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  • Tvidotto
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    Tvidotto polycounter lvl 9
    MaVCArt wrote: »
    the qc file I edited myself to the appropriate directory, but as there are no other qc files in the dota 2 test folder, I am not sure where to place it.
    I tried placing it in the scripts folder and in the models/heroes/juggernaut folder, but none of both worked

    i tried following the general structure of the rest of the items by simply overwriting the three files already present with my compiled ones, but that didn't work

    I have narrowed down my problem to the .mdl files though; the default model loads, with my textures applied to it.

    my guess is that the .MDL files hold a reference to another file in some directory, which causes the file to stop working properly once you move it; I noticed the directory in the .qc file generated by the engine has a relative file path, so i'm guessing the .MDL files do as well.

    I have sent a support request to valve about this since it seems to be a general issue, and I have not been able to find anyone who has actually managed to make it work. (not even on the dota 2 dev forum)

    you are right about the mdl files holding the reference, its the qc file that does that
    you dont need to have the qc file on the dota folder, its used just to compile the file and after that it has no need to exist =] thats why you dont find it on dota files

    if you compile your file and replace another one on the dota2 test it should be in its place, if not its because the game is still finding the original vpk file OR you substituted the wrong file

    for the vpk you can move it to another folder if the renaming is not working
    for the proper file to replace check if the file you are replacing is not on other places, like in my case that i was replacing the courier, i needed to replace the files on the models/props_gameplay and not on the right folder models/courier/donkey

    here is my qc file for the silly dragon courier with some comments, hope it helps
    1. // The first part of a .qc is always the name of the model you want to create, and where you want it created relative to your game\dota\models\ directory
    2. $modelname "courier\sillydragon\sillydragon.mdl"
    4. // This will add the contents of a separate file called "sillydragon_hitbox.qci" to the compile process. Theres info on how to create a hitbox.qci on the dev wiki
    5. //$include sillydragon_hitbox.qci
    7. // These are the 3 required attachments for a courier. In this case, you should replace "courier_root" with the name of an appropriate bone from your skeleton
    8. $attachment "attach_eye_l" "bn_head_01" 13.00 6.00 -12.00 rotate -0 -0 -90 //Im not sure about the rotation, i leaved as it was
    9. $attachment "attach_eye_r" "bn_head_01" 13.00 6.00 12.00 rotate -0 -0 -90
    10. $attachment "attach_hitloc" "bn_spine_01" 0.00 0.00 0.00 rotate -0 0 0
    12. // A uniform scale of your model. It's best to try and get it right with your content, but you can use this to adjust if necessary
    13. $scale 1.0
    16. // $model defines an element of gemetry. Retarget this to your couriers "_model" smd.
    17. $model "courier" "smd\sillydragon.smd"
    18. $lod 1
    19. {
    20. replacemodel "smd\sillydragon.smd" "smd\sillydragon_lod1.smd"
    21. }
    24. //Pose parameters give access to some piece of defined animation to the code. In this case, we will use it to let the code influence the couriers pose when they change direction
    25. $poseparameter turn -1.00 1.00
    27. // This is the location of your models materials. It is relative to your game\dota\materials\ directory.
    28. $cdmaterials "models\courier\sillydragon"
    29. $surfaceprop "default"
    32. // Below is a list of all the animations included for this courier.
    33. // Some are a little more complex than others.
    34. // The parts labeled "event" are queues for audio. In the run example, it is playing the footstep sound on frames 2,8,10 and 16. simply remove the events if you require no sound
    36. $sequence courier_idle "smd\animation\sillydragon_idle.smd" loop ACT_DOTA_IDLE 1
    37. $sequence courier_idle_alt "smd\animation\sillydragon_idle_alt.smd" ACT_DOTA_IDLE_RARE 1 //took out the loop, wasnt looping right with the idle
    38. $sequence courier_run "smd\animation\sillydragon_run.smd" loop addlayer "courier_turns" ACT_DOTA_RUN 1 {
    39. { event AE_CL_PLAYSOUND 2 "Courier.Footsteps" }
    40. { event AE_CL_PLAYSOUND 8 "Courier.Footsteps" }
    41. }
    42. $sequence courier_capture "smd\animation\sillydragon_capture.smd" loop ACT_DOTA_CAPTURE 1
    43. $sequence courier_die "smd\animation\sillydragon_die.smd" ACT_DOTA_DIE 1 {
    44. { event AE_CL_PLAYSOUND 2 "Courier.Impact" }
    45. }
    46. $sequence courier_spawn "smd\animation\sillydragon_spawn.smd" ACT_DOTA_SPAWN 1
    47. $sequence bindpose "smd\animation\sillydragon_bindpose.smd" loop ACT_DOTA_BINDPOSE 1
    51. // Below is the definition of the turn layer.
    52. // First we start by creating 3 poses
    53. // The 3 "animations" (center, left, right) are actually just single frame poses. Center is usually the 0 frame of the run animation, left and right are poses based on the 'center' frame to give the illusion of a left or right turn.
    54. // 'subtract' is defining each animation as the difference in pose between itself and the center pose
    55. $animation courier_turn_center "smd\animation\sillydragon_bindpose.smd" subtract bindpose 0 //$sequence wasn´t working here, changed to $animation
    56. $animation courier_turn_left "smd\animation\courier_turn_left.smd" subtract bindpose 0
    57. $animation courier_turn_right "smd\animation\courier_turn_right.smd" subtract bindpose 0
    59. // The turn is comprised of the 3 poses we defined above all connected together.
    60. // 'blendwidth' tells the sequence it is a combination of the 3 specified animations
    61. // 'blend' tells it which pose parameter to label it as, in this case "turn"
    62. // 'delta' signifies to the engine that this sequence is an additive layer, rather than completely stomping whatever animation it is added to.
    63. $sequence courier_turns {
    64. courier_turn_left courier_turn_center courier_turn_right
    65. blendwidth 3
    66. blend turn -0.5 0.5 //0.5 to increase the intensity of the turn layer like what happens on Mirana´s model
    67. delta
    68. }
    71. // .qc block generated by HLMV begins.
    73. $surfaceprop "default"
    76. $hboxset "default"
    77. //commented some hitboxes to clean the model
    79. $hbox 0 "be_cog_01" -12.45 -20.02 -18.77 19.66 16.36 18.76
    80. $hbox 0 "bn_L_leg_02" 0.00 -3.59 -3.48 23.76 8.03 5.67
    81. $hbox 0 "bn_L_leg_03" -4.50 -3.25 -2.22 24.91 2.74 1.21
    82. $hbox 0 "bn_L_toe_01" -1.61 -0.36 -1.45 5.86 3.11 1.54
    83. $hbox 0 "bn_R_leg_02" -23.75 -8.03 -5.67 0.00 3.59 3.48
    84. $hbox 0 "bn_R_leg_03" -24.92 -2.74 -1.22 4.49 3.25 2.22
    85. $hbox 0 "bn_R_toe_01" -5.86 -3.12 -1.54 1.61 0.36 1.45
    86. $hbox 0 "bn_tail_01" -0.70 -12.92 -5.76 24.33 8.17 5.76
    87. $hbox 0 "bn_tail_02" -9.04 -3.62 -3.07 25.29 5.34 3.08
    88. $hbox 0 "bn_tail_03" 0.00 -2.79 -6.74 19.51 0.79 6.75
    89. $hbox 0 "bn_tail_04" -1.60 -1.39 -6.74 12.86 1.02 6.75
    90. $hbox 0 "bn_spine_01" -13.00 -19.22 -26.49 27.08 12.88 26.49
    91. $hbox 0 "bn_L_arm_01" -3.32 -6.46 -24.67 27.10 1.96 4.76
    92. $hbox 0 "bn_L_arm_02" -12.95 -1.62 -3.40 31.25 2.31 4.11
    93. $hbox 0 "bn_L_finger_01" -7.68 -1.62 -48.35 39.88 2.09 5.98
    94. //$hbox 0 "bn_L_insideFinger_01" -3.69 -0.03 -16.64 33.30 2.11 17.61
    95. $hbox 0 "bn_L_finger_02" -6.29 -1.07 -34.07 44.59 2.16 28.15
    96. //$hbox 0 "bn_L_insideFinger_02" 0.00 -1.61 -26.06 33.67 0.45 25.85
    97. $hbox 0 "bn_R_arm_01" -27.10 -1.96 -4.76 6.40 6.46 24.67
    98. $hbox 0 "bn_R_arm_02" -31.25 -2.31 -4.11 12.95 1.62 3.40
    99. $hbox 0 "bn_R_finger_01" -39.88 -2.09 -5.98 7.68 1.62 48.35
    100. //$hbox 0 "bn_R_insideFinger_01" -33.30 -2.11 -17.61 3.70 0.03 16.64
    101. $hbox 0 "bn_R_finger_02" -44.59 -2.16 -28.15 6.29 1.07 34.07
    102. //$hbox 0 "bn_R_insideFinger_02" -33.67 -0.45 -25.85 0.00 1.61 26.06
    103. //$hbox 0 "bn_spine_02" -3.28 -14.93 -11.45 18.75 10.49 11.45
    104. $hbox 0 "bn_spine_03" -12.79 -14.93 -15.58 21.31 13.05 15.58
    105. //$hbox 0 "bn_mouth_01" -14.10 -6.63 -23.39 23.41 11.90 23.39
    106. $hbox 0 "bn_L_eyeLid_01" -1.38 -5.34 -5.23 5.51 3.50 5.27
    107. $hbox 0 "bn_R_eyeLid_01" -5.52 -3.44 -5.27 1.46 5.32 5.23
    108. $hbox 0 "bn_backpack_01" -3.52 -24.07 -16.09 28.90 5.88 16.09
    109. $hbox 0 "bn_backpack_02" 0.00 -4.54 -20.69 8.38 3.81 20.65
    111. // .qc block generated by HLMV ends.
    113. $hboxset "head"
    114. $hbox 0 "bn_head_01" -7.76 -15.16 -23.39 36.01 16.47 23.39
    116. $hboxset "hands"
    117. $hbox 0 "bn_L_hand_01" -5.79 -1.87 -9.01 36.56 2.31 29.04
    118. $hbox 0 "bn_R_hand_01" -36.56 -2.31 -29.04 5.79 1.87 9.00
    120. $hboxset "feet"
    121. $hbox 0 "bn_L_foot_01" -1.29 -9.28 -8.67 4.80 6.71 4.30
    122. $hbox 0 "bn_R_foot_01" -4.79 -6.71 -4.33 1.29 9.28 8.67
    124. $hboxset "select_low"
    125. $hbox 0 "be_cog_01" -45.00 -57.00 -47.50 95.00 23.00 47.50
    127. $hboxset "select_high"
    128. $hbox 0 "be_cog_01" -25.00 -57.00 -25.00 55.00 23.00 25.00
    129. $hbox 0 "bn_head_01" -5.00 -15.00 -18.50 35.00 15.00 18.50
  • Tvidotto
    Offline / Send Message
    Tvidotto polycounter lvl 9
    feracon wrote: »
    Absolutely awesome work man, great design. Way to not go overboard with the normal map sculpt, looks very professional :). I'm fairly sure they support blend shapes, if you load a character up in the SDK model viewer you can see a list of them and move the bars to create facial expressions etc.

    However, I havent a clue as to how to get them set up so the engine recognizes them :/. Sorry.

    yay, thanks for the kind words =]

    and you are right, there is blend shapes on the model, thanks
    i tested it on the alien swarm sdl model viewer now =] i just need to learn how they work now
    zicoV wrote: »
    Quick question.
    This might just be me doing it wrong but I can't seem to decompile any lod1 files. There's 2 files that's called lod1 but they are the same as the other files and I'm pretty sure it's all lod0. Is it even possible ?

    did you test other models?
    as the game is still beta there is some problems with the models
    some of then are not split in parts, some pass the triangles budget and based on your post, some dont have all the lods =]

    but you will need to follow the requirements even if in the game they are not implemented yet
  • Tvidotto
    Offline / Send Message
    Tvidotto polycounter lvl 9
    crazyone wrote: »
    Looking nice so far )

    Here's finished shoulder btw )


    if may i suggest, you could add more contrast on the texture specular and specular intensity between the brown parts and the gold color parts, they appear to be the same material and with this contrast they will have a better contrast and, in my opinion, a better appeal

    the purple straps you could make it more dull, its everything too shinny
    Xpload wrote: »
    btw how are you guys doing the textures, high res then convert or just create them at the desired res?

    do it high resolution the rescales to the game

    4 times the size in the sides are great, just have in mind that after resizing you will lost some details

    mine courier textures i did in 2048 x 2048 then resized it to 512 x 512

    take care too to not get different parts too near, they can overlap in game
  • I-ninja
    Offline / Send Message
    I-ninja polycounter lvl 5
    Well I'm almost done with my bh mask i'm calling "the mask of the big game hunter"

    And i need a little advise for it

    I'm also making some hair for pa and, i am asking do I add ears to her?

    (both are the low-ploy versions)
  • MaVCArt
    Offline / Send Message
    MaVCArt polycounter lvl 8
    Tvidotto wrote: »
    you are right about the mdl files holding the reference, its the qc file that does that
    you dont need to have the qc file on the dota folder, its used just to compile the file and after that it has no need to exist =] thats why you dont find it on dota files

    if you compile your file and replace another one on the dota2 test it should be in its place, if not its because the game is still finding the original vpk file OR you substituted the wrong file

    for the vpk you can move it to another folder if the renaming is not working
    for the proper file to replace check if the file you are replacing is not on other places, like in my case that i was replacing the courier, i needed to replace the files on the models/props_gameplay and not on the right folder models/courier/donkey

    here is my qc file for the silly dragon courier with some comments, hope it helps
    1. // The first part of a .qc is always the name of the model you want to create, and where you want it created relative to your game\dota\models\ directory
    2. $modelname "courier\sillydragon\sillydragon.mdl"
    4. // This will add the contents of a separate file called "sillydragon_hitbox.qci" to the compile process. Theres info on how to create a hitbox.qci on the dev wiki
    5. //$include sillydragon_hitbox.qci
    7. // These are the 3 required attachments for a courier. In this case, you should replace "courier_root" with the name of an appropriate bone from your skeleton
    8. $attachment "attach_eye_l" "bn_head_01" 13.00 6.00 -12.00 rotate -0 -0 -90 //Im not sure about the rotation, i leaved as it was
    9. $attachment "attach_eye_r" "bn_head_01" 13.00 6.00 12.00 rotate -0 -0 -90
    10. $attachment "attach_hitloc" "bn_spine_01" 0.00 0.00 0.00 rotate -0 0 0
    12. // A uniform scale of your model. It's best to try and get it right with your content, but you can use this to adjust if necessary
    13. $scale 1.0
    16. // $model defines an element of gemetry. Retarget this to your couriers "_model" smd.
    17. $model "courier" "smd\sillydragon.smd"
    18. $lod 1
    19. {
    20. replacemodel "smd\sillydragon.smd" "smd\sillydragon_lod1.smd"
    21. }
    24. //Pose parameters give access to some piece of defined animation to the code. In this case, we will use it to let the code influence the couriers pose when they change direction
    25. $poseparameter turn -1.00 1.00
    27. // This is the location of your models materials. It is relative to your game\dota\materials\ directory.
    28. $cdmaterials "models\courier\sillydragon"
    29. $surfaceprop "default"
    32. // Below is a list of all the animations included for this courier.
    33. // Some are a little more complex than others.
    34. // The parts labeled "event" are queues for audio. In the run example, it is playing the footstep sound on frames 2,8,10 and 16. simply remove the events if you require no sound
    36. $sequence courier_idle "smd\animation\sillydragon_idle.smd" loop ACT_DOTA_IDLE 1
    37. $sequence courier_idle_alt "smd\animation\sillydragon_idle_alt.smd" ACT_DOTA_IDLE_RARE 1 //took out the loop, wasnt looping right with the idle
    38. $sequence courier_run "smd\animation\sillydragon_run.smd" loop addlayer "courier_turns" ACT_DOTA_RUN 1 {
    39. { event AE_CL_PLAYSOUND 2 "Courier.Footsteps" }
    40. { event AE_CL_PLAYSOUND 8 "Courier.Footsteps" }
    41. }
    42. $sequence courier_capture "smd\animation\sillydragon_capture.smd" loop ACT_DOTA_CAPTURE 1
    43. $sequence courier_die "smd\animation\sillydragon_die.smd" ACT_DOTA_DIE 1 {
    44. { event AE_CL_PLAYSOUND 2 "Courier.Impact" }
    45. }
    46. $sequence courier_spawn "smd\animation\sillydragon_spawn.smd" ACT_DOTA_SPAWN 1
    47. $sequence bindpose "smd\animation\sillydragon_bindpose.smd" loop ACT_DOTA_BINDPOSE 1
    51. // Below is the definition of the turn layer.
    52. // First we start by creating 3 poses
    53. // The 3 "animations" (center, left, right) are actually just single frame poses. Center is usually the 0 frame of the run animation, left and right are poses based on the 'center' frame to give the illusion of a left or right turn.
    54. // 'subtract' is defining each animation as the difference in pose between itself and the center pose
    55. $animation courier_turn_center "smd\animation\sillydragon_bindpose.smd" subtract bindpose 0 //$sequence wasn´t working here, changed to $animation
    56. $animation courier_turn_left "smd\animation\courier_turn_left.smd" subtract bindpose 0
    57. $animation courier_turn_right "smd\animation\courier_turn_right.smd" subtract bindpose 0
    59. // The turn is comprised of the 3 poses we defined above all connected together.
    60. // 'blendwidth' tells the sequence it is a combination of the 3 specified animations
    61. // 'blend' tells it which pose parameter to label it as, in this case "turn"
    62. // 'delta' signifies to the engine that this sequence is an additive layer, rather than completely stomping whatever animation it is added to.
    63. $sequence courier_turns {
    64. courier_turn_left courier_turn_center courier_turn_right
    65. blendwidth 3
    66. blend turn -0.5 0.5 //0.5 to increase the intensity of the turn layer like what happens on Mirana´s model
    67. delta
    68. }
    71. // .qc block generated by HLMV begins.
    73. $surfaceprop "default"
    76. $hboxset "default"
    77. //commented some hitboxes to clean the model
    79. $hbox 0 "be_cog_01" -12.45 -20.02 -18.77 19.66 16.36 18.76
    80. $hbox 0 "bn_L_leg_02" 0.00 -3.59 -3.48 23.76 8.03 5.67
    81. $hbox 0 "bn_L_leg_03" -4.50 -3.25 -2.22 24.91 2.74 1.21
    82. $hbox 0 "bn_L_toe_01" -1.61 -0.36 -1.45 5.86 3.11 1.54
    83. $hbox 0 "bn_R_leg_02" -23.75 -8.03 -5.67 0.00 3.59 3.48
    84. $hbox 0 "bn_R_leg_03" -24.92 -2.74 -1.22 4.49 3.25 2.22
    85. $hbox 0 "bn_R_toe_01" -5.86 -3.12 -1.54 1.61 0.36 1.45
    86. $hbox 0 "bn_tail_01" -0.70 -12.92 -5.76 24.33 8.17 5.76
    87. $hbox 0 "bn_tail_02" -9.04 -3.62 -3.07 25.29 5.34 3.08
    88. $hbox 0 "bn_tail_03" 0.00 -2.79 -6.74 19.51 0.79 6.75
    89. $hbox 0 "bn_tail_04" -1.60 -1.39 -6.74 12.86 1.02 6.75
    90. $hbox 0 "bn_spine_01" -13.00 -19.22 -26.49 27.08 12.88 26.49
    91. $hbox 0 "bn_L_arm_01" -3.32 -6.46 -24.67 27.10 1.96 4.76
    92. $hbox 0 "bn_L_arm_02" -12.95 -1.62 -3.40 31.25 2.31 4.11
    93. $hbox 0 "bn_L_finger_01" -7.68 -1.62 -48.35 39.88 2.09 5.98
    94. //$hbox 0 "bn_L_insideFinger_01" -3.69 -0.03 -16.64 33.30 2.11 17.61
    95. $hbox 0 "bn_L_finger_02" -6.29 -1.07 -34.07 44.59 2.16 28.15
    96. //$hbox 0 "bn_L_insideFinger_02" 0.00 -1.61 -26.06 33.67 0.45 25.85
    97. $hbox 0 "bn_R_arm_01" -27.10 -1.96 -4.76 6.40 6.46 24.67
    98. $hbox 0 "bn_R_arm_02" -31.25 -2.31 -4.11 12.95 1.62 3.40
    99. $hbox 0 "bn_R_finger_01" -39.88 -2.09 -5.98 7.68 1.62 48.35
    100. //$hbox 0 "bn_R_insideFinger_01" -33.30 -2.11 -17.61 3.70 0.03 16.64
    101. $hbox 0 "bn_R_finger_02" -44.59 -2.16 -28.15 6.29 1.07 34.07
    102. //$hbox 0 "bn_R_insideFinger_02" -33.67 -0.45 -25.85 0.00 1.61 26.06
    103. //$hbox 0 "bn_spine_02" -3.28 -14.93 -11.45 18.75 10.49 11.45
    104. $hbox 0 "bn_spine_03" -12.79 -14.93 -15.58 21.31 13.05 15.58
    105. //$hbox 0 "bn_mouth_01" -14.10 -6.63 -23.39 23.41 11.90 23.39
    106. $hbox 0 "bn_L_eyeLid_01" -1.38 -5.34 -5.23 5.51 3.50 5.27
    107. $hbox 0 "bn_R_eyeLid_01" -5.52 -3.44 -5.27 1.46 5.32 5.23
    108. $hbox 0 "bn_backpack_01" -3.52 -24.07 -16.09 28.90 5.88 16.09
    109. $hbox 0 "bn_backpack_02" 0.00 -4.54 -20.69 8.38 3.81 20.65
    111. // .qc block generated by HLMV ends.
    113. $hboxset "head"
    114. $hbox 0 "bn_head_01" -7.76 -15.16 -23.39 36.01 16.47 23.39
    116. $hboxset "hands"
    117. $hbox 0 "bn_L_hand_01" -5.79 -1.87 -9.01 36.56 2.31 29.04
    118. $hbox 0 "bn_R_hand_01" -36.56 -2.31 -29.04 5.79 1.87 9.00
    120. $hboxset "feet"
    121. $hbox 0 "bn_L_foot_01" -1.29 -9.28 -8.67 4.80 6.71 4.30
    122. $hbox 0 "bn_R_foot_01" -4.79 -6.71 -4.33 1.29 9.28 8.67
    124. $hboxset "select_low"
    125. $hbox 0 "be_cog_01" -45.00 -57.00 -47.50 95.00 23.00 47.50
    127. $hboxset "select_high"
    128. $hbox 0 "be_cog_01" -25.00 -57.00 -25.00 55.00 23.00 25.00
    129. $hbox 0 "bn_head_01" -5.00 -15.00 -18.50 35.00 15.00 18.50

    thanks for the reply, but i'm afraid it didn't work :|

    for juggernaut, the only files there are that can be replaced are either the items you can buy in the store (which is not available in the test build) or the standard jugg_sword files. and replacing those gives as a result him just holding nothing.

    you say "compile the model file with this qc" do you mean with studiocompiler? I tried that, and it exited with an error, saying "aborted processing file ...."

    I don't know if that information helps to determine what I did wrong, if anything
  • RaYfIre
    Xpload wrote: »
    Use the outliner for skin binding. Just navigate to the bone you want (and you cant miss it there, its named sword_1 or something like this). Duplicate, unparent and smooth bind with your mesh.

    Tried ,it dint work. Smooth Bind is selected joints.
    if i just create a box and make bones and skin it in the same way it works . But not for this sven skeleton.

    Need Help!
  • BrontoThunder
    Offline / Send Message
    BrontoThunder polycounter lvl 13
    Hey guys, just finished my first set of items for the workshop :D

    Unfortunately it seems (at least for me) being able to view sets and collections is being messed up so here's the link to my gallery

  • HntrLuc
    Offline / Send Message
    HntrLuc polycounter lvl 18
    Started working on a llama courier model this weekend. Still blocking things in and refining, but here's a wip shot.

    Planning on giving him some small propellers/engines for the flying version as well, but that's not shown here.

  • zicoV
    Tvidotto wrote: »
    did you test other models?
    as the game is still beta there is some problems with the models
    some of then are not split in parts, some pass the triangles budget and based on your post, some dont have all the lods =]

    but you will need to follow the requirements even if in the game they are not implemented yet

    Only faceless but it seems he have the same issues.
    Guess I will just have to feel my way through and maybe take some hints from the requirements of other staff wielding heroes.
  • Rik
    Looking excellent so far, HntrLuc. Watch that sharp crease down the center of the body (your symmetry line, maybe?). Great detail on the pack, and the fur fluff above the scarf has good form to it.
  • ArchoX
    Is there anybody who is expert of importing the model into the game? I need to see portrait window. I tried it like a month ago but without success.
  • Tvidotto
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    Tvidotto polycounter lvl 9
    RaYfIre wrote: »
    Tried ,it dint work. Smooth Bind is selected joints.
    if i just create a box and make bones and skin it in the same way it works . But not for this sven skeleton.

    Need Help!

    if it works with a box should work with the sword

    do a freeze transformations no maya or reset xform on max before skinning
    HntrLuc wrote: »
    Started working on a llama courier model this weekend. Still blocking things in and refining, but here's a wip shot.

    Planning on giving him some small propellers/engines for the flying version as well, but that's not shown here.

    yay, another courier!

    i just dont like the idea of propelers, i think it doesnt fit... some of then on the game is just something with wings =[ or something with jetpack.

    the tegu or the badger have an awesome flying idea
    ArchoX wrote: »
    Is there anybody who is expert of importing the model into the game? I need to see portrait window. I tried it like a month ago but without success.

    the portrait windows is taken on the animation CAPTURE, see the npc guide, that will tell you more about it
  • ArchoX
    Tvidotto wrote: »
    the portrait windows is taken on the animation CAPTURE, see the npc guide, that will tell you more about it

    But that is more about animation for portrait. I will use the old one. The thing I need to check is how my model looks on portrait.
  • WarlockPsychologist
  • Radiocity

    Would nice if someone can watch this.


    This are my Steps when i try to Compile. *Have no idea what i'm doing*

    Any help would nice it's very frustrating.

    @Tvidotto Teamviewer :s ?
  • RaYfIre
    Tvidotto wrote: »
    if it works with a box should work with the sword

    do a freeze transformations no maya or reset xform on max before skinning

    Did , still not working..i tried reskinning the original sven sword after unbinding it, but still no hopes..
    here's what i did
    1.unbind the original sword from the bone
    2.import my .obj
    3.positioned it ,centered pivot,freeze transformation
    4.click the bone
    5.shift click my .obj
    6.smooth bind
  • feracon
    MaVCArt wrote: »
    thanks for the reply, but i'm afraid it didn't work :|

    for juggernaut, the only files there are that can be replaced are either the items you can buy in the store (which is not available in the test build) or the standard jugg_sword files. and replacing those gives as a result him just holding nothing.

    you say "compile the model file with this qc" do you mean with studiocompiler? I tried that, and it exited with an error, saying "aborted processing file ...."

    I don't know if that information helps to determine what I did wrong, if anything

    I've successfully compiled source submitted to valve using studioMDL but those created files result in the same empty hands.
  • feracon
    Does anyone know where to find information on how payment to author works on the workshop?
  • MaVCArt
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    MaVCArt polycounter lvl 8
    feracon wrote: »
    I've successfully compiled source submitted to valve using studioMDL but those created files result in the same empty hands.

    i have as of now also successfully compiled my .smd's and indeed, they result in empty hands :( still searching, but running out of options here
  • defco
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    defco polycounter lvl 6
    Finally got it submitted. go vote! :)
    Thanks for all the information you guys have shared. It is my first submission.

  • Mark.N
    feracon wrote: »
    Does anyone know where to find information on how payment to author works on the workshop?

    If you work is accepted then Valve will send you the proper paperwork to fill out and then it's handled through either PayPal or direct deposit iirc.

    You can find more specific information on their legal page, section 3.

  • Radiocity
    Radiocity wrote: »

    Would nice if someone can watch this.


    This are my Steps when i try to Compile. *Have no idea what i'm doing*

    Any help would nice it's very frustrating.

    @Tvidotto Teamviewer :s ?

    GUYS TELL ME I READ Compiling your model is No longer required ? :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

    You can submit your stuff as fbx file ??
  • Qwiggalo
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    Qwiggalo polycounter lvl 8
    Radiocity wrote: »
    GUYS TELL ME I READ Compiling your model is No longer required ? :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

    You can submit your stuff as fbx file ??

    As of like a month ago ya... really old news.
  • Y_M
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    Y_M polycounter lvl 10
    Just finished this up and submitted it, first of several items (probably) for Shadow Shaman.
    Amazingly LOD0 for his belt is nearly 3k tris and the limit for replacements is 1350.

    The Nomadic Lifestyle:
    Vote with your clicking fingers
  • crazyone
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    crazyone polycounter lvl 5
  • radRhodium
    This friggen guy, man. I don't know at which store you buy your ideas, but keep right at it.
  • Yonda
  • kragniz
    Ended up submitting this. It's a bit meh.

  • System
    Offline / Send Message
    System admin
    Hooray! Another item for TA!

    I think it looks a bit too...sculpted, and too lumpy. And I think her headband is a bit too pink. But I love the idea!
  • Ravenok
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    Ravenok polycounter lvl 7
    Hey there everyone, I'm interested in making some stuff for Dota2 but I really have no idea where to start.

    I've read the guides but they're more of an artistic guide, and not a technical one.
    I'm looking for something to tell me how I should work to make the items I'm making "fit" the game, in terms of polygon counts and sizes and file types, texture sizes, etc.

    I'm planning on starting with a weapon, like an axe or a sword or a staff, to familiarize myself with the process. What can I read to know what my budget is?
  • Lennyagony
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    Lennyagony polycounter lvl 15
    All packed up and uploaded to the workshop :)


    @ArchoX - Thanks :)

    @Tvidotto - liking the courier sculpt so far, big bold shapes like you have work really well in game. I found myself having to re work several sculpts to remove high lvl detail as it just didn't read at all well once previewed.

    @crazyone - nice shoulder, and the fist wep is looking equally as good :).

    @BrontoThunder - awesome set, the red looks great in your ingame previews.

    @HntrLuc - llama ftw!

    @Blaken - http://www.dota2.com/workshop/requirements
  • Ravenok
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    Ravenok polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks lennyagony, that's enough for me to feel good about starting.
    And you set looks great. :)

    My current idea is an axe that belonged to Axe's last remaining soldier, who was killed by Axe himself. It would have a huge slit across it where Axe's axe almost cut it in half. To keep it from breaking, Axe repaired it using a metal plate bolted across the slit. It's both a very good axe (since it belonged to the soldier who survived axe's leadership longest) and it's a good warning sign for anyone coming too close.

    I think I'll call it "The Mutiliator", a combo of mutilate and humiliate. I like the sound of it and the play of words.

    Now let's see if I have what it takes to follow through with it beyond words. :)
  • Radiocity
    And how do I test the items Ingame ? ;)
  • zicoV
    @Lennyagony - That looks badass! :thumbup:

    I've started texturing my WD staff and I wanna try to get some glowing eyes in the skull,
    but I dont know which color I like (or hate) the most or if I should just drop the idea all together.


    Keep in mind this is just a screenshot of my viewport so you will have to imaging the glow for now :)
  • Soldeus
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    Soldeus polycounter lvl 10
    I'd go for the purple one, I think it best suits the WD theme,so, 2 for me :D
  • Mark.N
    I'm a fan of #2 personally; I think the purple will fit WD the best. Granted I've yet to look into this myself (have to at some point, one of my items has this planned), but you may want to check out turning the eyes in particles, not necessarily glowing but more of a voodoo fire trail type thing that leaves behind some purple smoke as WD moves around. Nothing too fancy, just enough to create some more interest and give it that mythical vibe.

    Ghetto Paint-over below, but it should get the point across.

  • Ravenok
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    Ravenok polycounter lvl 7
    Purple is the way to go IMO, but make them darker around the middle and make the middle glow quite a lot more. That's what I'd do.
  • Radiocity
    Radiocity wrote: »
    And how do I test the items Ingame ? ;)

  • zicoV
    Purple it is :)

    @Mark.N: I really like your idea. However I wouldn't know how to do this for dota 2 :P guess I'll see if i can find out but for now I think it will be glow only.

    If you find out how to do this be sure to let me know :)
  • squall787
    I see that a couple of you guys got your animations working on the courier. Is there a post you could point me towards to help with that?

    It looks like you just overwrote the existing files with your files and kept the same names? If so, i assume you used the SMD compiler/decomplier to get you the correct files?


    Did you load the Dota 2 map into an SDK and play from there?
  • squall787
    I have seen a couple test their courier's in game and was wondering if they just over wrote the donkey files with their own decompiled file?
  • Y_M
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    Y_M polycounter lvl 10
    Trying out some enchanted bamboo for Shadow Shaman, experimenting with ideas:

    Which do you prefer?
  • Mark.N
    zicoV wrote: »
    Purple it is :)

    @Mark.N: I really like your idea. However I wouldn't know how to do this for dota 2 :P guess I'll see if i can find out but for now I think it will be glow only.

    If you find out how to do this be sure to let me know :)

    I'm looking into it now; I'll see if I can get a basic item working over the next day and document the process for others to follow.

    For now I'm starting off with these for some good reading...





    Ogre Magi's default weapon uses a particle system that's very similar to what I've suggested, but I've so far been unable to determine which compiled file is responsible for the system.

    I'll let ya know more as I get it figured out.

    @Y_M - Why not mix em up a bit? Instead of lashing the horizontal bamboo together with rope you could use a vertical/diagonal splint from B to hold the sticks in A together.
  • I-ninja
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    I-ninja polycounter lvl 5
    so i did more work on pa's hair

    So A or B

    or there's always the chose to have it as one item two styles
  • Y_M
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    Y_M polycounter lvl 10
    B. I don't even... what is that going on in A?
  • Radiocity
  • SinAmos

    I really like the brutality of your set. Though it is simple, I think for your first set, you have the right idea. This is basically what I did with my Tide set. I just wanted to hammer out the whole process before going big on the next effort. I really wish I didn't have all this other work to do, so I could join your guys' efforts. Keep at it.
  • Soldeus
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    Soldeus polycounter lvl 10
    Zbrush work on a Naga Siren sword :D
  • RoqueDemon
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    RoqueDemon polycounter lvl 6
    I'm currently working on a samurai inspired set for dragon knight but since I'm new to this my stuff isn't of very high quality.
    Currently I've done the helmet, bracers, shoulders and sword. Even though I'm not happy with the sword, I'm keeping it like this until later.
    I also just noticed a texture problem in his left bracer. I'll fix it later.


    The sword is supposed to the resemble the shape of a dragon's wing combined with a glaive.
    Any advice is welcome.

    EDIT: I also need to figure out how masks work.
  • Tvidotto
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    Tvidotto polycounter lvl 9
    Lennyagony wrote: »
    All packed up and uploaded to the workshop :)


    need to say again, awesome set and the shoulder is great =]
    Radiocity wrote: »
    And how do I test the items Ingame ? ;)

    this is a long story, you can check my problems on the other pages but in resume you need
    decompile the vpk file and rename it or delete after
    export the files in the smd format
    export the textures in the vtf format
    compile it using a .qc file
    Radiocity wrote: »
    And how do I test the items Ingame ? ;)
    squall787 wrote: »
    I have seen a couple test their courier's in game and was wondering if they just over wrote the donkey files with their own decompiled file?

    exactly =]

    the donkey is in models/prop_gameplay
    zicoV wrote: »
    @Lennyagony - That looks badass! :thumbup:

    I've started texturing my WD staff and I wanna try to get some glowing eyes in the skull,
    but I dont know which color I like (or hate) the most or if I should just drop the idea all together.


    Keep in mind this is just a screenshot of my viewport so you will have to imaging the glow for now :)

    the glow will fit really well and the particles betters! if you are going to particles plz, detail it here, i want to learn too =]

    Soldeus wrote: »
    Zbrush work on a Naga Siren sword :D

    really nice work
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