EDIT: Nevermind, I figured it out. Turns out that the bones weren't oriented right in Blender. Manually adjusting them to match the bones in the Model Viewer did the trick.
I have a problem that I'm hoping someone might be able to assist me with. Just for fun and the heck of it, I'm making a skirt for the spy. Hey, does it matter if you look silly when you're invisible most of the time?
I got the model into the game and attached to the Spy without any problems, but I'd like to alter the weights so that it's not completely stiff and will move with his legs. However, whenever I try to assign vertices to the bip_hip bones and export, I get really bad results. The vertices move, but they're way off. I've tried everything I can think of, but I'm new to this, so I would very much appreciate any suggestions.
I've been using Blender 2.56 and the Blender SMD Tools. I don't think they're the cause of the problem, though it's certainly possible. I'd just like to rule out other possibilities first.
My QC file:
$cd "C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\TF2 Models\SpyTutu"
Great stuff in here, some which I won't be surprised if we start seeing them in game
Anyway, here is a little something I've been working on...
A steam train based mini gun!
Only the flat colours at the moment, just to see how the colours look, might be changing them later, what do you think?
(More info: http://uxd.deviantart.com/gallery/28034872)
Not bad, not bad at all. you may want to pastel-up those colours a bit, as while what you have works, its a bit on the dark side for tf'2 colour palette
Are you gonna let those one-eyed bastards lord over the battlefield with their medley of assorted long, bladed implements of death? HELL NO! It's high time you good soldiers got your own long, bladed implement of death! And I can think of none better than this sword right here.
When the armies of Hannibal invaded Switzerland on the backs of their trained yetis, they knew victory was assured, for they each carried a sword just like this one into combat! Forged from mystical, blood-and-sweat infused steel, this sword is the perfect compliment to any good fighting man's arsenal. And you know it's authentic; it's got "MADE IN CHINA" stamped right on the blade!
Help with my chainsaw.
Does one of you know how i can modify texturescroll speed on the run ?
For now it has a constant speed defined in my vmt. I don't know how it could be coupled with my teeth animation (drived by bones)
How is it done in L4D 2 chainsaw massacre ?
I don't have it. Does someone have access to the L4D chainsaw files ?
Looks like for the view model, the "tooth links" are modelised and rigged, so it's a shit load of bones. But the world model ? UV scroll ?
Yeah, as Joker said, you get that error when you haven't created the folder that the mdl goes in. I forgot to mention that sorry.
I've put together personally a better layout guide for doing qc, It's the one I used to compile my Overdose medic weapon.
It's just a better layout guide, incase its any use to you...
I fixed all the problem with the names and the directories but not i get a new error "ERROR: cannot find bone bip_neck for bbox". I understand what it says,but i just can fix it. I even dont know if im doing it good.
I extracted the model with the bip_neck bone (i added the model to skin).
Ow.. and one more question. When i used to make weapons, i used MilkShape to put the model in the right place. Do i need to do the same here, or will it just automatically appear on the bone ? I did not do the milkshape thing here.
It will be attached to the bone, but you need to position it in relation to the bone.
The hats I've been doing have the bip_head bone at 0,0,0. If I export with the bip_head bone in relation to the character then the hat is 6 feet above the head.
Not bad, not bad at all. you may want to pastel-up those colours a bit, as while what you have works, its a bit on the dark side for tf'2 colour palette
Yes, it is on the dark side, but I was using these swatches which were in the colour guide on how to do metal
Thanks for the feedback, will lighten it up some more with flat colours before I begin the details
Bit of a noob question from the colour side, but to pastel it up would mean to make the colours match what's on the tf2 colour palette? :P
It will be attached to the bone, but you need to position it in relation to the bone.
The hats I've been doing have the bip_head bone at 0,0,0. If I export with the bip_head bone in relation to the character then the hat is 6 feet above the head.
Well, if it attached only to bip_neck I would put bip_neck at 0,0,0. Then position the (whatever you're making) in relation to it.
You're realy not giving much info and a rig could be complicated. Is it using other bones? is it skinned to bip_neck at all?
What is BBox? is that your collision mesh? or the name of the weapon?
It looks to me as bip_neck is not added to BBox objects skin modifier.
@Sharkiss: Yeah, the BBox error is given when the bones mentioned in the qc don't have any attached vertices. Checking your bones and exporting should fix that, that errors pretty unpredictable though, sometimes it works, othertimes not.
@UXDragon, interesting idea... it looks a bit unbalanced to me though - the front is overloaded with stuff and the drum (which is the largest part of the gun and is what I notice first) is relatively bare... I'd move those valves to the side and move the cow catcher and some of the other components down and make it bigger.
Also I'd make more use of that silver you have - in the back, most of the pieces are black which makes it hard to tell apart... making some of them silver like the screws, axle between gun and drum, etc will make it more interesting
Hey comfy Cushion, I like the hat, but I think that it looks too close to the shako, Try to add something that will throw you off from looking like the shako.
i disagree. The shako, who's siluhette (i hate that word) is a straight cylinder with sharp corner at the top. this is a rounded shape, and a different major colour, unless you have a black shako.
well, yes. They have the same structure/look, I'm not trying to offend you, just add something to it. Just think about it, if Valve saw your hat, do you think they would pick it? if so, then its fine, if not, then keep tweaking it.
Great stuff in here, some which I won't be surprised if we start seeing them in game
Anyway, here is a little something I've been working on...
A steam train based mini gun!
Only the flat colours at the moment, just to see how the colours look, might be changing them later, what do you think?
(More info: http://uxd.deviantart.com/gallery/28034872)
Two huge things missing with this:
The Steam whistle
and the
The Train Stack where all the smoke comes out from.
well, yes. They have the same structure/look, I'm not trying to offend you, just add something to it. Just think about it, if Valve saw your hat, do you think they would pick it? if so, then its fine, if not, then keep tweaking it.
If you made it look furry with a few alpha planes you'd probably be fine.
@UXDragon, interesting idea... it looks a bit unbalanced to me though - the front is overloaded with stuff and the drum (which is the largest part of the gun and is what I notice first) is relatively bare... I'd move those valves to the side and move the cow catcher and some of the other components down and make it bigger.
Also I'd make more use of that silver you have - in the back, most of the pieces are black which makes it hard to tell apart... making some of them silver like the screws, axle between gun and drum, etc will make it more interesting
Good idea about moving the cow catcher, might suit it better if moved back a bit
As for the colour, its still in the deciding phase, I'm testing out different colours to see what looks good, though I am considering making most of the gun a more silver colour
The Train Stack where all the smoke comes out from.
I did think about the train stack, but seeing as the source of the smoke is on the drum rather than the gun, I placed it or at least something slimier on the drum. As for the whistle... -Smacks forehead- D'oh! How could I forget that?!
The Rimmed Raincatcher was added because of a programming screwup during the Mannconomy update. The model accidently replaced the tippler's tricorne, and Valve decided to make it a separate item. I guess so as not to hurt the feelings of the guy who made it.
The Rimmed Raincatcher was added because of a programming screwup during the Mannconomy update. The model accidently replaced the tippler's tricorne, and Valve decided to make it a separate item. I guess so as not to hurt the feelings of the guy who made it.
That's not entirely correct. Valve always intended it to be its own hat. They accidentally made it replace the Tricorne on release though. They didn't change it so they wouldn't hurt anyone's feelings.
So, thanks to ColonelBD i have finished the model. (YAY)
Anyway, i got all the files that i needed, but now I need one more thing. A NAME !!!!
Any ideas gentleman ? I was thinking about something like A true Cowboys Spirit or something like it. Any ideas ?
*Edit: I just tested the item and i found out that the Bolo tie does not even connect with the engineer in some cases. I dont know what to do now. I want the bolo tie to stay at its place, but thats what i get adding it on the bip_neck. Any suggestions ? Maybe that is not a problem ? Maybe i will just send it and Valve will fix it ?
I want those guns!
Print Screen in model viewer I'd guess.
I've also got the soldier's katana working the way I want it. Any suggestions for names before I submit it?
I have a problem that I'm hoping someone might be able to assist me with. Just for fun and the heck of it, I'm making a skirt for the spy. Hey, does it matter if you look silly when you're invisible most of the time?
I got the model into the game and attached to the Spy without any problems, but I'd like to alter the weights so that it's not completely stiff and will move with his legs. However, whenever I try to assign vertices to the bip_hip bones and export, I get really bad results. The vertices move, but they're way off. I've tried everything I can think of, but I'm new to this, so I would very much appreciate any suggestions.
I've been using Blender 2.56 and the Blender SMD Tools. I don't think they're the cause of the problem, though it's certainly possible. I'd just like to rule out other possibilities first.
My QC file: My idle.smd file:
Anyway, here is a little something I've been working on...
A steam train based mini gun!
Only the flat colours at the moment, just to see how the colours look, might be changing them later, what do you think?
(More info: http://uxd.deviantart.com/gallery/28034872)
When the armies of Hannibal invaded Switzerland on the backs of their trained yetis, they knew victory was assured, for they each carried a sword just like this one into combat! Forged from mystical, blood-and-sweat infused steel, this sword is the perfect compliment to any good fighting man's arsenal. And you know it's authentic; it's got "MADE IN CHINA" stamped right on the blade!
Does one of you know how i can modify texturescroll speed on the run ?
For now it has a constant speed defined in my vmt. I don't know how it could be coupled with my teeth animation (drived by bones)
How is it done in L4D 2 chainsaw massacre ?
I don't have it. Does someone have access to the L4D chainsaw files ?
Looks like for the view model, the "tooth links" are modelised and rigged, so it's a shit load of bones. But the world model ? UV scroll ?
The teeth on the flats could be on 2 bones, one top, one bottom.
the teeth on the round end could be on one bone.
The anim only needs to be one tooth long. ie: tooth number 1 only travels to the position of tooth #2. Then the anim starts over.
If they are spaced properly on the round/straight join you'd never notice that they don't rotate around the end.
I fixed all the problem with the names and the directories but not i get a new error "ERROR: cannot find bone bip_neck for bbox". I understand what it says,but i just can fix it. I even dont know if im doing it good.
I extracted the model with the bip_neck bone (i added the model to skin).
Ow.. and one more question. When i used to make weapons, i used MilkShape to put the model in the right place. Do i need to do the same here, or will it just automatically appear on the bone ? I did not do the milkshape thing here.
The hats I've been doing have the bip_head bone at 0,0,0. If I export with the bip_head bone in relation to the character then the hat is 6 feet above the head.
Yes, it is on the dark side, but I was using these swatches which were in the colour guide on how to do metal
Thanks for the feedback, will lighten it up some more with flat colours before I begin the details
Bit of a noob question from the colour side, but to pastel it up would mean to make the colours match what's on the tf2 colour palette? :P
So how do i fix the problem ?
You're realy not giving much info and a rig could be complicated. Is it using other bones? is it skinned to bip_neck at all?
What is BBox? is that your collision mesh? or the name of the weapon?
It looks to me as bip_neck is not added to BBox objects skin modifier.
@Baddcog, the BBox is short for the bounding box
Also I'd make more use of that silver you have - in the back, most of the pieces are black which makes it hard to tell apart... making some of them silver like the screws, axle between gun and drum, etc will make it more interesting
lol, looks like texture scroll on the side is useless after all
my gif is shit, it looks better in max
hey Noors, will you teach me how to do that when i'm designing my weapon?
In other news, how does this look?
Two huge things missing with this:
The Steam whistle
and the
The Train Stack where all the smoke comes out from.
802 polys so far. Working on making it paintable/good
EDIT: painted and made translucent!
It's a bit long for a wakizashi.
Good idea about moving the cow catcher, might suit it better if moved back a bit
As for the colour, its still in the deciding phase, I'm testing out different colours to see what looks good, though I am considering making most of the gun a more silver colour
I did think about the train stack, but seeing as the source of the smoke is on the drum rather than the gun, I placed it or at least something slimier on the drum. As for the whistle... -Smacks forehead- D'oh! How could I forget that?!
That's not entirely correct. Valve always intended it to be its own hat. They accidentally made it replace the Tricorne on release though. They didn't change it so they wouldn't hurt anyone's feelings.
Anyway, here's a texture update for the Brawler's Bearskin:
Anyway, i got all the files that i needed, but now I need one more thing. A NAME !!!!
Any ideas gentleman ? I was thinking about something like A true Cowboys Spirit or something like it. Any ideas ?
*Edit: I just tested the item and i found out that the Bolo tie does not even connect with the engineer in some cases. I dont know what to do now. I want the bolo tie to stay at its place, but thats what i get adding it on the bip_neck. Any suggestions ? Maybe that is not a problem ? Maybe i will just send it and Valve will fix it ?
Mainly, it just causes realistic shadows and stuff. Tell me if you need any more help on AO.
get your detail on the chinstrap...