I only delete spam. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. If you get more negative than positive, perhaps that will be useful info to held onto for when you next make your item.
First second third items just guarantee they wont get in, just keep making items and make them for you, not the workshop. You will get better over time and will be rewarded just like bounchfx and bronto
First second third items just guarantee they wont get in, just keep making items and make them for you, not the workshop. You will get better over time and will be rewarded just like bounchfx and bronto
Opposite on that for me... One Hat Wonder. Nothing I've made after August has been implemented, but the first 4 things I made did.
As for negative comments, I leave them, people are welcome to think whatever they want. After you get a few thousand you stop worrying about it, mostly. The overall opinion matters most. The worst is indifference where you get no views, no votes and no comments.
I always approach my comments assuming they will all be horrible and hateful. Then I plug in some long russian text into google translate and it says "Beautiful". Usually when it's actually inflammatory it makes me laugh.
The only time I listen to comments are when they touch a subject I was already thinking about.
For example, the Sword of the Vigil Codex I made for Sven recently. I designed it where Sven would hold on to the blue grip on the loop. After looking at it in game, I found that it blended in with his body colors and you couldn't even see the grip in game. So I flipped it to where he's holding the unwrapped part and the wrap shows on the outside, giving a nicer contrast of colors.
Once I posted the sword, I received all positive comments. But, several people did mention that I should flip the sword so the hand holds the grip. Due to this being something I had already fought with on a personal level, I will likely flip the sword so that he's holding on to the grip.
But comments like "The head shouldn't be there!" and "the blade should be larger" don't register with me because those were conscious, artistic decisions I made and I'm not going to change them just because 1-2 people think I should.
First second third items just guarantee they wont get in, just keep making items and make them for you, not the workshop. You will get better over time and will be rewarded just like bounchfx and bronto
I hate being blunt, but this couldn't be more wrong. I'm in a similar ball-park as Frump, my first, second, third, and fourth items were all implemented but I haven't seen a single one since. And personlly, even though I won't be stopping, I don't think I'll see another item in the game. Keep on keeping on. Valve says they don't pick favorites, but even now I'm starting to think that isn't 100% true. And I know I'm not the only one that feels that way.
When you have someone like yourself, Anuxi, you not only raise the bar, but steal the spotlight. Not saying that is a bad thing, having competition is great, I'm improving at great rates because of animators like Vidotto. But it does get a bit discouraging when you see the big names get their items in week after week with everything else tossed to the side. But alas, that is the industry I suppose, competition breeds greatness, so bring it on, just have to keep stepping up my game. :thumbup:
Also, Congratulations on getting your own personal chest, you're about to break the bank. :poly124:
I only delete spam. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. If you get more negative than positive, perhaps that will be useful info to held onto for when you next make your item.
I'm right with you on this, 100%, its the proper thing to do! Not deleting those comments, and blocking people that criticize your work.
I only delete spam. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. If you get more negative than positive, perhaps that will be useful info to held onto for when you next make your item.
First second third items just guarantee they wont get in, just keep making items and make them for you, not the workshop. You will get better over time and will be rewarded just like bounchfx and bronto
negative comments are sometimes good to show you that something isnt right, sometimes you get used to it and are not able to see
one of the items i animated gave me a huge punch in the face, 10 minutes after the submition Helenek send me a msg with "man, what happened to you? my cat animates better" (ok, wasnt like that but make it more dramatic =] )
the best thing i can say is: do your best and spend enough time on the presentation, the first comments influence the others. if you best is not enough try again! =]
I hate being blunt, but this couldn't be more wrong. I'm in a similar ball-park as Frump, my first, second, third, and fourth items were all implemented but I haven't seen a single one since. And personlly, even though I won't be stopping, I don't think I'll see another item in the game. Keep on keeping on. Valve says they don't pick favorites, but even now I'm starting to think that isn't 100% true. And I know I'm not the only one that feels that way.
When you have someone like yourself, Anuxi, you not only raise the bar, but steal the spotlight. Not saying that is a bad thing, having competition is great, I'm improving at great rates because of animators like Vidotto. But it does get a bit discouraging when you see the big names get their items in week after week with everything else tossed to the side. But alas, that is the industry I suppose, competition breeds greatness, so bring it on, just have to keep stepping up my game. :thumbup:
Also, Congratulations on getting your own personal chest, you're about to break the bank. :poly124:
I'm right with you on this, 100%, its the proper thing to do! Not deleting those comments, and blocking people that criticize your work.
that varies a lot, my first item entered the game but took a huge ammount of time, something like 5 months, the second is probably the most voted item on the workshop, almost 8k rating with 99% approval, more then 1k msgs and not a single word from valve... (just checked, it is on the workshop for 201 days =] )
sometimes they like, sometimes they dont...
Anuxi is one of the few that can make a big number of items but the only one that make them with quality in my opinion. she also helped to make the workshop more popular with those streams, so its well deserved =]
btw Helenek, i think the snail courier will beat our couriers in time on the workshop, it was submitted on july and got added to the files today. my drake will go down to the third position =]
It happens. Our chicken courier was submitted the same week the Workshop went live and wasn't accepted until February. But Valve also used Cluckles to build the entire courier submission setup for the Workshop, so ultimately we helped improve the Workshop too, as before then.. it was a freaking nightmare to work with a courier in game.
It happens. Our chicken courier was submitted the same week the Workshop went live and wasn't accepted until February. But Valve also used Cluckles to build the entire courier submission setup for the Workshop, so ultimately we helped improve the Workshop too, as before then.. it was a freaking nightmare to work with a courier in game.
hehehe nightmare is a good word to describe Bewsii, i almost cried when i got the dragon to work in game for the first time =]
Opposite on that for me... One Hat Wonder. Nothing I've made after August has been implemented, but the first 4 things I made did.
Oh I was kinda aiming that at newbies to the craft. Like your first - 50th model will always suck ect ect...
On if things get in.. I dunno. its almost like lottery. even if you think you do everything right, it could still get left behind or need serious work to get it in. I think once you get into the grove, things become consistent (or visually getting better) and more streamlined and people will start to follow you because of that.
Anuxi is right on the money there. It takes a lot of practice to get comfortable with doing what we do. I've been modeling for about 3 years now and still struggle with making Dota items on occasion because it's a completely different process than what I'm used to. I've always been a high poly (CG) modeler, so I'm having to re-train myself to work backwards for very low poly game models to meet Dota's requirements. I've actually learned a lot from watching Anuxi's stream on occasion -- getting to know her workflow and seeing her process helped me learn zBrush in a matter of days. That Sven sword was the first time I had ever used zBrush, and now I'm really comfortable with it.
Anuxi is right on the money there. It takes a lot of practice to get comfortable with doing what we do. I've been modeling for about 3 years now and still struggle with making Dota items on occasion because it's a completely different process than what I'm used to. I've always been a high poly (CG) modeler, so I'm having to re-train myself to work backwards for very low poly game models to meet Dota's requirements. I've actually learned a lot from watching Anuxi's stream on occasion -- getting to know her workflow and seeing her process helped me learn zBrush in a matter of days. That Sven sword was the first time I had ever used zBrush, and now I'm really comfortable with it.
I hate being blunt, but this couldn't be more wrong. I'm in a similar ball-park as Frump, my first, second, third, and fourth items were all implemented but I haven't seen a single one since. And personlly, even though I won't be stopping, I don't think I'll see another item in the game. Keep on keeping on. Valve says they don't pick favorites, but even now I'm starting to think that isn't 100% true. And I know I'm not the only one that feels that way.
When you have someone like yourself, Anuxi, you not only raise the bar, but steal the spotlight. Not saying that is a bad thing, having competition is great, I'm improving at great rates because of animators like Vidotto. But it does get a bit discouraging when you see the big names get their items in week after week with everything else tossed to the side. But alas, that is the industry I suppose, competition breeds greatness, so bring it on, just have to keep stepping up my game. :thumbup:
Also, Congratulations on getting your own personal chest, you're about to break the bank. :poly124:
I'm right with you on this, 100%, its the proper thing to do! Not deleting those comments, and blocking people that criticize your work.
Summer was completely defferent time for workshop.
All i sad, that valve dont leave any comments in the developers comments page. I have only 2 max hours after work for dealing with workshop, so having some comments (at least couple of words) would be nice.
The only time Valve replied to one of our items was when they said "Hey guys, we love the Chicken courier, but it's broken and we need you to fix all 7,000 things that are wrong with it first!"
I've been going at dota items for a little over a year now
and tf2 items around 3 years
I've received a few comments on some of my year old submissions which are mainly
(this needs to be imported) but my old items suck
I've always asked for criticism and I never get any.
I've been working as hard as I can to maybe one day become one of those big names for contributors but that just seems impossible at this rate.
only have I ever got one item in a valve game and that was the fast learner
and a third of the revenue went to someone who didn't actually have anything to do with the items creation and I'm starting to have some financial worries
at the moment the workshop revenue is my only source of income (and not very liable at that, yes it's not smart to use it as one but it's the best of my few options) right now my rent eats up half of my monthly payment and that keeps getting smaller so I thought maybe I'd have a good chance at getting at least one item in between the fast learner being added last February but I guess I'm just not what valve is looking for.
but enough of this self pity
Congratulations are in order Anuxi, keep up the fantastic work!
Looking at your giant post of ideas, I'd say you've gotten significantly better from your first item to your most recent item. Just stick with it.
If you feel you can model/sculpt/uv well, but don't create great ideas.. find a concept artist to work with.
I draw really well, and model well, but I'm not a great concept artist. My concept abilities don't match the rest of my abilities, so I tend to only do items that someone else supplies concept for. I normally just model the stuff Helenek sends me concept for (be it his concept, or someone he knows) since I don't understand dota's style enough to do my own concept.
Looking at your giant post of ideas, I'd say you've gotten significantly better from your first item to your most recent item. Just stick with it.
If you feel you can model/sculpt/uv well, but don't create great ideas.. find a concept artist to work with.
I draw really well, and model well, but I'm not a great concept artist. My concept abilities don't match the rest of my abilities, so I tend to only do items that someone else supplies concept for. I normally just model the stuff Helenek sends me concept for (be it his concept, or someone he knows) since I don't understand dota's style enough to do my own concept.
Thats fair.
There is a technical side of the design process. Finding a good concept artist is a good thing, but learning how to be a concept artist is better, i think. There are lots of artists, dealing only with 3D stuff (modeling, sculpting, texturing, rendeing), but the most important thing is to get some ideas. Real conceps artist makes his works in 1-2 hours.
So, as always: 1) drawing 2) rought modeling and ingame preview 3) final and painfull step of finishing.
I wish i could have more time for all this. May be when kids will grow up, i'll finally get my time back )
I've been going at dota items for a little over a year now
and tf2 items around 3 years
I've received a few comments on some of my year old submissions which are mainly
(this needs to be imported) but my old items suck
I've always asked for criticism and I never get any.
I've been working as hard as I can to maybe one day become one of those big names for contributors but that just seems impossible at this rate.
only have I ever got one item in a valve game and that was the fast learner
and a third of the revenue went to someone who didn't actually have anything to do with the items creation and I'm starting to have some financial worries
at the moment the workshop revenue is my only source of income (and not very liable at that, yes it's not smart to use it as one but it's the best of my few options) right now my rent eats up half of my monthly payment and that keeps getting smaller so I thought maybe I'd have a good chance at getting at least one item in between the fast learner being added last February but I guess I'm just not what valve is looking for.
but enough of this self pity
Congratulations are in order Anuxi, keep up the fantastic work!
Lol, let's collab. This will raise both of our chances and you can up your concepting skills.
Also, Valve is going on the vacation soon, so i guess we should expect no/less new stuff ingame till mid-April or something.
Lol, let's collab. This will raise both of our chances and you can up your concepting skills.
Vlad I'm sorry but I feel like I've been constantly receiving this vibe on constant sarcasm from you ever since I can remember.
No one seems to be calling you on it but I'm done with this
What is your problem vlad?
what did I do? to make you make posts like THIS
on other peoples threads no less, I never even saw Pierates thread before you posted that, I was hoping you'd respect other contributors and not bring this garbage in their threads but I was unfortunately mistaken.
of all the times I do not need your attitude I certainly do not need it now.
I was hoping you'd at least try to improve, at least then I wouldn't feel so inadequate about my own work.
But at this rate you've left such a bad impression on me I can't take anything from you seriously anymore
I genuinely liked your Scepter model and even gave a few suggestions on how to improve it's definition but to be met with something like this when I'm at my worst is NOT what I needed today.
I've had to put up with complaints from my roommate
arguments with my mother
and to top it all off feeling shitty about my own art
I don't need your terrible attitude right now Vlad and as I'm pretty sure neither do the rest of us.
Vlad I'm sorry but I feel like I've been constantly receiving this vibe on constant sarcasm from you ever since I can remember.
No one seems to be calling you on it but I'm done with this
All of this, instead of just saying "Ok, let's do it".
Guess i should start from the other angle, i'll just model something, and then you'll decide.
When was the last time a hero was added to the workshop list? Has this process slowed down since the layoffs?
I highly doubt the layoffs had anything to do with that, if I had to guess, I'd say it has more to do with them focusing on other systems and allowing the heroes that are broken down to get item sets into the game.
I do feel that the community will benefit greatly if Valve decided to comment on items that meet a certain statistic (say 95% like, 500+ ratings).
I've recently gotten great feedback from them (fixing blends between fire and ice on jakiro ward as well as better animations, updates on texture for a courier im doing) and it has helped a tremendous amount, previously my eyes were blind to it but when its pointed out it becomes crystal clear, the public aren't great at pinpointing this, the developers are.
For people that don't work in the game industry and do this as a hobby like myself, feedback is a huge requirement because we can't learn if we don't know our mistakes.
I do feel that the community will benefit greatly if Valve decided to comment on items that meet a certain statistic (say 95% like, 500+ ratings).
I've recently gotten great feedback from them (fixing blends between fire and ice on jakiro ward as well as better animations, updates on texture for a courier im doing) and it has helped a tremendous amount, previously my eyes were blind to it but when its pointed out it becomes crystal clear, the public aren't great at pinpointing this, the developers are.
For people that don't work in the game industry and do this as a hobby like myself, feedback is a huge requirement because we can't learn if we don't know our mistakes.
Also, I'm a bit late to the party, but the first item that I submitted made it into the game (how that happened, I have no idea since it was utter shit) and nothing since Some transparency from Valve would be amazing, I really loved how they commented on each of the Polycount winners, made it clear what they liked/didn't like etc.
Congratz on everyone that got items into the new update!
If my BH set didn't went in the game, I probably would have quit making items for dota. I don't have a lot of spare time, but spend a lot of my spare time into making these items. One thing that is bothering me is that Valve never seems to contact if there is something wrong or what they would like to have changed so they could add it to the game!
Also what's bothering me is that some crappy items do get eccepted, although the idea is good the quality of it is sometimes pretty bad. And some really cool and quality work never get eccepted
Everyone has their own opinion, but it seems Valve prefer the work of some ppl None the less Anuxi your work is beutifull and of the highist quality works around the workshop so congratz! Your pushing us all back on our feet, and let us try harder
Well that's what polycount is for, to push people beyond their limits and in turn make them better artists.
The only reason I am where I am because of seeing art on this site and going.. "Damm I want to be better than that!"
I wanna get a bit more involved with feedback now, so sorry if Im too blunt but im a bit rusty on the feebackin etiquette
In my opinion its best to look at Valve's comments on Polycount winner entries on their blog. Also you can look at items accepted lately and try to guess what made them successful.
For me making items for DOTA is something that I am doing for fun, because I always wanted to have something I created inside game like this. Also hearing opinions of community about my work is also very nice, even if they are sometimes negative.
That doesn't matter, what does is your improvement. In my opinion it will be even harder to get items accepted, so just do it for fun and be positively surprised when it go in instead of be in constant depression when your items aren't accepted.
Workshop should be treated as something additional which provide you some happiness in life, not as a source of income because it's like lottery, and no one should put everything on lottery. It's great for gaining experience, learning workflows, enjoying the game even more. That's all I wanted to say.
I wish you all best of luck in next batch!
Hi guys. I went reading all the recent posts here... Very insightful. As for me I would be very happy to see an item I made get imported into a popular game I really love whether I get money from it or not. I'm very noob at 3D modeling but because I really want to learn, sometimes I don't even sleep just to learn how it's done. I love drawing since childhood but since I became a nurse I wasn't able to practice it. But because of Dota 2, I'm now loving it again. I was able to use my old school sketch pads again. Seriously, it's really hard to make a good concept especially if you are following a certain artstyle.
Anyway here's a bow for a Drow set I'm currently working on.
As for me I would be very happy to see an item I made get imported into a popular game I really love whether I get money from it or not. I'm very noob at 3D modeling but because I really want to learn, sometimes I don't even sleep just to learn how it's done. I love drawing since childhood but since I became a nurse I wasn't able to practice it. But because of Dota 2, I'm now loving it again. I was able to use my old school sketch pads again. Seriously, it's really hard to make a good concept especially if you are following a certain artstyle.
Hi guys. I went reading all the recent posts here... Very insightful. As for me I would be very happy to see an item I made get imported into a popular game I really love whether I get money from it or not. I'm very noob at 3D modeling but because I really want to learn, sometimes I don't even sleep just to learn how it's done. I love drawing since childhood but since I became a nurse I wasn't able to practice it. But because of Dota 2, I'm now loving it again.
Agreed. Right attitude for success right there! You keep doing it at the pace you are now. two years time you will be really damm good!
For me making items for DOTA is something that I am doing for fun, because I always wanted to have something I created inside game like this. Also hearing opinions of community about my work is also very nice, even if they are sometimes negative.
Workshop should be treated as something additional which provide you some happiness in life, not as a source of income because it's like lottery, and no one should put everything on lottery. It's great for gaining experience, learning workflows, enjoying the game even more.
My first publication in dota 2 was to see something i have created in game, which i like. I like character design, so workshop it's kind a hoppy for me, but i also understand guys, who gets 5 start for 15 items and gets nothing accepted. U can guess as much as possible, but true, many items have a good potential, and sometimes people must to know are there ideas a crap or its just need some polishing or eyecatching details. There are not comments even here, on polycount.
As for the guys with 5 stars and big rates (95% and 500count is not a starting point i think, as workshop is now not only competition, i has big marketing part now, even day of publication is very importand now...) i think it would a nice thing to get rare/mifical/legendary item status to items, made by pro's, and common/uncommon for the rest (if this items are good enough). Otherwise workshop will be the place only for GameIndustry pros, who have a big expirience dealing with game stuff.
I think every artist must have a goal to became a better one pro. But guys, it will took at least few years. Game Indusrty has its own design rules (bigger details, more stunning and deviant shapes). Yea, the bar was raised when some professionals for GameIndustry came, people want to see better items now. That's evolution.
Hi guys. I went reading all the recent posts here... Very insightful. As for me I would be very happy to see an item I made get imported into a popular game I really love whether I get money from it or not. I'm very noob at 3D modeling but because I really want to learn, sometimes I don't even sleep just to learn how it's done. I love drawing since childhood but since I became a nurse I wasn't able to practice it. But because of Dota 2, I'm now loving it again. I was able to use my old school sketch pads again. Seriously, it's really hard to make a good concept especially if you are following a certain artstyle.
Anyway here's a bow for a Drow set I'm currently working on.
First of all grats to all who got some stuff in the game! Specially Anuxis jackpot! :thumbup:
Yeah, i agree with shellnut on this. I'm not expecting to get my stuff in the game at all to be honest, if it does that's great but for me this is all about learning and to get better at zbrush mainly. I'm picking up a lot of good stuff and finding new functions all the time in this thread through videos and feedback. I have promised myself that i would create stuff for the workshop for a year and see if i have been getting any better. It's been six months or more now and i can already say that i have made good progress. This is nothing i would considering to go on full time with since i am not by any chance that skilled. I too stopped drawing sometime around when i was 14 and committed myself to music and wrote music and played in different band for 20 years or so. Still help some friends out when they need music for games or other projects. Recently made some music for Hell in the pacific. So when i quit playing in the band for about 2 years ago i picked up drawing again as shellnut did. I have a good job with decent pay and a degree, most likely will moving to another job this year with better pay but with less time to create stuff. I also run a consulting business in gaming with a friend, so i have fairly good contacts in the industry. Who knows, one might snag a job as environment artist, if can get together a portfolio as good as the one Jeff Parrot have. My hope is that this will help me to accomplish that. I would most definitely have to go down in pay, but in the end maybe worth it. But if not, it's all good.
I can't see any arguments why Anuxis items should not be getting in the game.
All the items are top notch and obviously packed and ready to be implemented with some lines of code from Valve. One can assume that time is also a factor when they choose who gets in and who does not. Seems to me like it's all jealousy and that will not get your items in the game. Only hard work will. Also, you can't compare with the competition that was six months or more ago when there were not so many of us who were doing this. There is a whole lot of more contributors now and that ends up in a much more fierce (but friendly ) competition.
Hi guys. I went reading all the recent posts here... Very insightful. As for me I would be very happy to see an item I made get imported into a popular game I really love whether I get money from it or not. I'm very noob at 3D modeling but because I really want to learn, sometimes I don't even sleep just to learn how it's done. I love drawing since childhood but since I became a nurse I wasn't able to practice it. But because of Dota 2, I'm now loving it again. I was able to use my old school sketch pads again. Seriously, it's really hard to make a good concept especially if you are following a certain artstyle.
I also really like this attitude. There really is something special about making these items, whether or not they go in. Despite having worked in the industry for a few years, it's a thrill to be able to interact and get instant feedback from the community. Industry secrecy has always meant waiting long stretches of time until a batch of screenshots or a trailer was publicly released before having any idea how the public felt about work that was done months or years ago.
I'm getting this vibe from some people that Anuxi is getting preferential treatment from Valve, which is kinda sad to me as I think it's disrespecting the hard work she's put in creating so many high quality items in such a short amount of time.
The one which looks better in-game.
First second third items just guarantee they wont get in, just keep making items and make them for you, not the workshop. You will get better over time and will be rewarded just like bounchfx and bronto
Opposite on that for me... One Hat Wonder. Nothing I've made after August has been implemented, but the first 4 things I made did.
As for negative comments, I leave them, people are welcome to think whatever they want. After you get a few thousand you stop worrying about it, mostly. The overall opinion matters most. The worst is indifference where you get no views, no votes and no comments.
I always approach my comments assuming they will all be horrible and hateful. Then I plug in some long russian text into google translate and it says "Beautiful". Usually when it's actually inflammatory it makes me laugh.
For example, the Sword of the Vigil Codex I made for Sven recently. I designed it where Sven would hold on to the blue grip on the loop. After looking at it in game, I found that it blended in with his body colors and you couldn't even see the grip in game. So I flipped it to where he's holding the unwrapped part and the wrap shows on the outside, giving a nicer contrast of colors.
Once I posted the sword, I received all positive comments. But, several people did mention that I should flip the sword so the hand holds the grip. Due to this being something I had already fought with on a personal level, I will likely flip the sword so that he's holding on to the grip.
But comments like "The head shouldn't be there!" and "the blade should be larger" don't register with me because those were conscious, artistic decisions I made and I'm not going to change them just because 1-2 people think I should.
And if you use google chrome you can just rick click > translate to English
It will translate all foreign text into english on the page or even twitch chat
I hate being blunt, but this couldn't be more wrong. I'm in a similar ball-park as Frump, my first, second, third, and fourth items were all implemented but I haven't seen a single one since. And personlly, even though I won't be stopping, I don't think I'll see another item in the game. Keep on keeping on. Valve says they don't pick favorites, but even now I'm starting to think that isn't 100% true. And I know I'm not the only one that feels that way.
When you have someone like yourself, Anuxi, you not only raise the bar, but steal the spotlight. Not saying that is a bad thing, having competition is great, I'm improving at great rates because of animators like Vidotto. But it does get a bit discouraging when you see the big names get their items in week after week with everything else tossed to the side. But alas, that is the industry I suppose, competition breeds greatness, so bring it on, just have to keep stepping up my game. :thumbup:
Also, Congratulations on getting your own personal chest, you're about to break the bank. :poly124:
I'm right with you on this, 100%, its the proper thing to do! Not deleting those comments, and blocking people that criticize your work.
Anuxi - props for breaking new ground with the chest, well deserved.
ouch Ana, that is amazing!
negative comments are sometimes good to show you that something isnt right, sometimes you get used to it and are not able to see
one of the items i animated gave me a huge punch in the face, 10 minutes after the submition Helenek send me a msg with "man, what happened to you? my cat animates better" (ok, wasnt like that but make it more dramatic =] )
the best thing i can say is: do your best and spend enough time on the presentation, the first comments influence the others. if you best is not enough try again! =]
that varies a lot, my first item entered the game but took a huge ammount of time, something like 5 months, the second is probably the most voted item on the workshop, almost 8k rating with 99% approval, more then 1k msgs and not a single word from valve... (just checked, it is on the workshop for 201 days =] )
sometimes they like, sometimes they dont...
Anuxi is one of the few that can make a big number of items but the only one that make them with quality in my opinion. she also helped to make the workshop more popular with those streams, so its well deserved =]
btw Helenek, i think the snail courier will beat our couriers in time on the workshop, it was submitted on july and got added to the files today. my drake will go down to the third position =]
hehehe nightmare is a good word to describe Bewsii, i almost cried when i got the dragon to work in game for the first time =]
yay! thanks man =]]]
Oh I was kinda aiming that at newbies to the craft. Like your first - 50th model will always suck ect ect...
On if things get in.. I dunno. its almost like lottery. even if you think you do everything right, it could still get left behind or need serious work to get it in. I think once you get into the grove, things become consistent (or visually getting better) and more streamlined and people will start to follow you because of that.
I enjoy it though, it's very different than what I'm used to working on. You can see my demo reel here if you're interested; http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=fAOiFSaO1g8
Summer was completely defferent time for workshop.
All i sad, that valve dont leave any comments in the developers comments page. I have only 2 max hours after work for dealing with workshop, so having some comments (at least couple of words) would be nice.
and tf2 items around 3 years
I've received a few comments on some of my year old submissions which are mainly
(this needs to be imported) but my old items suck
I've always asked for criticism and I never get any.
I've been working as hard as I can to maybe one day become one of those big names for contributors but that just seems impossible at this rate.
only have I ever got one item in a valve game and that was the fast learner
and a third of the revenue went to someone who didn't actually have anything to do with the items creation and I'm starting to have some financial worries
at the moment the workshop revenue is my only source of income (and not very liable at that, yes it's not smart to use it as one but it's the best of my few options) right now my rent eats up half of my monthly payment and that keeps getting smaller so I thought maybe I'd have a good chance at getting at least one item in between the fast learner being added last February but I guess I'm just not what valve is looking for.
but enough of this self pity
Congratulations are in order Anuxi, keep up the fantastic work!
If you feel you can model/sculpt/uv well, but don't create great ideas.. find a concept artist to work with.
I draw really well, and model well, but I'm not a great concept artist. My concept abilities don't match the rest of my abilities, so I tend to only do items that someone else supplies concept for. I normally just model the stuff Helenek sends me concept for (be it his concept, or someone he knows) since I don't understand dota's style enough to do my own concept.
Thats fair.
There is a technical side of the design process. Finding a good concept artist is a good thing, but learning how to be a concept artist is better, i think. There are lots of artists, dealing only with 3D stuff (modeling, sculpting, texturing, rendeing), but the most important thing is to get some ideas. Real conceps artist makes his works in 1-2 hours.
So, as always: 1) drawing 2) rought modeling and ingame preview 3) final and painfull step of finishing.
I wish i could have more time for all this. May be when kids will grow up, i'll finally get my time back )
Also, Valve is going on the vacation soon, so i guess we should expect no/less new stuff ingame till mid-April or something.
Vlad I'm sorry but I feel like I've been constantly receiving this vibe on constant sarcasm from you ever since I can remember.
No one seems to be calling you on it but I'm done with this
What is your problem vlad?
what did I do? to make you make posts like THIS
on other peoples threads no less, I never even saw Pierates thread before you posted that, I was hoping you'd respect other contributors and not bring this garbage in their threads but I was unfortunately mistaken.
of all the times I do not need your attitude I certainly do not need it now.
I was hoping you'd at least try to improve, at least then I wouldn't feel so inadequate about my own work.
But at this rate you've left such a bad impression on me I can't take anything from you seriously anymore
I genuinely liked your Scepter model and even gave a few suggestions on how to improve it's definition but to be met with something like this when I'm at my worst is NOT what I needed today.
I've had to put up with complaints from my roommate
arguments with my mother
and to top it all off feeling shitty about my own art
I don't need your terrible attitude right now Vlad and as I'm pretty sure neither do the rest of us.
Guess i should start from the other angle, i'll just model something, and then you'll decide.
No I'm done, I'm not doing this anymore.
I highly doubt the layoffs had anything to do with that, if I had to guess, I'd say it has more to do with them focusing on other systems and allowing the heroes that are broken down to get item sets into the game.
Now all replies in my submissions that are brutal, i'm going to delete them, I can't name theses "opinions".
I've recently gotten great feedback from them (fixing blends between fire and ice on jakiro ward as well as better animations, updates on texture for a courier im doing) and it has helped a tremendous amount, previously my eyes were blind to it but when its pointed out it becomes crystal clear, the public aren't great at pinpointing this, the developers are.
For people that don't work in the game industry and do this as a hobby like myself, feedback is a huge requirement because we can't learn if we don't know our mistakes.
Also, I'm a bit late to the party, but the first item that I submitted made it into the game (how that happened, I have no idea since it was utter shit) and nothing since
If my BH set didn't went in the game, I probably would have quit making items for dota. I don't have a lot of spare time, but spend a lot of my spare time into making these items. One thing that is bothering me is that Valve never seems to contact if there is something wrong or what they would like to have changed so they could add it to the game!
Also what's bothering me is that some crappy items do get eccepted, although the idea is good the quality of it is sometimes pretty bad. And some really cool and quality work never get eccepted
Everyone has their own opinion, but it seems Valve prefer the work of some ppl
here's your problem. you're so pretentious about your "art" it hurts.
a food for thoughts.
The only reason I am where I am because of seeing art on this site and going.. "Damm I want to be better than that!"
I wanna get a bit more involved with feedback now, so sorry if Im too blunt but im a bit rusty on the feebackin etiquette
For me making items for DOTA is something that I am doing for fun, because I always wanted to have something I created inside game like this. Also hearing opinions of community about my work is also very nice, even if they are sometimes negative.
That doesn't matter, what does is your improvement. In my opinion it will be even harder to get items accepted, so just do it for fun and be positively surprised when it go in instead of be in constant depression when your items aren't accepted.
Workshop should be treated as something additional which provide you some happiness in life, not as a source of income because it's like lottery, and no one should put everything on lottery. It's great for gaining experience, learning workflows, enjoying the game even more. That's all I wanted to say.
I wish you all best of luck in next batch!
Anyway here's a bow for a Drow set I'm currently working on.
This is the right fucking attitude right here.
Agreed. Right attitude for success right there! You keep doing it at the pace you are now. two years time you will be really damm good!
My first publication in dota 2 was to see something i have created in game, which i like. I like character design, so workshop it's kind a hoppy for me, but i also understand guys, who gets 5 start for 15 items and gets nothing accepted. U can guess as much as possible, but true, many items have a good potential, and sometimes people must to know are there ideas a crap or its just need some polishing or eyecatching details. There are not comments even here, on polycount.
As for the guys with 5 stars and big rates (95% and 500count is not a starting point i think, as workshop is now not only competition, i has big marketing part now, even day of publication is very importand now...) i think it would a nice thing to get rare/mifical/legendary item status to items, made by pro's, and common/uncommon for the rest (if this items are good enough). Otherwise workshop will be the place only for GameIndustry pros, who have a big expirience dealing with game stuff.
I think every artist must have a goal to became a better one pro. But guys, it will took at least few years. Game Indusrty has its own design rules (bigger details, more stunning and deviant shapes). Yea, the bar was raised when some professionals for GameIndustry came, people want to see better items now. That's evolution.
U shuold try:
1) Stroke/Lazy Mouse option.
2) HPolish Tool
3) TrimDynamic Tool
4) Deformation/Polish
u'l get better bow.
Yeah, i agree with shellnut on this. I'm not expecting to get my stuff in the game at all to be honest, if it does that's great but for me this is all about learning and to get better at zbrush mainly. I'm picking up a lot of good stuff and finding new functions all the time in this thread through videos and feedback. I have promised myself that i would create stuff for the workshop for a year and see if i have been getting any better. It's been six months or more now and i can already say that i have made good progress. This is nothing i would considering to go on full time with since i am not by any chance that skilled. I too stopped drawing sometime around when i was 14 and committed myself to music and wrote music and played in different band for 20 years or so. Still help some friends out when they need music for games or other projects. Recently made some music for Hell in the pacific. So when i quit playing in the band for about 2 years ago i picked up drawing again as shellnut did. I have a good job with decent pay and a degree, most likely will moving to another job this year with better pay but with less time to create stuff. I also run a consulting business in gaming with a friend, so i have fairly good contacts in the industry. Who knows, one might snag a job as environment artist, if can get together a portfolio as good as the one Jeff Parrot have. My hope is that this will help me to accomplish that. I would most definitely have to go down in pay, but in the end maybe worth it. But if not, it's all good.
I can't see any arguments why Anuxis items should not be getting in the game.
All the items are top notch and obviously packed and ready to be implemented with some lines of code from Valve. One can assume that time is also a factor when they choose who gets in and who does not. Seems to me like it's all jealousy and that will not get your items in the game. Only hard work will. Also, you can't compare with the competition that was six months or more ago when there were not so many of us who were doing this. There is a whole lot of more contributors now and that ends up in a much more fierce (but friendly
Have a great easter everyone!
I also really like this attitude. There really is something special about making these items, whether or not they go in. Despite having worked in the industry for a few years, it's a thrill to be able to interact and get instant feedback from the community. Industry secrecy has always meant waiting long stretches of time until a batch of screenshots or a trailer was publicly released before having any idea how the public felt about work that was done months or years ago.
I'm getting this vibe from some people that Anuxi is getting preferential treatment from Valve, which is kinda sad to me as I think it's disrespecting the hard work she's put in creating so many high quality items in such a short amount of time.