Howdy everyone. I've been lurking here for awhile and I figured I'd give this contest a go.
Class: PyroTheme: The Pyro's a dirty thief!
EDIT: Current Progress:
Thanks again to everyone who helped me or offered critiques. This was way too much fun and I hope we get the chance to do it again!
I'm going to be going with the pyro because he needs a bit of love and totally not because he's my favorite class.
I'm thinking of at least making replacements for the fireaxe, flamethrower, and flaregun (Hey, alliteration!). Theme-wise I'm thinking of basing all the weapons off the fact that the pyro seems to have no problem "appropriating" items from the other classes, IE: his stylish hat that's actually the engie's missing glove. Plus he's kind of a crazy character to begin with which makes things more fun.
Starting out is a modified fireaxe that's been improved with some of the soldier's munitions. Basically it's an axe with a rocket strapped to it. If that doesn't sound awesome already then you may be reading the wrong thread.

I think that I may have gotten a bit too futuristic with the axe shapes here. Plus it was hard making them look cobbled together since they're just silhouettes. At the moment I like 2 and 5 the most but I'll probably try a few more ideas before I start to narrow it down.
The second that I've been juggling around is the flaregun replacement. I'm thinking that it could be much improved with some parts stolen from the engie's dispenser and the heavy's minigun. (Now I guess we know who touched Sasha.) I'm going to try and get some sketches of that one up around tomorrow.
Also, this idea sounds awesome - I can't wait to see what else you've got planned.
I love you.
Can't wait to see what you end up with for this design!
YES. So very very YES!
So do I!
I've been busier than I thought I'd be so not much progress. If I want to finish in time I really need to speed up.
More concepts for the axe here. I think I've just about gotten it laid out and can do a final sketch and 3d blockout. Critique is of course very welcomed.
I've started rolling on concepts for the flaregun. I hope I can get a final axe and a good idea of where I want to take the flaregun by tomorrow.
I didn't really start out that varied and am wondering if my designs are working. At the moment I'm liking something like number 9 with its kind of haphazard construction. However I also like number 8 with its more unified design.
Yes do this!
You can tell which one I got carried away on. :P
I like some of these alright but I had a hard time sticking to my original plan of integrating bits and bobs from the other classes' kit into these new weapons. Other than the dispenser's tank there none of them fit that at all.
#5 doesn't even look like a flare gun though, and I think that's because some of my original plan leaked into it. I was orginally going to have a small handheld flamer pistol that fired single shot gouts of flame. Something like a semi-auto flamethrower that sets people on fire and reflects objects and people just like the ariblast. I figured it would promote people using the backburner more as they still have an uber defense tactic and such. But that's nixed now I know it's just a simple model swap.
Guess I'll keep plugging away until I can figure my problem out. Suggestions would be very helpful.
The problem I'm seeing is that it's not a flare pistol and doesn't really have a breech so the stock animations wouldn't work. It's going to have to rock Valve's socks for them to bother creating new animations for it.
Me likes
On a side not, does anyone have any clue on how to get SMD model files into Maya 2011? I've been trying to use Valve's SMD plugins but thyy don't seem to work on the newer version at all. I really need those models for proportion checking.
I'm still working on blocking the axe out. Once again I've been busier than I though. Plus I model as slow as a drugged rhino.
On the left is the Valve fireaxe. Mine still needs a fleshed out grip, a trigger, and the wires. Also the pommel is kind of bad and I'll probably redo that sucker. 1844 tris at the moment compared to the fireaxe's 1184.
Here's where the wire will terminate. A flap of the rocket is pried open and the wire snakes inside.
Overall shape is good, though I think you might be able to loose two of those vertical edge loops from the sides of the handle as well. From this angle they don't seem necessary.
oh, and it's about time;)
Good call on the loops though.
Is this closer to what you were thinking of Scudz? I'm not sure I like the rocket on the side as it just looks unbalanced with one and kind of weird with two.
Quickest picture I could find, upper left Ork with the rocket tied to a stick.. Tank Hammer.
And Swizzle, the blade definitely looks better with a flat top.
The double rocket makes it too large I think. Possibly make it look like it hit the back of the wood and splintered it? But was then taped onto there.
Morel like the first one you were building.
Did you see my flaregun ideas on the first page? #5 is pretty orky.
I think I'm sticking with the single rocket idea I had first. Maybe I'll throw a bracket on there anyways because I love me some brackets but it's going to be a single rocket welded into a cutout in the back of the axe.
The problem there is that I'd have to make a large hole out of the back of the axe to get it to fit where it is now. Since the rocket is actually shoved into the back of the axe head pretty far I think it'd look odd if there's a huge chunk missing around the rocket.
a single rocket with the plate welded on instead of screwed might work better?
or even some leather straps like on the flamethrower?