It's about damn time someone did the shoe phone. Right now, it looks very good, But maybe you might want to add a mic area, or flip open the heel, because it looks too far awar from his mouth and touching his cheek.
Haha, that is a fantastic idea, thanks! I was planning on having the mic area be in the material, but I'm definitely going to see how it looks with the heel flipped down like a cell phone
Here's the final version. Used #2 from the color tests because #1 was too vibrant and I intensified the dirt/sand layers.
Looks great! Is the lightness around the blade edge supposed to be wear? Or does the edge of the blade have a jagged cut to it? If it's just the cut of the blade, maybe see how it looks by making it straight like so:
That may make the light area more identifiable
If it's wear and tear, you may want to add some scuffs or maybe a small chunk taken out of the edge to exaggerate it a bit Personally, I like the middle damage from the .45 in this image:
Could any of you direct me to some kind of tutorial of how to import Maya models into Source SDK? Or any of you doing so at the minute write down your workflow.
I've been on numerous sites which all have different methods...none of them seem to be working. I understand Maya doesn't have an SMD exporter either...which is great.
Struggling with this atm and any help would be greatly appriciated. Thanks!
If you're going with something as whimsical (if that's the right word) as a rocket propelled chainsaw launcher, you could probably make the launcher look a bit more fantastical while you were at it.
If you're going with something as whimsical (if that's the right word) as a rocket propelled chainsaw launcher, you could probably make the launcher look a bit more fantastical while you were at it.
The Soldier and his military grade weapons have never been "fantastical"
On the other hand if you want it to stand out a bit more....
It fires god damn chainsaws!!!
I just have submitted my 2 items, but the form is very strange...
How can we know if our items have been submited ? No confirmation page or message ?
i'm afraid I've done something wrong...
When I submitted mine, it asked me to re-enter my steam ID, and then it brought me to a page that said something along the lines of "Thank you, submission successful". I never received any other confirmation, however.
No... I mean the huge metal bar with the wooden handle on the end pretty much running the entire length of the shotgun - it does make it more unique (which is what I understand you're aiming for this time around?) but doesn't look too useful from a real life standpoint.
The entire apparatus is a folding stock for the gun, which came about because feedback I was getting when I first built a compact shotgun was that people wanted something that altered the gun's profile in a noticeable way, and at the time I felt that fit the bill for my theme. It also seemed to be well accepted feature. Funnily enough, Valve's design for the Frontier Justice follows similar principles - a modified shotgun with a bolt on that effects the gun's shape and relates to it's function.
The redesign is an attempt to get the feature to look further from the refined modern takes on this tech, and more like an alteration made by a gunsmith (along with some styling changes). Whilst folding stocks were a WW2 innovation (so they fit the time period), they're found on so many modern weapons that they may simply be more associated with modern guns. Yes it isn't all that practical, but even real versions of this block the sights, and that doesn't really matter anyway since the characters all hipshoot with the shotguns that have their sights ommitted...
I did try a heatshield before redoing the stock, but it changed the feel of the gun in a completely different way.
@Swizzle: That's a cool design, though it doesn't seem to give away anything at all about the function you're planning...
@autokey: That's all the confirmation you'll get at the moment.
Does your texture have a phongmask yet? That would explain it if the shine is uniform.
The weapon disappearing sounds like it may be an issue with sv_pure, since it can stock mods from working depending on how it's set, and server providers can set it to what they like. I'd suggest testing on a local server.
When I submitted mine, it asked me to re-enter my steam ID, and then it brought me to a page that said something along the lines of "Thank you, submission successful". I never received any other confirmation, however.
I don't see this message ! :shifty:
Do you think I can re-upload my 2 items ?
And what exactly looks like this message ?
Does your texture have a phongmask yet? That would explain it if the shine is uniform.
The weapon disappearing sounds like it may be an issue with sv_pure, since it can stock mods from working depending on how it's set, and server providers can set it to what they like. I'd suggest testing on a local server.
sorry for my noobyness, but what is a phongmask?
Also wouldnt the shine go away if instead of using the vmt of the eyelander, use it with the tribleman's shiv. As my model is meant to be wooden
currently blocking this in:
Its a freeze gun for the pyro, should work similiar to the flare gun but instead of igniting the enemy it should slow them down so you can get them more easily with the flame thrower.
currently blocking this in:
Its a freeze gun for the pyro, should work similiar to the flare gun but instead of igniting the enemy it should slow them down so you can get them more easily with the flame thrower.
That looks really good, Davision! I think you have nailed the art style perfectly! Have you given any thought to how it will reload?
It looks good! I'm guessing you'll work on the texture. Just 1 thing - I don't think a freeze gun would work. Basically, there are already slowdown weapons in Team Fortress, but shooting someone with ice wouldn't work, it'd just melt when they're set on fire. If you made the blue bits black, you could say it's petrol, so when a flare is shot it's followed by a trail of fire, setting anything in it's path on fire instead of just one target!
sorry for my noobyness, but what is a phongmask?
Also wouldnt the shine go away if instead of using the vmt of the eyelander, use it with the tribleman's shiv. As my model is meant to be wooden
Basically the game uses the phong settings in a material's VMT and a phongmask to determine how the item is lit ingame. The purpose of the phongmask is to light different parts of a model in different way (e.g. make wood and metal reflect differently in one texture, and variations in any given material). Because you don't have a phongmask, the phong is applying the settings in your VMT to the entire model.
This is the syringe gun texture, with the phongmask on the right. It's essentially a modified, greyscale version of the texture. Brighter means more reflective.
They're usually stored in the alpha channel of the VTF files, so if you want to look at an example of one for a wooden material, open the appropriate VTF in VTFedit and click
View > Channel > A
How you go about making one is going to depend on what software you're using to make your textures.
currently blocking this in:
Its a freeze gun for the pyro, should work similiar to the flare gun but instead of igniting the enemy it should slow them down so you can get them more easily with the flame thrower.
Great looking model, but damn do I hate weapons that slow you down
ok, thought I'd get the spurs done. I meant to finish these to submit with my engy polycount pack. Hopefully having a misc/hat item will help getting my stuff in. Engy model uvs are screwed up or the texture isn't right. Just left the shoes in the render to show how they'll fit. Hoping to submit these soon, just need to come up with a name.
That looks really good, Davision! I think you have nailed the art style perfectly! Have you given any thought to how it will reload?
thx. would be cool if the cylinder on top falls off and a new one gets put in. Though i have no idea about custom animations. Is there any weapon in the game yet that has custom animations made by the creator?
It looks good! I'm guessing you'll work on the texture. Just 1 thing - I don't think a freeze gun would work. Basically, there are already slowdown weapons in Team Fortress, but shooting someone with ice wouldn't work, it'd just melt when they're set on fire. If you made the blue bits black, you could say it's petrol, so when a flare is shot it's followed by a trail of fire, setting anything in it's path on fire instead of just one target!
I think its not a bad mechanic if the ice would melt after getting set on fire. this way the player has still a chance to get away and dont get owned too much by the combination of fire and ice. It could be like a nitrogen ball projectile that leaves a splat on the enemy. Pyros of the own team could even help by making it melt.
Trail of fire is a cool idea too. It could be also napalm and setting the ground on fire for a few seconds too.
Good thinking. What about the idea that maybe it's a flammable liquid [gasoline, oil, something], when it hits the enemies it enables the pyro to do more damage with the flame thrower?
thx. would be cool if the cylinder on top falls off and a new one gets put in. Though i have no idea about custom animations. Is there any weapon in the game yet that has custom animations made by the creator?
Not sure about that. But you could always submit your animations/animation ideas with the model.
@Davision, going with the napalm idea, I think it would be cool if it covered the enemy in a fuel or something flammable. Sort of like a jarate with the longer range that the flare gun has, but only increasing fire damage for the target instead of all damage (edit: beat by Atrocity!)
Initial stages of my minigun replacement. I wanted to try a 3 barrel setup and quickly realized it made the gun seem thinner/weaker, so I lengthened the barrels overall to compensate a little. I plan on giving the frame a real handle (link) and changing up the ammo drum (possibly using more of a box shape)
Nice looking minigun you got there. Do you have any ideas on what it could do for gameplay to make it different? Maybe if it "feels" weaker it could have a larger magazine to make up for it "in terms of rounds you have in game not the model" Or maybe a better chance for minicrits or faster spinup time even?
@Davision, going with the napalm idea, I think it would be cool if it covered the enemy in a fuel or something flammable. Sort of like a jarate with the longer range that the flare gun has, but only increasing fire damage for the target instead of all damage (edit: beat by Atrocity!)
Initial stages of my minigun replacement. I wanted to try a 3 barrel setup and quickly realized it made the gun seem thinner/weaker, so I lengthened the barrels overall to compensate a little. I plan on giving the frame a real handle (link) and changing up the ammo drum (possibly using more of a box shape)
Looking pretty good so far, although my first impression was that the muzzle flash suppressor looks too futuristic to fit in the TF2 universe. Maybe thin it out and make it into a few bands like in the link you posted as reference?
My first thoughts were maybe have the damage reduced a little (like Natascha) but also slightly reduce the bullet spread to make it more accurate at longer ranges. Also I was toying with the idea of sacrificing mobility (remove ability to jump, can't move while spinning/firing) but that would probably be more appropriate for a "heavier" gun.
I like the idea of a faster spinup time though! In the end I'll probably just submit a whole bunch of ideas to Valve and let them figure it out
Here's a quick sketch of these boots I'm going to make for the Pyro (crappy pic cos I dont have a scanner)
They're called The Trailblazers (the pic is of the left boot). They've got scrap armour on them and an exhaust pipe on the side.
As for what they do, I'm thinking they replace the shotgun (like the Gunboats). As the Pyro runs along, he leaves a trail of fire behind him, which causes damage and afterburn.
Update to my shoe phone: I turned the heel into a flip down mouth piece, and added some more polys to the belt so it wraps around his head without any intersections.
My first thought was that the belt doesn't look tight enough to hold the shoe up. I think you've got a few subtle "wobbles" in the flow of the belt around the head which makes it look as though the belt isn't as taut as it should be
But funny idea though, a nice Get Smart reference (possibly unintentional )
i thought when they said 800 polys for a hat they mean... 800 tris? The antenna and shoes strings look pretty fine and could probably be dropped since they'll pretty much be unseen at a distance being that small.
maybe try to give it some character and have the toe of the shoe popped open with a bigger antenna sticking out. I'd drop the shoe laces completely since they hang low enough they'll either have to jiggle bone them or prevent them from clippping into the chest.. since hats are connect to the bip_head bone.
Looks great! Is the lightness around the blade edge supposed to be wear? Or does the edge of the blade have a jagged cut to it? If it's just the cut of the blade, maybe see how it looks by making it straight like so:
That may make the light area more identifiable
If it's wear and tear, you may want to add some scuffs or maybe a small chunk taken out of the edge to exaggerate it a bit Personally, I like the middle damage from the .45 in this image:
The spec and colors look spot on though!
Thanks for all of the crits! Looking back I would have added some scuffing into the mesh instead of doing it all through the texture, but I've already submitted and I don't feel like editing it and submitting a fix for it. I'm going to move onto something else now probably. I'll keep that in mind next time I make a sharp edged weapon though.
i thought when they said 800 polys for a hat they mean... 800 tris? The antenna and shoes strings look pretty fine and could probably be dropped since they'll pretty much be unseen at a distance being that small.
maybe try to give it some character and have the toe of the shoe popped open with a bigger antenna sticking out. I'd drop the shoe laces completely since they hang low enough they'll either have to jiggle bone them or prevent them from clippping into the chest.. since hats are connect to the bip_head bone.
That triangle count is definitely fine. Valve says 800 tris on the submission page but they don't follow that rule at all really. Sober Stuntman was about 1700 tris and most of the Valve hats are 1.5-2.2k tris.
Sweet minigun! Usually a longer barrel on a gun makes it more accurate. I find the regular minigun tends to be 'spray and pray' which usually works out great in close quarters, but it lacks accuracy over distance.
@Davision, going with the napalm idea, I think it would be cool if it covered the enemy in a fuel or something flammable. Sort of like a jarate with the longer range that the flare gun has, but only increasing fire damage for the target instead of all damage (edit: beat by Atrocity!)
Initial stages of my minigun replacement. I wanted to try a 3 barrel setup and quickly realized it made the gun seem thinner/weaker, so I lengthened the barrels overall to compensate a little. I plan on giving the frame a real handle (link) and changing up the ammo drum (possibly using more of a box shape)
Seeing this made my heart skip a beat. Not only is my gun using 3 barrels, but you also have a separated frontal handle, and are also planning to use a box to store your ammo, AND it looks more detailed and TF2 friendly than my gun. To me, things are starting to feel very grim. (Hey, the best case scenario could be if both of our Miniguns got in the game and released together as some kind of "Triple Barreled Heavy Extraordinaire" update. I'd like that as it would be really neat seeing these two guns working together on the same team.)
This is the current version of my model in 3DS max. I made a post when I signed up days ago, but by the time the moderators approved it, we were already two pages away.
Seeing as I doubt many people check back pages, this was the render from page 73 if you missed it. Any other ways I should improve it? I'm planning on changing the ammo belt to look more like the Natascha's belt, but expose the 4ga shells more. I'm hoping that if this makes it in the game, it will be shooting those 4 gauge shells (largest shotgun shell so far) at about 2 times a second, with the sound of a booming flak cannon.
Any structural tips or tips on 3DS Max overall would be appreciated. As I'm learning as I'm going, I don't know proper exporting requirements, etc; so any help would be greatly appreciated.
My first thought was that the belt doesn't look tight enough to hold the shoe up. I think you've got a few subtle "wobbles" in the flow of the belt around the head which makes it look as though the belt isn't as taut as it should be
But funny idea though, a nice Get Smart reference (possibly unintentional )
Thanks for pointing that out! I will definitely fix the "wobbles", which turns out is an inconsistency in the width of the belt
i thought when they said 800 polys for a hat they mean... 800 tris?
I actually wondered the same thing about the tris and polys. But when I checked their contribution site again today, it does say: "Try to keep hats under 800 polygons", so I figured they meant polys.
maybe try to give it some character and have the toe of the shoe popped open with a bigger antenna sticking out. I'd drop the shoe laces completely since they hang low enough they'll either have to jiggle bone them or prevent them from clippping into the chest.. since hats are connect to the bip_head bone.
That is a great idea about the bigger antenna poking out of the tip of the shoe! Thanks for that! And yea, I may end up removing the shoelaces completely
That is a great idea about the bigger antenna poking out of the tip of the shoe! Thanks for that! And yea, I may end up removing the shoelaces completely
Maybe wrap the shoelaces up around the antenna? That might look cool
That's a pretty dang cool rocket launcher though. Are you seriously planning to have it launch chainsaws?
Yes I am.
Hahah the Charlie quote did it for me :thumbup:
Here's the final version. Used #2 from the color tests because #1 was too vibrant and I intensified the dirt/sand layers.
Check out this tutorial
wait... Hunter class?
edit: by smd do you mean the c_claymore_reference from milkshape?
Haha, that is a fantastic idea, thanks! I was planning on having the mic area be in the material, but I'm definitely going to see how it looks with the heel flipped down like a cell phone
Looks great! Is the lightness around the blade edge supposed to be wear? Or does the edge of the blade have a jagged cut to it? If it's just the cut of the blade, maybe see how it looks by making it straight like so:
That may make the light area more identifiable
If it's wear and tear, you may want to add some scuffs or maybe a small chunk taken out of the edge to exaggerate it a bit
The spec and colors look spot on though!
That's a great looking launcher, I want to see these rockets!
Could any of you direct me to some kind of tutorial of how to import Maya models into Source SDK? Or any of you doing so at the minute write down your workflow.
I've been on numerous sites which all have different methods...none of them seem to be working. I understand Maya doesn't have an SMD exporter either...which is great.
Struggling with this atm and any help would be greatly appriciated. Thanks!
The Soldier and his military grade weapons have never been "fantastical"
On the other hand if you want it to stand out a bit more....
It fires god damn chainsaws!!!
How can we know if our items have been submited ? No confirmation page or message ?
i'm afraid I've done something wrong...
The entire apparatus is a folding stock for the gun, which came about because feedback I was getting when I first built a compact shotgun was that people wanted something that altered the gun's profile in a noticeable way, and at the time I felt that fit the bill for my theme. It also seemed to be well accepted feature. Funnily enough, Valve's design for the Frontier Justice follows similar principles - a modified shotgun with a bolt on that effects the gun's shape and relates to it's function.
The redesign is an attempt to get the feature to look further from the refined modern takes on this tech, and more like an alteration made by a gunsmith (along with some styling changes). Whilst folding stocks were a WW2 innovation (so they fit the time period), they're found on so many modern weapons that they may simply be more associated with modern guns. Yes it isn't all that practical, but even real versions of this block the sights, and that doesn't really matter anyway since the characters all hipshoot with the shotguns that have their sights ommitted...
I did try a heatshield before redoing the stock, but it changed the feel of the gun in a completely different way.
@Swizzle: That's a cool design, though it doesn't seem to give away anything at all about the function you're planning...
@autokey: That's all the confirmation you'll get at the moment.
also i go into one server, it works perfectly. Join another and the weapon dissapears untill i restart tf2. Help?!
The weapon disappearing sounds like it may be an issue with sv_pure, since it can stock mods from working depending on how it's set, and server providers can set it to what they like. I'd suggest testing on a local server.
I don't see this message ! :shifty:
Do you think I can re-upload my 2 items ?
And what exactly looks like this message ?
How big are your zip folders? Someone posted earlier that their files were over 2mb, and when they got them below that mark, the upload worked.
Also wouldnt the shine go away if instead of using the vmt of the eyelander, use it with the tribleman's shiv. As my model is meant to be wooden
Its a freeze gun for the pyro, should work similiar to the flare gun but instead of igniting the enemy it should slow them down so you can get them more easily with the flame thrower.
That looks really good, Davision! I think you have nailed the art style perfectly! Have you given any thought to how it will reload?
TF2 uses a phong shader, you can get a full explanation of how it works here:
Basically the game uses the phong settings in a material's VMT and a phongmask to determine how the item is lit ingame. The purpose of the phongmask is to light different parts of a model in different way (e.g. make wood and metal reflect differently in one texture, and variations in any given material). Because you don't have a phongmask, the phong is applying the settings in your VMT to the entire model.
There's an example of one in Swizzle's short TF2 texturing guide:
This is the syringe gun texture, with the phongmask on the right. It's essentially a modified, greyscale version of the texture. Brighter means more reflective.
They're usually stored in the alpha channel of the VTF files, so if you want to look at an example of one for a wooden material, open the appropriate VTF in VTFedit and click
View > Channel > A
How you go about making one is going to depend on what software you're using to make your textures.
Arh, my zip file are around 8mb because of the PSD source file... I will resize it
Thanks !
Edit : other try, no message. But in the navigation bar, the php adress turned into "" or something similar, so, don't know what to think
Great looking model, but damn do I hate weapons that slow you down
I think its not a bad mechanic if the ice would melt after getting set on fire. this way the player has still a chance to get away and dont get owned too much by the combination of fire and ice.
Trail of fire is a cool idea too. It could be also napalm and setting the ground on fire for a few seconds too.
thx, just thinking about either making it nitrogen or napalm.
Initial stages of my minigun replacement. I wanted to try a 3 barrel setup and quickly realized it made the gun seem thinner/weaker, so I lengthened the barrels overall to compensate a little. I plan on giving the frame a real handle (link) and changing up the ammo drum (possibly using more of a box shape)
but i submitted the shiny version, if valve wants to fix it they can
Nice looking minigun you got there. Do you have any ideas on what it could do for gameplay to make it different? Maybe if it "feels" weaker it could have a larger magazine to make up for it "in terms of rounds you have in game not the model" Or maybe a better chance for minicrits or faster spinup time even?
Looking pretty good so far, although my first impression was that the muzzle flash suppressor looks too futuristic to fit in the TF2 universe. Maybe thin it out and make it into a few bands like in the link you posted as reference?
I like the idea of a faster spinup time though! In the end I'll probably just submit a whole bunch of ideas to Valve and let them figure it out
They're called The Trailblazers (the pic is of the left boot). They've got scrap armour on them and an exhaust pipe on the side.
As for what they do, I'm thinking they replace the shotgun (like the Gunboats). As the Pyro runs along, he leaves a trail of fire behind him, which causes damage and afterburn.
Shoe Phone: 1333 tris - 683 polys
Any thoughts/critiques/suggestions?
But funny idea though, a nice Get Smart reference (possibly unintentional
maybe try to give it some character and have the toe of the shoe popped open with a bigger antenna sticking out. I'd drop the shoe laces completely since they hang low enough they'll either have to jiggle bone them or prevent them from clippping into the chest.. since hats are connect to the bip_head bone.
Thanks for all of the crits! Looking back I would have added some scuffing into the mesh instead of doing it all through the texture, but I've already submitted and I don't feel like editing it and submitting a fix for it. I'm going to move onto something else now probably. I'll keep that in mind next time I make a sharp edged weapon though.
That triangle count is definitely fine. Valve says 800 tris on the submission page but they don't follow that rule at all really. Sober Stuntman was about 1700 tris and most of the Valve hats are 1.5-2.2k tris.
Seeing this made my heart skip a beat. Not only is my gun using 3 barrels, but you also have a separated frontal handle, and are also planning to use a box to store your ammo, AND it looks more detailed and TF2 friendly than my gun. To me, things are starting to feel very grim. (Hey, the best case scenario could be if both of our Miniguns got in the game and released together as some kind of "Triple Barreled Heavy Extraordinaire" update. I'd like that as it would be really neat seeing these two guns working together on the same team.)
This is the current version of my model in 3DS max. I made a post when I signed up days ago, but by the time the moderators approved it, we were already two pages away.
Seeing as I doubt many people check back pages, this was the render from page 73 if you missed it. Any other ways I should improve it? I'm planning on changing the ammo belt to look more like the Natascha's belt, but expose the 4ga shells more. I'm hoping that if this makes it in the game, it will be shooting those 4 gauge shells (largest shotgun shell so far) at about 2 times a second, with the sound of a booming flak cannon.
Any structural tips or tips on 3DS Max overall would be appreciated. As I'm learning as I'm going, I don't know proper exporting requirements, etc; so any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is great feedback guys! Thanks a lot!
Maybe wrap the shoelaces up around the antenna? That might look cool