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E3 2012 - Sony



  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    That whole sequence made the main character seem like the bad guy. You come out of nowhere to kill someone by breaking their neck, the other guys that were his friend try and stop you but you torch them and shoot those point blank in the face that are begging for their lives.

    *cue audience applause when you kill the guy begging for his life*
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZYkj0glnqs"]The Last of Us E3 2012 Gameplay - YouTube[/ame]
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    that Beyond video was quite cool. I'm always up for more Ellen Page in games :D

    Also The Last of Us looks even more amazing in gameplay. The subtle details of how the main characters move and interact is really, really impressive. Also, I don't think I've seen a game that used HDR lighting as effectively either. Then again I haven't played Uncharted 3 yet, which looks like it could be similar there.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    PolyHertz wrote: »
    That whole sequence made the main character seem like the bad guy. You come out of nowhere to kill someone by breaking their neck, the other guys that were his friend try and stop you but you torch them and shoot those point blank in the face that are begging for their lives.

    *cue audience applause when you kill the guy begging for his life*

    I actually liked the "moral" ambiguity of it all, I mean clearly the guy at the end tried to kill you, so why spare his life? It's a rather ballsy move by Naughty Dog to give so much humanity to what you're probably going to kill hordes of, it'll make for a memorable gaming experience.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    Skamberin wrote: »
    I actually liked the "moral" ambiguity of it all, I mean clearly the guy at the end tried to kill you, so why spare his life? It's a rather ballsy move by Naughty Dog to give so much humanity to what you're probably going to kill hordes of, it'll make for a memorable gaming experience.

    I think the key is that it gives context to the random 'bad guys' you find in most games or movies. In a bleak and destroyed world like this, the idea of good and bad, or villain and hero, depends entirely on your perspective. I like the idea of the protagonist not being inherently good, and being forced into situations where you have to make tough decisions like that.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Slum wrote: »
    I think the key is that it gives context to the random 'bad guys' you find in most games or movies. In a bleak and destroyed world like this, the idea of good and bad, or villain and hero, depends entirely on your perspective. I like the idea of the protagonist not being inherently good, and being forced into situations where you have to make tough decisions like that.

    Aye. Judging by the previous trailers it's a dog eat dog world, I guess the protagonist is more approachable in "goodness" since he is actually protecting a little girl, rather than raping her or something.

    The previous trailers don't show any women actually, so I wonder if that whole thing will come in to play..
    Watched the above video again too, I really cannot wait for this game, from the blood spatters on furniture to the blood pools with proper reflection, facial animation, sound, entire feel and vibe of the game, everything is just, damn. I got a PS3 for things like this, gg Naughty Dog, gg.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    I keep forgetting Last of Us has fungombies.
  • D-Boy

    See you guys next-gen, in a madhouse.
  • Neolight
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    It is impressive how subtle and none over the top it is compared to everything else out there. It made it feel more real. It was a normal day, no crazy weather, not really moody or anything, and everything looked amazing detail wise. Nice little vfx here and there, like the dust falling off the side of the stairs, but no over the top bloom or lense flare like everything else we've seen today. The action felt like everyone was trying to be careful and survive.
  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 17

  • D-Boy
    ZacD wrote: »
    It is impressive how subtle and none over the top it is compared to everything else out there. It made it feel more real. It was a normal day, no crazy weather, not really moody or anything, and everything looked amazing detail wise. Nice little vfx here and there, like the dust falling off the side of the stairs, but no over the top bloom or lense flare like everything else we've seen today. The action felt like everyone was trying to be careful and survive.

    Agreed. Many games shown today also have really impress art directions.
  • ikken
    last of us gameplay footage is really quite fucking disturbing, I wonder what else they're gonna have in the final game
    literally cringed at some fighting scenes
    and their character work is quite incredible imo, but that was something the first trailer has demonstrated already.

    beautiful game, but the face-smashing and shit make me feel highly uncomfortable.
    (I just prefer different kinds of fun in videogames I guess?)
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    ikken wrote: »
    last of us gameplay footage is really quite fucking disturbing, I wonder what else they're gonna have in the final game
    literally cringed at some fighting scenes
    and their character work is quite incredible imo, but that was something the first trailer has demonstrated already.

    beautiful game, but the face-smashing and shit make me feel highly uncomfortable.
    (I just prefer different kinds of fun in videogames I guess?)

    Same kind of uncomfortable I felt when I watched the road, it's gonna be awesome!
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Crikey I had no interest in The Last of Us until I saw that demo. Now it's a must buy. The level of scripting is actually a bonus, it looks so seamless! Was blown away by that gameplay.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    holy cow... the last of us looks brutal. I really like the reaction to him getting shot, or throwing the molotov, or their reaction to him not having any ammo. Then all the events, i guess they would be choreographed, but it seems so natural and flawless, from her throwing a brick, to him shooting a guy in the head. Very well done. I am so excited for that game. A change of pace from Uncharted. Very welcome indeed.
  • Orangeknight
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    Orangeknight polycounter lvl 5
    Dont have the time to watch all of the press confence, but was their anything on Planetside 2. The weird thing was that montage made me like Sony alot!
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
    Skamberin wrote: »
    Aye. Judging by the previous trailers it's a dog eat dog world, I guess the protagonist is more approachable in "goodness" since he is actually protecting a little girl, rather than raping her or something.

    The previous trailers don't show any women actually, so I wonder if that whole thing will come in to play..
    Watched the above video again too, I really cannot wait for this game, from the blood spatters on furniture to the blood pools with proper reflection, facial animation, sound, entire feel and vibe of the game, everything is just, damn. I got a PS3 for things like this, gg Naughty Dog, gg.

    Gonna go out on a limb and say it's drawing on the American cultural idea that as long as you are the "good guy" almost any behavior is excusable. See Jack Bauer, the Iraq/Iran wars, etc. Setup your main character as who to root for and then basically anything goes, torture, murder, etc.

    I thought the graphics looked amazing, but the murder simulator aspect is getting just a bit too realistic and nuanced for me to enjoy it. Wonder if you can play in a way that avoids all violence.
  • Will Faucher
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    Will Faucher polycounter lvl 12
    Gonna go out on a limb and say it's drawing on the American cultural idea that as long as you are the "good guy" almost any behavior is excusable. See Jack Bauer, the Iraq/Iran wars, etc. Setup your main character as who to root for and then basically anything goes, torture, murder, etc.

    I thought the graphics looked amazing, but the murder simulator aspect is getting just a bit too realistic and nuanced for me to enjoy it. Wonder if you can play in a way that avoids all violence.

    You're too good for us, poop. Teach us, master. :)
  • [HP]
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    [HP] polycounter lvl 17
    What's with you guys cringing at Last of Us? Do you ever watch movies? Can we try and be a little open minded here?

    It's fantastic to see the games industry maturing like this, and delivering us content that gives us emotions other than michael bay moments everywhere. Enjoy your little bite of the future.
  • JonathanLambert
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    JonathanLambert polycounter lvl 6
    As a despicable blood thirsty American savage, I can't wait for this game.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    perhaps that's the point: you're fine with mowing down hundreds of people with a heavy machine gun but this game is showing it's brutal and ugly and shouldn't feel good - the girl seemed to be pretty shocked at the main character burning the two guys alive with a Molotov.

    They mentioned The Road was an influence - there were plenty of moments where the father did things to survive that the son would later ask "are we still the good guys?". A glorification of violence doesn't have someone asking you if what you just did is right, they just give you a high-five.
  • glottis8
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    glottis8 polycounter lvl 9
    Oooh... i like the Road. Such a gruesome book. Which i think is a very good character development. Actions are not Black and White anymore in games. Nor it TV shows. Sure the characters are depicted as morally good, but their situations of survival or confrontations push them to do things that a regular joe would not even have to think about. I think that makes the game 100 times more interesting than the regular plot of you are mr good, shoot the baddies, bring home the bacon.

    Thats why i like Quantic Dreams attempt to make storytelling have a deep emotion linked to the experience of the game. Kudos to ND for trying something different, and i hope that this game has a lot more emotional weight than Nathan Drake running around a sinking boat that has no meaning to his character or his believes.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Gonna go out on a limb and say it's drawing on the American cultural idea that as long as you are the "good guy" almost any behavior is excusable. See Jack Bauer, the Iraq/Iran wars, etc. Setup your main character as who to root for and then basically anything goes, torture, murder, etc.

    I thought the graphics looked amazing, but the murder simulator aspect is getting just a bit too realistic and nuanced for me to enjoy it. Wonder if you can play in a way that avoids all violence.

    Agree on that, the whole "anything is okay cause you're the good guy" thing. Though I do hope both characters will interact and grow in a way that set's them apart in some rational manner in regards to remaining "good".

    Though in a world of complete chaos and evil, one good deed would essentially set you off as "better" compared to everyone else (I don't think that's strictly an American culture thing really), which I guess you can get away with if you tell the story well.

    In any case, this looks like it'll be one memorable experience, a game that makes self preservation and survival feel uncomfortable to players is certainly unique. (No I don't count Bioshock on this, the Little Sisters were just never capable of creating any empathy with me.)
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Gonna go out on a limb and say it's drawing on the American cultural idea that as long as you are the "good guy" almost any behavior is excusable. See Jack Bauer, the Iraq/Iran wars, etc. Setup your main character as who to root for and then basically anything goes, torture, murder, etc.

    I thought the graphics looked amazing, but the murder simulator aspect is getting just a bit too realistic and nuanced for me to enjoy it. Wonder if you can play in a way that avoids all violence.

    Or perhaps it's the opposite. Maybe they're trying to say that protagonists aren't always going to be good guys, but they don't have to be evil demons either, and even if they are good guys, sometimes messed up things have to happen. What do we really know about the supposed antagonists in this game? The protagonist knows what they are likely to do if they come across a middle aged man and a teenage girl, but we don't, for now. Maybe they'd let them pass through unharmed; but maybe they would kill the protagonist and make the girl wish they would kill her. Maybe he's protecting her, even though he's 'firing first' and not bothering with the asking questions bit.

    That's what I got from it anyway.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    It can't be as bad as the latest Ninja Gaiden where you are forced to kill a unarmed thug who's begging for his life and telling you he's only doing this to feed his family - I only heard the audio from it on a podcast, maybe he was feeding orphans into a meat grinder while saying that.
  • ikken
    It can't be as bad as the latest Ninja Gaiden where you are forced to kill a unarmed thug who's begging for his life and telling you he's only doing this to feed his family - I only heard the audio from it on a podcast, maybe he was feeding orphans into a meat grinder while saying that.

    umm except latest ninja gaiden is a major flop and doesn't even come close to this small LOU snippet
    that's the degree of emotional tension and, for the lack of better term, empathy to foes that tecmo failed to achieve I guess?
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    It can't be as bad as the latest Ninja Gaiden where you are forced to kill a unarmed thug who's begging for his life and telling you he's only doing this to feed his family - I only heard the audio from it on a podcast, maybe he was feeding orphans into a meat grinder while saying that.

    Well, he's gotta eat right :P Here's the clip btw
  • Rojo
    This game looks fucking grim. There definitely seem to be thematic influences from The Road, but the most interesting choice is the man and child combination. Maybe a little older (what- 13 instead of 9?) which makes the plot that much darker. I wonder what the mechanics are with the girl, do you have to actively protect her? She seemed to do fine on her own but it's hard to differentiate between scripting.

    The murder scenes were enough to make me feel uncomfortable. They are going to be pushing a moral boundary. It somewhat puts me off, but I'm also morbidly curious.

    The environments and characters of course look stunning.
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Lighting looks so good in Last of Us, so diffused and soft looking.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    I half-expect them to reveal later in the game that the main character killed the little girls parents and is protecting her as a form of repentance.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master

    Sony on the PS4 "We've never been first. We've never been cheapest. It's about being the best"

    Sounds like its going to be a while before they announce anything.
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