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X-Men Origins: Wolverine



  • Ride
    Bought the game last night and i just cant stop playing! The game is just gorgeous all over. Really good job :)
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
  • Ride
    Did you do any work on it Jesse?

    Btw, just finished it. Awesome stuff altho my thumbs are sore :poly124:
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    Nope. I didn't get a chance to do anything on Wolverine here at Raven. JDinges did though :)

    I'm on our other project. Singularity.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    JDinges, Jbradford, Tai, GeneralViVi. I think that's all the polycounters who worked on it. Am I missing anyone?
  • JDinges
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    JDinges polycounter lvl 18
  • [Deleted User]
    Just finished it yesterday, awesome game. A bit too much "tap _ repeatedly - REALLY repeatedly" though. But probably just because I tried to quick-kill every single ghost and blue teleport lady :D

    Really good game though, seriously
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    Cheers on the Glen Angus dedication. You guys really made a fun and visually amazing game that is really tough to put down. Screw Hugh Jackman, this is the Logan I know. :)
  • Tumerboy
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    Tumerboy polycounter lvl 17
    Alright, so, I just finished the game. While it had an incredibly strong "OMG this is awesomesauce all over my face!" start. . . it just kind of went (slowly) down hill all the way to the confusing and odd ending.

    I feel like the 2 things that really hampered the game, and became increasingly annoying as it went on, were the repetative boss fights (lava monster after lava monster after reskinned lava monster) and the whole attempt to tie it in to the movie's story.

    The moment to moment gameplay throughout most of each level was fun. Though some of the puzzles were a little unnecessary, or over complicated for puzzle sake. No biggie.

    However, every time a boss fight came up, I knew exactly what was coming, and pretty much exactly what I needed to do. Someone over there decided that simply adding another boss, or a bunch of stupid blue teleporter chicks INTO the boss fight was enough of a change to make it interesting. When, in point of fact, it just made it obnoxious.

    The exception to this is the Sentinal fight, which was pretty rockin. I was a little disappointed that I wasn't able to latch onto him somewhere and beat on him for a while, or climb around on him ripping pieces off (until the second half of the fight) but it was still totally different from the previous fights, and pretty fun (and challenging)

    The camera did some strange things at times too, but this was few & far enough between that it wasn't that big of a deal.

    The second point is the movie tie in. I was with it at the start, the initial Africa scenes, and then the bar fight, and then the Weapon X labs were all cool. But by time I got to Gambit, it just seemed forced. Why the fuck was I chasing gambit through this giant destroyed casino? Why was he able to take as much, if not more punishment than I was? This is another set of boss fights that while different, were entirely annoying. I got some of the things I was supposed to be doing, reflecting his cards, countering his hits, but there were a few times where there seemed to be a mechanic to the fight that I was simply not comprehending, and I found myself getting really pissed off. That was the case with the Nord Helicopter fight as well. . . that took me far longer than it should have.

    Anyway, then, after yet ANOTHER flash back to Africa (which was also beginning to grate on me a bit) I was on "the Island" and before I knew it, I was fighting Dead Pool, and it was over. Creed & Dead Pool btw, were much cooler fights, but were so much easier to me than Remi, that it was almost laughable that they were the "final" bosses. The time on the Island wasn't just short, but the story took even more liberties than the rest of the game, and all of a sudden Kayla was drowning herself? WTF was that about!?

    It seemed like you'd gotten an early version of the script, without the deadpool fight, and then all of a sudden, with like a month to go on the project, you get a final version and had to cram all this extra crap in. I never even bothered helping Kayla's sister. . .

    Anyway, it still gets a B+ from me, but it definitely lost points toward the end. Beautiful job on the environments though guys. Truly inspiring.
  • moose
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    had a lot of fun with this with what ive played so far!! I'll be honest, i shelved it at the weapon X place, where you have to get to the doctor & get your powers back. That "dodge the minigun turret" section made me want to go Wolvie Berzerker Style on my drywall, windows, and couch.

    May come back to it, since it was pretty fun to bounce around enemies with the charge move :)
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