The problem is you're imagining a situation where you have the normal watch AND this watch. If I'm understanding this right, this watch would replace the normal cloak, and use your HP (refilled with medpacks) instead of the cloak gauge (refilled with metal).
Having access to both cloaks (or if this one watch uses both the cloak gauge and then your HP) would be overpowered, since it would give you double cloak duration and the ability to extend it constantly with medkits, ammo and metal. You'd be able to run around non-stop, cloaked at all times, as long as there was any kind of pick-upable around (which there always is some nearby)... It's too much.
Yet having access to only 1 option, either/or, basically leads to no change in tactic besides "do i look for medkits, or ammo packs?". Which is why I say it seems a little too "same old same old".
That's a good point.
allow me make the correction:
i was actually thinking of the Cloak and Dagger when i made my suggestion. And as you know, the Cloak and Dagger doesn't recharge via ammo or metal. Medkits wouldn't really count since there's no map that has an infinite and countless number/amount of medkits (or at least I hope there isn't - otherwise, whats the point of even trying to kill off the enemy?)
so, no matter if there was ammo packs or metal around, they would be useless for the Cloak and Dagger since the Cloak and Dagger doesn't use them at all. So, basically...the Pocket Watch, filled with Blood....(or 'Vampire Watch') would make the wait times for recharge alot faster (but at a serious sacrifice) and would help make having a watch far more interesting and fun - making the spy more versatile when in very sticky and dangerous situations. It basically would be a step up of the Cloak and Dagger, much like the BlackBox is a step up from the first and standard rocket launcher - with its healing bonus.
May I suggest an alternative design for the bloody watch?
+25% cloak recharge after successful backstab
lol. wow.
that's actually a good idea. In result of stabbing someone, you in effect, draw blood and this would be the main idea of the "Vampire Watch" or otherwise called the Pocket Watch, FILLED WITH BLOOD.
Watch looks great cbast nice promo but what's the small text about keys and crates about? I can't tell from still shots but did you brighten up the phong for the blood? would add a little something more to help the blood shine
sharkiss - I meant a pattern, something generic like you might find on a belt buckle... it would be worth modeling it in like Aluca said
Aluca - is the texture changed at all from your HLMV (I assume) shot above? I liked the brighter texture better but it could also be due to low video settings in game? See if you can max them out and then take a screenshot... it seems something's off with the lighting
JZeeba - fraying looks good - I'd say push the tris a little with the eye holes, at least make them joined horizontal as well - after all tons of hats in game are already past 1000 tris
Hi guys, lots of great stuff in here. Here is my try:
Its racoon bob. I sould help soldier to steer during flight.
But I run into 2 problem i have no idea how to solve:
1. bones have some problems with orientations eg. pith axis behaves as roll, so tail can't go us or down. How do I fix this? I use 3ds for rig.
2. In 3ds my racoon and physic model have same position, but in tf2 hit box has offset and some rotation. What the hell is going on??
this is... possibly the greatest thing ive ever seen... you should try and make it like the parasite hat (when the soldier dies, it bleeds)
@Cbast I dig the model and interesting talks about what it could do (though that may not matter as mentioned)... if you're going for a vampire theme on the ability in the name I suggest using something a bit more catchy
the monster chroniker
eidolon's ticker
the wraith's watch
parasitic pendulum
I managed to successfully compile my chalice model as a replacement for the bottle with no errors, but the model only appears in the loadout and not throughout the rest of the game. In the rest of the game, it's just the normal bottle. What do I do?
was doing this gun for an unrelated model that i posted here a couple weeks ago, but seeing how it fits the sniper im going to be submitting this to this contest ! hopefuly ill get some dollaz
edit:ill submit lower version instead of highrez post
why do my models always resemble something much cooler and better?
may the better man win
except that this isn't a contest and just a TF2 hats and stuff thread where future submissions to the contribute site are born
I have a few questions hopefully they can be answered .I exported a few models of hats and weapons from the game to look at in maya and the polycounts are way off from what they say to submit as .The spartan is around 1600 poly/triangles ,the gastly gulbis is about the same .So can we go a little higher than 800 .I only ask because if I do a hat thats say 1000 in maya and triangulate the mesh ,it roughly stays the same amount of polygons/trinalges .
@Invader Fluff: Did you compile both the v_ and w_ model? The only reason i can come up with it showing in the loadout but not ingame is that you only compiled the w_model. If you did compile both then i have no idea.
@fusedgore: 800 tris is only a rough guideline and as far as I'm concerned it's ok to go over if you have to, just don't overdo it
I have a few questions hopefully they can be answered .I exported a few models of hats and weapons from the game to look at in maya and the polycounts are way off from what they say to submit as .The spartan is around 1600 poly/triangles ,the gastly gulbis is about the same .So can we go a little higher than 800 .I only ask because if I do a hat thats say 1000 in maya and triangulate the mesh ,it roughly stays the same amount of polygons/trinalges .
with source vert count is more important than polycount and also just make build things and dont worry about the counts than just decimate to bring it down to something workable by the engine before export
I don't fancy the way it's narrow in the users end, gets some weird gadgets that make close to no sence in the middle to be bigger at the end, I'd say make it as big in the back as in the front and loose the "laser sight". (Gives a much nicer silhouette and less cluttered fps-view)
Contrails: Thanks for the comment, and you're right, the in-game shot is really dark. I thought I've changed the dxlevel to 90, but still was 80 (the only way for me to play on my crappy notebook). Now it's right, more or less. The alpha channel still appears inverted within the game (the dark spot on the snout).
Still working on the texture. Basically I painted broadly some tones, then stamped some photo reference fur, and working from there by painting, mostly by projecting
All video settings are set to max, except AA. Model have 1030 tris, tex 512x512.
Also great model, some closeup shot would be nice to see details.
BTW. Is there a way to make jiggle bone tail to collide with body? I have some collision mesh on tail, but it is not colliding with body . Is there a way to setup ragoll on hat?
JoseConseco: the hat looks good, maybe add some light blue and yellow to the texture? What concerns the collision problem, sorry but I can't help you, I still need to look through these things.
@Aluca - loving the hat... definitely something I'd like to wear are you using the alpha channel as the phong mask? It might be worth looking into a phong exponent mask to make the snout look shiny and wet
@JoseConseco - Cute panda hat... I'd suggest adding a fur texture to it like how aluca has on his bear hat, photosourcing it and multiplying as a grayscale should do the trick. As for your jigglebone question, I don't know if the collision is possible, but if it was it'd be really expensive game wise. I'd use the jigglebone commands to restrict motion along certain axes ($jigglebone)
My Level 3 Version of the "Highflyer". The ground of it is still too dirty, but i think its close to get finished. I also need to do the animation of it now
Know what's missing on your launchpad design? (I like the idea btw)
You could add some fat bolt heads to the 'feet' of it, like it's bolted into the ground. Since you wouldn't want the whole thing to go flying into the air when it hits full extension. Bolts would also give you an extra element to tweak for lvl 1-2-3 versions. Maybe the bolts get more and more heavy-duty since the power goes up.
Maybe the entire base can keep getting beefier, to accommodate the increase in power. Ending with a lvl 3 that looks like you couldn't even bulldoze it out of the ground.
Lvl1 - 4 modest bolts (1 on each black tab)... Or maybe no bolts since you need a self-deploy animation...
Lvl2 - Bigger bolts, and add 4 more to the red tabs
Lvl3 - Something extreme like a submarine hatch looking base section, with bolts into the ground all around it... Like stuff you see on old high pressure boilers or whatever.
Moar bolts = Moar Powarrr!
Just throwing it out there. I noticed your lvl 2-3 don't seem too dramatically different than 1, and even less between each other. Stuff like this might help.
If you want to stick with the 'reobotic deployment" look though, you can just have beefier and beefier 'legs' pop out of it at each level. With the final level having nice fat claws grabbing into the ground. These would also be easy to animate magically folding out or nowhere from the base, in the same way that the bullet-chains magically just 'unsquash' out of the dispensers in the build animation. And the same way the rocket unit on the sentry comes illogically out of nowhere.
Been working on getting a few old hats back in game and a new one.
Hell of a time aligning properly though. And couldn't get it to attach to head until I used a bone named 'prp_helmet'.
Haven't found any info in tuts regarding bones or orientation.
Is there anything useful on that?
I had a hat in game along time ago, but it was a substitute for the birthday hat, that didn't have a bone attachment.
to go totally off topic, anone remember that "Popper Pants" sketch on the Amanda Show? you know, the shiny MC Hammer pants where you pour caramel or butter into the wastband, turn up the knob, and then watch as the pants inflate with popcorn? i wanted those so badly as a kid...
Know what's missing on your launchpad design? (I like the idea btw)
You could add some fat bolt heads to the 'feet' of it, like it's bolted into the ground. Since you wouldn't want the whole thing to go flying into the air when it hits full extension. Bolts would also give you an extra element to tweak for lvl 1-2-3 versions. Maybe the bolts get more and more heavy-duty since the power goes up.
Maybe the entire base can keep getting beefier, to accommodate the increase in power. Ending with a lvl 3 that looks like you couldn't even bulldoze it out of the ground.
Lvl1 - 4 modest bolts (1 on each black tab)... Or maybe no bolts since you need a self-deploy animation...
Lvl2 - Bigger bolts, and add 4 more to the red tabs
Lvl3 - Something extreme like a submarine hatch looking base section, with bolts into the ground all around it... Like stuff you see on old high pressure boilers or whatever.
Moar bolts = Moar Powarrr!
Just throwing it out there. I noticed your lvl 2-3 don't seem too dramatically different than 1, and even less between each other. Stuff like this might help.
If you want to stick with the 'reobotic deployment" look though, you can just have beefier and beefier 'legs' pop out of it at each level. With the final level having nice fat claws grabbing into the ground. These would also be easy to animate magically folding out or nowhere from the base, in the same way that the bullet-chains magically just 'unsquash' out of the dispensers in the build animation. And the same way the rocket unit on the sentry comes illogically out of nowhere.
Someone seems to be a very strong bolt-fetishist here. XD
It's true, that i had my problems with the difference between Level 2 and Level 3 in his comprimised form. I tried to use different things, from spider-like legs, normal legs, sucker to stakes, which ramms it into the ground. In the end it screwd up my image of the design itself. The Stakes makes the jumper looking too spikey below, so that looks too dangerous to use it properly. And The legs didn't unterline the solid contruction of it. So i decided to work with "weight" only, but giving the Jumper additional elements to become heavy. Compared to the teleporter, which only shows his upgrade with faster movements and the dispencer, who also appears to be pertinacious against falling to the side when it gets hit by granades, stickies and rockets, this Jumper has very solid appeareance and you can also see easily which level it currently has, even in its comprimised mode. The only bolts i would add the its current design would be on the stair-like weights, but it wouldn't have any kind of spikes under the construction.
This picture was made before the rendering. It just shows the difference between the Levels of the Highflyer itself.
I see what i can do, but i may concentrate on the textures of the lower designs first ^^'. I also can't promise to work on much changes for this Level 3 Version itself. Everything still needs to be animated and i already have problems how to make the contructionanimation of it XD.
Someone seems to be a very strong bolt-fetishist here. XD
It's true, that i had my problems with the difference between Level 2 and Level 3 in his comprimised form. I tried to use different things, from spider-like legs, normal legs, sucker to stakes, which ramms it into the ground. In the end it screwd up my image of the design itself. The Stakes makes the jumper looking too spikey below, so that looks too dangerous to use it properly. And The legs didn't unterline the solid contruction of it. So i decided to work with "weight" only, but giving the Jumper additional elements to become heavy. Compared to the teleporter, which only shows his upgrade with faster movements and the dispencer, who also appears to be pertinacious against falling to the side when it gets hit by granades, stickies and rockets, this Jumper has very solid appeareance and you can also see easily which level it currently has, even in its comprimised mode. The only bolts i would add the its current design would be on the stair-like weights, but it wouldn't have any kind of spikes under the construction.
This picture was made before the rendering. It just shows the difference between the Levels of the Highflyer itself.
I see what i can do, but i may concentrate on the textures of the lower designs first ^^'. I also can't promise to work on much changes for this Level 3 Version itself. Everything still needs to be animated and i already have problems how to make the contructionanimation of it XD.
I still don't understand why you can't make the 3rd one taller than the other 2, but whatever.
@Invader Fluff: Did you compile both the v_ and w_ model? The only reason i can come up with it showing in the loadout but not ingame is that you only compiled the w_model. If you did compile both then i have no idea.
@fusedgore: 800 tris is only a rough guideline and as far as I'm concerned it's ok to go over if you have to, just don't overdo it
Thanks. I'm afraid I don't know anything about v_models, though, so I've decided to compile it to replace a c_model instead. Now, it works in the game just fine.
By the way, anyone know of a good tutorial that could help me get my chalice's texture to work in the game? I just want to know, so I can continually check back to make sure it looks good in game while I make changes to it.
I still don't understand why you can't make the 3rd one taller than the other 2, but whatever.
No reason to be passive aggressive about it. I agree. It would make sense to have each upgrade be taller, which would be a clear visual indicator that it launches higher than previous grades.
No reason to be passive aggressive about it. I agree. It would make sense to have each upgrade be taller, which would be a clear visual indicator that it launches higher than previous grades.
I respond to both of you in this message : P. I know that it is always easier for the player to see the current level of a building when it gets bigger with each level. But just imagine following situation I am in:
This "High-Flyer" has a diameter value like the teleporter itself, so basicly it can't get any wider as it already is. (Otherwise I would start ignoring the size limit of all standard Engi-buildings like i already did once with the Anti-Snip-R.) I also don't wanne have too much clipping problems when its place close to walls.
I don't want to make this thing higher in his comprimised form itself, so that the players don't need to jump on it just for using it properly.
Making it looking more Powerfull may leads to the from assume that this building lets you jump higher on Level 3 than on Level 1 which isn't the case (at least in my imagination of its game design).
The Platform is just for one person per jump. Increasing the plattform would mean that it would be possible to think, that more ppl can use it at the same time. I prefer not to do that for the obvious reason: Medics shouldn't be able to uebercharge with someone while they fly over an obstacle to get behind the enemy team, ripping them totally off without any chance to block it.
I still don|t know about the alternative possibility to place it on a wall as speedster instead of the ground using it as a jumper. Untill i decide if this should be possible or not, the highflyer wont get heavier or bigger as a wall can hold.
It doesn|t really matter for most of the players what level this highflyer is currently is. Of course a strong rush on it would recommand a higher level of it, but i personally think that everyone decides for himself if he wants to use it or not. It|s not like that the first level of it has a cooldowntime as long as the level 1 teleporter needs to become active again.
I wanne add more details with every Level instead of increasing the total size of it, i hope you guys understand now why. ^^
@ Art-Maschine, be proud, your bolt idea became part of the Level 3 Version of my Highflyer, well at least in screwform XD. I already tried to add more, but then it looks more like a a maschine for the canalisation instead for using it outdoor. The big screws don|t have come out on the underside, so they won|t touch the ground in any way. And i also think its enough cause for every nail i have to add at least 2 joints for each one to makea proper animation from the update from Lvl2 to Lvl3.
Your reasons make sense. In an earlier post you mentioned that a level 3 highflyer wouldn't bounce a scout high enough for him to hit the skybox. I assumed this meant the higher grades bounced higher. If that's not the case, then I agree, it doesn't make sense for the platform to get taller when upgraded.
I like your latest image of the thing. Looks legit.
The Rocket Ranger is complete. I think I'm going to scale it up about 5-10% then submit.
edit- doh! typo, that's 1560 polys...
Just an advice, Valve prefers to have a hat polylimit at 800, so try to reduce not neccesarry polys in it, otherwise it would be sorted out very soon. And to be honest i personally think that you have the freedom in it to reduce it pretty well.
That's a good point.
allow me make the correction:
i was actually thinking of the Cloak and Dagger when i made my suggestion. And as you know, the Cloak and Dagger doesn't recharge via ammo or metal. Medkits wouldn't really count since there's no map that has an infinite and countless number/amount of medkits (or at least I hope there isn't - otherwise, whats the point of even trying to kill off the enemy?)
so, no matter if there was ammo packs or metal around, they would be useless for the Cloak and Dagger since the Cloak and Dagger doesn't use them at all. So, basically...the Pocket Watch, filled with Blood....(or 'Vampire Watch') would make the wait times for recharge alot faster (but at a serious sacrifice) and would help make having a watch far more interesting and fun - making the spy more versatile when in very sticky and dangerous situations. It basically would be a step up of the Cloak and Dagger, much like the BlackBox is a step up from the first and standard rocket launcher - with its healing bonus.
lol. wow.
that's actually a good idea. In result of stabbing someone, you in effect, draw blood and this would be the main idea of the "Vampire Watch" or otherwise called the Pocket Watch, FILLED WITH BLOOD.
really nice.
sharkiss - I meant a pattern, something generic like you might find on a belt buckle... it would be worth modeling it in like Aluca said
Aluca - is the texture changed at all from your HLMV (I assume) shot above? I liked the brighter texture better but it could also be due to low video settings in game? See if you can max them out and then take a screenshot... it seems something's off with the lighting
JZeeba - fraying looks good - I'd say push the tris a little with the eye holes, at least make them joined horizontal as well - after all tons of hats in game are already past 1000 tris
Progress on the canteen - refining the texture
the monster chroniker
eidolon's ticker
the wraith's watch
parasitic pendulum
and maybe?
too much?
why do my models always resemble something much cooler and better?
may the better man win
except that this isn't a contest and just a TF2 hats and stuff thread where future submissions to the contribute site are born
oops double post
Thanks a lot !
@Invader Fluff: Did you compile both the v_ and w_ model? The only reason i can come up with it showing in the loadout but not ingame is that you only compiled the w_model. If you did compile both then i have no idea.
@fusedgore: 800 tris is only a rough guideline and as far as I'm concerned it's ok to go over if you have to, just don't overdo it
with source vert count is more important than polycount and also just make build things and dont worry about the counts than just decimate to bring it down to something workable by the engine before export
Hope this helps!
so , do you like it ?
p.s. sorry if the images take up much space
Still working on the texture. Basically I painted broadly some tones, then stamped some photo reference fur, and working from there by painting, mostly by projecting
All video settings are set to max, except AA. Model have 1030 tris, tex 512x512.
Also great model, some closeup shot would be nice to see details.
Here is panda:
C&C is welcome.
@Aluca - loving the hat... definitely something I'd like to wear
@JoseConseco - Cute panda hat... I'd suggest adding a fur texture to it like how aluca has on his bear hat, photosourcing it and multiplying as a grayscale should do the trick. As for your jigglebone question, I don't know if the collision is possible, but if it was it'd be really expensive game wise. I'd use the jigglebone commands to restrict motion along certain axes ($jigglebone)
My Level 3 Version of the "Highflyer". The ground of it is still too dirty, but i think its close to get finished. I also need to do the animation of it now
You could add some fat bolt heads to the 'feet' of it, like it's bolted into the ground. Since you wouldn't want the whole thing to go flying into the air when it hits full extension. Bolts would also give you an extra element to tweak for lvl 1-2-3 versions. Maybe the bolts get more and more heavy-duty since the power goes up.
Maybe the entire base can keep getting beefier, to accommodate the increase in power. Ending with a lvl 3 that looks like you couldn't even bulldoze it out of the ground.
Lvl1 - 4 modest bolts (1 on each black tab)... Or maybe no bolts since you need a self-deploy animation...
Lvl2 - Bigger bolts, and add 4 more to the red tabs
Lvl3 - Something extreme like a submarine hatch looking base section, with bolts into the ground all around it... Like stuff you see on old high pressure boilers or whatever.
Moar bolts = Moar Powarrr!
Just throwing it out there. I noticed your lvl 2-3 don't seem too dramatically different than 1, and even less between each other. Stuff like this might help.
If you want to stick with the 'reobotic deployment" look though, you can just have beefier and beefier 'legs' pop out of it at each level. With the final level having nice fat claws grabbing into the ground. These would also be easy to animate magically folding out or nowhere from the base, in the same way that the bullet-chains magically just 'unsquash' out of the dispensers in the build animation. And the same way the rocket unit on the sentry comes illogically out of nowhere.
Hell of a time aligning properly though. And couldn't get it to attach to head until I used a bone named 'prp_helmet'.
Haven't found any info in tuts regarding bones or orientation.
Is there anything useful on that?
I had a hat in game along time ago, but it was a substitute for the birthday hat, that didn't have a bone attachment.
Someone seems to be a very strong bolt-fetishist here. XD
It's true, that i had my problems with the difference between Level 2 and Level 3 in his comprimised form. I tried to use different things, from spider-like legs, normal legs, sucker to stakes, which ramms it into the ground. In the end it screwd up my image of the design itself. The Stakes makes the jumper looking too spikey below, so that looks too dangerous to use it properly. And The legs didn't unterline the solid contruction of it. So i decided to work with "weight" only, but giving the Jumper additional elements to become heavy. Compared to the teleporter, which only shows his upgrade with faster movements and the dispencer, who also appears to be pertinacious against falling to the side when it gets hit by granades, stickies and rockets, this Jumper has very solid appeareance and you can also see easily which level it currently has, even in its comprimised mode. The only bolts i would add the its current design would be on the stair-like weights, but it wouldn't have any kind of spikes under the construction.
This picture was made before the rendering. It just shows the difference between the Levels of the Highflyer itself.
I see what i can do, but i may concentrate on the textures of the lower designs first ^^'. I also can't promise to work on much changes for this Level 3 Version itself. Everything still needs to be animated and i already have problems how to make the contructionanimation of it XD.
I still don't understand why you can't make the 3rd one taller than the other 2, but whatever.
No reason to be passive aggressive about it. I agree. It would make sense to have each upgrade be taller, which would be a clear visual indicator that it launches higher than previous grades.
Demo's secondary: barrel with gunpowder (Demo install this to floor and it will explode)
And Demo use cap of barrel as targe
"On movin' this" - Engineer.
Any suggestions?
P.S.It's not end.
Anyways, exellent job. YO-HO, BLOW THE MAN DOWN!
I respond to both of you in this message : P. I know that it is always easier for the player to see the current level of a building when it gets bigger with each level. But just imagine following situation I am in:
- This "High-Flyer" has a diameter value like the teleporter itself, so basicly it can't get any wider as it already is. (Otherwise I would start ignoring the size limit of all standard Engi-buildings like i already did once with the Anti-Snip-R.) I also don't wanne have too much clipping problems when its place close to walls.
- I don't want to make this thing higher in his comprimised form itself, so that the players don't need to jump on it just for using it properly.
- Making it looking more Powerfull may leads to the from assume that this building lets you jump higher on Level 3 than on Level 1 which isn't the case (at least in my imagination of its game design).
- The Platform is just for one person per jump. Increasing the plattform would mean that it would be possible to think, that more ppl can use it at the same time. I prefer not to do that for the obvious reason: Medics shouldn't be able to uebercharge with someone while they fly over an obstacle to get behind the enemy team, ripping them totally off without any chance to block it.
- I still don|t know about the alternative possibility to place it on a wall as speedster instead of the ground using it as a jumper. Untill i decide if this should be possible or not, the highflyer wont get heavier or bigger as a wall can hold.
- It doesn|t really matter for most of the players what level this highflyer is currently is. Of course a strong rush on it would recommand a higher level of it, but i personally think that everyone decides for himself if he wants to use it or not. It|s not like that the first level of it has a cooldowntime as long as the level 1 teleporter needs to become active again.
I wanne add more details with every Level instead of increasing the total size of it, i hope you guys understand now why. ^^smooth the edges out on it the edges look impossible sharp for something like that especially consider it is tf2 where every things is a bit soft
The Team Colored looks awesome, but it might be a little too hard to see it on engineers with something so small.
Try to use a bevel on the sides of that metallic thingy. ^^
@ Art-Maschine, be proud, your bolt idea became part of the Level 3 Version of my Highflyer, well at least in screwform XD. I already tried to add more, but then it looks more like a a maschine for the canalisation instead for using it outdoor. The big screws don|t have come out on the underside, so they won|t touch the ground in any way. And i also think its enough cause for every nail i have to add at least 2 joints for each one to makea proper animation from the update from Lvl2 to Lvl3.
Your reasons make sense. In an earlier post you mentioned that a level 3 highflyer wouldn't bounce a scout high enough for him to hit the skybox. I assumed this meant the higher grades bounced higher. If that's not the case, then I agree, it doesn't make sense for the platform to get taller when upgraded.
I like your latest image of the thing. Looks legit.
edit- doh! typo, that's 1560 polys...
Just an advice, Valve prefers to have a hat polylimit at 800, so try to reduce not neccesarry polys in it, otherwise it would be sorted out very soon. And to be honest i personally think that you have the freedom in it to reduce it pretty well.
Also the 800 poly limit on the contribution site isn't a very accurate limit. Pentagons are polygons. A better limit is 2000 Triangles I'd say.