogue is crucial to holding the game together, since it's constantly there in-game in monologues.
As for not wanting to treat their star differently (in capture and performance) than the other characters, why not? Surely the point of having a star character (what makes them a 'star') is that they're different.
You wouldn't want Duke to be voiced by anyone else. Just my two-cents.
Nonetheless, so far I am positively impressed by what the french dudes r doing with t33f. Now let's see some Mechanists
Please god, don't tell me its capped at 30FPS on PC, please. Also I gotta laugh that a "next gen" console have to sacrifice FPS to get better physics.
Presumably he'd be interested in their opinion because they'd get to play the game, and the RPS guys are fans of the original Thief so they'd mention if the game was suddenly Call of Duty: The Heist.
Fingers crossed those things aren't too different.
Hype going down
At this point I'm expecting something like Human Revolution. A game that's pretty solid in its own right with some impressive elements, but one that can't hold a candle to its predecessor. I think I'm ok with that.