Heyo Polycount, long time no see !
This winter I rediscovered Trench Crusade after seeing that they did a kickstarter campaign not so long ago. To be super honest I loved all the stuff that Mike Franchina has been doing within this theme, but just recently I got really sucked into the world with all the new lore that's been released and ofc all the amazing artwork that's been done.
After a super long artistic rut, this new obsession helped me really get off my ass and get back into modeling. Outside of stuff I usually do professionally, I seldom have any time to do any personal projects, but for some reason Trench Crusade really scratched a lot of itches and I decided to try to model something from this kickass universe.
My main idea was to replicate this scene in Unreal 5, but Mainly I wanted to do the shrine itself ) :
Trench Shrine by Mike Franchinahttps://www.artstation.com/artwork/lqymJAlso if you dig this kind of stuff, please do check out Trench Crusade only, it's an grimdark universe with an amazing game system as well
Most Recent Progress ( Still very WIP ) :
As a first step I started blocking out the main body of the Shrine with a simple box and started cutting out the shape of the various wooden pieces as flat 2D planes
I decided there to make break down the pieces into individual elements to sort of emulate how this would be done in real life with actual pieces of sculpted wood
To note at this stage I was thinking of making the shrine way bigger than it was in Mike's concept, but I actually ended up scaling it down later on
At this point I got further along making the wooden pieces. Some of the central pieces that extrude towards the inside of the shrine were a right pain in the ass to make, and required a lot of retopo and manual edits. Imo I've gotten quite rusty modeling
, but this has been super fun
I haven't done a lot of realistic models, since my main focus has been quite styled and cartoony meshes, but this has been really fun to make so far
Here I've blocked out most of the façade of the shrine.
At this point I was trying to figure out how I'll proceed with the rest of the shrine, and what would the sides and the top of the roof would look like
After some failed attempts and some variations I did not dig, I got back to the drawing board and got some references.