Hey guys, i was just wondering if you guys would be interested in basically setting up a polycount hangout.
there are a couple of technicalities i think i need to work out, for example, you would need a permanently logged in member, i'm not sure if it's possible to run that kind of thing off of a server, but essentially it would just be a user called "polycount" who is always logged in, and is always "hanging out".
the reason for this is simple:
people from polycount can join and leave this hangout as and when they feel like it. they can put up their screenshares, chat to each other, see what each other are working on in realtime etc. it's a phenominal learning tool.
the screenshare function is really very good, you can choose to share an entire screen (background and all), or just a single program (for example, zbrush). other people within the hangout can click on your screenshare and watch you work, or click someone elses... it's all good.
i dunno, it's just an idea i'm having. i'm pretty much thinking of just doing a public hangout anytime i'm sculpting now (kinda like livestreaming, but more interactive, and unfortunately without a recording function). but then whenever i'm asleep/not home my pc is off so others couldn't join that hangout. which is why a more permanent option would be nicer.
what does everyone think?
permanent hangout link here:
also, this:
I have been investigating a Push to talk solution for when in the hangouts and this nice piece of software seems to do the trick.
http://www.pushtotalk.nu/http://dampy.xeroxer.com/?file_id=258 - Direct Link
The only downside is that in order for it to work correctly you need to have Chrome/Firefox in focus when pressing the PTT button or it doesnt seem to register correctly.
The upside is that people won't need to hear me abusing my keyboard in the future

Crunch Cast did a G+ hangout recently for one it's one year anniversary episode that I was on. http://crunchstudios.com/
Hangouts happen, just gotta get in people's circles and find out about them.
will leave it up for as long as i can.
Green means that person is online, camera means they have their webcam integrated with G+.
You can find out about hangouts in your home feed. It'll say Bob Smith is hanging out with whoever and there'll be a join button. If people invite you to a hangout itll be displayed to the right of the home feed.
We already have skype group chat and there's an IRC if i'm not mistaken. The screenshare thing is what interests me about hangouts though
When my studio is up and running, we're going to have day long hangouts for people to drop in and out of.
As far as a permanent hangout, that sounds tricky. Also I'm pretty sure there is a hard limit for how many people can be in one at once.
Oh yeah, feel free to add me, would like to build up my polycount circle!
Does r13 have a server running for minecraft? Could that be used? My understanding of network technologies is very limited.
As an aside, how can I find the Skype group chat?
it's been awesome, and we've all come away with a heap more knowledge. it's just annoying not having a "permanent" hangout. which is what this thread was about.
unless anyone else knows of a similar sort of program, even if it needs to be server hosted... we might be able to work something out.
I can't speak for the skype group, but the PC IRC is really just an off topic (even more than here) chat room. You will barely find people on whom are active that can actually answer a tech question.
This is why Im afraid of such things. That become nothing more than a club versus a way to get real time help or feedback. II don't know about you all, but when Im in the zone, talking or listening to someone asking you questions does not help my creative process.. Am I a misinthrope alone in this?
I'd love to have you do a sculpt over of my ArenaNet female, almighty_gir! I'm gonna have to check this out.
to be fair, the irc channel has been around longer than PC.
Auh. Ok. I just figured with the size some of the files reach you meant on their screen. As waiting for a 100+ size file to upload and then download might be a test in patience.
brought this up to a friend of mine.. he's gonna see what he can do. i think its a great idea.
any time... just add me on skype or google+ to arrange it man!
just add me paynter.daniel@gmail.com
Feel free to add me, Andreas Strømberg.
I also added the circle Ben Apuna posted so I got a few hundred that don't know me there
It feels fairly similar to working a late night in the office to me. You pass time by bullshitting and whatnot while you work. I think it can be distracting...but you just have to be careful. Also...its a good way to network with people and get to know them on a little more personal basis I think.
In general...it seems like there will be times when people bullshit a lot, then times where nobody talks for an hour...so you get both.
Surprised on how easy it all was to get into, everything went so smooth, nice job Google