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Heroes Thread



  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    yep, it stops..
    man I fuckin really wanted HRG to kick whatshisface right out that window
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    hope sylar keeps the rabbit and uses it as his calling card
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Marine wrote: »
    hope sylar keeps the rabbit and uses it as his calling card

  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    i just wanna see sylar "kill them with a thought".

  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    Anyone still watching?

    I don't know about ya'll but I thought todays episode was amazing.
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Amazing? Really? Maybe this thread has made me too bitter... but there were a lot of things about this episode that made me think "Right. Sigh."

    With that said, Angela Petrelli was amazing. And Tracey Strauss got a cool death (And the fact that she died was pretty amazing in itself)

    Actually, what was with all the death? Daphne too? Why be all "Oh, she's not dead after all!!" And then kill her 3 episodes later? I suppose her final scene would have been very touching if they had managed to develop their love plot in a more believable and just better way.

    And Micah IS Rebel. Ok. Welp, that's it, they got nothing good left up their sleeve. The redeeming quality was that he was acting much cooler than I remember him. lol Anyone else noticed he seems to have hit puberty since he's been missing from the show?

    And baby Parkman giving Hiro's powers back, but only part of them. Umm. That was a little... way too obviously the writers forcing things in.

    And how incredibly convenient of Peter to show up JUST in the nic of time, even if it didn't really make any sense...

    /end bitter rant.

    Please, if someone can convince me all this was actually really cool, I'd love to hear it... I miss thinking Heroes was amazing... :(
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    I guess I've just let it stop bothering me. I thought this past episode had some decent acting/writing and emotion. Even if they had to find a way to give back Hiro some limited powers.

    About the ONLY thing I didn't like about this past episode was that Ando tried some sort of Haduken move on those guys.

    I'm glad they killed Daphne, and the scene with Tracy's death was awesome. Angela continues to be one of the best characters and that scene with Peter was great. I wish HRG would go bad instead of 'playing both sides but really is good'. But Sylar is still there and now we don't really know what his plan is, so that makes him interesting. I think the show's gotten a lot better than what it was a season ago and I'm just letting myself enjoy watching it rather than forcing it.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    I thought the Tracy's death was ok up until they showed the close up of her, blinking as an ice sculpture and a tear. I tuned out after that...

    Have we killed all 3 triplets now?
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I'm not completely convinced that Tracy is dead, but I hope so. Her role really felt forced. I wouldn't be surprised if she starts showing up to Micah, Obi-Wan Kanobi style ;)
    I must have blinked, or talked to the wife or something. I missed that Daphne died. I saw where Matt was in her head, making her think they were in Paris. I'm assuming she died just after that?

    I want Hiro to have his powers back, or get the fuck off the show. They don't need to be full, like I've stated before, but don't toy with it any further. And PLEASE don't make it so he has to have that stupid fucking baby in order to stop time. This babysitting role is going to get irritating really quickly. What a stupid idea. I really hope it isn't the kid giving him his powers back, and that he just thought it was the kid because of the timing of events.

    All these episodes are starting to have good moments, but they are disbursed between poor plot twists. Like I've said earlier, I hope they take a break to really structure the show's plotline and get the story cleaned up and on track.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    I'm just going to write this show off as an unfortunate casualty of the writers' strike. It started off so good in the first season. Then the writers' strike hit before they had finished scripting the second season. As a result the second season started off really interesting, but quickly degenerated, and completely fell apart at the end. In order to salvage the situation, they started promoting the third season as "Villains." You'll notice they stopped with that silliness. The entire third season has been a dissapointing mess so far.

    It's reached the point where I don't even bother watching the show anymore. The show is available to watch for free, on-line. And I still don't bother. I just read this thread to catch up on plot developments, and that's more than enough. Very sad.
  • Marcus Dublin
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    Marcus Dublin polycounter lvl 17
    OMFG, it seems that someone on the Heroes staff finally learned how to produce a quality episode! Normally I stream the show just to watch the train wreck of the week. You know, to laugh at more bad characterization, poor dialog, shoddy editing, incoherent storylines etc. etc. but this weeks episode showed me what this show could have been from the start had the team had a sense of focus.

    Cold snap provided small moments of characterization, interesting dialogue between characters, moments of tension, action, (Mica as rebel) surprises, and an ending leaving you wanting more instead of leavening a bad taste in your mouth..

    Now lets hope that they can build on this mini milestone before this show loses any more of it’s viewers or worse cancellation!
  • bounchfx
    while still not great, that episode was much better than the previous two.

    come on, show, you can do it!
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    This eps was better but not great. I know it's meant to be like a comic, but the writing is becoming really inconsistent and annoying...just like a comic!..

    I hope the old writers pull their heads out of their asses soon and beef this up. They have to stop spoon-feeding shit to the viewer and add some meat to the show. I know that NBC gives them a shit budget, which limits what they can do SFX-wise, but their writing needs help in general.

  • Marisa
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    Marisa polycounter lvl 17
    I completely loved this week's episode. Very good death for Daphne. Loved the whole scene with Angela in the elevator, it kept me on my toes. I'm glad they finally got back to Hiro and Ando since they've been lacking in scenes these last few episodes. You guys sure did call out the Micah is Rebel thing since day 1, good job. Overall it was very entertaining and I'm excited for the next episode.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    why do they kill characters twice.. what was the point of bringing daphne back at all in such a cliched way only to kill her off again

    I'm definately agreeing with the 'better but not great' folks. the ice sculpture eye closeup was such BS, unless they're setting her up to become some kind of ice/water person who can re-form from liquid. how could a chunk of her brain and one eyeball decide to wink? whilst frozen?
    oh and if her eyelid can move then so can the rest of her, and she should just have ran away..
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    *sigh* we all sound like we ate rotten eggs for breakfast or someone shit in our cereal. :\ so disappointing that it has come to this... i say we rally our hopes for one or two more episodes... maybe sylar will finally have a huge showdown with peter... oh wait... fuck, that's right.... peter is still wearing his maxi pads... nevermind.
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    Saidin311 wrote: »

    About the ONLY thing I didn't like about this past episode was that Ando tried some sort of Haduken move on those guys.

    I thought that was hilarious!
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah I wish Peter would get his powers back only so that him and Sylar could have that big battle.

    As it stands right now Sylar is the most powerful of all the heroes and there really isn't anyone that could stop him if they really had to.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Baby parkman will touch&go™ Peter's power back
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Vassago wrote: »
    Baby parkman will touch&go™ Peter's power back

    Shhh!!! If the writer's somehow come across this page... they'll do it.
    (This is assuming this plan isn't already in the works...)
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    i miss sylar =[
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Going into this episode I thought "ya know...what this series needs is to kill a few characters...hasn't done that in awhile", and boom! Got what I wanted.

    Why did Sylar deliver the puppet master guy to the government guy though...?
  • charger
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    charger polycounter lvl 18
    Did Sylar deliver the puppet master? did I miss something?

    Heroes is really irritating me but I keep believing the potential is there so I keep watching....sigh. I really wish they would stop interrupting things. Then somebody looses his powers, then somebody is sick of his powers, blah blah. The writers should understand POWERS ARE COOL and thats what this show is all about!!

    If the next two episodes are rubbish I am gonna stop watching.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    Alright, here's how this mentally challenged show is going to go down for the rest of the season:

    1) Micah is going to be captured and questioned. He won't talk, so for leverage, they will bring in Nikki. That's right, fucking Nikki, because she never died in that explosion. She's been detained ever since.

    2) Ando is going to supercharge Parkman Touch & Go™(nice one vassago) while Hiro and Peter are touching him and they will get their full powers back. A big fight will break out, and amongst the commotion, baby Parkman will crawl over to Sylar and Touch & Go™ his powers off. Yay!

    3) Nathan is going to take Claire to Disneyland after stopping by the Statue of Liberty to have a cup of tea with Angela and Peter where they will begin fiighting about how Nathan started this noise and how he was wrong, so they should just play SkipBo instead and see who wins.

    4) Parkman kills himself. Cool.

    5) Danko and Bennet will have a fight of the wits, seeing who can out con the other into a trap, and Sylar will show up, kill Bennet and make a deal with Danko to help hunt the hunted in exchange for letting Sylar getting their powers. This of course will happen before he's damn hit by the Touch & Go™... so in the end, the other heroes will trick Danko with Sylar as bait and capture Danko and bam, end of season.

    So to come to these conclusions, I had a lot to drink this morning, and last night, and in fact, I scored some LSD, cocaine, heroine, PCP, Angel Dust, and something called Infant Motrin, because I knew that was the only way I would be able to think like the writers of the show.... get totally jacked up on so much junk that nothing makes sense, and start writing.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    in the previews sylar is in the car with danko offering to kill or capture them as long as he gets to remain free... so that's already been implied.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    yeah, but what they didn't show you was when sylar did this shit
  • e-freak
    Firebert: if you'd be getting white eyes now and start spamming the thread with concept art i'd be really amazed :D
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    e-freak wrote: »
    Firebert: if you'd be getting white eyes now and start spamming the thread with concept art i'd be really amazed :D

    well played sir... well played.:)
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    good episode, even if i'm worried that they could let quinto go and get someone else to play sylar now. also, how the hell was he batmanning in and out of places? i don't remember him having teleportation as a power.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    Marine wrote: »
    good episode, even if i'm worried that they could let quinto go and get someone else to play sylar now. also, how the hell was he batmanning in and out of places? i don't remember him having teleportation as a power.

    it actually was a good episode... but real quick in your batmanning question... i chalk that up to bad writing. there were tons of plot holes in this episode. apparently sylar can teleport and or use telepathy now... which let's see... he got that power how????????????????????? and when did the shapeshifter guy ever touch sylar to morph into him? ummmmmmmmmm, like never?

    overall though, i agree that it was a good episode and some stuff is starting to pick back up again. it is a slow process that can't happen overnight. i really liked how they introduced the shapeshifter power, but wish it would have lasted a little longer through the rest of the season (the character that is)...

    it looks like next week will be really good... what happens when you want to restart a franchise/series? go back to the very beginning and start over.

    p.s. - nathan and claire drinking tea = drinking tequila
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    It's hard to remember every ability Sylar has, but he may not have teleported. He could have gone through the car if he has the ability to go through solid objects. He could have gone to the top of that building if he has the ability to fly. OR maybe he was never IN the car, if he has Matt's ability.

    Overall it was a much better episode. That guy could have touched Sylar without him knowing it, if he had changed into someone else and blended into the crowd (then bumped Sylar). It really goes back to what I stated before. I don't want every detail spelt out for me. Leave some to the imagination. I don't need to see exactly how the morphing guy was able to be Sylar. I don't NEED to see how Sylar got into the car. I mean shit, in the Batman shows/movies, no one ever asks how he suddenly disappears with not a single sound ;)
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Notman - EXACTLY. Some of the most entertaining shows are mental trips. Shit, look at Lost! :)

    Thing that bothers me about Sylar's powers (and Peter's when he had them) is that they rarely use most of them. When has Sylar ever turned something into liquid? Used his nuclear capability? Create an illusion?

    I love Heroes, but a lot of the lackluster action and spoon-fed storeline is starting to bore me. I'll hold off until next season (if there is one) to see if their first few eps are any better. But if it's the same old crap, I'm done with it.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    i also wonder why if sylars so obsessed with stealing powers, did he leave puppet man alive? that would surely have been a rather useful ability. Does it strike anyone else how this show keeps stealing lines/scenes from films? the whole 'look in the box.. whats in the box??' bit from seven made me say 'fuck off!' out loud as I watched it. I don't care if it's supposed to be 'homage', they're not good enough at the moment to be paying homage, it feels more like 'rip off'.

    at least now I know that all cars in mexico play 'la cucaracha' with their horn
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Rooster: Yeah, I seem to recall seeing another 'movie moment' in there too, but can't remember what it was. I was thinking about Seven when they did the head in the box, but I didn't catch the line (mainly because I haven't seen Seven for a long time).
    I wasn't sure about puppet man also. The way he was presented, 'as a gift', you can't tell if he's dead or out cold. If he was still alive, maybe Sylar thought he'd be a better 'gift' that way, then take his power later.
    I think the 'hunger' is just part of his ability. He craves it like a drug addict does... or maybe more like a tech person who has to have every gadget ;)
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    i guess this goes back to what Notman was saying about keeping up with Sylar's abilities... who's to say he hasn't taken the Puppet Man's ability... he took Elle's ability without killing her (well he killed her later, but he had the power already), as well as the shape shifter in this last episode... I would have liked to have known where he did get whatever ability he was using at the beginning of the episode...

    the more i think about it, i gotta agree with Marine on Quinto leaving the show. i would hate to see him go, so i'm worried that he may leave as well, but to keep the character of Sylar, they could have him be a floating extra all the time with random Quinto appearances every few episodes or so. that's one thing i don't like about TV show politics. characters you've come to really like can be gone in a flash because the actors decide to advance their careers elsewhere.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    puppet man gasps and wakes up at the end of the scene when he's tied up

    edit: i don't remember him taking elles ability without killing her, it wasnt someone elses? I cant recall a time sylar took an ability without killing, except claire

    other movie moments:

    'the fly'- saresh's transformation
    'waterworld'- the underwater breather kiss of life

    I'm sure there's more, anyone want to add some?

    I suppose superman, when parkman is in thingies brain and she stands on his toes to be carried upwards (normally they just grab each other when flying someone off don't they)
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    yeah, it was last season when petrelli put sylar in the containment room with elle at pinehurst. he absorbed/learned her power by touching her.
  • rooster
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    not exactly touching, but through some empathy bullshit that just didn't make sense (it would've if Sylar was related to Peter, but we all know how that turned out)

    God the "Villains" season was a mess.
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    remember sylar has the ability to project visions. He got that from killing the one chick who saved him in season 2.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    Thegodzero wrote: »
    remember sylar has the ability to project visions. He got that from killing the one chick who saved him in season 2.

    oh yeah, that's right!
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    A slightly helpful list of his abilities: http://heroeswiki.com/Sylar
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    Entity wrote: »
    not exactly touching, but through some empathy bullshit that just didn't make sense (it would've if Sylar was related to Peter, but we all know how that turned out)

    God the "Villains" season was a mess.

    i think it's supposed to be that sylar's basic ability is empathic mimicry like peter, but because he's so messed up, he can't use it that easily. the intuitive aptitude was copied from his dad, and the empathy is supposedly what let him keep the telekinesis, and probably the intuitive aptitude, after the shanti virus wiped him clean, they're the only two abilities he had an emotional attachment to, guilt over killing the tk guy and the fucked up relationship he had with his dad.
    behind the eclipse would be a good place to dig through to see if an explanation has been given
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    by the way, mentioning that hallucination power- why would sylar need shape shifting when he can just make people believe he looks like someone else?

    infact he could do incredible things with that power
  • Saidin311
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    Saidin311 polycounter lvl 11
    It was a good episode, even though it was written specifically to advance certain plots.

    It seems all the critics are missing the really badly written part with Claire and Nathan. There was no reason for them to fly to mexico, there was no reason for Nathan to attempt to out-drink those guys. They only did that because they wanted some sort of scene for Nathan to admit he was trying to do the right thing.

    It bugs me a bit that Peter was all in contact with his mother and can't steal her ability. If they had to wait around in some church so she could fall asleep why doesn't Peter just borrow it to see the future? Speaking of, now that she has seen the future we're gonna get another plot involving it no doubt. But then again Heroes wouldn't be Heroes without some sort of premonition of the apocalypse.

    Also, after such a cool episode last week where's the followup on Micah?

    The Sylar stuff kicks ass, but I'm sure they are prepping to have Quinto leave. Especially with Trek around the corner, I think he's preparing to have his career explode.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    shiiit, it all makes sense! shape shifting? moving career? eh? ...eh?
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    I guess everybody missed the names of the 3 downed agents. "Whitman, Price & Holiday" which is just another homage from The Running Man.
    "Whitman, Price & Hadad...last seasons Winners" "No...Last seasons...losers!"

    Yeah the Sylar teleporting power was a little surprising. As for any powers he picked up in the first season, the only one he's supposed to still have is Telekinesis. He's had to reaquire anything else he's got, if I recall correctly.
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    Remember that peter can only hold on to one power at a time now, and flying definately sounds more useful when you're on the run.
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    It's funny to me how the made Hiro and Peter not as powerful. They need to tone Sylar down some. Maybe like he only get 4 powers? I dunno. Can't he just stop time and kill everyone then become ruler of the world or whatever his weak motivations are for getting powers.

    I really have a hard time believing everyone's motivations for things on this show. Nathan is born again for 3 episodes then he's drinking Tequila a little later? What the heck? People's moral compasses and resolve seem to be totally random. It's like everyone on the show has mult personality disorders.

    I'm holding out hope that next season is going to be awesome since they got the Pushing Daisies guy back for the finale this year and next season. Right now though this show is wading in mediocrity in my opinion.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Wow, I guess many of you have given up on the show, since no one else commented yet ;)
    I thought this episode was pretty good, except for any scene that included that damn baby. Otherwise, it really felt back to norm
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