Though a thing I've noticed is that this masks react differently ingame vs marmoset...maybe is just I'm using a preset not fit for this kind of preview (indoor fluorescent),but having to import inside the game everytime just for a preview is a huge waste of do you go around this?
I saw there is a shader for max too,with that I could have the same preview as the specular ingame??
Once I'm onto my textures I just use dota2's hlmv. It gives a good idea how it will look in game, and I can quickly test textures this way.
I have that installed,problem is after I load the hero,when I go to load the weapon from "Steam\SteamApps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\models\items\spectre..." and I choose the .mdl file,the program says "Error post-loading model" and nothing happens :poly122:
Shameless crosspost to ask for some crits on this so far?
clean work so far
I don't see how the horns are passing the scarf. I mean there is no sign of a hole in the scarf. That's all I can say, I hope it makes sense
Alright, so yesterday I posted about beginning my first model/set, and here's an update with my Cape/Spikes maybe finished modeling @ 698 tris total, the smaller limit is 700 tris so looks like i'm good there!
I figured out an easy way to make the cape, by copying the tris on Shadow Demon's body, but I think I need to detach it from the parent it originally came from in order to do the UV wrap of all the stuff together? I have no clue. Tomorrow I will mess around with UV unwrap stuff I think, and then model the rest of the set as well.
I think I'm getting the hang of blender pretty well. I won't spam this topic with updates, I'll post again when I'm done modeling and then again when I have the texturing done. I think this post is more for myself than anything.
Oh, and is it necessary to have a higher poly version (lod0)?
I have that installed,problem is after I load the hero,when I go to load the weapon from "Steam\SteamApps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\models\items\spectre..." and I choose the .mdl file,the program says "Error post-loading model" and nothing happens :poly122:
sounds like your paths are not set up right. I launch my hlmv with a .bat file that takes care of this whenever the tool is launched:
@echo off
:: Batch file to launch HLMV with proper environment
:: Set VPROJECT variable
:: Launch HLMV
echo Starting HLMV...
echo Executing "%~d0%~p0hlmv.exe" %*
start "" "%~d0%~p0hlmv.exe" %*
that's the problem? Maybe because the path is set to "C: \Users\Marcus\Desktop\root" wich is the folder I've extracted on my desktop,while the weapon I'm loading is from the Steam folder
So if I where to copy and paste Spectre weapon inside the proper subfolder on the one on my desktop,would it load correctly? I'll try,and thanks!
@kite212: I managed to load my item into HLMV,but how do you go about modifying the texturing and having the preview in there?
Because as for now,I still need to import into Dota to have it compiling my .tga into a .vtf,so I am getting no benefit at all from the HLMV preview x_x
Hi folks I'm new to polycount)
Just finished the modeling phase and started a little bit of texturing of a sword for DK, interesting what you think about the idea)
I think I'm gonna continue making it in a carbon-volcanic style))
@kite212: I managed to load my item into HLMV,but how do you go about modifying the texturing and having the preview in there?
Because as for now,I still need to import into Dota to have it compiling my .tga into a .vtf,so I am getting no benefit at all from the HLMV preview x_x
After I compile once in dota I use vtfedit to save my .tgas to .vtf, save over the imported ones, and refresh hlmv. Might not be the workflow for everyone, but I have found it to work out nicely for me.
@Marcus Aseth: Looks good, maybe add some gradients, looks fairly monotone, no areas that pop. I always use spec, bit some heros ahve really broken spec values that make it hard to get a good result...
@Marcus Aseth: Looks good, maybe add some gradients, looks fairly monotone, no areas that pop. I always use spec, bit some heros ahve really broken spec values that make it hard to get a good result...
Thx for the crit katzeimsack :thumbup: now that you mention it I notice it actually look monotone x_x I'll keep trying a bit on the diffuse then
Awesome trueform :thumbup:
I was busy, so ı couldnt finish ghost scepter for comp. so ı quit it. I am trying to work on a concept for a clock head (or set). Pls take a look and feedback. Bottom part is mouth and the top is eyes. I suck at drawing head shapes so ı didndt.
I just finished uploading a DK set I made for a brazilian tournament (Ticket not up yet). This started as the old DK set I made - since it never got picked I decided to refine it for this purpose.
Awesome bow! I really like how natural that wood shape looks, and the whole thing looks so damn charming. Good luck with the low poly... What's the budget for it?
espaki> That pair of bracers and sheild look incredible, I'm wondering if there's any way to fix his shoulder slot, it floats in an odd manner from that gif.
It's been some time, I stopped working full-time on workshop after unable to sustain myself. Yeah it's super exhausting to struggle both day job and what i love in my free time, but anyhow I'll do my best delivering singles and sets in the future. Hope you enjoy our latest addition to our singles chest! Votes are appreciated.
Texturing took way longer than expected, hairy beast
I'll submit the set the next days, not really in the mood to work on the small wolves. Might add them if the community requests them.
Thanks man, I agree about the illustration. I really need to invest in toolbag. Yours looks awesome, best presentation I've ever seen! It doesn't hurt that your models/textures are awesome.
Texturing took way longer than expected, hairy beast
I'll submit the set the next days, not really in the mood to work on the small wolves. Might add them if the community requests them.
Hey there Katzes, I did Gfy conversion on your excellent Lycan turnaround, managed to get it from 21MB to 3MB:
Thanks. Crazy how much space gif wastes
Is it possible to get the vidoe running in the workshop or on polycount directly?
Does it work in steam internet browser and on mobile phones?
The seam isn't a seam, it's a (hair) plane above the body. Marmoset renders the line bright because it's too close to the other polygons. Will fix it
Any tips how and where to create a good reddit post?
It's just a sphere with a texture. I import it into marmoset as a mesh. My timbersaw model also had a few 3d trees to get a paralax effect..
Thanks. Crazy how much space gif wastes
Is it possible to get the vidoe running in the workshop or on polycount directly?
Does it work in steam internet browser and on mobile phones?
I don't think Gfycat works on Workshop image import or HTML code, most likely you'll have to submit Youtube video instead. As far as I know it only works if it's a clickable link since it's HTML5 video.
The seam isn't a seam, it's a (hair) plane above the body. Marmoset renders the line bright because it's too close to the other polygons. Will fix it
Any tips how and where to create a good reddit post?
Ah, I see, didn't know that. Cool!
Lol I'm not the right person to ask for Reddit post tips, but do introduce yourself and share how you came up with this idea. People love a great Lycan set!
Hey! I'm currently working on a riki set. I wanted to go for an arabic style theme. The dagger is a little more detailed since I more or less just sketched out the body parts. The bracers aren't done yet. Any thoughts?
Thanks. Crazy how much space gif wastes
Is it possible to get the vidoe running in the workshop or on polycount directly?
Does it work in steam internet browser and on mobile phones?
The seam isn't a seam, it's a (hair) plane above the body. Marmoset renders the line bright because it's too close to the other polygons. Will fix it
Any tips how and where to create a good reddit post?
It's just a sphere with a texture. I import it into marmoset as a mesh. My timbersaw model also had a few 3d trees to get a paralax effect..
Looks fantastic! On first glance I think Lycan himself is covered too much black, but the true form looks completely spot on.
This is a spear for Huskar. He will have a dagger offhand based on the skull in the spear. Getting the sculpt finalized and some details painted in for a base diffuse texture.
Any suggestions? (Of course there won't be torso, sculpted it just for practice)
P.S. I'll make another handle
I have to say that this weapon seems very strange.. Im assuming the woman is supposed to be similar to the front part of a ship, but it seems to not make sense considering she is blocking the blade of your sword. that means that not only is it not allowing the sword to actually cut anything, but you are hitting your enemies with a pair of boobs. I think there would be much nicer ways to incorporate a woman into the sword.
Although I will warn you that the last two cosmetics that tried this theme got extremely negative reception by reddit in particular, the slardar mace and kunkka woman hat. they said that the woman was awkwardly incorporated into the design and it made it look stupid and overdone, so try and steer away from that
I have to say that this weapon seems very strange.. Im assuming the woman is supposed to be similar to the front part of a ship, but it seems to not make sense considering she is blocking the blade of your sword. that means that not only is it not allowing the sword to actually cut anything, but you are hitting your enemies with a pair of boobs. I think there would be much nicer ways to incorporate a woman into the sword.
Although I will warn you that the last two cosmetics that tried this theme got extremely negative reception by reddit in particular, the slardar mace and kunkka woman hat. they said that the woman was awkwardly incorporated into the design and it made it look stupid and overdone, so try and steer away from that
It seems that you didn't read my post
As I said there will be no torso and I sculpted it just for practice. Parts after red line will be cutted off. Also she will be more plain and look as part of sword.
Once I'm onto my textures I just use dota2's hlmv. It gives a good idea how it will look in game, and I can quickly test textures this way.
clean work so far
I don't see how the horns are passing the scarf. I mean there is no sign of a hole in the scarf. That's all I can say, I hope it makes sense
I figured out an easy way to make the cape, by copying the tris on Shadow Demon's body, but I think I need to detach it from the parent it originally came from in order to do the UV wrap of all the stuff together? I have no clue. Tomorrow I will mess around with UV unwrap stuff I think, and then model the rest of the set as well.
I think I'm getting the hang of blender pretty well. I won't spam this topic with updates, I'll post again when I'm done modeling and then again when I have the texturing done. I think this post is more for myself than anything.
Oh, and is it necessary to have a higher poly version (lod0)?
sounds like your paths are not set up right. I launch my hlmv with a .bat file that takes care of this whenever the tool is launched:
that's the problem? Maybe because the path is set to "C: \Users\Marcus\Desktop\root" wich is the folder I've extracted on my desktop,while the weapon I'm loading is from the Steam folder
So if I where to copy and paste Spectre weapon inside the proper subfolder on the one on my desktop,would it load correctly? I'll try,and thanks!
Because as for now,I still need to import into Dota to have it compiling my .tga into a .vtf,so I am getting no benefit at all from the HLMV preview x_x
Just finished the modeling phase and started a little bit of texturing of a sword for DK, interesting what you think about the idea)
I think I'm gonna continue making it in a carbon-volcanic style))
After I compile once in dota I use vtfedit to save my .tgas to .vtf, save over the imported ones, and refresh hlmv. Might not be the workflow for everyone, but I have found it to work out nicely for me.
Finished high for the true form. Sorry for the placeholder polypaint.
Thx for the crit katzeimsack
Awesome trueform
We will make an animator of you yet.
Ice Blade
Finally my first set is in the Workshop! Thank you very much Celths for this awesome collab.
Plz vote!
And I went through the excruciating process of figuring out the particle pipeline (Much thanks to Tvidotto for putting up with my dumb questions):
I had that happen tons of time and it was mostly because file was over 100-150 MB.
server gone crazy... not because of the file size, i tried with dummy file and it was failing too.
It's been some time, I stopped working full-time on workshop after unable to sustain myself. Yeah it's super exhausting to struggle both day job and what i love in my free time, but anyhow I'll do my best delivering singles and sets in the future. Hope you enjoy our latest addition to our singles chest! Votes are appreciated.
NEW Hairstyle for Meepo with Bernoully
Ingame it's cool!
Massice 20Mb gif, sorry
Texturing took way longer than expected, hairy beast
I'll submit the set the next days, not really in the mood to work on the small wolves. Might add them if the community requests them.
Of course I'll create ingame shots before I add it to the workshop, but right now I don't have any
Let's do some work.
Thanks man, I agree about the illustration. I really need to invest in toolbag. Yours looks awesome, best presentation I've ever seen! It doesn't hurt that your models/textures are awesome.
Hey there Katzes, I did Gfy conversion on your excellent Lycan turnaround, managed to get it from 21MB to 3MB:
Save it for a Reddit post later and watch their jaws drop
Great work on the Lycan once again!
EDIT: btw, I think there's a texture seam here:
Thanks. Crazy how much space gif wastes
Is it possible to get the vidoe running in the workshop or on polycount directly?
Does it work in steam internet browser and on mobile phones?
The seam isn't a seam, it's a (hair) plane above the body. Marmoset renders the line bright because it's too close to the other polygons. Will fix it
Any tips how and where to create a good reddit post?
It's just a sphere with a texture. I import it into marmoset as a mesh. My timbersaw model also had a few 3d trees to get a paralax effect..
I don't think Gfycat works on Workshop image import or HTML code, most likely you'll have to submit Youtube video instead. As far as I know it only works if it's a clickable link since it's HTML5 video.
Ah, I see, didn't know that. Cool!
Lol I'm not the right person to ask for Reddit post tips, but do introduce yourself and share how you came up with this idea. People love a great Lycan set!
Looks fantastic! On first glance I think Lycan himself is covered too much black, but the true form looks completely spot on.
Awesome concept by Tanapta
WIP shot
Any suggestions? (Of course there will be no torso, sculpted it just for practice)
P.S. I'll make another handle
The Demon's DeadLock by schnoodle
I have to say that this weapon seems very strange.. Im assuming the woman is supposed to be similar to the front part of a ship, but it seems to not make sense considering she is blocking the blade of your sword. that means that not only is it not allowing the sword to actually cut anything, but you are hitting your enemies with a pair of boobs. I think there would be much nicer ways to incorporate a woman into the sword.
Although I will warn you that the last two cosmetics that tried this theme got extremely negative reception by reddit in particular, the slardar mace and kunkka woman hat. they said that the woman was awkwardly incorporated into the design and it made it look stupid and overdone, so try and steer away from that
It seems that you didn't read my post
As I said there will be no torso and I sculpted it just for practice. Parts after red line will be cutted off. Also she will be more plain and look as part of sword.