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Team Fortress 2 - Workshop Thread



  • Dashtoronto
    UXDragon wrote: »
    @Sparkwire: I think its safe to say your dominating this thread at the moment ;P
    Ouch though at the polycount though, it is a mighty sexy gun and it would be a shame if it had to be trimmed down poly126.gif

    i dont think the polycount is written in stone. I read somewhere that the polycount varies on many items in TF2 and sometimes the limits are exceeded in some items. If an item is worthy enough, i believe Valve might let the high polycount be.
  • Dr.Eggman
    Dr.cube wrote: »

    What's about bees?
    (i know, it's flies, but...)

    EDIT: D'oh, I see that alareade, but it's so small and I think i needs MORE bees.
  • re.wind
    Dr.cube wrote: »
    I think you can save some poly's by removing the damage on the ammo belt. I don't think it fits the heavys style anyway, he isnt one to let his weapon get damaged.

    Here's another hat Im working on, trying to get it blend right with everything. Not sure what else i can do to make it look better.

    This hat is absolutely amazing. you could always add a few lods to it, and at medium distance you can burn in those details into a simple diffuse texture, saving thousands of polies and verticies.
  • UXDragon
    @BenHenry: Yeah, that's the guide I'm using

    @Dashtoronto: On the page where you can submit your ideas (http://www.teamfortress.com/contribute/tips.php), it does say to keep your model under 8k polygons, but models such as the Mini-gun are about 4.8k tris and the Brass Beast are round about 6.7k tris
  • ColonelBD
    To tell you the truth I think that only applies to hats, the only weapons I can think of that have a polycount of over 8K tris are the Ambassador and the Direct hit (9k and 9.5k).

    The reason why a lot of weapons appear to be over the limit in the HLMV is because there is a bug which makes weapons have twice as many tris in the HLMV if they have a certain VMT parametre.

    So in the HLMV, Sparkwires minigun will appear as 22k 0_o
  • Baddcog
    Offline / Send Message
    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    Yeah, but it says hats under 800 tris and alot of the hats are 5000 tris...
  • ColonelBD
    On a completely different subject, i've been working on a custom grenade launcher, in the shape of a castle tower, this is what I've got so far, still pretty wip, very basic shading and AO:


    Heres a first person ingame view:

    Any crits are welcome :).
    @Baddcog: v_untexd.jpg
  • Captain of The Chalk Ship
    Well ColonelBD, all I can say about that is: CALL IT CASTLE CRASHER I SAID IT FIRST
  • ColonelBD
    Lol, i was thinking of calling it the Blastion (bastion is another name for a tower), but your names just as good. Yeah, castle crasher, got a nice ring to it.
  • Dashtoronto
    ColonelBD wrote: »
    To tell you the truth I think that only applies to hats, the only weapons I can think of that have a polycount of over 8K tris are the Ambassador and the Direct hit (9k and 9.5k).

    The reason why a lot of weapons appear to be over the limit in the HLMV is because there is a bug which makes weapons have twice as many tris in the HLMV if they have a certain VMT parametre.

    So in the HLMV, Sparkwires minigun will appear as 22k 0_o

    but again, i think Sparkwires minigun is so worth the 22k. Sparkwires minigun, if i may say so myself is the kind of gun that would appear as the crown trophy of TF2, where it would even appear on the covers of future TF2 boxes with the Heavy showing it off. So, again, very worth the 22k. I really think Valve would accept it as 22k due to the fact that it looks really impressive and isn't just some measly hat item. In this case, if a gun like that looks THAT good, high chances Valve would accept it even with a 22k tri count. That's my opinion...I wouldn't be surprised if Valve did put it in the game with 22k tri count.
    ColonelBD wrote: »
    To tell you the truth I think that only applies to hats, the only weapons I can think of that have a polycount of over 8K tris are the Ambassador and the Direct hit (9k and 9.5k).

    so, apparently....a few guns already made it in the game that are over the tri limit. so the tri limit ISN'T written in stone. I think its a matter of opinion, if the gun is impressive enough, they'll let it in. I think Valve just wants to keep most things simple to keep the game as a whole from being too heavy.


    if you look at most games like Call Of Duty, they have environments and houses and graphics of most objects that are far beyond the tri limit of 8k
    Baddcog wrote: »
    Yeah, but it says hats under 800 tris and alot of the hats are 5000 tris...

    Like I was saying...
  • The Scrub

    The reason that games like CoD overstep that limit is because they use engines tailored to those limits

    TF2 on the other hand is a 3 year old game that has so many hats that it broke CP_Steel

    Sure your computer can handle it but can the game engine?

    Keep in mind that we're talking the damned fossil that is the source engine

    so keep it conservative not just for small Computers but for the Source Engine and for science... you monster.
  • ColonelBD
    I can see your point, its just that if you've been round a lot of Tf2 forums, you'll have seen that for a lot of people, they can barely run TF2, simply because these very high poly models are just eating up their Files per second.

    I know polygons are cheap to render, but it all adds up, and infact if as you say, Sparkwires minigun does become the new "poster weapon", then the problem will be even worse. Imagine a server full of heavys with 22k tri miniguns, thats 32 people max. 32x22k=704k tris being rendered. How is Valve gonna keep TF2 alive if you need to need a super computer to run it?

    Now I'm not saying the Sparkwire needs to cut down the tris, infact all he needs to do is LODs to the minigun to avoid this problem.

    Because for most people, the problem isn't the high polycount, its the high polycount thats being rendered from the OTHER SIDE OF GRAVELPIT. Its a waste, and Valve, Sparkwire and any other contributer who goes over the limit, can avoid this if they add LODs. Don't belive me, look at this:

    And as for the CoD thing, as Scrub said, CoD's engine is madified every game so it can handle the stress, The Source engine is a 7 year old fossil that runs L4D2 and eventually Portal 2 on the same engine that Half Life 2, DoDs and CSS runs on. Sure they may have added HDR, and Phong shading. But technically, its still just the same engine Valve used to wow us back when HL2 still had a 2003 release date.
  • Dashtoronto
    ColonelBD wrote: »
    I can see your point, its just that if you've been round a lot of Tf2 forums, you'll have seen that for a lot of people, they can barely run TF2, simply because these very high poly models are just eating up their Files per second.

    I know polygons are cheap to render, but it all adds up, and infact if as you say, Sparkwires minigun does become the new "poster weapon", then the problem will be even worse. Imagine a server full of heavys with 22k tri miniguns, thats 32 people max. 32x22k=704k tris being rendered. How is Valve gonna keep TF2 alive if you need to need a super computer to run it?

    Now I'm not saying the Sparkwire needs to cut down the tris, infact all he needs to do is LODs to the minigun to avoid this problem.

    Because for most people, the problem isn't the high polycount, its the high polycount thats being rendered from the OTHER SIDE OF GRAVELPIT. Its a waste, and Valve, Sparkwire and any other contributer who goes over the limit, can avoid this if they add LODs. Don't belive me, look at this:

    And as for the CoD thing, as Scrub said, CoD's engine is madified every game so it can handle the stress, The Source engine is a 7 year old fossil that runs L4D2 and eventually Portal 2 on the same engine that Half Life 2, DoDs and CSS runs on. Sure they may have added HDR, and Phong shading. But technically, its still just the same engine Valve used to wow us back when HL2 still had a 2003 release date.

    Left For Dead 2 has alot of heavy graphics too. Far heavier than Team Fortress 2. Some of the Zombies on Left For Dead 2 are pretty detailed. Not to mention the scenery...
  • Sparkwire
    Offline / Send Message
    Sparkwire polycounter lvl 9
    I will be making lods for the minigun, dont worry.
  • ColonelBD
    The only reason left 4 dead 2 looks better graphically is because its looks more realistic. It uses the exact same shader system that the TF2 uses, just differently and less in your face. Also look at the map details in TF2, the vast skyboxes, the bases, the whole color scheme. In L4D2, its just another realistic shooter. Details which are modelled in in TF2 maps are just normal mapped in in left 4 dead.

    And as for skyboxes, the barely are any, therea re some parts where you can actually see the maps edge. As for the zombies, sure they have dynamic gore, but the zombies themselfs are just 4k , and most of the gibs are around the 1k range. So basically there are some weapons in TF2, that have a higher polycount then a a realistic zombie with his stomach ripped open and his digestive tract exposed to the world.

    Infact its only the survivors who have a generally higher polycount, and even that is simular to the TF2 players if you count the doubled polycount.

    Anyway this is getting off topic, the point is Sparkwire needs to do something about that high polycount, which he is doing as he is adding LODs.
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    UXDragon, ColonelBD, I hope you guys don't mind that I'm sort of lumping you both together, but I have basically the same question for both of you.

    Why are your weapons shaped the way they are?

    The heavy's miniguns are all based to some extent on real-world weapons with real-world uses. The demo's grenade launchers are based on real-world weapons as well. Now we have these things you guys are making which incorporate miniaturized pieces of trains or castle towers and I'm having a bit of a tough time seeing what the basis for these things is.

    Ask yourselves: Why does this thing look the way it does? What function might it have? Do other weapons in the game have this sort of imagery incorporated into them, and if they do, how and why do they do it? Does incorporating this sort of imagery help with gameplay and emphasize what the weapon is capable of doing?

    I'm obviously not involved in your creative processes, but I'm having trouble answering these questions as a simple outside observer. The Brass Beast lets you know almost immediately what kind of weapon it is because it's huge and intimidating. The Loch-N-Load gives some idea of its general use just from looking at it because you can see it has two barrels.

    I'm having a hard time making these same kinds of immediate identification assumptions about your weapons. Does this train weapon make the heavy move fast in a straight line like a train? Does it take a long time to spin up and spin down because it takes a lot to stop a train? Is the castle tower supposed to be representative of how it can demolish buildings? Is it supposed to be available in medieval mode?

    Take a look at Sparkwire's minigun. You can get a good idea of what kind of stopping power that thing has at a glance. It's huge. It's intimidating. It has long barrels and a giant ammo cylinder. That thing is going to lay down the law and it may even take the heavy holding it along for a ride.
  • ColonelBD
    @Swizzle: Hmm good point, really gonna need to think about that.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I'm trying to figure out the process of getting an item into tf2,
    so I gotta get the addon for my 3d app to export it as a smd.
    I also need to make a QC file to compile it with

    after I got those 2 I have to compile it, I decided to use GUIStudioMDL, but in order to use it properly, I need all the source sdk's downloaded?

    and after that I get to mess with this? http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=4850&p=1

    damn, is that all?
  • BenHenry
    Offline / Send Message
    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    I think also what you need to be thinking of if your item is going to be quality enough to be in a game. If you figure that out, then I'm sure you'll have a great chance.

    @ZacD: yes you need the source sdk installed. And don't forget your vmt's, and vtf's. After you compile it with all the working parts, then it should work.
  • UXDragon
    @Swizzle: My thought process behind it was to made something based on an object that is similar to the Heavy himself, which is why came to trains, both being large and powerful. I then looked at the basic design of mini-guns, looking at the ones that already exist in game.

    I then combined the two, trying to make a mini-gun that looked like it was made from train parts with a steam powered engine.

    As for the attributes, I was thinking about a speed boost while winding up, but the main idea behind having the steam engine was that it could overheat, after 12 seconds of continuous firing, your bullets will ignite your target, however after 14 seconds, you begin to take fire damage, meaning you get 2 seconds of flaming bullets before you have to wind down and stop. This can be combined with a -50% ammo belt or a wind-up speed increase perhaps to balance it out

    Though you did make me think though, what to do now...
  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    Some infos here :
    http://wiki.polycount.com/TeamFortress2 :)

    And be happy, their new in-game tool eases the process ^^
    larolaro tutorial is now outdated.
  • RustySpannerz
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    RustySpannerz polycounter lvl 14
    I love that Bee-Hive hat so much!
  • ZacD
    Offline / Send Message
    ZacD ngon master
    I was trying to figure out why I couldn't find the folders it was asking me to find, apperently you gotta run the SDK first >.<
  • Baddcog
    Offline / Send Message
    Baddcog polycounter lvl 9
    @Zac, some of the folders are in the cfg zip files. But to have local content you just create them with that path.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    thanks, I'm reading about the QC files right now, and trying to figure out if I should decompile the basic tf2 wrench to make sure I have the right scale and position.
  • Giant Cheeseburger

    Here's the concepts I have for giving the Demoman some desperately needed new items that don't revolve around the whole weird Highlander gag (which is getting very old if you ask me).

    I dont know about you guys but I think the Demo is drowning in lame gags and his original angry drunk personality is being lost along the way. So here's the ideas for using the excellent bottle theme.

    Admittedly I've only done a little bit of 3d modelling in my life, but these shouldnt be extremely complicated... It would be ideal if somebody better than myself would use these kind of ideas without needing a request, because right now the direction of the Demoman is just getting weirder and weirder. Oh well, fingers crossed! If nothing else, I wanted to get this idea out there and see what people thought!
  • BenHenry
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    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    Noob question. How do I figure out my tri count in max?
  • KevinLongtime
    Quick question im hoping someone knows the answer to:

    I am making a spy knife currently and I want to place it in his hand precisely but it seems tedious having to roughly place it in the position of the c_model of the eternal reward and hope it is placed right when compiled and in game. Anyone know of a way that I could import the knife viewmodel at a paused idle position so i can easily place it how i would like it to be held in game (this may be a no-brainer to some of you animation people out there but i know nothing about animation just yet and if it is possible to easily do this in maya). I already have the viewmodel in but the positioning is out of wack by default when just the viewmodel is imported.
  • UXDragon
    BenHenry wrote: »
    Noob question. How do I figure out my tri count in max?

    Simple, on any of your 4 windows, right click on the words telling you what view it is and look for configure (on 2010, click on the "+")

    Look for the statistics tab, turn on triangle count and/or any other count you want, whether you want to see the selected count or the total count (or both) then tick "Show in active view"

    Your tri count will appear in the top left-hand corner of whatever screen you are working in

    I hope that's correct :P
  • Ryu Ookami

    An unfinished state of the current construction animation of the high-flyer. It was a hell of a work to make a totally different mesh and rig for it, and it also needs new UVs as well as a texture, just for the mesh before level 1. I hope the size of it is fitting for the Toolbox now. The gabs between the animations are not final atm.
  • BenHenry
    Offline / Send Message
    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    Hey UXDragon, Thanks Man.
    And Ryu Ookami: The animation is looking awesome, make sure though you know how many frames a normal dispenser/teleporter is for their construction animations. But if you got that down, it looks awesome!
    An old soviet military helmet i started making for the heavy.


  • JZeeba
    Dr.cube wrote: »
    I think you can save some poly's by removing the damage on the ammo belt. I don't think it fits the heavys style anyway, he isnt one to let his weapon get damaged.

    Here's another hat Im working on, trying to get it blend right with everything. Not sure what else i can do to make it look better.

    Nice hat Dr.cube!, I had tried to do the same with the Pyro, but never got it quite right :S

  • Doughnut Bear
    12695874.jpgso finally got my model done and a somewhat decent decent texture, any suggestions? its for the sniper and i was thinking of calling it the shaman's summoning cap. the texture is still gonna get a bit more work before my trail of mudbox 2011 expires
  • Cronotic
    I like your hat alot Doughnut but, It looks like the pyromancer mask
  • Sparkwire
    Offline / Send Message
    Sparkwire polycounter lvl 9

    by davision, im just animating it.
  • Tehrasha
    Offline / Send Message
    Tehrasha polycounter lvl 11
    Done. Submitted.
    I'm still not entirely happy with it, but I was afraid if I did any more to it I would break something.
    I might submit it again as a stand-alone head. like the Fosters Facade, so it wont clip the filter on the side of the Pyro's head. I'm not worried about the Whisked Gentleman clipping a bit, as other Misc/Hat combos also clip. (ex: Hustlers Hallmark and Dangeresque, Too)
    I also wasnt entirely sure how paint would work with it, until a friend unwittingly modeled it for me last night, with his lime green + unusual effect on it. :)
    In the end, I did not put any jiggle bones in it, as the whiskers are barely visible while moving anyway.


    The Fire Drake -- 1024 poly

  • Noors
    Offline / Send Message
    Noors greentooth
    I've just noticed that. If you ever need to make a view model and a world model, just make 2 c_models, as :


    Also, help ! I need somebody help !

    can't get my animation working in game, it's works in the viewer though. It's just chainsaw teeth making a loop during 16 fames. It doesn't do anything in game.
    1. $cd "D:\cg\TF2\chainsaw\c_w_chainsaw\source"
    2. $modelname "weapons\c_models\c_w_chainsaw\c_w_chainsaw.mdl"
    3. $model "c_w_chainsaw" "c_w_chainsaw_reference.dmx.smd"
    5. $cdmaterials "models\weapons\c_w_chainsaw\"
    6. $cdmaterials ""
    7. $texturegroup skinfamilies
    8. {
    9. {"models/weapons/c_w_chainsaw/c_w_chainsaw.vmt"
    10. }
    11. }
    12. $hboxset "default"
    13. $hbox 0 "weapon_bone" -15.976 -32.754 -6.774 9.661 6.969 35.651
    15. $surfaceprop "metal"
    16. $illumposition 25.542 -3.158 -12.893
    17. $sequence idle "idle.smd" loop ACT_IDLE 1 fps 30.00
    18. //$sequence spool_up "spool_up" ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_PREFIRE 1 fps 30.00
    19. $sequence fire_loop "fire_loop.smd" loop ACT_VM_PRIMARYATTACK 1 fps 30.00
    20. //$sequence spool_down "spool_down" ACT_MP_ATTACK_STAND_POSTFIRE 1 fps 30.00
    22. $collisionmodel "phymodel.smd" {
    24. $mass 50000.0
    25. $inertia 1.00
    26. $damping 0.00
    27. $rotdamping 0.00
    28. }
    I guess is has to do with the
    $sequence fire_loop "fire_loop.smd" loop ACT_VM_PRIMARYATTACK 1 fps 30.00
    stuff, it probably doesn't play the right way but i can't find any informations
  • Doughnut Bear
    Tehrasha wrote: »
    Done. Submitted.
    I'm still not entirely happy with it, but I was afraid if I did any more to it I would break something.
    I might submit it again as a stand-alone head. like the Fosters Facade, so it wont clip the filter on the side of the Pyro's head. I'm not worried about the Whisked Gentleman clipping a bit, as other Misc/Hat combos also clip. (ex: Hustlers Hallmark and Dangeresque, Too)
    I also wasnt entirely sure how paint would work with it, until a friend unwittingly modeled it for me last night, with his lime green + unusual effect on it. :)
    In the end, I did not put any jiggle bones in it, as the whiskers are barely visible while moving anyway.



    i like it, i would do what you need to remove the clipping and it will look really nice
  • Communist Cake
    I've decided to remake an old gun that I made before.

    Autokiller #47

  • BanthaFodder
    @Dr. Cube
  • Dr.cube
    JZeeba wrote: »
    Nice hat Dr.cube!, I had tried to do the same with the Pyro, but never got it quite right :S

    Ah so that's what that is, I first thought it was a snake wrapped around the pyros head. Which would actually made for a cool hat. Still yours looks good I like the look of the honey much more on your model then mine, too bad I already submitted it to valve. :(
  • Zipfinator
    Offline / Send Message
    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Dr.cube wrote: »
    Ah so that's what that is, I first thought it was a snake wrapped around the pyros head. Which would actually made for a cool hat. Still yours looks good I like the look of the honey much more on your model then mine, too bad I already submitted it to valve. :(

    You can submit revisions to your submission if you really want. Just submit everything again and say it's a revision of "____" in the comments section.
  • BenHenry
    Offline / Send Message
    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    Communist cake, that looks sexy!
  • Psyke
    Sparkwire wrote: »


    i think this needs a kill icon


    awh yeah
  • UXDragon
    @Psyke: That's great, and congrats on getting the other new kill icons in the game
  • Ryu Ookami

    I dunno why i havn't seen this hat before in any way XD. I am going to try out making this hat for the engi, since he already has the perfect Overall for it. I would replace the "M" for a "E", a "TF", a "TF2" or the TF2 logo then. I also thinking about using this hat as switch slot item, which means that when the Engi wears it, it replaces the teleporter with the "High-Flyer" I am working on. This would be way better then actually replacing one of the current weapons he can equip.

    I also thinking about making a joke melee weapon for the Engi, but I think it would be just for fun to actually have it ingame, not for actually serious gameplay XD.

  • Captain of The Chalk Ship
    Since you're trying to make those items extremely hinting to Mario, you should make the logo on the cap something like:
    First they look 'M', is that for Mario? Then they look more carefully and can see it says Mann.
  • BenHenry
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    BenHenry polycounter lvl 11
    Alrighty,I've been doing some modeling for colossal, and here is one of his concepts put into action. After almost a whole day of work, here it is. Note: The little red flag DOES have jigglebones, and they work like magic, totally worth it.
    All I have to do now is make the spec map :)
  • Colossal
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