@DestroyerGR: that couldn't work both for Axe or for Centaur because of a proportion problem, both the kind of weapon they use have a long staff to support the head of the axe.
The spike attachment on top is so thin on the base is like is not going to hold,seems very fragile.
Though the weapon has many poly I can still percieve a low poly feeling on the silouette of the blade, the "snake" decoration on top of the blade seems very random and not really inspired,while the detailed texture is too generic/repetitive and just adds noise to the texture itself,so you should get rid of that noise,in my opinion.
Keep practicing though,this is how you learn
Alright, i've recently picked up my lycan set again... However I noticed that two (awesome) new sets has been submitted recently. Although i'm sure both of the new sets completely blow my work out of the water i'd like to finish mine away. Got to start somewhere right?
My main question here being: Is there enough variation between my work and the submitted sets? Parts of the concepts seem a little similar to me... I'd like to be sure before I start investing more time in my lycan set. Any critique or observations you guys have are always welcome
This is my work so far, and after that i've added the links for Danidem's and Katzeimsack's Lycan sets.
@Tyn: It is different enough. Even the shoulder piece. Now keep in mind all other sets have the wolf form done, so you have some room there for creativity! Honestly though, I like your set a lot!
Good day Cool World!
Here is a Dota 2 ward piece we just finished, it is entitled "Blind as a Bat Ward". Chay Johansson, Simon Boxer, and I spent the past few weeks creating him as a team and we just submitted him to the Dota 2 work shop. Thanks for your support. Cheers!
I would have preferred to see a little more detail in the wood, like grooves/swirls, things that give tree's character. But it's adorable, and that bat makes me want to hug it!
Heyo!, I'm mostly involved in the tf2 facepunch community but i thought i could take a stab at a dota item, here it is: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=296429837
would love to hopefully make more dota items, or even help others with theirs
until i stop. moving and work and kids and pregnant wife and MADNESS tends to get in the way.
check it out though, friends. I actually made a loading screen for this one. I probably could have continued noodling at the painting for another YEAR but i decided to let it go and move on with my life.
(i also tend to have a lack of contrast in my paintings - a problem for which i think i overcompensated on this one )
MdK : That looks super awesome !
CiDDi : I like the neck as well, I wish you had included some in game view screenshots though
I am working (well, my part is almost done now) on an invoker themed courrier with Andrew Helenek, Automedic, and Deadman/Quockhanhlk for the concept. There will be 3 styles for Exort / Quas / Wex.
Diffuse only shots :
Hi guys,today I started the concept for my new weapon,what do you think? (the head still need to be defined,I'll do that later in a separate concept) Also I think CM is left handed,so I have to mirror this :S
--Isiliath's Frozen Command--
An ancient weapon belonged to the legendary sorceror Isiliath,
who used it to bend the Ice Dragons to his will and to lead them into battle.
Only few are those worthy of wield this ancient artifact of extreme power.
I am working (well, my part is almost done now) on an invoker themed courrier with Andrew Helenek, Automedic, and Deadman/Quockhanhlk for the concept. There will be 3 styles for Exort / Quas / Wex.
Diffuse only shots :
This is too awesome! Looking forward to see it ingame with animations and particles.
@Sylei: That's a really cool mini-hero-courier. I admit I have a weakness for anything small in a wizard's hat, though.
@Motenai: I love how you went under her "heels" with the boot design. To me that's just amazing for some reason. Are you going to choose one of those styles or are you going to make switchables (or whatever you call alternates)?
@Motenai: I love how you went under her "heels" with the boot design. To me that's just amazing for some reason. Are you going to choose one of those styles or are you going to make switchables (or whatever you call alternates)?
They are supposed to be alternate style...that's the idea for now...not sure 100% yet
I like first one more than second.nice set motenai.
btw anybody noticed the payment information page was changed? did i must fill the form again?look like i have not update the Tax Information yet.but the w8-ben was sended to valve before.
That tax info is bugged for me... tested on W8 / W7 / IE / FF / another PC still the review page is blank... and i dont even use antivirus. Not that my items are going ingame, but still bugs me why it does not work.
I had to resubmit my tax info as well. Its likely that they just changed the way things are processed this fiscal quarter and needed to have up to date documentation for the royalty recipients.
I cant stick on one thing. This is my curse but I think I made a good decision now. Take a look at early test of battlefury for spectre. Dont forget to feedback.
The original plan was to do a red and then a blue, but I didn’t know if people would like red with PotM, enough people seemed ok with red so I did it quick
@hopgood: I like how you did something different for Huskar's off-hand. Really inventive, and it looks really effective in-game.
@K-PAX: I love the asian aeshetics on him. Your shapes go so well with the fire! I usually think Ember Spirit sets tend to look similar to each other, but yours really pops.
Finalized my Templar Assassin set today, featuring a striking loading screen by Foxclover!
thanks vikk0 foxclover kite212 and ChiZ . and anybody know why my items didn't display in most rencently list on workshop?thanks-_-
how can i fix that?
edit: oh.i find the problem.forget it,it's my fault.
Is anyone else having a problem previewing emoticons in the client?
I crash every time I click the preview button
So I found a fix for this by accident.
The Dota 2 client crashes if you click the preview button if there's no chat room or window on the right for you to preview your emoticon.
To fix this, just make a custom chat room or join a party where you can type to chat.
The client won't crash now because you actually have a chat box for you to preview your emoticon. :thumbup:
For axe or cent..
Any thoughts?
The spike attachment on top is so thin on the base is like is not going to hold,seems very fragile.
Though the weapon has many poly I can still percieve a low poly feeling on the silouette of the blade, the "snake" decoration on top of the blade seems very random and not really inspired,while the detailed texture is too generic/repetitive and just adds noise to the texture itself,so you should get rid of that noise,in my opinion.
Keep practicing though,this is how you learn
My main question here being: Is there enough variation between my work and the submitted sets? Parts of the concepts seem a little similar to me... I'd like to be sure before I start investing more time in my lycan set. Any critique or observations you guys have are always welcome
This is my work so far, and after that i've added the links for Danidem's and Katzeimsack's Lycan sets.
Here is a Dota 2 ward piece we just finished, it is entitled "Blind as a Bat Ward". Chay Johansson, Simon Boxer, and I spent the past few weeks creating him as a team and we just submitted him to the Dota 2 work shop. Thanks for your support. Cheers!
Edit: It gets my thumbs up on workshop!
and that bat ward looks amazing!
would love to hopefully make more dota items, or even help others with theirs
feedback much appreciated
until i stop. moving and work and kids and pregnant wife and MADNESS tends to get in the way.
check it out though, friends. I actually made a loading screen for this one. I probably could have continued noodling at the painting for another YEAR but i decided to let it go and move on with my life.
(i also tend to have a lack of contrast in my paintings - a problem for which i think i overcompensated on this one
New brew set, hope U like it.
Yo, guys
new set for Lion
@CiDDi Good work on this, the neck piece is great, not sure about the wings though, but that's just my opinion. Keep it up!
CiDDi : I like the neck as well, I wish you had included some in game view screenshots though
I am working (well, my part is almost done now) on an invoker themed courrier with Andrew Helenek, Automedic, and Deadman/Quockhanhlk for the concept. There will be 3 styles for Exort / Quas / Wex.
Diffuse only shots :
--Isiliath's Frozen Command--
An ancient weapon belonged to the legendary sorceror Isiliath,
who used it to bend the Ice Dragons to his will and to lead them into battle.
Only few are those worthy of wield this ancient artifact of extreme power.
The face is kinda stretched, I would think something more similar to this:
-CiDDi- Lion set looks good but I wonder how nice the jaw looks with the other in-game shoulders.
I think it would be nice if ppl offered some feedback if they are looking for feedback or votes. That way everyone will get some feedback.
I want this so bad :poly121:
This is too awesome! Looking forward to see it ingame with animations and particles.
I think i can call the Vengeful Spirit sculpt done finally...soon retopo and textures!
Looks like another awesome set is coming
lol Maybe a separate topic could be used to put all the advertisement stuff for the finished works?
@Motenai: I love how you went under her "heels" with the boot design. To me that's just amazing for some reason. Are you going to choose one of those styles or are you going to make switchables (or whatever you call alternates)?
They are supposed to be alternate style...that's the idea for now...not sure 100% yet
btw anybody noticed the payment information page was changed? did i must fill the form again?look like i have not update the Tax Information yet.but the w8-ben was sended to valve before.
Tonfa of the Dezun by Threepgood!
Edit: Desolator hype!
I crash every time I click the preview button
Not all old items! The sets Cyborgmatt mentioned on his last analysis (like my NP set) are there as well!
a lot is going on here and it's very impressive / motivating!
I just submitted my first item myself,
check it out and let me know what you think,
Damn!! This looks fantastic, great work!
@K-PAX: I love the asian aeshetics on him. Your shapes go so well with the fire! I usually think Ember Spirit sets tend to look similar to each other, but yours really pops.
Finalized my Templar Assassin set today, featuring a striking loading screen by Foxclover!
Thoughts on the poses/lighting?
how can i fix that?
edit: oh.i find the problem.forget it,it's my fault.
So I found a fix for this by accident.
The Dota 2 client crashes if you click the preview button if there's no chat room or window on the right for you to preview your emoticon.
To fix this, just make a custom chat room or join a party where you can type to chat.
The client won't crash now because you actually have a chat box for you to preview your emoticon. :thumbup: