Hello people,
Been working on a environment back and forth the last time so I tought about starting a thread for it. The main idea for the environment came up when I saw a concept a while ago and I new directly that I wanted to create an environment in that kind of style. You kind find the concept
I guess the concept is based on the Matrix movie, and a part of the Nebuchadnezzar ship. I wanted to use this concept as base for my environment but then also use my own ideas.
Besides the concept I created a moodboard to get a insperation of colors and mood for the environment:

*Create an inspring indoor environment with elements from the matrix scene and with submarine/ship features.
*Improve my skills in Cryengine with lighting, paricles, material/shaders etc.
*Contrast in colors (warm/cold) light (bright/dark) mood (cosy/dirty) technology (old/new)
*Final presentation with ambient images and video.
Heres some work in progress screenshots:
This is where I am currently in the progress (Final Shots):

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kc6lCp5cJ_I"]Hacker Nest Environment Flythrough - YouTube[/ame]
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9oZmohwb9o"]Hacker Nest First Person Walkthrough - YouTube[/ame]
Some early screenshots:

Future Plans:
*Adding more personal belongings and stuff in the room and shafts.
*Colorgrading and updating lighting
*Material pass to define materials (metal, plastic, glass)
*More assets like, hanging wires, cables, dirt, chair, security cameras.
*Corridor with windows and vista.
*Video in monitors.
*Some other things (If I got the time.)
I will try to work on the scene and post as often I can.
Feel free to give feedback and critic on the environment and dont hesitate to ask questions. Stay tuned!
one thing though: the cloth looks a bit flat - is that just a plane with a normal map or actual geometry?
bring me: Cheers dude!
I would say to add more human elements to the scene to show human presence and stuff.
But since that is in yout backburner I will wait for the next update.
Maybe shove some personal stuff under the bed there? Boxes or whatnot, just hide it all under the carpet style!
A wrench I,ve been working on for the scene. Was thinking about that the character migh be able to pick it up and hold it in the hand.
There's a couple of things standing out for me:
- As a few other people have pointed out, the individual lights don't seem to be casting much light around the environment. It would be nice if they were emitting a little of the orange light, which contrasting with the blueish tone of the monitors will look great.
- It would be nice to get some AO around the legs of the bed where they met the floor. I've always had the same problem with my CryEngine scenes too, and I'm still looking for a solution, so this seems to be more of an engine problem but I'm sure there's got to be a work around.
Also I really like the steam coming from the pipes. Would you mind explaining what method you've used, i.e is it a particle or maybe a placed mesh that doesn't animate? I'm going to be adding smoke / fog to my Server Room environment soon so any insight would be great.
Looking forward to seeing how this turns out, keep up the good work
A lot of stuff has been said already that I would change it myself, keep posting and I'll try and be more helpful as well.
Again, great stuff, finish it!
The wrench is great too. Are the indents in the handle modelled? Or is it a bump?
Edit: Maybe adding some drooping wires/plastic piping might look alright? The scene looks great so far.
Why not? I believe it has been proven countless times CE3 can pull any theme you want, given you know the tools.
Grimmstrom:Thanks! Yeah good point with the lights. Yeah the AO in cryengine is a little bit tricky sometimes. I havent really started with playing around with the setting yet. I dont know if u are aware of all the different ao settings? Rather then playing around with the AO in the time of day, you can open up the console and type in ssao or ssdo for more AO settings and play around with those values.
For the steam its using a paricle effect with an emitter. I guess it depends what kind of fog you want? If theres a moving fog i sugesst you using particles. If u just want some distance fog you can always use a fogvolume.
Helder: Thanks buddy! I will keep u posted!
Zer0: Cheers! The indents are modelled. Yeah I was defenilty thinking about adding more wires as in the concept, even if i dont want to go crazy and make it to noisy/messy.
Heres a close up screenshot of the shelf:
Cheers for all the feedback. Stay tuned for more updates!
this suggestion is exactly the stuff that makes games look... gamey. so, be careful.
keep it subtle, go for more specular lighting and contrast, get away from "spotty" diffuse lighting.
Keep it up brah
Kodden: I'll be checking back on this thread as I'm loving it all. Since I'm new to all of this (game props/environment) I'm a little confused about polycount. What is classed as low poly and what isn't?
other than that this piece oozes a gritty grimy type feeling. nice work!
Am I the only one who's noticed the Polycount logo in the middle of those cupboards?
Havoc: Cheers dude!
Rageleet: Thanks! Yes u are right. And what u cant see in the image is that its already moving in the engine. I already have a few moving elements in the scene such as particles, moving cloth, video on monitors, fan rotating, dust particles etc. Im defenilty gonna create a flytrough when im done with the scene, that was the plan.
Duoxan. Hah its true, but i guess a lot of things would be flying around if it wasnt bolted. At least the wheels have breaks on them. Yeah the monitors are still wip. Want to have some videos displayd on the monitors. Thanks for the feedback.
Danpaz: Thanks. No i've noticed the logo it aswell. He must be crazy that guy who did it
Note the ones stashed under the bed.
It would be nice to see some of those monitors rotated slightly to add some imperfection.
Because i use 3d max and iv just started focusing more on hard surface modelling and when i bake, texture just never get that high level of detail im looking for especially with normal maps, i always get really crap normal bakes :thumbup::poly124:
I created a few feedback images for you see what you think...
Thought that it might be interesting to push your image a bit more toward the colder tones, so quickly tested it in photoshop. Also mocked up a stronger light from the computers, removed some of the orange glowing lights and a monitor or two to reduce the amount of focal points. Added some more very rough shadows and rim light to the side of the swivel seat.
Here is some specific feedback on the scene. hope that you find it useful.
Ichll3d: Cool, i will check it out. I just looked trough "Ghost in the shell" the other day. Guess u have seen it. Got some pretty cool stuff in it as well.
Coridium: Now thats what I call feedback
IchII3D: Agreed on Lain, my fav anime series.
Edit: I think the colder colours look great glowing from the screens, other then that I'm loving the warm colours. Gives it a sense of hiding and how they (who ever 'they' are) may treasure the light. But thats just me!
I agree about the monitors emitting more light. I'm working with 3 at home and when I turn off the lights I can still see the entire room :P