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Dota 2 - Workshop Thread



  • Asi
    How much money do you guys earn monthly from item sells?
  • pixelherder
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    pixelherder polycounter lvl 20
    DashXero wrote: »
    Pixelherder, I like it, but it almost seems like it should be a hero.

    hmmm, maybe need to go back to the drawing board on this one!
  • Insaneophobia
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    Insaneophobia polycounter lvl 5
    hmmm, maybe need to go back to the drawing board on this one!

    I actually really like your idea and think it's awesome. But I think the courier looks too strong to be a courier. Maybe try it with a monkey that looks weaker or something like that. If you look at the other couriers a very common trend is that none of them looks very strong. At least that's what I noticed :)
    But I love the idea and the flying form looks super awesome! :D
  • pixelherder
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    pixelherder polycounter lvl 20
    Maybe try it with a monkey that looks weaker or something like that.

    funny you should mention that - it was between an orangutan and a mandrill/baboon, so think i'll try that option next!
  • Insaneophobia
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    Insaneophobia polycounter lvl 5
    funny you should mention that - it was between an orangutan and a mandrill/baboon, so think i'll try that option next!

    Haha cool! I'm excited to see how it will look. Good luck mate! :D
  • Jams
    Greetings again! :)
    I'm putting some finishing touches to my first ever items (complete set) for dota2 at the moment before submitting them, and I have run into a couple of problems. Namely there seems to be something odd with the way the fingers and bow are binding to the bones, since the animations for those parts are not firing when they should. Using Maya.
    any help would be appreciated! :)
    For anyone who wants to see what I have so far :)
  • bewsii
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    bewsii polycounter lvl 9
    Hey everyone, I'm new here, but here is my first submission to the Workshop. I look forward to creating more items for Dota 2. You are also welcome to check out my main post to see the other items I'm working on!

    Sword of the Vigil Codex


  • HatPoweredSpyCrab
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    HatPoweredSpyCrab polycounter lvl 10
    @pixelherder I like both ideas!! I can imagine the crazy mandril with his big red ass delivering me some stuff jejejej :D.
    This came to my mind. Thx for bringing back my childhood.

    bewsii That's a very good start. Liked and to Favorites. Good Luck on getting it into the game.
  • bewsii
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    bewsii polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks :D

    And nice concept. I'm interested in seeing how you match this to Dota's style!
  • Madzia
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    Madzia polycounter lvl 8
    Repost from our threat My idea for silencer set!
    If he was raised by mages how did he know how to fight? Mocked by his kind maybe he was closer to barrens natives, and learned combat skills from elder warriors. His armor decorated with primitive symbols of physical strength characteristic for savages aroused disgust in other mages but brought him champion title after all.
  • Conpatshe
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    Conpatshe polycounter lvl 4
    Hey guys, very new here, just posting my batrider concept Im going to try as a personal project. I'm importing smd files and alike but Im just wrapping my head around the modeling aspect.. Its a process right?

    Should I be importing the smd and then modelling from that? OR the maya scene that is provided on the technical requirements page?

    Thanks for any crit/help

    Im gonna rework the belt a bit when I get the chance.

    EDIT: Also, Should I give Zbrush a go with this? Would it be easier to model?

  • marul
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    marul polycounter lvl 7
    Madzia wrote: »
    Repost from our threat My idea for silencer set!
    If he was raised by mages how did he know how to fight? Mocked by his kind maybe he was closer to barrens natives, and learned combat skills from elder warriors. His armor decorated with primitive symbols of physical strength characteristic for savages aroused disgust in other mages but brought him champion title after all.

    That's a nice alternative for the traditional outfit of silencer but your concept seems like it's torn into two. First there are fur and stitched clothes which suggest he has some relation to wild life but then there are also gems and gold stuff which completely conflicts your concept. You should make the whole set look rugged, primitive and practical if you're going in that direction.
  • HatPoweredSpyCrab
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    HatPoweredSpyCrab polycounter lvl 10
    marul wrote: »
    That's a nice alternative for the traditional outfit of silencer but your concept seems like it's torn into two. First there are fur and stitched clothes which suggest he has some relation to wild life but then there are also gems and gold stuff which completely conflicts your concept. You should make the whole set look rugged, primitive and practical if you're going in that direction.

    Being "primitive" or "wild" does not means you just have to wear stitched clothes without some pimp here and there. Mesoamerican Cultures teach us this.

    " There would be symbols of their particular affiliation on the clothing or in a head dress. The more prestigious clothing became brightly coloured. Gold was often used in clothing, and pendants, feathers, furs, and other forms of decoration were used. Jewelry such as necklaces, earrings and bracelets were also worn by the upper classes."

    Even for the Aztec warrior, there was a hierarchy that was reflected by how adorned their costumes were. Those who were war heroes were allowed more jewels and more stunning clothing."

    Cheers :D
  • OniLolz
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    OniLolz polycounter lvl 14
    How are you guys doing to see the models in game since you can't upload your items in dota2 test anymore? I replaced the files with dota 2 beta but the weapon is invisible/doesn't load D:
  • marre910
  • Insaneophobia
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    Insaneophobia polycounter lvl 5
    Hey everyone! I've worked on my batrider set quite alot in the last couple of days, and since I'm new to highpoly modelling it's only going decent. My highpoly for shoulder and head is pretty finished, and I begun making the bat yesterday. I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice on how to improve it? Any help would be appreciated!
  • marul
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    marul polycounter lvl 7
    Being "primitive" or "wild" does not means you just have to wear stitched clothes without some pimp here and there. Mesoamerican Cultures teach us this.

    " There would be symbols of their particular affiliation on the clothing or in a head dress. The more prestigious clothing became brightly coloured. Gold was often used in clothing, and pendants, feathers, furs, and other forms of decoration were used. Jewelry such as necklaces, earrings and bracelets were also worn by the upper classes."

    Even for the Aztec warrior, there was a hierarchy that was reflected by how adorned their costumes were. Those who were war heroes were allowed more jewels and more stunning clothing."

    Cheers :D

    If you're saying that Mesoamerican cultures were primitive, you're gravely mistaken. I won't be telling history here but know that Maya culture for example had the most advanced knowledge of astronomy at their time. They were rich, lived in large cities which had amazing architecture so they had jade, jewels and gold. Don't mistake a primitive culture with an advanced civilization.
  • Paskie
    OniLolz wrote: »
    How are you guys doing to see the models in game since you can't upload your items in dota2 test anymore? I replaced the files with dota 2 beta but the weapon is invisible/doesn't load D:

    I would like to know this too!
  • Zaphk
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    Zaphk polycounter lvl 13
  • Konras
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    Konras polycounter lvl 12
    Paskie wrote: »
    I would like to know this too!
    There was a post describin it somewhere here, let me search...
    Found it :)
    Example for Lich belt:

    You need to download dota2slasher from... forgot where it was avalible.
    Use GCFSCAPE tool and look what are the default item name for belt slot.
    Its lich_dress
    Compile your item with same name.
    Your compiled item will be loaced in:
    model - \STEAM\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\models\items\lich\0x01fb3936\lich_dress\
    texture - \STEAM\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\materials\items\lich\0x01fb3936\lich_dress\
    Move it to:
    model - \STEAM\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\models\heroes\lich\
    texture - \STEAM\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\materials\heroes\lich\

    create .bat file in directory where you have DOTA2Slasher
    Look if those directories are same on your computer, I have edited file to reflect default Program Files location for STEAM as an example
    1. Dota2Slasher.exe -r -file "models\heroes\lich\lich_dress.dx90.vtx" -vpk "C:\Program Files\STEAM\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\pak01_dir.vpk"
    2. Dota2Slasher.exe -r -file "models\heroes\lich\lich_dress.mdl" -vpk "C:\Program Files\STEAM\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\pak01_dir.vpk"
    3. Dota2Slasher.exe -r -file "models\heroes\lich\lich_dress.vvd" -vpk "C:\Program Files\STEAM\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\pak01_dir.vpk"
    4. Dota2Slasher.exe -r -file "materials\models\heroes\lich\lich_dress_color.vtf" -vpk "C:\Program Files\STEAM\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\pak01_dir.vpk"
    5. Dota2Slasher.exe -r -file "materials\models\heroes\lich\lich_dress_masks1.vtf" -vpk "C:\Program Files\STEAM\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\pak01_dir.vpk"
    6. Dota2Slasher.exe -r -file "materials\models\heroes\lich\lich_dress_masks2.vtf" -vpk "C:\Program Files\STEAM\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\pak01_dir.vpk"
    7. Dota2Slasher.exe -r -file "materials\models\heroes\lich\lich_dress_normal.vtf" -vpk "C:\Program Files\STEAM\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\pak01_dir.vpk"
    Typicaly model has 7 files: 3 model files .dx90.vtx, .mdl, .vvd, and 4 texture files in .vtf format

    That will remove default items from game files, and only than your compiled items that will be in same location with same names will work. By the same location I mean that game files are in .vpk files, however if game will not find content there it will look into folders that has same tree structure.

    Hope that my explanation will help someone, and hopefully I din't mess it up to much :D
  • Hawt Koffee
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    Hawt Koffee polycounter lvl 13
    Conpatshe wrote: »
    Hey guys, very new here, just posting my batrider concept Im going to try as a personal project. I'm importing smd files and alike but Im just wrapping my head around the modeling aspect.. Its a process right?

    Should I be importing the smd and then modelling from that? OR the maya scene that is provided on the technical requirements page?

    Thanks for any crit/help

    Im gonna rework the belt a bit when I get the chance.

    EDIT: Also, Should I give Zbrush a go with this? Would it be easier to model?

    I'm not going to ignore the similarities seen in that bat compared to my earlier sketches
  • OniLolz
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    OniLolz polycounter lvl 14
    @KonrasThank you very much! I'll try and see if it works :D
  • marre910
    I have a problem with weapon placement.

    I have downloaded the model/material for Phantom Lancer from the steam page, I am working on a lance. When I import the (original .FBX) model into dota2 the weapon shows up perfectly fine, but when I import it into 3ds max 2013, and then export it (without touching anything) then when I import it into Dota 2 the weapons placement is all wrong! The weapon hovers a few inches above his hands.

    So when I replace the original weapon with the one I made, its placement is also all wrong.
    How should I deal with this? Do I need to change some import/export settings?
  • HatPoweredSpyCrab
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    HatPoweredSpyCrab polycounter lvl 10
    marul wrote: »
    If you're saying that Mesoamerican cultures were primitive, you're gravely mistaken. I won't be telling history here but know that Maya culture for example had the most advanced knowledge of astronomy at their time. They were rich, lived in large cities which had amazing architecture so they had jade, jewels and gold. Don't mistake a primitive culture with an advanced civilization.

    Exactly marul. What I really mean is that primitive or savage are confusing words. The aztecs were primitives and savages at the eyes of the spaniards yet as you said they are renowned for their vast knowledge. And sometimes they are still being wrongly considered in that way. Bringin back your post:
    That's a nice alternative for the traditional outfit of silencer but your concept seems like it's torn into two. First there are fur and stitched clothes which suggest he has some relation to wild life but then there are also gems and gold stuff which completely conflicts your concept. You should make the whole set look rugged, primitive and practical if you're going in that direction.
    What I previously said isn't a contradiction of what you said. May the outfit have Gold and Gem? Yes, May the Outfit Have not Gold and Gem? Yes. Maybe Madzia should consider which parts are made of what and also use every available option. He could throw at the design every material as posible to see if it works such as gold, silver,shells,wood,The everytime cool Obsidian, etc. And if it doesn't work it is gonna be fine. I just say it is good to consider every valid option.
    Good luck to everybody and Sorry for my english.:)

    Edit: Jewelry references:
  • I-ninja
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    I-ninja polycounter lvl 5
    A little update to my cm and lina sets
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    For those who have made items for silencer before, is here something special you need to do to get metal working on him like every other hero? Cause I cant seem to figure it out D:

    Anyway finished two more items today!

  • iniside
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    iniside polycounter lvl 6
    Warlock Staff.

    Is there way to preview weapon with default particle effect ?

    Besides what do you think about it ?
  • Paskie
    Konras wrote: »
    There was a post describin it somewhere here, let me search...
    Found it :)
    Example for Lich belt:

    You need to download dota2slasher from... forgot where it was avalible.
    Use GCFSCAPE tool and look what are the default item name for belt slot.
    Its lich_dress
    Compile your item with same name.
    Your compiled item will be loaced in:
    model - \STEAM\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\models\items\lich\0x01fb3936\lich_dress\
    texture - \STEAM\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\materials\items\lich\0x01fb3936\lich_dress\
    Move it to:
    model - \STEAM\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\models\heroes\lich\
    texture - \STEAM\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\materials\heroes\lich\

    create .bat file in directory where you have DOTA2Slasher
    Look if those directories are same on your computer, I have edited file to reflect default Program Files location for STEAM as an example
    1. Dota2Slasher.exe -r -file "models\heroes\lich\lich_dress.dx90.vtx" -vpk "C:\Program Files\STEAM\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\pak01_dir.vpk"
    2. Dota2Slasher.exe -r -file "models\heroes\lich\lich_dress.mdl" -vpk "C:\Program Files\STEAM\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\pak01_dir.vpk"
    3. Dota2Slasher.exe -r -file "models\heroes\lich\lich_dress.vvd" -vpk "C:\Program Files\STEAM\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\pak01_dir.vpk"
    4. Dota2Slasher.exe -r -file "materials\models\heroes\lich\lich_dress_color.vtf" -vpk "C:\Program Files\STEAM\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\pak01_dir.vpk"
    5. Dota2Slasher.exe -r -file "materials\models\heroes\lich\lich_dress_masks1.vtf" -vpk "C:\Program Files\STEAM\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\pak01_dir.vpk"
    6. Dota2Slasher.exe -r -file "materials\models\heroes\lich\lich_dress_masks2.vtf" -vpk "C:\Program Files\STEAM\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\pak01_dir.vpk"
    7. Dota2Slasher.exe -r -file "materials\models\heroes\lich\lich_dress_normal.vtf" -vpk "C:\Program Files\STEAM\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\pak01_dir.vpk"
    Typicaly model has 7 files: 3 model files .dx90.vtx, .mdl, .vvd, and 4 texture files in .vtf format

    That will remove default items from game files, and only than your compiled items that will be in same location with same names will work. By the same location I mean that game files are in .vpk files, however if game will not find content there it will look into folders that has same tree structure.

    Hope that my explanation will help someone, and hopefully I din't mess it up to much :D

    Ahh, so people are previewing it with the main client and not the testclient? That script (thx for that!) is doing what we did before the manual way, but can you do the same with the testclient? Would rather not be modding my main client :(
  • SandmanSeven
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    SandmanSeven polycounter lvl 9
    I'm finally done with my huskar set but when I go to load it/preview it, it doesn't show up! It's just not there, I don't understand, it shows up in Marmoset, can anyone help?
  • Konras
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    Konras polycounter lvl 12
    @SandmanSeven did you exported mesh and bones to which it is skinned?
    @Paskie I would not worry about it, you can always delete vpk files and download them again after taking some screenshots
  • SandmanSeven
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    SandmanSeven polycounter lvl 9
    I'm not sure I really know how to do that.... First time rigger, haha. Have any tips? I'm testing my spear, and I just made sure all the verts were weighted to the one spear bone, is there something else I need to do to make sure that exports?
  • Konras
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    Konras polycounter lvl 12
    Select your spear with skin modifier and weapon bone. Export those 2 selected objects. It should be it.
    Take a look at this basic tutorial:
  • SandmanSeven
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    SandmanSeven polycounter lvl 9
    Ah crap I go over my poly limit when I do that. Time to find some tris to get rid of. Thanks so much!
  • Konras
    Offline / Send Message
    Konras polycounter lvl 12
    Ignore tri count with your bones selected, check it only with spear selected.
    We should create here a thread related only to technical stuff, what you all think?
  • Pierate
  • SandmanSeven
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    SandmanSeven polycounter lvl 9
    I had to take the tricount down because it wouldn't import with them. I did all that and it still doesn't show up. This sucks!

    We really should make a thread for that though.
  • Uliss
    Hi everybody. I have finished my Pugna set.
    What do u think about such kind of Pugna?
    Here is the gameplay link, captured from dota test:
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7iH6NJVhoI"]Dota 2. Pugna. Rise of Vampire (Gameplay 2) - YouTube[/ame]

    Here is workshop link:
  • marre910
  • Konras
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    Konras polycounter lvl 12
    I have created Dota technical thread

    I propose to ask technical related stuff there so I the forum will stay well organized.
    marre910 I wil try to anwser your question there :)
  • marre910
  • toby.rutter
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    toby.rutter polycounter lvl 7
    Good evening polycount. I've just wrapped up an item set for necrolyte. If you want to have a look on steam workshop the links here. I'm currently looking into creating custom particle effects for the set and how to add jiggle bones to the incense burner (I've yet to find a really clear answer on whether this is possible in dota 2, although I'm sure it's used on life stealers chains and one of the axe weapons).
  • pixelherder
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    pixelherder polycounter lvl 20
    took feedback on board and started another version of my courier concept - still very rough and ready, so will develop it further over the next few days

  • DashXero
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    DashXero polycounter lvl 12
    I love it! But... It still looks quite strong, and very badass. Have you considered giving Mandrill-like features to a chimp's frame?
  • Uliss
    took feedback on board and started another version of my courier concept - still very rough and ready, so will develop it further over the next few days


    Your concept drawing looks nice, but this ape is not in dota 2 style. Painting (i mean coloring) is in style, but design of the ape must be some different.
  • Dvonio
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    Dvonio polycounter lvl 4
    How do you guys import items ingame now?

    I used to do: import in dota 2 test, go to the folder it creates, copy the items, paste on models/heroes/heroname and rename the files I pasted.

    It was working for me till now that I cant upload to dota2test, I tried doing the same but uploading to dota 2 beta but nothing shows up :!

    Anyone can help? Thanks!!
  • penOr
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    penOr polycounter lvl 7
    When you guys publish a new item, do you sometimes see the previous items display picture, even though you set a new one? Does this change after a while?
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    D- Just upload to beta, then copy the item's model folder and material folders over to test. Then you can do you swapping as you do to see them in game :)

    Its a pain in the ass but what can you do?
  • Dvonio
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    Dvonio polycounter lvl 4
    Thank you anuxi, thats what I was trying to do, but forget about the material folder t_t.

    works perfectly now! :D
  • Paskie
    Oh so this works now? Awesome!
  • penOr
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    penOr polycounter lvl 7
    Just published my CM staff. Any feedback would be great =)


    I'd love to add some gravity to the tassle at the end but I don't think CM's rig allows it?
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