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Team Fortress 2 - Workshop Thread



  • autokey
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    autokey polycounter lvl 11
    @AUTOKEY: the dark areas are indeed gunpowder stains. I don't like the bucket one as much as the others, but without it the hat looked a bit plain
    Hmm...do you have the polys to spare to make a small hole in the middle of that mark?
  • AGuyCalledSpyke
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    AGuyCalledSpyke polycounter lvl 7
    Ok, I take back everything I said about the freeze gun - I was sceptical, but that looks AWESOME!

    I still don't think it'd work for Pyro, but whatever! :D
  • twigdamnyou
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    twigdamnyou polycounter lvl 8
    autokey wrote: »
    Looks good! What's the theme you are giong for

    I was thinking mayan warrior or chief-ten
  • Yamo
    This might not be the best place for this, but it's a stupid problem which doesn't deserve its own thread. How would I go about extruding an object along a spline without having pinching near tight bends? Basically I'm trying to create a visible ammo belt like the one on the Natascha, but without having the object get deformed around corners

    edit: this is in Max btw

    Pic shows what I want to get vs what I'm currently getting

  • Davision3D
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    Davision3D polycounter
    thx for the comments guys
    Im thinking it would be funny if the freezegun could freeze a player completely for like 2 seconds, so he would stop in the motion he is currently in and then moves normal again.

    @ Yamo
    Simply extude based on normal? its a checkbox in the extrude options. Otherwise you could make 1 bullet, instance it in a row with array and then make them follow a path/spline, follow path is the modificator namend if i recall right.
  • Blasphemy
    To move it along the spline, select your model (for my case, it was a cylinder) and use the Spacing tool. If you're using 3DS 2011 like I had to do, then you'd have to click on the array tool at the top, hold and drag it down till you see a ruler with a bunch of dots below it. That's the spacing tool.

    From there pick the path you want to use (spline) and change the count to what you want. Mess with the other settings until you get what you desire, and you're good to go! I found it safe to set the type of object to copy, as that left it so I could easily convert them to an editable poly, then merge them together for more edit work.
  • kite212
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    kite212 polycounter lvl 16
    that freeze gun is awesome, i love it, the demo cape is also really solid, keep up the awesome guys, pretty soon tf2 will be mostly polycount items :D
  • Elbagast
    I just finished up the Jumper's Jeepcap:


    ...though I may do team versions set up to paint before submitting it. Overall 1516 tris, and while the light isn't hitting the lens here, it's shiny.
  • Blasphemy
    I REALLY like that hat. Here's hoping it gets in speedily and quickly. I think it's fine with the standard green.
  • Arcaltarion
    I returned to the gunslinger for a bit after the hat and made some progress.
    I still think the hand needs "something"; and I'm not getting it

  • bestlame
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    bestlame polycounter lvl 8
    Hello everyone, I would like to introduce: Heavy's Foam Finger Pow Attack!



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  • a gentlman
    Elbagast wrote: »
    I just finished up the Jumper's Jeepcap:


    ...though I may do team versions set up to paint before submitting it. Overall 1516 tris, and while the light isn't hitting the lens here, it's shiny.
    Nice, I like it, I assume it's an addition to your poly pack :P?

    Arcal: Yeeess, I've loved your gunslinger since I first saw it and you've really made some great progress since then :)

    In the 2nd shot the fingers feel a bit far apart though
  • Yamo
    Blasphemy wrote: »
    To move it along the spline, select your model (for my case, it was a cylinder) and use the Spacing tool. If you're using 3DS 2011 like I had to do, then you'd have to click on the array tool at the top, hold and drag it down till you see a ruler with a bunch of dots below it. That's the spacing tool.

    From there pick the path you want to use (spline) and change the count to what you want. Mess with the other settings until you get what you desire, and you're good to go! I found it safe to set the type of object to copy, as that left it so I could easily convert them to an editable poly, then merge them together for more edit work.

    Thanks man, this was exactly what I needed!
  • Swizzle
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    Swizzle polycounter lvl 16
    I'm currently writing what I hope to be a comprehensive guide on the basic custom weapon model import process. It's going to assume the reader already has a model and texture (I'll provide both for the tutorial) and it's going to start from the absolute barebones basics. It will take them through importing their model and texture into the game as a replacement for the Equalizer.

    It's going to use 3Ds Max 2010 and Milkshape for importing/exporting SMDs so as many people as possible can use the tutorial. I figure it's best to cover both since there are demo or student versions available for both of them.

    This is more or less my outline/table of contents at the moment:
    1. The TF2 file structure – a quick overview
    3. Setting up folders
    5. Modeling
    6. Decompiling models for reference and other uses
    8. Setting up your model for export
    9. Polycounts and polygon distribution
    10. Smoothing groups and shading
    11. UV maps and material segregation
    12. Assigning materials
    13. Bones and weighting
    14. Model orientation
    16. Exporting and converting models
    17. Required files
    19. Texturing
    20. Setting up your texture for export
    21. Diffuse, normal, specular
    22. Alpha channels
    24. Exporting textures
    26. Valve Material Files (VMTs)
    27. Essential commands
    28. Specular, cubemaps, etc.
    30. Compiling
    31. Getting your files in order
    32. Replacing old models vs. making new weapons
    33. Folder structures
    34. Setting up a QC
    35. Basic syntax
    36. Common compiler errors and how to fix them
    38. Public releases and Contribute! Submissions
    39. Files, folders and packaging
    40. Screenshots and images
    41. Installation and removal

    Jiggle bones
    Advanced rigging
    How to make models
    How to paint textures

    What I need from you guys is to know if there's anything it seems I'm missing here, what you'd like to see, what you think might be unnecessary, etc.

    I'm intending for this to be a fairly comprehensive guide with a ton of pictures and information on each step of the process, so it'd be great to know what people have trouble with.
  • Blasphemy
    Someone on the Steamforums has made a video tutorial on the basics of getting a hat into TF2.

    Whether or not it is necessary to cover the same ground as this video is up to you, (it would probably be best if you covered it anyways). But I think linking this tutorial as a resource may be a good idea, as this would appeal to a larger audience than just 3DS max.

    Also, as GCFScape is unable to open files larger than 4GB, someone on TF2Maps.net has released a makeshift version of HLLib with HLExtract.exe, for those who absolutely cannot wait until next weekend for Nem to release the update for GCFScape.

    This, unfortunately just uses command prompt, so it will probably deter most of the people who don't want to get their hands deep into long parameter typing. If you really need to extract models, what you may wish to do is download the file, place it in some folder (May be easiest to place it next to your .gcf files, up to you.) and use http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/HLLib as a helpful resource in navigating and using the program. Not to mention, if you were to get the program open, you could type -c and then help, to get help for all the commands.

    As for the problems I currently have for getting my model ingame, I have yet to figure out how to get my Gatling Cannon to replace Sasha or Natascha, and whether or not I need to make animations or if they are applied to the bones themselves, and animating is not necessary.

    As for textures, I don't know much about the Diffuse, Normal, Specular maps and Alpha channels, and how to integrate them into my model, or to the .vmt or .vmf files.
  • autokey
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    autokey polycounter lvl 11
    Elbagast wrote: »
    I just finished up the Jumper's Jeepcap:


    ...though I may do team versions set up to paint before submitting it. Overall 1516 tris, and while the light isn't hitting the lens here, it's shiny.
    That looks awesome...I can't think of any critiques...excellent work!
    bestlame wrote: »
    Hello everyone, I would like to introduce: Heavy's Foam Finger Pow Attack!
    Also very nice! You captured the foam texture very well :D
    I returned to the gunslinger for a bit after the hat and made some progress.
    I still think the hand needs "something"; and I'm not getting it
    The only detail I can think to add is maybe some screws or bolts at the joint of each finger. I think it looks great overall, and I don't really think it's missing anything :)
  • Arcaltarion
    @swizzle: will your tutorial cover how to replace player submodels (as the gunslinger)? because I can't find anything about it on the whole internets, or if I did I didn't realize I was reading that

    @autokey: I think my porblem with the hand is that I looked for something elegant with style (like the forearm) and ended with a lot of steampunkish stuff. also about your suggestions on the hat I posted the other day, I don't think modeling the hole on the bucket is a good idea, the hat is already too "noisy" sometimes, I think I will make more subtle that gunpowder stain
  • The Scrub
    Elbagast wrote: »
    I just finished up the Jumper's Jeepcap:


    ...though I may do team versions set up to paint before submitting it. Overall 1516 tris, and while the light isn't hitting the lens here, it's shiny.

    Really like that hat!
    And the color scheme is great!
    And I'm overusing exclamation marks!
  • Arcaltarion
    PatrickL wrote: »
    Quick update on the demo cape!

    Just a doubt... is this wearable ingame without cliping and skin deformation everywhere in the shoulders? you should open the Headless horsemann and see ihis cape, almost half of his animations are from the demoman

    Edit: guyssssss, just saw this picture and I think I'm goint to redesing the hand to look more like this
  • Davision3D
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    Davision3D polycounter
    Can someone tell me how a exponent map works? Is it just like a specular map or like a gloss map defining how sharp the highlights are?

    @ Swizzle
    thats a great plan!
    Have not get around yet trying to get something in the game because i only heard its hard to do.
  • autokey
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    autokey polycounter lvl 11
    Davision3D wrote: »
    Can someone tell me how a exponent map works? Is it just like a specular map or like a gloss map defining how sharp the highlights are?

    @ Swizzle
    thats a great plan!
    Have not get around yet trying to get something in the game because i only heard its hard to do.

    I think the valve developer wiki says it best :)

    "The Phong exponent defines the "tightness" of the highlight. A higher exponent results in a smaller, tighter highlight while a lower exponent results in a broader flatter one.
    Different materials will exhibit highlights (tighter or broader) based upon their physical properties. A harder, smoother material such as a pool ball may have a very tight highlight while a softer, rougher material like a rubber tire may have a very broad specular highlight."
  • Monkeez
    When you guys submit models, do you rename them to the name or your weapons or just leave them named as the weapon you were replacing so they can test it straight away?
  • Davision3D
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    Davision3D polycounter
    autokey wrote: »
    I think the valve developer wiki says it best :)

    "The Phong exponent defines the "tightness" of the highlight. A higher exponent results in a smaller, tighter highlight while a lower exponent results in a broader flatter one.
    Different materials will exhibit highlights (tighter or broader) based upon their physical properties. A harder, smoother material such as a pool ball may have a very tight highlight while a softer, rougher material like a rubber tire may have a very broad specular highlight."

    Interesting, basicly it works like a glossy map. I know some characters have a exponent map. Now it makes me wonder if weapons usually use a exponent texture and a specular texture?
  • autokey
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    autokey polycounter lvl 11
    Monkeez wrote: »
    When you guys submit models, do you rename them to the name or your weapons or just leave them named as the weapon you were replacing so they can test it straight away?

    Personally, I left mine as a replacement for the halo because it was fully functional in that state.

    Davision3D wrote: »
    Interesting, basicly it works like a glossy map. I know some characters have a exponent map. Now it makes me wonder if weapons usually use a exponent texture and a specular texture?
    If you load up 'team fortress 2 materials' in GCFScape, you can take a look at the VMTs. I saw that the heavy's chaingun does use $phongexponent, so I wouldn't be surprised if others do.
  • Aluca

    First post here :).

    I submitted yesterday this jester hat for the Pyro. I'd like to know what you guys think, don't know if something similar was already submitted.


    I still need to figure out the whole compiling thing, hope the next model I get there. Also great models here! I Still need to dig in the thread and see what you guys did.

    PS: I primarily use Blender, just to clarify if anyone need some kind of help, I'm also still learning the tool, but I would be willing to try.
    got an update on the hat for my coal miner pack. I fixed the painting issue, revised the model, completely scraped the old texture and made a new one. hows it look so far? also i need ideas for a third weapon, im out of ideas.

  • re.wind
    Chilli axe was sad, so chilli crown was made to keep it company.
  • Mark Dygert
    Yamo wrote: »
    This might not be the best place for this, but it's a stupid problem which doesn't deserve its own thread. How would I go about extruding an object along a spline without having pinching near tight bends? Basically I'm trying to create a visible ammo belt like the one on the Natascha, but without having the object get deformed around corners

    edit: this is in Max btw

    Pic shows what I want to get vs what I'm currently getting

    Soulburn's scripts has a "place a copy of "object A" at each knot/vert of a spline.

    If you need the boxes joined, leave the ends of your boxes open. Then you just need to bridge each gap so your squash/stretching is in the gaps not the objects.
  • Pogo
    @swizzle could you stick in a small section about properly assigning materials? About half of the problems I've solved for people is that their texture was named differently in the .smd than the texture names they were using.
  • Arcaltarion
    @AAA_ batery: I think you should make the lantern bigger and brighter. from far away it might look like the attendant hat with a weird thing in the front
  • autokey
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    autokey polycounter lvl 11
    @AAA_ batery: I think you should make the lantern bigger and brighter. from far away it might look like the attendant hat with a weird thing in the front

    I was actually going to say something similar. I think the models look great, but I don't know that the hat is easily recognizable as a coal miner's hat.
    what if i added a steel cap on the top of the hat that some styles of mining hats had? like this one does.0785_1_lg.jpg
  • Arcaltarion
    that would make it more unique. however... I think that looks a bit silly.
    I think the solution still is make the lantern bigger, and maybe make the hat istelf slightly team colored unlike the atendant
  • kite212
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    kite212 polycounter lvl 16
    re.wind wrote: »
    Chilli axe was sad, so chilli crown was made to keep it company.

    please put jiggle bones in the tips of the chilies, that would make my day >_<
  • Mark Dygert
    Yea I second the idea that you should update the hat. Try to keep in mind that "TF is a stylized world set some time in the 50's". I think you might be taking a step too far back in time by digging up ref from the turn of the century or at best the 1920's which is still 30-ish years off the mark.

  • re.wind
    @ kite212: I'll see what i can do.

    In other news, continuing with my spicy pyro spree, here's a more...classical weapon, except that it shoots miniature tabasco bottles.

    Currently based on the existing shotgun, using its handle and reloading-mechanism-thing-under-the-barrel. May or may not rebuild those, as having some parts in common with the existing shotgun could help to justify the weapon.

  • kite212
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    kite212 polycounter lvl 16
    Halloween is over now back to work, i would like some suggestions on the placement of the pneumatic cylinder auto cocker, so far its between the double under, single top, or double top

  • Arcaltarion
  • autokey
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    autokey polycounter lvl 11
    kite212 wrote: »
    Halloween is over now back to work, i would like some suggestions on the placement of the pneumatic cylinder auto cocker, so far its between the double under, single top, or double top


    I think I would vote for the double on top as well. That way, you can see it working from the viewmodel :)
  • Elbagast
    @a gentlman: Yep, I actually cleaned up the Market Gardener before doing this, since it only really needed a few subtle mesh tweaks and recolouring to match the new scheme. Only finishing of the new shotgun version to do...

    @Blasphemy, autokey: Cheers guys :D I may tweak the strap detailing a bit though, it feels like it might be a bit noisy as it is.

    @swizzle: Probably worth adding something about setting up in-game painting, since it uses a version of the texture in the VTF alpha channel to map the colour tinting ("$blendtintbybasealpha" "1" ).

    @Arcaltarion: Back to the drawing board eh?

    @re.wind: Personally I'm very wary of putting anything in the way of the pump in regards to shotgun modding, since it would mean more work to get it functioning ingame. Looks funky though, I'd been wondering what a shotgun with plating would look like...

    @kite212: 2 cylinders looks better, though I can't decide if I like them better under or over.
    Vig wrote: »
    Yea I second the idea that you should update the hat. Try to keep in mind that "TF is a stylized world set some time in the 50's". I think you might be taking a step too far back in time by digging up ref from the turn of the century or at best the 1920's which is still 30-ish years off the mark.


    im aware that the design is a bit old for the current time period, but if i made it the 1950's style it would look to similar to the engys mining light. also remember not all items fit the time perfectly, like the magistrates mullet, for example.

    im currently working on trying to differentiate it from the the attendant, i think the biggest problem is that they are about the same color, so i am going to revisit the color scheme. Im also planing on turning the light on as well, im currently working an attaching a particle effect to make the lamp appear to emit light and flicker.
  • UNCCheezy
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    UNCCheezy polycounter lvl 10
    Hey guys, I'm just getting into tf2 modeling and It seems theres an issue with GFCScape. (can't download files over 4gb, and with the halloween update it's now over 4gb) They guy knows it's not working and is working on fixing it, but it may take some time. Does anybody have the files that are shown at this video at 1:37??
  • Arcaltarion
    download GFCExplorer
    problem solved!

    I guess you are talking about the "domination" hat, which is the ghastly gibus.
    Once you download gfcexplorer search in tf2content>models>player>items>heavy
  • Blasphemy
    Refer to the middle portion of here: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1231789&postcount=2094

    If you can use or figure out command lines, then you could extract the things you need. Otherwise, you're probably just going to have to wait until Nem releases the update.

    Or, use GCFExplorer, I guess. If it doesn't work, then this could be an alternative.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Monkeez wrote: »
    When you guys submit models, do you rename them to the name or your weapons or just leave them named as the weapon you were replacing so they can test it straight away?

    I compile it as its own weapon/hat and organize it the same way that Valve does for their items. Then I replace the items to test them by changing the model of a current hat through the items_game.txt which is much neater than replacing a Valve model by compiling over it and is much easier for Valve to implement into the game because they don't have to recompile the model for you.
  • kite212
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    kite212 polycounter lvl 16
    quickie update, got the 2 tanks on top, all the tape is placeholder, and i wanted to add a jiggle bone croc tooth, you guys think i should stick with the chain, or tie it with some string

  • ColonelBD
    Hey guys.

    I'm posting because I want to get feedback on a bonesaw/ubersaw replacement ive been making. As GCFscape is down for me, I cant get an in game shot, so I've tried to hash a simular render up in blender.


    I've just done a solid colour map with some AO baked in. So nothing too major texture-wise ATM. Im pulling 3398 tris accourding to blender. Currently im a bit worried it looks to simular the Ubersaw, so any feedback in that area would be greatly apreciated. :)
  • Blasphemy
    The bottom knife looks like it would break off quite easily from the main weapon. Maybe try adding some plates or crossbar reinforcement to the vertical metal bars.

    The sides of the vial look too exposed too. Maybe try adding some kind of plating to it with sharp edges near the front, or you could do a plate that sits at the top and bends down to protect the sides.
  • Arcaltarion
    @colonel: the little metal tubes that attach the saw and the syringe aren't doing nothing for the model.without them the weapon should feel more stylized

    aaaaaaaaaand a preview of the new hand!
    this is the firts overall design I like.
    feedback guys: what finger joints do you like more? the one on the thumb or the other ones?


  • Davision3D
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    Davision3D polycounter
    I think i can call it finished now, also added normal details and specular map which is also used as the gloss map, works pretty well. A spikey "Iceball" projectile i made now too. Its a iceball that you better not put to your mouth! ;)
    Still need to make the 3rd person view mesh though. This one is at 4520 tris.
    I hope a valve guy animates the reload of the canister if it gets in.

    @ kite212
    crossbow is looking great, the croc tooth is nice but im pretty sure it will not be visible in the First person view.

    @ Arcaltarion
    Looks really nice, finger joints looks better to me, you might want to make some kind of rivets on the sides of the round finger connections. Though could be also just done in the texture. Some elements could be more round/les low poly i think, keep in mind that it will be very big on screen in the FPV, dont know what your polycount is at?
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