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Monthly Noob Environment Challenge 2



  • Alphavader
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    Alphavader polycounter lvl 11
    here's what I have so far. Gonna play around with materials a little bit more. I'm not entering the challenge I just really wanted to make this :p. Good work guys!

    so far i'm using 1 main texture and a small glass texture. Here's the normal from the main texture. Still work to do on the diff and spec.


    mhh how demotivating ;) - looks great man!
    On the normalmap i can see, you did go for modular build but split
    the entire environment in bigger parts ?
    Can you show us some wires/Uv ?
    I still have issues with the uving and texturing - how to reuse some parts.
    It all seems baked and some zbrush work - is this right ?

    Very inspiring - thanks for sharing.
  • KennyTies
    Great work david, your texture cast some light on how I am going to break down my uvs! And great work everyone else.
  • KennyTies
    Hey everyone I come with updates. Almost done the high polys for this. I am a little hung up on how I am going to create the wires, any suggestions. Also someone mentioned that for most of you, you are using one texture sheet which would mean that everything would have to be attached together to bake it down. Would that not defeat the purpose of making everything modular? If some one could shine some light on this that would be great. My goal is to get the low polys done and into udk before the deadline. noobchallenge12_4.jpg
  • reverendK
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    reverendK polycounter lvl 7
    maaan i'm falling behind. been a hectic couple of weeks around here...should have an update later tonight.

    @alpha: looking awesome, man. I know you're straying from concept but i've got a couple of nitpick crits - i feel like the material on those pads is overpowering the scene with pleather hotspots. It also still seems overall too wide - leaving a great deal of unused space...
    all the details is crammed into the edges of the scene because the floor is so wide (and comparatively blank)
    lighting is turning out awesome, though.

    *kenny: hard to crit such a small image - off the top of my head the beam on the ceiling looks too big, your wall is only 3 pads tall (concept has 4) and the round door could really use more edges...
  • SnakeDoctor
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    SnakeDoctor polycounter lvl 14
    So cool that everyone is doing this. Great results so far. I am a little late to the party but plan on jumping on next months environment challenge.
  • Shmaba
    Hey guys. Not really entering the challenge either, like David. Just wanted to make the environment. Here's some progress so far.


    I'll drop by again and give some critique to people later.
  • KennyTies
    @reverendK thanks for the critique I didnt even notice that at first. And I will fix the door once I get a moment. @Shmaba great work, how did you go about making the wires?
  • Esselle
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    Esselle polycounter lvl 10
    Finished modelling low and highpoly of the mech wall. The lowpoly is about 8000 tris, i think a bit too much.. am i wrong?
    Anyway, tomorrow i will delete those details who can come with a normal map, but i don't know if i will manage to keep the lowpoly under 6000 tris
  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    Finished modelling low and highpoly of the mech wall. The lowpoly is about 8000 tris, i think a bit too much.. am i wrong?
    Anyway, tomorrow i will delete those details who can come with a normal map, but i don't know if i will manage to keep the lowpoly under 6000 tris

    With todays budgets it's fine. I mean it could be lowed but unless you plan on putting it on a console who cares.
  • picnic
    [forgive the n00b posting...]

    Hello PolyCount, I just joined up because I saw this thread and was intrigued, I just wanted to see if I got this right, the idea is to make a level in a game based on the original image posted?
    I'm somewhat familiar with UDK so that's what I'd be using, so I'd just model a level for the little UT guy to run around in? Any other guidelines? I read the rules at the beginning but they didn't really cover this...

    ...by the looks of things this challenge is just about over, looking forward to the next one!
  • Klash-120
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    Klash-120 polycounter lvl 6
    Hey hey guys, I too am not 'entering' the contest. Mostly brushing my skills. I am a n00b in cryEngine though :p Was baking unique assets, which wasn't wielding decent results. So started baking to a plane. Will prolly look like poo / stretching everywhere once I put color into it :s We'll see...


  • CDeniz
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    CDeniz polygon
    Hey Klash thats looking nice. How are you doing those ceiling lights? Are you using a glow in the alpha of the diffuse? Or one of those light shaders?
  • Alphavader
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    Alphavader polycounter lvl 11
    @reverendK : Thanks for your feedback - yeah youre right - ill fix that soon - will add alot of industrial stuff (cables, computers etc.) soon.

    I dont know if i can ask "noob" questions aswell..really learned alot about Texturespace and right normal orientation the last days.

    Anyway - i have some strange shading issues in Ce3 - When i put my scene in Marmoset/Maya everything is looking good.. But in Ce3 there some "dark" clipping areas.. dont know why, thought it has something to do with the normals.

    (At the door for example - are some black areas")


    Maybe there is someone out there i can ask some texturing and organizing questions via icq/skype - would really appreciate it !

    // Also good work guys .. keep it up !
  • SelwynPhillips
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    SelwynPhillips polycounter lvl 11
    Started making low poly geometry for all the props (except mechanical pieces). I definately have a better grasp on transfer mapping now- in comparison to what I knew prior to this project.

    low poly door in maya (basic diffuse map and normal map)

    I got all the pieces together and threw them into UDK but ended up with black blotches and artifacts on my geometry.

    Also my normal maps didn't come out all to well- although much better than they have in the past. I somehow ended up with the normals morphing a little bit. Alot of details are also lost.

    Plenty to fix. Hopefully it wont take me long how to figure it all out.

    Note: I'm using Maya's Transfer Mapping tool
  • Shmaba
    Keep at it guys. Good to see that people are learning more things so quickly.

    @KennyTies: The wires in my space are made using a spline actor in UDK. I could have just as model them out in maya or max but I wanted to get them in the engine and placed around quickly. Splines also let me change their positions on the fly within the engine.
    Also your question on modular textures. Read this it's a pretty good breakdown of how to make modular textures and assets for environments.

    @Esselle: 8000 is OK. I would bring it down through. I'm guessing that a lot of the 8000 polys are in the wires? Maybe you could take a few out to make a couple more things to stick to the wall, it could even be spent on more wires. I just think you could use that 8000 a little more wisely.

    @AlphaVader: The black stuff looks like a light map issue to me, could be something else though. Also tone down the green screens, it hurts my eyes :P.

    @selwyn369: I think your black stuff is also due to light maps issues like Vader. Your distorted normals could be from the UV's not being in correct proportion. Like, they're squished or stretched in one direction, maybe. When it comes to baking normals I just use xNormals so I wouldn't know if it's an issue with Maya...

    aaaand an update so you can see how I'm doin:
  • DavidBrumbley
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    DavidBrumbley polycounter lvl 8
    hey guys lil update. Not feelin the center floor area. Gonna give that some love tomorrow night.



    @alpha i make cuts in the geometry whenever I need to map it to a specific part of the texture. Cry loves geo and it allows for fewer textures. All the details were baked on a plane or I used ndo2 except for the pads they were done in zbrush. Even though I'm using the 1 texture I still have like 6-7 different shaders to get the masks for the monitors and stuff.
  • Klash-120
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    Klash-120 polycounter lvl 6
    CDeniz wrote: ยป
    Hey Klash thats looking nice. How are you doing those ceiling lights? Are you using a glow in the alpha of the diffuse? Or one of those light shaders?

    Mesh is just a simple cylinder; Using the same tex (which has a crappy grey spec in the alpha map... unsure if it reads it to control glow... need to test); And using 2 materials. One is for the metal, and the other vert colored whitish blue & bump up da glow~

    Not digging my cushion paddings :p After seeing David's & the ones in halo 4; I may redo them.....

    Also, gtfo Brumbley :p
  • OddEyes
    @DavidBrumbley, would you mind posting a wire shot of your second image, the IT panel?
  • Pancake
    I've been interstate for the last week pretty much, I'm not sure if I'll have the time to finish between that lump of time lost and actual money-earning work (even though my hours are constantly on a downward spiral). I'm aiming to have as much done as I can before deadline though, then I'll just finish it after that in my own time.

    Hopefully I'll have an update soon.
  • Zepic
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    Zepic polycounter lvl 11
    hey guys lil update. Not feelin the center floor area. Gonna give that some love tomorrow night.



    @alpha i make cuts in the geometry whenever I need to map it to a specific part of the texture. Cry loves geo and it allows for fewer textures. All the details were baked on a plane or I used ndo2 except for the pads they were done in zbrush. Even though I'm using the 1 texture I still have like 6-7 different shaders to get the masks for the monitors and stuff.

    This is some amazing work!
    Do you mind showing how your doing your lighting? Maybe a screenshot of the editor to see where you have your environment probes, lights etc.
    Also, what console commands are you using to get such awesome shadows, global illumination etc? Your stuff is brilliant.
  • Scruples
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    Scruples polycounter lvl 10
    I only finished my highpoly for the server tonight,
    it will be interesting to see how everyone's style differs.
  • uncle
    I must say Davids stuff is really kick-ass.
  • Esselle
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    Esselle polycounter lvl 10
    Ok, sooo, here's my progression... still issue with normal maps and lightmaps, but anyway i have to make them by my hand, and not using the automatic tool of UDK... the problem is: How?

    Guys, how do you make a lightmap of a cube? and of a cylynder? I know that it must be in 0-1 uv space, that must include all the faces and that must not have overlapping charts, but... when there's, for example, a mesh with uv seams, i don't know how to make a good lightmap to not have any issue...
  • SanderDL
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    SanderDL polycounter lvl 7
    Another update from me:


    - Changed fog color to blue. Don't know why I've ever made it brown.

    - Fixed some proportion that were bugging me for a while.

    - Fixed reflections.

    - Added actual models for the lamps.

    - The server panel thingy is finally in there.

    - Fixed some miss alignments.

    Tomorrow, I'm going to make the computer screens and finish up the scene further.
  • DavidBrumbley
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    DavidBrumbley polycounter lvl 8
    heres my simple light setup


    most of my materials also have the cubemap created by the envi probe hooked up
  • CDeniz
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    CDeniz polygon
    Looks great David. Are you using a gloss map on the mirrors to blur the reflection? Or just adjusting the glossiness?
  • Brygelsmack
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    Brygelsmack polycounter lvl 11
    David, add a FogVolume.
  • DavidBrumbley
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    DavidBrumbley polycounter lvl 8
    i do have a gloss map in my spec alpha. Also there is a new option for the glass shader in cry that allows you to blur things behind it
  • KennyTies
    Hey all I have finally finished up the high poly, the server wall had me stuck. Although I may go back and fix the round door because it seems to small now. I am now on the fence about adding in the wires because of the limit on time. Although I am really excited to get started on the low polys and the baking process.
  • SanderDL
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    SanderDL polycounter lvl 7
    Here's my entry I guess. I don't have time to work on this anymore before the 13th so I'm wrapping things up. Might changes some small things after the deadline.

  • Esselle
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    Esselle polycounter lvl 10
    I don't know why the middle floor looks a bit green....
  • KennyTies
    Great work SanderDL, where did you get the image for the screens? Great work Esselle could it be a light map issue that is making it green?
  • SelwynPhillips
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    SelwynPhillips polycounter lvl 11
    Well there's very little time left so I decided not to rebake my normals and get on with some texturing. Here's the door that I threw into UDK. I'm pretty happy with it (although I may tone down the dirt a bit but we'll see what it look like when it's all put together). That's about it for now. Next up finish this texture and get it in UDK

  • greyStandard
    Just a few more days to go. There are so many great entries now! Hopefully I have enough time to noodle and push this a bit more.

  • SanderDL
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    SanderDL polycounter lvl 7

    Thanks! :) For the screens, I first copied them from the original concept. Then I recreated them with shapes, text and brushes.


    Maybe your shader for the reflection is not setup correctly. I had a similiar problem before. Are you using the screen position node? If so, make sure you set it to screen align.
  • reverendK
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    reverendK polycounter lvl 7
    Not going to make it in time. been a stupid few weeks. should have known better with family and holidays. darn kids and crunch-time...
    @grey - it's looking a little flat, friend. and I think it's meant to be glass under the hinged panels.
  • reverendK
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    reverendK polycounter lvl 7
  • Zepic
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    Zepic polycounter lvl 11
    Hey dAve,
    Thanks for posting this!
    By the way, what commands are you using to get such high resolution shadows?

    heres my simple light setup


    most of my materials also have the cubemap created by the envi probe hooked up
  • DavidBrumbley
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    DavidBrumbley polycounter lvl 8

    i put mine at 1.2 and it got the shadows on all the small wires to look nice. I'm not sure if this is the magic number but it's probably different depending on the area.
  • DavidBrumbley
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    DavidBrumbley polycounter lvl 8
    also in cry 3.4.3 there are no negative lights. You need to plug a cubemap into a point light in order to darken areas. Thats how i got the rooms farther back to be darksssss
  • Klash-120
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    Klash-120 polycounter lvl 6
    "e_ShadowsAdaptScale [number]" to be correct. Still unsure what that does .__.-
  • DavidBrumbley
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    DavidBrumbley polycounter lvl 8
  • Klash-120
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    Klash-120 polycounter lvl 6
    Also Brumbley, that's no SIMPLE lighting setup @___@

    Very lil work on this:

    And some insulation behind my padding (that's still very wippy)
    Will prolly start to deviate from the concept :p
  • Esselle
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    Esselle polycounter lvl 10
    It's very nice klash :poly142:

    For that green issue in my map, it was provided by preview quality, in fact it went away when i built lightmass with production quality

  • AlexCatMasterSupreme
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    AlexCatMasterSupreme interpolator
    I really like that gold Klash, it is a great touch to really make it feel like it's spac-y. You guys have done cool things this month, it's nice to see this much participation.

    As for the one grey is working on, if you took if from that flat feel and defined the materials better it would do wonders. Keep it up!

    Also for the people saying the don't want to enter the Challenge, I don't really understand, the challenge is really to learn, there is a prize but it's nothing that matters, just a copy of Just Cause 2. Next month there will most likely be a news page about it and a lot more people participating hopefully. If I can finish my portfolio work I'd love to actually do one of these:P
  • Esselle
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    Esselle polycounter lvl 10
    ok... my last post was my last entry, i can consider it finished even if there would be still a lot to do.

    Anyway, thank you all guys, i really learnt very important things and enjoyed this challenge so much :)
  • AA3D
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    AA3D polycounter lvl 3
    ultra awesome work guys
    waiting for the next month's challenge :poly142:
  • iangoold3d
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    iangoold3d polycounter lvl 5
    hey guys is there a deadline on the 13th or just anytime that day?
  • greyStandard
    Not sure when the deadline is exactly so I am tentatively calling this my final post. Had a great time and learned a lot. Can't wait to do it again.

    @reverendK and AlexCatMasterSupreme: Thanks for the feedback, I agreed and tried to fix it.

  • CDeniz
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    CDeniz polygon
    Deadline is the end of the 13th. Looking great everyone.
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