You values need more variation. Its hard to grasp when polypainting, which is why I do the colour work in maya/photoshop. You need to be able to tweak stuff quickly and easily. Preview it as black and white as much as possible, get that gradient in there and saturation gradient.
But the sculpt is looking good
totally agree - this was very quick polypaint session, theres a *lot* more iteration to do!
Need your advise. I am about to finish my sword. My correction of it actually. I decided to change it's size (made it some smaller), split colors and values for upper and bottom part of the blade, and changed the handle. I tryed to play with mask2 also, to get some spec.
What do you think about colors and style itself?
There is also one disturbing question: is it a good idea to place some details on the blade (like i made previously or some other way)?
Need your advise. I am about to finish my sword. My correction of it actually. I decided to change it's size (made it some smaller), split colors and values for upper and bottom part of the blade, and changed the handle. I tryed to play with mask2 also, to get some spec.
What do you think about colors and style itself?
There is also one disturbing question: is it a good idea to place some details on the blade (like i made previously or some other way)?
I like the colors and style a lot, it might be a bit slim but it fits the heroe really well. The details on the blade are not bad at all, but from a distance not really noticable. But it's not making it noisy either so just leave it, but don't add more scratches or something else, because then it could get to noisy!
Just finished the second colouring pass for a set I'm making for Sven.
This will be my second submission to the workshop, and the first model I ever used sculpting; both modeling and sculpting were entirely done in Blender.
I still have to do more details in the leather parts, as they only feature the basic baked AO and have no texture whatsoever. The rigging is still crude also, I'll focus on it the next days.
This set will feature a weapon too, but I still haven't finished its sculpt, I'll post when I got something.
P.S.: Did anyone sucessfully extracted character animations? It would help immensely to have them into Blender to see if some parts work with the current animations :P
Without further ado, here it goes, crits are welcome!
Yeah, exactly. I'm struggling to adapt to the style of the game.
I already tried to remove a lot of details (mainly in the helm, where I think the problem is more serious), but then it just looks empty, it's a hard thing when you start with the wrong concept.
Anyway, I'll finish the sword and will go for a third pass in the texture, I'll see what I can do about it. Thanks for the feedback.
I like the colors and style a lot, it might be a bit slim but it fits the heroe really well. The details on the blade are not bad at all, but from a distance not really noticable. But it's not making it noisy either so just leave it, but don't add more scratches or something else, because then it could get to noisy!
Been working on a weapon for necrolyte, I think this is my 5th item after starting a couple months ago.
I'm finding it really hard to get the 'dota 2 style' look, which I think I struggle during the texture phase. Also the masks for necrolyte seem weird, they aren't really used in the default weapon.
For my bakes I've been using lennyagony's guide, so, bentnormal, cavity, diffuse (with ndo or crazybump), normal, occlusion, prtN, prtP.
Started working on a dragon claw flail weapon for brewmaster, one that fits my last item..
It's a bamboo stick with some metal parts and a dragon claw. Now on to the gigh poly version
There are also going to be some straps around the botom part.
I think certain characters have bones that are somewhat driven by physics, then you link stuff to them and they obey the bone movement, it's not a proper cloth simulation.
If that's correct, there's no way of adding cloth effects without editing the character's armature.
I may be wrong, though, take it with a grain of salt.
hey guys, has anyone had success at setting up cloth sim/physics? I would like to experiment with it however I dont know where to begin
its kind of a .qc file, but its set after the compiling process
i never managed to get it working properly, but its basically a matter of create a .cloth file with the same name of the model with the parameter for the bone chains and the physics. i dont know if you need to pre activate it, but you can look for some .cloth on the files, the spiritbear have one for example, its on dota/models/heroes/lonedruid/spiritbear.cloth (or something similar)
Sure I can send you this little guide I wrote for some of the other artists here and they've all had success with the custom cloth effects. I've seen you can already get your objects into the test client (which is really good) so I also assume you know how to compile items by hand using QC. If you don't then that's ok since this guide will cover that as well.
The biggest problem is getting your new rig to properly compile and work in-game. In order to do this you need to compile a new .mdl for your hero. I'm going to assume you're using Doom (the process is the same for every hero) as your hero. Make sure you do this using Dota 2 Test and also, be aware that Valve may reject your entry for using added effects (it creates a lot more work for them on their end apparently & bones are one of the most expensive items when it comes to memory budget).
1: Using StudioCompiler, de-compile doom.mdl located in dota/models/heroes/doom. This will give you the following: a .Qc file(mdldecompiler.qc - rename this to doom.qc), two reference .SMD (the LOD0/01), and a bunch of animation .SMD. Save all of these files and import doomlod0.dmx.smd into Max/Maya.
2: Rig your model accordingly. Any extra bones need to be children of the default attachment bone for that slot. Be sure to name your new bones with a proper naming convention, you'll need these names later.
3. In order to test custom physics, we need to overwrite a default item. Be sure to name your item the exact same as it's corresponding default item. I.e. doom_shoulder
4. Export your item and new bones out as reference .smd.
5. Select and export the entire skeleton (added bones included) and the hero's base model as reference .smd. Basically you need to re-export whatever was imported in Step 1, with the addition of your custom bones.
6. Now we need to compile your custom item by hand using guistudiomdl. You'll need to write a basic .qc file, I recommend de-compiling the corresponding default item and modifying the .qc that comes with it. You only need to change names and directories at this point, no code changes required. Once you have a .qc file written, open it using guistudiomdl and be sure to check the define bones option box at the bottom of the screen. Assuming a successful compile, you'll be given a text output of code starting with $definebone and some arguments (one command for each bone and there may be corruption which is easily noticed and deleted).
7. Open doom.qc and paste the block of $definebones just underneath the $lod function. Beneath the $definebones block, add $heirarchy "child_bone_name" "parent_bone_name"
8. Using guistudiomdl, re-compile doom's base. You may encounter errors and need to comment out certain portions of the code. This is entirely dependent on the hero so I cannot predict which errors you will receive, see my attached file for more info.
9. Write a doom.cloth file (just a simple text file) using any other hero's .cloth file as a base (windrunner, tidehunter, invoker, lifestealer all have these files located in their main folders). Replace the relevant code with that of your own and change the variables as needed. Changes require a game restart to see the affects.
10. Using GCFScape, you need to extract all of the source files for dota, located in the .vpk archives, into the main dota folder. Once this is done, rename all of the .vpk file extensions and disable automatic updating for dota 2 test.
11. Copy your newly compiled files, doom.mdl and doom_item.mdl, into the dota/models/heroes/doom folder and overwrite the default files.
12. Launch Dota, view them using either the workshop tool or the customize hero tool in the backpack.
That's basically how it's done. If you need more help with the .qc writing, try looking on the valve dev wiki as it has very good articles on each of the commands and their various arguments.
These pastes should give you an idea of what the finished code will look like.
Did a quick and dirty bake for my brewmaster weapon, which didn't came out to bad. Not an easy job to get to the low trilimit for it Sometimes I think they are being a bit too restricted
@ Tommy - Nice set! Clinkz seems like a hard hero to make items for, but your set blends really well and doesn't seem out of place
I just submitted a weapon for Necrolyte. 5th item, learned a lot during this one and had much better success with the sculpt, baking and texturing. Have to work on my designs for future items now!
Comments and critiques welcome and thank you for taking a look if you do!
p.s. Following this thread sets a really high standard for myself (and probably many other new item makers!), which is ultimately great
Dunno how you lads take so nice shots from dota2 client. Mine look like jagged crap without AA ;/
Did a quick and dirty bake for my brewmaster weapon, which didn't came out to bad. Not an easy job to get to the low trilimit for it Sometimes I think they are being a bit too restricted
Look other way around. Thanks to those limits not many people can do items for DOTA2 ;p.
I think certain characters have bones that are somewhat driven by physics, then you link stuff to them and they obey the bone movement, it's not a proper cloth simulation.
If that's correct, there's no way of adding cloth effects without editing the character's armature.
I may be wrong, though, take it with a grain of salt.
This is correct. You cannot add cloth without modifying the entire rig (You can edit existing cloth effects without adding new bones, i.e. making a new cape for Windrunner/Making a new tide off-hand). As I mentioned in another post there is also a hard limit to the number of bones a rig may comprise of. Because of this, there is also a limit to the number of custom cloth items that could be used from the workshop.
It's being called a cloth system, but it's actually more like soft-body extension of the old jiggle bones if you will.
Do you remove comments like "this is shit" "ugly" "don't add this"...?
Got two of this kind right before the update. Missed the selection for the 15th time...
It feels so unfair.
Do you remove comments like "this is shit" "ugly" "don't add this"...?
Got two of this kind right before the update. Missed the selection for the 15th time...
It feels so unfair.
Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. Depends on my mood.
I'm bummed to be overlooked again, but I guess I just gotta keep at it.
Happy for everyone that got new stuff in! Grats on your first set Marul and Hunter, Bronto, Tvidotto and Vlad. Also I totally called in your thread that you'd get a chest Anuxi.
This is an interesting tidbit from the update too:
Several old keys have returned to the store along with a very low drop rate for some older community chests.
The current set of community crates will no longer expire, but their drop rate will be decreased over time and their rarity increased over time.
I'm bummed to be overlooked again, but I guess I just gotta keep at it.
Happy for everyone that got new stuff in! Grats on your first set Marul and Hunter, Bronto and Vlad. Also I totally called in your thread that you'd get a chest Anuxi.
This is an interesting tidbit from the update too:
Several old keys have returned to the store along with a very low drop rate for some older community chests.
The current set of community crates will no longer expire, but their drop rate will be decreased over time and their rarity increased over time.
Congratz everyone!
By "current" they mean this month chest (Crystalline) or the chest that will enter tomorrow? Because my item is on Crystalline =PPP
Agreed 100% - I love waking up Thursday morning and browsing through the new items.
Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. Depends on my mood.
If it was the day of selection, would you?
Look at the Spine Razer, it's an example of how a good submission
can be sniped out at the last day.
Because art is subjective, it's very easy to ruin any submissions.
If it was the day of selection, would you?
Look at the Spine Razer, it's an example of how a good submission
can be sniped out at the last day.
Because art is subjective, it's very easy to ruin any submissions.
I don't think a few negative comments are going to make a difference when it comes to Valve making their selection.
The chests no longer expiring is a good thing for us, btw. It means we can continue getting profit shares of chests opened that would have previously expired. Though it may balance out since people may spend a bit less on new chests if they really want a chance at something in the older chests.
But this again helps spread the profits around to everyone, not just the most current flavor of the month items
If it was the day of selection, would you?
Look at the Spine Razer, it's an example of how a good submission
can be sniped out at the last day.
Because art is subjective, it's very easy to ruin any submissions.
Comments have nothing to do with an item getting accepted, ratings barely do, too.
The Spine Razer is a really cool dagger and I wouldn't be surprised if we see it in a future chest but it wasn't not added just because of a couple of negative comments.
My advice would be to just continue to make items without the expectation that they will make it into the game; I had a good four-five months where nothing of mine was added but I kept making new items regardless and was finally rewarded.
Link to the workshop <- Video inside!!
I hope you guys like it!!
Link to the workshop:
Congrats with Snowl. This courier is realy awesome.
Panda is great too. Hope we will see it in game soon.
Link to workshop.
totally agree - this was very quick polypaint session, theres a *lot* more iteration to do!
What do you think about colors and style itself?
There is also one disturbing question: is it a good idea to place some details on the blade (like i made previously or some other way)?
I like the colors and style a lot, it might be a bit slim but it fits the heroe really well. The details on the blade are not bad at all, but from a distance not really noticable. But it's not making it noisy either so just leave it, but don't add more scratches or something else, because then it could get to noisy!
Akakiryu of Thousand Faces
Just finished the second colouring pass for a set I'm making for Sven.
This will be my second submission to the workshop, and the first model I ever used sculpting; both modeling and sculpting were entirely done in Blender.
I still have to do more details in the leather parts, as they only feature the basic baked AO and have no texture whatsoever. The rigging is still crude also, I'll focus on it the next days.
This set will feature a weapon too, but I still haven't finished its sculpt, I'll post when I got something.
P.S.: Did anyone sucessfully extracted character animations? It would help immensely to have them into Blender to see if some parts work with the current animations :P
Without further ado, here it goes, crits are welcome!
Front view:
Ingame (yeah, 1360x768 sucks, I know):
Yeah, exactly. I'm struggling to adapt to the style of the game.
I already tried to remove a lot of details (mainly in the helm, where I think the problem is more serious), but then it just looks empty, it's a hard thing when you start with the wrong concept.
Anyway, I'll finish the sword and will go for a third pass in the texture, I'll see what I can do about it. Thanks for the feedback.
Current progress on the sculpt for a KotL mount and armor, hoping to get this and the rest of the set done before the 31st!
I'm finding it really hard to get the 'dota 2 style' look, which I think I struggle during the texture phase. Also the masks for necrolyte seem weird, they aren't really used in the default weapon.
For my bakes I've been using lennyagony's guide, so, bentnormal, cavity, diffuse (with ndo or crazybump), normal, occlusion, prtN, prtP.
Any suggestions would be awesome
I love this so much. It's such a great idea and looks amazing, i will definitely be picking this up when it gets into he game.
It's a bamboo stick with some metal parts and a dragon claw. Now on to the gigh poly version
There are also going to be some straps around the botom part.
Glad to hear that. Yes, animators would know better but I think I'm gonna stick to items that work with a single bone from now on lol
Rigging is indeed a pain, even more when you need to test it ingame every time.
Vlad, try to give more productive feedbacks =]
If that's correct, there's no way of adding cloth effects without editing the character's armature.
I may be wrong, though, take it with a grain of salt.
its kind of a .qc file, but its set after the compiling process
i never managed to get it working properly, but its basically a matter of create a .cloth file with the same name of the model with the parameter for the bone chains and the physics. i dont know if you need to pre activate it, but you can look for some .cloth on the files, the spiritbear have one for example, its on dota/models/heroes/lonedruid/spiritbear.cloth (or something similar)
Crits are welcome!
I just submitted a weapon for Necrolyte. 5th item, learned a lot during this one and had much better success with the sculpt, baking and texturing. Have to work on my designs for future items now!
Comments and critiques welcome
p.s. Following this thread sets a really high standard for myself (and probably many other new item makers!), which is ultimately great
Riki dagger.
Dunno how you lads take so nice shots from dota2 client. Mine look like jagged crap without AA ;/
Look other way around. Thanks to those limits not many people can do items for DOTA2 ;p.
This is correct. You cannot add cloth without modifying the entire rig (You can edit existing cloth effects without adding new bones, i.e. making a new cape for Windrunner/Making a new tide off-hand). As I mentioned in another post there is also a hard limit to the number of bones a rig may comprise of. Because of this, there is also a limit to the number of custom cloth items that could be used from the workshop.
It's being called a cloth system, but it's actually more like soft-body extension of the old jiggle bones if you will.
Grats everyone!
Congrats anuxi and everyone else as well!
haha so true
It looks like I finally got my set in game, yay!
Grats to you too man! Your epic head slot for bounty is in and your SK sword
Got two of this kind right before the update. Missed the selection for the 15th time...
It feels so unfair.
Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. Depends on my mood.
Happy for everyone that got new stuff in! Grats on your first set Marul and Hunter, Bronto, Tvidotto and Vlad. Also I totally called in your thread that you'd get a chest Anuxi.
This is an interesting tidbit from the update too:
Congratz everyone!
By "current" they mean this month chest (Crystalline) or the chest that will enter tomorrow? Because my item is on Crystalline =PPP
If it was the day of selection, would you?
Look at the Spine Razer, it's an example of how a good submission
can be sniped out at the last day.
Because art is subjective, it's very easy to ruin any submissions.
I don't think a few negative comments are going to make a difference when it comes to Valve making their selection.
But this again helps spread the profits around to everyone, not just the most current flavor of the month items
The Spine Razer is a really cool dagger and I wouldn't be surprised if we see it in a future chest but it wasn't not added just because of a couple of negative comments.
My advice would be to just continue to make items without the expectation that they will make it into the game; I had a good four-five months where nothing of mine was added but I kept making new items regardless and was finally rewarded.
You have to choose between two abstract paintings:
one made of lines, and another made of circles.
Some of the paintings you picked following your own taste in the past ended in an outcry and swarm of complaints.
Which one would you choose? The painting with one bad and 3 good replies,
or the other with 4 good replies?