I've been following this thread for a while, but this is my first post.
I'm wanting to jump on the bandwagon of making customs hats etc, there is only one thing I'm a little confused about.
Can anyone tell me or link me to a tutorial showing how to actually get the hats on characters and test them in-game? Seeing screenshots of people wearing their hats but I haven't gotten that far... I watched a youtube vid of how to compile the assets you make for Source, but I don't know what to do after that
Any help is greatly appreciated, as I'd like to start actually interacting with this community
Hey guys, first post and all here but I've got to start somewhere ehh?
Was working on this little War Hammer for the Demoman as a Scullcutter replacement. Not done yet, still need to throw in some dents and a texture obviously, and so far my attempts to get it in game have failed but I'll give it another try tomorrow!
@Noors - Following your suggestion, I've removed the blood but I'm having a hard time making the texture more "symbolized" because I'm a programmer, not an artist :poly124:
@Contrails - I've followed your suggestion as well, I've multiplied a yellowish color on top, and replaced the blood with what I think looks like dirt/burnt spots, also I tried a low alpha brush to add more yellow to it in some parts.
@Baddcog - I've remapped the edge and it looks better now (I hope)
I also removed the strap because it was still clipping in the taunts
(this one still has the strap but the texture can be seen closer)
Try running a posterize filter on the tex. Not as a final solution, but if you do one with not too much detail I think it might give you a look closer to tf2 textures.
I might also try skinning the strap (or at least the bottom 2/3's to the neck bone, then it'll probably stay with the mesh more and not clip as much.
Man I love this pack. The hat is very nice. Maybe the moustache will clip but it's still awesome. I thought about making a sword like this, now you saved me some time. One suggestion: you should try to make the handle part bolder.
Where do I go to figure out how to make my hats paintable? I saw an email from Robin posted on the Steam forums saying they'd tell us how that worked. Did that ever happen?
Quick paint over !
Try to stay in tf2 tones. Colorful, slightly desaturated.
Read this http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=73559&
I did a surface blur filter on your texture then added stuff with a square brush, and thin brown triangles to symbolize holes. Avoid too much details.
The illiumposition might be off so you may have to play around with the values so the model lines up perfectly.
Damn, i just dont understand the qc. file.
I dont really know what it needs to look. I copied that example, but are you sure it is enough ?
I changed some things in it with the names and stuff, but every time i want to compile it, i keep getting this error "ERROR: c:\users\user\desktop\bolo tie finish\materials\bolotie.qc(3): - could not load file 'C:\Users\user\Desktop\BOLO TIE FINISH\bolo tie/Bolo tie.smd'
ERROR: Aborted Processing on 'player\items\engineer\bolo tie.mdl'
@ Sharkisss firts of all check out names of your files folders and etc. and (i'm not sure ) delete space betwen words in names of files (replace space on _) and create the destination folders (if player\items\engineer is doesn't exist program don't create this for you)
My first attempt at a TF2 hat. Not sure if this has been tried before but I had a go anyway. Critique welcome, feel like I should add some more details but there's not much more I can think of that cant be done with a normal map instead.
Since i didn't get any respond to the animation itself, i just continued to the other levels of it and tried to find out what the difference between the levels may be. In the End, I came to this solution. You actually need to compare Level 1 with 2 and Level 2 with 3 about the cooldowntime difference. Maybe i will make the animation of Level 1 longer, but thats the point where you guy can give me feedback : P
Edit: Oh and of course they don't spring up within the same time in the game XD. I just used it to actually compare it properly, otherwise they will start popping up at different time. The Cooldown time ends when the animation ends as well. So once a Spring got tensed again, it can pop up again.
Since i didn't get any respond to the animation itself, i just continued to the other levels of it and tried to find out what the difference between the levels may be. In the End, I came to this solution. You actually need to compare Level 1 with 2 and Level 2 with 3 about the cooldowntime difference. Maybe i will make the animation of Level 1 longer, but thats the point where you guy can give me feedback : P
Edit: Oh and of course they don't spring up within the same time in the game XD. I just used it to actually compare it properly, otherwise they will start popping up at different time. The Cooldown time ends when the animation ends as well. So once a Spring got tensed again, it can pop up again.
Holy Sh*t. I'm speechless. All i can say is, very nice. Ya, i think the cooldowntime difference needs to be worked on, so that level 1 is slower and level 3 is mad fast. Very nice.
Hey everyone, I am a TF2 player and a n00b modeler (by n00b I mean I know what it is and that other people are good at it) and I have an idea for a sniper rifle set for the Sniper in TF2. I realize that I will never make this alone, but I would love to share this idea with the community and submit it to Valve.
Have you ever seen one of these rifles used in biathlons? They use a straight pull bolt action. I watched these guns used in the Olympics and it was really cool to watch. It reloads really fast and with a simple pull of the action. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pC5bPrl0wxw"]Here is a video[/ame] showing the action.
I want to submit it with skiis as a secondary and a ski pole as a melee weapon as a sniper pack. I imagine the skiis to be tiny little wooden vintage looking skiis and the pole an old school 1950 era wooden pole with a plastic basket. My idea for the set is a sniper rifle with little or no kickback, that stays in scope between shots, but needs two shots to the head to kill.
I am sure that many of you are capable of making a model of this rifle. Is anyone willing to work together with me to make this and submit it to Valve? You can reach me on Steam here if you are interested. I would love the chance to work with you to make this idea a reality.
So it has been a while. Thanks again to Sp3tch for kicking my ass to post some of the stuff i have been and am working on. After looking through this epic thread i see some of us had the same ideas, which means they must be good. Thanks in advance for any input or critiques.
So this was for the original TF2 competition. While I missed the deadline (work just got in the way) I competed and submitted it a few weeks after the dead line anyway (hence the unglamorous thumbnails).
I really want to go back and add another layer of polish to these like with the monkey wrench to make sure the engineers left hand will holds it correctly.
Wealthofinsight - I think the chances are very, very slim that somebody would team up with you. I mean what would be your role? providing the bank account if the model gets accepted? I don't think so. My suggestion to you, learn to do it yourself. There is a wealth of information on this forum and on the wiki to get you started.
those are some amazing models, however the textures look a bit too shiny and realistic (mainly the engie pack, which is my favorite) as if they're not using tf2's lightwarp even. as for colors it'd be better if the power tool was team yellow (like engies helmet) same goes for the cone on the head, which could also use some paint strokes...
Hello guys. I've been checking this forum since the polycount contest for TF2 was announced and I have to say the stuff you guys create and model around here is incredible. I can only imagine your devotion to this "cause" and I certainly hope Valve will get many more of your ideas into the great game that is TF2.
That being said, I have one question and one "request" for you guys:
1) Do you guys make the kill-icons for the weapons? I'm asking this because I've heard that when new weapons roll on updates, the kill-icons only emerge when the community does them and submits them to Valve. Has anyone who had their stuff integrated in the game can say if this is true or not and, in such situation, would you consider creating the kill-icons when you submit your ideas?
2) My request would be if someone could find interesting to model and create Guile's hairdo (from Street Fighter) as a Soldier hat. I think it would look good by TF2 standars, would fit the Soldier likeliness and character, and has potential for jigglebones and stuff like that. What would you think? It could be named "Patriotic Combover" or something like that.
Here's for reference:
I have nothing more to add. Keep the excellent work!
just make sure you put the flowers on it lol
Thanks fellow ! Soon i will try to put this hat in game.
here you can find a lot of companies from tf, and put one of them on your perfect wrench
whats this great, special guilty gear's feature?
Spy: "Don't feel bad; you did a fine job tossing your little balls around!"
Joker_47, maybe you can make the bald part the same color as his facial hair. Make it look like it's shaved really short.
yeah i'll try to do this later (i'm already try do this but i get bad texture) , first i put my model in game
I've been following this thread for a while, but this is my first post.
I'm wanting to jump on the bandwagon of making customs hats etc, there is only one thing I'm a little confused about.
Can anyone tell me or link me to a tutorial showing how to actually get the hats on characters and test them in-game? Seeing screenshots of people wearing their hats but I haven't gotten that far... I watched a youtube vid of how to compile the assets you make for Source, but I don't know what to do after that
Any help is greatly appreciated, as I'd like to start actually interacting with this community
/n00b post..
Was working on this little War Hammer for the Demoman as a Scullcutter replacement. Not done yet, still need to throw in some dents and a texture obviously, and so far my attempts to get it in game have failed but I'll give it another try tomorrow!
Crit away please
But it looks awesome! Now give us some textures! (with no spec :P)
@Dr.cube - awesome Heavy hat!
@Contrails - I've followed your suggestion as well, I've multiplied a yellowish color on top, and replaced the blood with what I think looks like dirt/burnt spots, also I tried a low alpha brush to add more yellow to it in some parts.
@Baddcog - I've remapped the edge and it looks better now (I hope)
I also removed the strap because it was still clipping in the taunts
(this one still has the strap but the texture can be seen closer)
Try running a posterize filter on the tex. Not as a final solution, but if you do one with not too much detail I think it might give you a look closer to tf2 textures.
I might also try skinning the strap (or at least the bottom 2/3's to the neck bone, then it'll probably stay with the mesh more and not clip as much.
Man I love this pack. The hat is very nice. Maybe the moustache will clip but it's still awesome. I thought about making a sword like this, now you saved me some time. One suggestion: you should try to make the handle part bolder.
Got a third item in that set? Would be worth a contribute imo.
Also since the hats don't count as set-pieces I'd recommend making a pistol or something
I still ned to fix hat because you can see his standart hat, and this is not good
Quick paint over !
Try to stay in tf2 tones. Colorful, slightly desaturated.
Read this http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=73559&
I did a surface blur filter on your texture then added stuff with a square brush, and thin brown triangles to symbolize holes. Avoid too much details.
Damn, i just dont understand the qc. file.
I dont really know what it needs to look. I copied that example, but are you sure it is enough ?
I changed some things in it with the names and stuff, but every time i want to compile it, i keep getting this error "ERROR: c:\users\user\desktop\bolo tie finish\materials\bolotie.qc(3): - could not load file 'C:\Users\user\Desktop\BOLO TIE FINISH\bolo tie/Bolo tie.smd'
ERROR: Aborted Processing on 'player\items\engineer\bolo tie.mdl'
I dont really understand it could you help ?
If it helps here is my qc.
$cd "C:\Users\user\Desktop\BOLO TIE FINISH"
$modelname "player\items\engineer\bolo ite.mdl"
$model "Body" "bolo tie.smd"
$cdmaterials "\models\player\items\engineer"
$texturegroup skinfamilies
{ "red.vmt"
{ "blu.vmt"
$hboxset "default"
$hbox 0 "bip_neck" -1.606 -4.108 -0.550 1.606 0.455 0.697
// Model uses material "models/player/items/engineer/red.vmt
// Model uses material "models/player/items/engineer/blu.vmt
$surfaceprop "metal"
$illumposition 0.349 0.000 80.672
$sequence idle "idle" loop fps 30.00
test items, paint them, etc.. Best part, testing with the name you give it instead of hacking an old hat name first...
Still, can anyone shed light on the painting technique.
I know you leave that part of hat AO only, then it need alpha channeled? But what does that do to the specular channel? Is the QC code?
<img src="http://img816.imageshack.us/img816/9088/medicsrespirator.jpg">
Since i didn't get any respond to the animation itself, i just continued to the other levels of it and tried to find out what the difference between the levels may be. In the End, I came to this solution. You actually need to compare Level 1 with 2 and Level 2 with 3 about the cooldowntime difference. Maybe i will make the animation of Level 1 longer, but thats the point where you guy can give me feedback : P
Edit: Oh and of course they don't spring up within the same time in the game XD. I just used it to actually compare it properly, otherwise they will start popping up at different time. The Cooldown time ends when the animation ends as well. So once a Spring got tensed again, it can pop up again.
Yeah, as Joker said, you get that error when you haven't created the folder that the mdl goes in. I forgot to mention that sorry.
I've put together personally a better layout guide for doing qc, It's the one I used to compile my Overdose medic weapon.
It's just a better layout guide, incase its any use to you...
Nice Job !!! Animation is the most difficult part
thanks for link i'm already try to make my hat colorfull and i have some success , the only trouble is that without paint hat always black
Holy Sh*t. I'm speechless. All i can say is, very nice. Ya, i think the cooldowntime difference needs to be worked on, so that level 1 is slower and level 3 is mad fast. Very nice.
Joker_47, my hat doesn't seem to want to recognize the paintable vtf. What code did you use to get that to work?
Have you ever seen one of these rifles used in biathlons? They use a straight pull bolt action. I watched these guns used in the Olympics and it was really cool to watch. It reloads really fast and with a simple pull of the action. [ame="
I want to submit it with skiis as a secondary and a ski pole as a melee weapon as a sniper pack. I imagine the skiis to be tiny little wooden vintage looking skiis and the pole an old school 1950 era wooden pole with a plastic basket. My idea for the set is a sniper rifle with little or no kickback, that stays in scope between shots, but needs two shots to the head to kill.
I am sure that many of you are capable of making a model of this rifle. Is anyone willing to work together with me to make this and submit it to Valve? You can reach me on Steam here if you are interested. I would love the chance to work with you to make this idea a reality.
So this was for the original TF2 competition. While I missed the deadline (work just got in the way) I competed and submitted it a few weeks after the dead line anyway (hence the unglamorous thumbnails).
I really want to go back and add another layer of polish to these like with the monkey wrench to make sure the engineers left hand will holds it correctly.
those are some amazing models, however the textures look a bit too shiny and realistic (mainly the engie pack, which is my favorite) as if they're not using tf2's lightwarp even. as for colors it'd be better if the power tool was team yellow (like engies helmet) same goes for the cone on the head, which could also use some paint strokes...
also know that if you want good feedback visit the emporium: http://www.facepunch.com/threads/1043046-TF2-Emporium-XXVIII
That being said, I have one question and one "request" for you guys:
1) Do you guys make the kill-icons for the weapons? I'm asking this because I've heard that when new weapons roll on updates, the kill-icons only emerge when the community does them and submits them to Valve. Has anyone who had their stuff integrated in the game can say if this is true or not and, in such situation, would you consider creating the kill-icons when you submit your ideas?
2) My request would be if someone could find interesting to model and create Guile's hairdo (from Street Fighter) as a Soldier hat. I think it would look good by TF2 standars, would fit the Soldier likeliness and character, and has potential for jigglebones and stuff like that. What would you think? It could be named "Patriotic Combover" or something like that.
Here's for reference:
I have nothing more to add. Keep the excellent work!