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Re: How The F*#% Do I Model This? - Reply for help with specific shapes - (Post attempt before asking)

How do I even begin to model this cover? I understand how to model the outer ridges, but the raised bit in the middle is just throwing me off. Any tips?

if i have a shape i can not wrap my head around. i just go in and draw a wireframe over it. starting with the more detailled parts to see how much resolution i would need in the simpler elements. a ring is always easy to upres


Re: You are 1337

Muzzoid said:
Would zoomer members even get the reference to this number anymore :'(
They dont. I once put that time on a tracer skin, so much speculation what it could mean :D

Re: The Bi-Monthly Environment Art Challenge | March - April (95)

Been wanting to join in on the challenge for a while now, decided to go for the hard surface environment. Currently building out the rough blockout to get an idea on the dimensions and the modular pieces I'll need. Also building up my ref board as I go. Luckily I found a victorian staircase (Kimmel Hall Staircase) that matches the concept a lot. Going to include elements from that staircase into my scene.


Re: You are 1337

n070r10u5ly h0n357 1n cr171qu3, 0ur c0mmun17y 0f 4r71575 h4v3 b33n p0571n6, c0ll4b0r471n6, 4nd h3lp1n6 34ch 07h3r 51nc3 1997

You are 1337

Checked our stats, saw a fun number. Y'all are leet.

Re: Pwnisher NEW 3D Render Challenge w/ INSANE Prizes! | Chasm's Call

Well, it's a bit of both isn't it ?

On one hand, I don't think Pwnisher has any single cynic bone in his body and his challenges manage to carry the old school feel of otherwise long gone exciting community efforts (Vertex, Dominance War...) - and the inspiring results speak for themselves.

On the other hand, the end product is still free advertising for a bunch of sponsors, and many views for monetized Youtube channels (Pwnisher and Corridor). So even though they don't directly exploit the files (the contestants only provide final rendered shots, not source files) and the top entries do receive some form of compensation, all parties certainly have to be careful when drafting their license agreements for how the work is allowed to be used - not just for this specific challenge, but in general.

All that said, best of luck to everyone entering the challenge !

Re: How can I make these textures read as more realistic?

I feel like the lighting is a big enemy at this stage-- I'd recommend bringing it into Unreal and mocking up the lighting, and seeing how things look then.

I think the wall is probably too bumpy, and I'm used to lace tablecloths having borders around them, where yours just kind of tiles and cuts off sharply.

My other issues are, the vase and the curtains, just because of their lack of proper transparency/translucency.

Another thing would be, to pay attention to the construction of the table. I'd expect the tabletop to either be a central sheet of veneer, with trim around the edges (in which case, the grain would follow the tabletop border), or a solid thin slab (in which case, you'd see end-grain on the thinner side of the tabletop, and otherwise it'd go straight lengthwise)--- here're a couple of photos, because it's hard to explain. The first has the trim around it, the second image is showing the end grain of a single beveled slab.
The last photo is showing oak end grain, which is what your table looks like it would be made out of.

In general I always recommend 3D artists really take a look at furniture and how it's constructed. It helps a lot.
Edit:: I forgot to say, it looks good! I don't think it's far off, at all.

Re: The Bi-Monthly Environment Art Challenge | January - February (94)

Hey everyone!

Incredible work throughout this entire challenge! A ton of interest in the props especially and it was great to see the feedback, suggestions, and assistance everyone was giving throughout. Congrats to everyone for your tremendous efforts!

With March upon us it's time to welcome in the 95th challenge! Would love to see everyone over there either to participate or simply to support and provide feedback to those who are.

As always, please don't take this message as a sign you must stop working! If there is still work you're doing as part of this challenge then please keep us informed, we'd love to see everyone make it to the finish line. :)

Re: Pwnisher NEW 3D Render Challenge w/ INSANE Prizes! | Chasm's Call

This is my entry in progress - a quantum agi that's chosen the aspect of Janus - representing the dual state of the majarona fermion.  Does not support Khan or moobs.  Dreams of world peace.  Does not care about scarves.  There's also a little guy with a hard hat.  