Quantic is basically capturing everything - textures, geometry, body movement, facial movement... It's closer to a movie than a game IMHO. Very impressive technical achievement, but we've yet to see how much more it'll be compared to a movie.
Quantic Dreams new game doesn't look as interesting as their last tech demo
I agree with that, after I saw that I played Binary Domain. I would love to see a fully fleshed out story with the last tech demo. It was really really good and I'd say better performance as well.
I do have to give Sony Props for the awesome Indie titles they publish and will be publishing..Also. PS+ is awesome! I get so many rad free games from it.
Sony looking good so far. I like their approach on entertainment announcements like Youtube and Hulu partnerships. They don't emphasize on them and make 3 minute montages about them like Microsoft, they simply announce them. They only make videos about what is the core reason we buy consoles...the GAMES. Good shit so far Sony.
You know..I'm never gonna use this product..but this is REALLY REALLY cool if you are a kid. Makes me think about growing up in the 80s and only have crappy cardboard thick story books.
Shocking. It starts with a montage... every single even they go to starts with one.
Will Shatner is back :poly142:
This is why:
I agree with that, after I saw that I played Binary Domain. I would love to see a fully fleshed out story with the last tech demo. It was really really good and I'd say better performance as well.
It makes me wonder ^^
Battle royale
Last of us
COD - Black ops declassified
Ass creed 3 liberation
and counting....
EDIT: Oh my now I'm just as excited for the sea too
What is this Far Cry 3 4 player coop stuff...
*just throws it on the ground*
CHUCK IT ON THE GROUND xD , don't be careful or anything ^^ oh well... it has purty palm-trees. =P
Move? I must have blinked :P
EDIT: For adults too? :O
I'm getting tired it's 03:55 PM here in Sweden. I got work at 08.00. xD I need more explosions! =P
She's getting irritated :O!