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[UDK] Sea Defenses



  • MohsenDehnavi

    how to create this scene that your texture are not titable?

    your texture is not titable?

    from far your towers are not titable textures.how?

    my texture in buildings ,can see titable textures.!(how to improve?)

    how to create Vegetation texture for your rocks?

    how to create Waves for your sea?

    thanks help me!
  • palm
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    palm polycounter lvl 18
    Love it. Killer textures!
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    love it really nice shapes...only thing that strikes me as wrong is the underwater lighting, its too bright in areas... dark wooden poles become much lighter underwater then fade off (im geussing this is a vertical gradient), could you not multiply this over the diffuse to get better lighting, if you wanted to go a step further and have some fake caustics you could overlay an addative vertically gradient masked texture (or x2 for animated moire effect)

    anyway very nice
  • skullsplitter
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    skullsplitter polycounter lvl 18
    Sweet Moses, that looks good...
  • ParoXum
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    ParoXum polycounter lvl 9
    cant wait for you next updates, it's been great to follow.
  • Mr Smo
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    Mr Smo polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks guys!

    I have had little progress of late, but I do have some stuff to show!

    SHEPEIRO: I see what you mean, I think the strip of lighter stuff is from the z depth part of my shader, I'm not sure if i can exclude those meshes from it but I will look into it! I also made the ocean less transparent, let me know if that helps the lighter areas of the ocean. I probably misinterpreted what you said and did something completely different! Thanks for your feedback!

    My main progress was to flesh out a little part of the back ground.

    These mountains are generated in world machine, duplicated and placed around to get a bit of variation. I aim to have a small low poly 'town' in the center, to be viewed only at a distance. A few towering structures in the center and then small satellite farms off outskirts. Smoke and other small fx to be coming from these areas! The town center itself will be on a hill with the outer buildings and houses etc on the lower grounds.


    A lot of holes to fill in the transition areas!

    Some shots of the other areas I have worked on are mainly of the dock / elevator and some modelling of preciously proxy models:


    I am having some second thoughts about some of the 'door ways' leading onto areas on the left of the second last image....

    The little fellow you might notice in some of the shots is a highlander character I started a year ago, for scale reference!

    Thanks for reading! Feedback greatly Appreciated!
  • pixelpatron
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    pixelpatron polycounter
    Flags lack detail and seem over saturated compared to the ref, I know you want that splash of color, but it seems a little too Disney castle for me at the moment. I know the concept doesn't show it, but it'd really help to have the towers be a bit more varied. One of em damaged, missing pieces, one with a staircase on the outside.....basically what I'm looking for is varying up the silhouette a bit between them. The ease of instancing is making this piece seem a bit lazy when taken out of context of the it's source material. Not implying your execution was lazy, just saying without the ref the 3D scene is suffering from a lot of repetition. There that's better.

    Misc smaller rocks along the transition to the larger shapes?

    this is awesome btw. :thumbup:
  • lukepham101
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    lukepham101 polycounter lvl 7
    Looks awesome man! I've always been a big fan of your work ever since looking at Midgard and it's always awesome to see fellow Australians doing sick art! This scene totally needs some seagulls flying about though to explain all the poop on the wall structures haha. Looking forward to seeing this project finished, great work so far! :)
  • LuCh!
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    LuCh! polycounter lvl 5
    looking awesome! nice work on the water,
    the flags give some nice color variation
    and for the doors, maybe make a small one person door for places like on that image you refere to, looks more realistic then a dubble door to come out on such a small space
  • BlvdNights
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    BlvdNights polycounter lvl 8
    This is crazy! Maaannn, so inspirational.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Woah!! That top-down view on page 1 is breathtaking. Want to see more of this !! Thinking of this scene being seen through an Oculus Rift gives me goosebumps ...
  • desktoppirate
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    desktoppirate polycounter lvl 13
    Damn, I love this. Imagine landing on the beach and fighting the way up the defenses. Great stuff :)
  • Mr Smo
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    Mr Smo polycounter lvl 18
    Cheers guys! Thanks for the feedback

    I will definitely being adding sea gulls and their poop :) also resizing the doors sounds like a smart move.

    I haven't had much time to work on this the past week and some. What I did get started on was the elevator for the kings hasty escape and some udk cloth flags.

    the water reflection went abit screwy in these shots :(


    A lot more to do, hopefully more to come very soon!
  • Mr Smo
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    Mr Smo polycounter lvl 18
    a few more updates for a sleepy sunday!

    fleshed out the dock area a bit more, probably wont take it any further as it wont be seen very close in the final shots:


    and some fluffy mist in there, i will work more on the fx i threw these in from my midgard scene to test!


    feedback muchly appreciated!
  • vemadesign
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    vemadesign polycounter lvl 12
    Cliffs are looking amazing. Love the mood, too. Great, job! :)
  • lucashug
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    lucashug polycounter lvl 6
    This scene evolve pretty good man!
    I like how you add new elements that the concept doesnt have,
    That add a lot to the scene :) can wait to see it Done :D
  • lukepham101
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    lukepham101 polycounter lvl 7
    Looks great Smo, nice progress! I really like how the Dock is turning out, great texturing and modelling. In my attempt to give some feedback even though I'm hardly an expert, I'll try and give some feedback to it. :)

    I think you're moving in the right direction about the fog, looking at the original concept the big selling point about the concept is the whole early morning mistiness, it's just right now it feels like mid day at the moment? Maybe changing the fog colour will help that out a little and increasing the amount will help sell that early morning look, I'm not entirely sure. Also I feel like there could be more colour in the sun light to give it a little more life since right now it looks a little desaturated. I think Witcher 2 has some great references for this in that they did similar castle structures and they look awesome. I just notice they give a little bit of a yellow tint to it to make that contrast pop out a little more. Vincent Mayeur also did it awesomely as well so getting some ideas from that could maybe help as well.




    Also if there's a way to tessellate the water a little more so it loses it's flatness and seems a bit more wavy, that'd be awesome! All in all, it's looking pretty awesome already so keep it up! Hope this feedback is somewhat helpful. :)
  • TOASTERoven
    Please correct me if I am wrong, but doesn't wind come from the ocean and move towards the land? And if that's the case, does that mean that the flags atop the towers are fluttering in the wrong direction?

    It looks good, keep it up.
  • Mr Smo
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    Mr Smo polycounter lvl 18
    Cheers Luke, I will pump up the saturation! I have experimented with tessellation and water but reflections go screwy so I left it, I might try it again though!

    TOASTERoven: yeah you are probably right, I just followed the concept with out thinking :(.
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    SHEPEIRO polycounter lvl 17
    i would disagree on the saturation... i think youve nailed the look better than the witcher which is using the classic oversaturated reinhart tonemapped look, yours is more natural...

    on the wind front the land heats up first in the morning so the wind goes from sea to land... in the evening the land cools befor the sea which stores more heat so the wind changes to go from land to sea
  • Dysengaged
    Hey, environment is looking amazing, love it :)
    Just wondering how did you do your water, looks incredible :) !!
  • Mr Smo
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    Mr Smo polycounter lvl 18
    Dysengaged - I explained the water a little a few pages back :)

    Update recently:


    Added these few things to bring a bit more life and story, the boat is there for the kings hasty escape. Covered in hydras (the symbol of this kingdom) and goooooold, probably not seaworthy with such weight, so I'll just say its gold paint!

    The birds flap, the flags flutter, the waves roll and the boat bobs!

    Also some ambient sounds like waves, birds, creaking wood, flapping flags and wind are in. I will wrap this up soon and do a fly through with he audio as well. I am moving to the UK soon and hope to do it all before then :)

  • urgaffel
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    urgaffel polycounter lvl 17
    Sweet, looking forward to the fly-through! Where in the UK are you moving to?
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    im going to miss you </3

    stuff looks awesome man, so much talent in one man its unbelievable!
  • Mr Smo
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    Mr Smo polycounter lvl 18
    ae. - Thanks babes, you will always be in my heart :}
    urgaffel - I am going to be in west sussex :)

    I am calling this done as I have pretty much run out of time before I start packing my pc up!

    Here is a fly through, terrible camera work I know!

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_rqZH3Qe3g&quot;]UDK Sea Defense[/ame]

    I am going to put up some beauty shots in the next few days and individual assets. Thank you to everyone for the feedback!
  • A-Train
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    A-Train polycounter lvl 15
    Turned out great meng...except for the squiddie of course ;) Maybe for your next one?
  • Twister3
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    Twister3 polycounter lvl 13
    Argh it's a damn shame! Youtube blocked the video for viewers in Germany because of the song you used.

    Looking forward to the final screenshots though!
  • Mr Smo
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    Mr Smo polycounter lvl 18
    oh really! dang, I will upload to vimeo this evening :( sorry
  • Froyok
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    Froyok greentooth
    Perfect ! I love the mood, the fly-trought is really beautiful !

    I friend just told that it's a bit weird that your flags are facing the sea, while they should be backward, with the wind coming from the sea not the walls.

    Also, on the flags I would have put different playing rate for your animations because the little flags are synchronized in their animation and it becomes obvious.

    Otherwise, great work ! :)
  • vondecrolock
    WhaoO! It's just beautiful..

    The only little things that felt wrong for me, is why the flags are floating this direction? It's not logical.. The seagull is in static flight because wind blow from the see. But it's really nothing...

    @Froyok let me type my comment quietly :P, you Lucky Lucke..
  • Mr Smo
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    Mr Smo polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks guys. I lingered the camera on the bird a bit too long :P I just had done the one idle animation, as if the bird was floating on the breeze.

    For the flags I used Shepeiro's post to justify the flags direction, It just felt right having them wave the same direction as the concept.
    SHEPEIRO wrote: »
    on the wind front the land heats up first in the morning so the wind goes from sea to land... in the evening the land cools befor the sea which stores more heat so the wind changes to go from land to sea

    Although I could have toned it down a bit!

    for anyone who cant watch on YouTube I have uploaded here: www.mrsmo3d.com/sea_defense/sea_defense_1080.mp4
  • Twister3
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    Twister3 polycounter lvl 13
    Mr Smo wrote: »
    oh really! dang, I will upload to vimeo this evening :( sorry

    Awesome, thanks in advance!
  • Mr Smo
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    Mr Smo polycounter lvl 18
    I didn't realise vimeo required you to pay money to upload large videos, I made a shorter version with copyright free music instead:

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_dxfcQDFiU&quot;]UDK Sea Defense[/ame]

    should work in Germany and everywhere else :)
  • divi
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    divi polycounter lvl 12
    oh man, thats pretty. :D great job!
  • Add3r
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    Add3r polycounter lvl 11
    Fantastic work, truly awesome. Such an epic mood of the scene, and you captured it all. Awesome stuff.
  • lucashug
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    lucashug polycounter lvl 6
    This is so beautifuuuullll!!!
    The flag movement are stunning.
    This have to be in the polycount recap news :D:D:D!
  • Sugus
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    Sugus polycounter lvl 7
    Really nice execution! Very inspiring!
  • Gilgamesh
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    Gilgamesh polycounter lvl 12
    Froyok wrote: »
    Perfect ! I love the mood, the fly-trought is really beautiful !

    I friend just told that it's a bit weird that your flags are facing the sea, while they should be backward, with the wind coming from the sea not the walls.

    Also, on the flags I would have put different playing rate for your animations because the little flags are synchronized in their animation and it becomes obvious.

    Otherwise, great work ! :)

    Actually the wind would hit the wall and be forced up and backwards. Here on the south coast of the uk we have 150+ ft high cliffs and we use parachutes to sit against the cliffs and glide all morning by hitting the up drafts that force us up and away from the cliff then as we come down we head towards again for another lift up (same as a glider catching thermal up drafts).

    Annnnyhooooo ...

    This is absolutely stunning work, that sea shader is quite breath taking. Definately saved to inspiration folder/bookmarks
  • Mr Smo
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    Mr Smo polycounter lvl 18
    thank guys!

    here are the shots final shots:


    thanks for all the feedback, it really helped :)
  • Jhburton
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    Jhburton polycounter lvl 7
    Beautiful stuff! I've been lurking this thread since you started it and it has been a joy to see you complete!

    I have been trying to get my head around your water shader which looks absolutely beautiful. I understand most of it, but when you start talking about depth blending and vert blending the waves (the polygonal ones you move over the water plane) I get confused. Any chance you could give us a slightly more detailed breakdown?

    Again, super entertaining to see you go through Your process and complete this! Congrats!
  • Seaseme
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    Seaseme polycounter lvl 8
    Whoa. Any chance we could see the material node setup for the cliff? That's some mind bending stuff. I'm super curious how you achieved that effect!
  • m4dcow
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    m4dcow interpolator
    Just a heads up that the title of the sea defense page is "London Aquatic Center".
  • Mr Smo
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    Mr Smo polycounter lvl 18
    oh! cheers m4dcow I fixed it now :)

    I will try and get some more info on the cliff and water shader up soon!
  • RaPtoR_v9600
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    RaPtoR_v9600 polycounter lvl 4
    this is beautiful, cant say anything, its just perfect, great job bud, this environment rivals your midgard enviromet
  • TorQue[MoD]
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    TorQue[MoD] polycounter lvl 20
    Absolutely gorgeous. I'm a big fan of all your work. Why the move to the UK? No longer working for DE? You get a better job?
  • Mr Smo
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    Mr Smo polycounter lvl 18
    Hey Guys,

    I got distracted and lazy and never ended up doing the further breakdowns for anything, so I figured the next best thing would be to release the UDK packages, so here they are:


    - ignore warning about ashore package and run in dx11 if possible :)
    - if you want to see the flags animating and bird flapping about then run in a new window or in udk viewport, best to do it from the rocky areas rather than over the sea.

    Things to keep in mind are that this was a visual experiment with absolutely no consideration taken for poly count / optimisation. So be warned, many frames will be dropped and many nodes will be wasted.

    Shaders are full of redundant parts and many verts wasted in the name of vert painting.

    Regardless I hope it helps anyone interested and show what not to do.

  • nicocabbalero
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    nicocabbalero polycounter lvl 16
    dude that's really generous. look forward to opening it up
  • Makkon
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    Makkon polycounter
    You're the best, man. Thank you so much for doing this, I will glean everything I can from it.
  • Boyo
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    Boyo polycounter lvl 8
    Wow amazing, thank you!!
  • rtsketch
    Absolutely incredible, and great that you're releasing the source files! Subscribed on youtube.
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