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badass!!! Gladiator type warrior



  • jam-i-am
    ok guys.......HE'S BACK!!! AND HE'S FAT!!--ER!!

    I started back on FATTY MIC FAT FAT last weekend and have been messing with him on my free time. I wanted to wait until I had his textures completed and stop teasing you guys:) ...Anyways, as you can tell I redesigned a few things on him and added some necessary elements to make him look more badass!! his last weapon design was conflicting too much with his silhouette and was fighting the design for attention

    will start on the lowres mesh during the week and then on to texturing...YAAAY!! Finally


  • StefanH
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    StefanH polycounter lvl 12
    You are looking for "Looking for an internship or an entry level position"

    you must be kidding. you are freaking good man. nice work.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    YOU BIG TEASE YOU!!!!!!! :poly124:
    You know my take on this guy. He is totally kicking arse. I love the new helmet you made and the malice is totally rockin'! I don't think I'll ever be able to get over how well you build up the muscle under the fat. You really have a great nack for hinting at the subtle mass indications that really make this guy pop! AND THE WAY YOU PUT SCARS ON HIS ASS! THAT SHIT IS HAWT!

    The only thing I can think of now that I'm seeing him again is that he needs a thong. Seriously. You know like a sumo thong. He just has to have something on down there. Plus, once you model that out, you can exaggerate the weight of his stomach rolling over top of underwear to really give him some more mass. Not TOO much, but enough to really just make it pop and feel even more blobby solid.

    p.s.- yes, I was attempting to write another novel for you, but I tried to scale it back to a short story. :)
    oh, and change your signature and update Slum in the Polycount Job Census you lucky bastard!
    and get a damn avatar on your frickin' name too. shit man.
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    next time i too will include BADASS!!! in a topic name :)
  • conte
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    conte polycounter lvl 18
    rawk, i'll include "totally fantastic freakin cool", so u lose anyway.
  • arshlevon
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    arshlevon polycounter lvl 18
    rawkstar wrote: »
    next time i too will include BADASS!!! in a topic name :)

    but when you do it rawkstar it will actually be badass, this blows...

    just kidding dude, if i didnt like your stuff i would't of hired you ;)

    jam-iam is now an insomniac!!!

    i think he needs something happening on his torso, whether its a big sholder pad opposite of the arm weapon to balance the design or wraps like the legs and forarms, just something to break up the giant blank area...

    but not too much .. leave some points of rest and don't go apeshit with de diddle lee doos and greebled out thinga ma bobs...

    also he looks a bit like a deflated tire, maybe fill in his form a bit and add more surface tension around his mid section to give him heft.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    arshlevon wrote: »
    also he looks a bit like a deflated tire, maybe fill in his form a bit and add more surface tension around his mid section to give him heft.

    that's what i was trying to put into words.
  • jam-i-am
    StefanH- thanks a lot dude, I'm sorry for the confusion though I got my first break in the industry a few weeks ago as Jr Character artist at insomniac games.

    Firebert-hahaha thanks dude!! SCAR ON THE ASS RULES!! although it probably hurts taking a crap who knows.... yeah i know he needs somthing to cover up is juck,although he has none... and yes i will update my shit soon.....

    conte-thanks man!

    rawkstar-hahaha you should, it lets the viewers know ahead of time to take a crap before looking at your shit...unless they want to go on themselves

    arshlevon- Wait... what are you doing on the forums?? dont you have your 18 jamaican dread-locks babies to take care of??? hahahaha

    hahahaha... i agree i will work on that...Damit! just when i thought i was done.

    ok guys here's a closer look at his weapon and how it functions, it still need a bit more to it but it works better than the hanging cup at the end of his stubby arm. i will take the weapon into mudbox for further detailing.

  • Razorb
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    Razorb polycounter lvl 15
    yea great work dude! love the overall design!
  • Dante1217
    EDIT: oh crap, i didnt realize there was another page.... disregard the following:

    yeah... maybe you would think about adding like a grill/slat type thing over that part of the helmet, cuz he has one eye thats fucked beyond all imagination, and the other one's behind a helmet... also, think about maybe doing like a trojan helmet, but have it be all... like screwed up, like he smashed some guy's head in, then took the helmet

    trojan helmet: trojan_helmet.jpg

    also, maybe go with a ripped off kinda arm, with the ball and chain attached like... with rods and cuffs like.... O_____O_O (imagine the O's go around the arm, and the _'s are rods, or plate metal connecting them)

    just the things that i thought of when i saw the model.... lookin good ^^
  • Tillman
    kicking major arsenal
  • Loraine Howard iii
    Hey Colin whats up man, Yo since you been at Insomiac I see you getting better already, this shit is sick. There's one thing that I still do not get what is holding that sling blade on his severed arm... does the chain attach inside his flesh and bone? Have you seen my Balrog, I'm basically done with it beside some minor things.

  • jam-i-am
    thanks guys!! i wanted to know what you guys think about the chest straps and the metal thong...hahahha.. im still working it out, although wanted to start on the low poly and textures i didn't want to move on (as much as i want to) without fixing these issues.. just wanted your opinions on whether its working or not before i go any further ..seriously though i cant think of anything else to cover up his junk and I'm trying to stray far from the generic hanging cloth in front, i just cant picture a gladiator with that.. reminds me more of ogres and such from W.O.W and the feeling and mood I want for this guy isn't something from genre although its slowly turning into that..

    also, im not sure if you guys already knew this.. but he is supposed to be a slave gladiator, used used in battle for his power and rage, they don't really take care of his wounds although he tries to tend to them as best as he can, thus they get infected and turn into pustule cyst... but you guys probably already figured that.

  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    First, let's address a few key issues here mr. fall out boy! :)
    1) Fix your signature. Please. I will use my skymiles account to fly out to Cali and punch you in the junk if that's what it takes.
    2) PLEASE FIX HIS CLAVICLE/STERNUM REGION! OMG MAN! How many times have we talked about this!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    I really liked the large plate design you had shown before that was around his groin, but I think this could work now if you just heaveho his gut over the top of his thong. But again, I was really digging the plate/loin cloth elements you had shown me before. They just added an extra element with some real class/style that was nice.

    I think you should add one single strap on the other side of his torso. I like how you've split them up on his right side, but adding one more on the left side may help visually balance it out without adding too much clutter. I like where you are going with the back piece. I would develop this further on that side.
  • jam-i-am
    hahahahaha....ooohhh your crazy.. whose falling out of what????? and what clavicle were we u talking about:poly142:....:shifty:.................

    I also thought that it was a cool idea.. but the more i researched gladiators and just the overall generic look of a gladiators.. i didn't really see them in loin cloth (well at least, not as long as I drew it), i think it would ruin the feel of him.

    Ive actually decided to keep the straps the way they are now including the back plate, Its definitely feeling better. ohh your right i still have to squash his gut over the thong...hahaha

    here's a quick snapshot.. still working on it during my free time..the chains might be a bit overkill and there is till some interpenitration happening....sounds sexy.. what do u guys think


  • Renaud Galand
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    Renaud Galand polycounter lvl 19
    looking awesome ! Could fit perfectly into a Heavenly Sword sequel, or something.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 15
    the chains are a superb addition bud! i love it! maybe add a quick bolt plate where the arm meets the malice so it feels more attached? i did a little paint over of what i'm talkin' 'bout. i just showed a quick piece you could model out and put in place, but add tension marks where it would bolt into his body and such. i love all the other detail you've added to the face. you are so close man! get this bad boy damn low poly and texture him up! i want to type one more sentence with an exclamation mark at the end!
  • jam-i-am
    thanks man..i really like what you did with the arm attachment and i think it will work for him... ill whip something up based off your concept.. although the chains might have to go... umm.. or ill just extend the links a bit more to give him some range of motion.

    anyways, thanks for the help!! Ive been avoiding his arm attachment thingy for a while now.
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