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Heroes Thread



  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    ZackF wrote: »
    Ah well. Would you guys say things have been on the upswing after the first season?

    Nope I'd stop right there, the next few seasons were abysmal they just recently brought back the season 1 writers but I think so much crapped changed between Season1 and this season they are trying to upright a train that's already crashed.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I didn't think this new one was too bad. I liked the Sylar episode more than the previous Hiro focused one.... BUT, can we PLEASE have at least ONE episode without Claire? Stop trying to force me to like that character. She's annoying and useless.

    OH, and did you guys catch the reference to her previous boyfriend? That seemed like a sad attempt to answer how he disappeared from the show. They didn't even show him, Peter just somehow got his powers.
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    notman wrote: »
    OH, and did you guys catch the reference to her previous boyfriend? That seemed like a sad attempt to answer how he disappeared from the show. They didn't even show him, Peter just somehow got his powers.

    YES. I DID notice. Lame.

    I watched the 2 hours... mostly. By the end, I was falling asleep, and didn't really stop myself. I woke up again just before the end. My first thought on waking, "What the... fuck? Didn't I JUST watch this exact same scene when I fell asleep HALF AN HOUR AGO...?"
    Seriously. I still have a weird compulsion to not stop... but... I don't know how much longer I can keep watching this junk :P

    I DO like Sammuel though. I just wish he'd shown up before the show went to shit... ah well.
  • Heart_Murmur
    Mezz wrote: »
    I still have a weird compulsion to not stop...

    I have the same compulsion, it's like I'm waiting for something interesting to happen, but it never delivers.

    Claire always sounds like she is out of breathe when she talks. I wish they would give the "normal life" routine a break, she's been a broken record every season. I cringe every time she mentions she just wants to be normal. Here's an idea: eject her into the sun.

    Bring on lost.
  • JohnnySix
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    JohnnySix polycounter lvl 17
    Getting sorta interesting - except the bad guy from the last 4 seasons has now been
    , and the only bad guy
    just digs big holes in the ground
    , which is where they should've put the season where
    everyone lost their powers
    , which was hugely lame.

    Hopefully Peter will remember how to remember the powers he's absorbed and be kick-ass like the first season.
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah man, Samuel is such a whiny little shit. "Oh, my girlfriend doesn't like me, I'm gonna go kill some people" "Oh, I coulda been so much more" "Oh I'm so tragic"

    Boohoo. Fuck off and die.
  • Marisa
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    Marisa polycounter lvl 17
    I still wonder what happened to the Irish chick from the 2nd season that was the love interest to Peter. She got stuck in an alternate future and Peter said he would save her or come back to her or whatever, and he never did.

    Other than that, I like the whole Magneto feeling from Samuel. He can move earth instead of metal and I feel his goals are the same as Magneto's.
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Marisa wrote: »
    I still wonder what happened to the Irish chick from the 2nd season that was the love interest to Peter. She got stuck in an alternate future and Peter said he would save her or come back to her or whatever, and he never did.

    Hahah, I suppose her and Charlie (Hiro's love interest) will probably be starting their own party in "god-only-knows-where" land. The guests? All of Claire's lost boyfriends.

    I couldn't help but roll my eyes a lot at the last epi. I know they are telling me three years passed for Sylar and Peter, but I just don't see it as believeable. Nonetheless, ANY scene with Sylar is about 10x better than any other seen in the show nowadays. 100x if the scene has Claire.

    Interesting learning more about HRG's past. Not sure how I feel about it though...
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    Mezz wrote: »
    I couldn't help but roll my eyes a lot at the last epi. I know they are telling me three years passed for Sylar and Peter, but I just don't see it as believeable. Nonetheless, ANY scene with Sylar is about 10x better than any other seen in the show nowadays. 100x if the scene has Claire.

    Interesting learning more about HRG's past. Not sure how I feel about it though...

    That last episode felt like they were trying to force a whole lot of nothing down our throats. Conveniently we've got three years for Peter and Sylar to bond. Conveniently they write up some bullshit backstory for Bennet. It's all very sloppy.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Apparently we aren't allowed an episode without Claire in it. I know I've said it multiple times now, but I'm REALLY tired of her being in EVERY episode. I could really do with a little less Parkman too.
  • e-freak
    the whole "tell HRG's background" seemed forced to me. sylar getting a good guy is a nice turn, like it. I couldn't bear the whole "omg, it's sylar" for the 100th time in a single episode.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    i've been without heroes for over a month and I'm still alive and can tell you life is better without it. :D
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    I honestly have no idea why I still watch this show. It has zero storyline, nothing to make you want to watch the next episode. Season 1 was amazing. There's pretty much nothing about the show now that is appealing or anything like season 1.
  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
    unfortunately I'm starting to feel the same way - I brushed the second season off as being shitty due to the writers strike, but it never really picked back up.. I really really wanted it to be good like the first season, but it just gets shittier and shittier, I mean come on - the big bad guy of this whole season is the head of a circus who plots less than sylar... I was hoping they would go somewhere interesting with this season - but it def. feels like they ran out of options and are throwing shit together.. "oh we've got some time, lets do ANOTHER back story on bennet.. the kids'll dig that shit."
  • JohnnySix
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    JohnnySix polycounter lvl 17
    More Time travel, less Clare, less Parkman, more Peter's powers, more flying, more fireballs and shit, and less emo = win.

    I've held out all this time with the hope that Hiro will become more like his future sword-wielding ninja-self.

    Marisa - yeah they never really tie up the little lose ends like Clares Boyfriend, Peter's Irish girlfriend stuck in the future, the invisible partner of HRG, or the many other things probably forgotten.

    The first season was ace, with them piecing together the puzzle from Isaac's paintings and stuff and the foretelling of the atomic apocalypse, the ending foretold this season doesn't seem quite as spectacular.

    Maybe they'll bring on the win in the finale with Samuel pulling the moon out of orbit or some shit.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Maybe Samuel is trying to gain enough power crush Claire's menstrual cycles.
  • JohnnySix
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    JohnnySix polycounter lvl 17
    notman wrote: »
    Maybe Samuel is trying to gain enough power crush Claire's menstrual cycles.


    Just had a thought, didn't Clare save her adopted Dad post-mortem after a fatal gunshot would to the eye socket with her blood? How come she didn't try save her real Dad?

    It's the one thing apparently she is any good for, other than being a human crash dummy, so how come this didn't happen, or more to the point, how come any good guy had to die after they had that revelation?
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    JohnnySix wrote: »
    Just had a thought, didn't Clare save her adopted Dad post-mortem after a fatal gunshot would to the eye socket with her blood? How come she didn't try save her real Dad?

    It's the one thing apparently she is any good for, other than being a human crash dummy, so how come this didn't happen, or more to the point, how come any good guy had to die after they had that revelation?

    My guess? It didn't gel with whatever crap the writer's were going for.

    I'm just really glad it's the season finale tonight. This means... after tonight, I am free from my sick compulsion to keep watching this show :P (At least until next season starts again... I hope my will is stronger by then... o.o)
  • JohnnySix
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    JohnnySix polycounter lvl 17
    Oh no, Season finale? Damn, then this was the weakest season ever if the ending is tonight. :(
  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
    Oh no, Season finale? Damn, then this was the weakest season ever if the ending is tonight. :(

    This was my thought last night when I had to watch last weeks rerun because i finally tore myself away for a week.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    The Olympics are causing them to end it early.
  • gavku
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    gavku polycounter lvl 18
    I doubt this show will be back after this season.
  • Marisa
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    Marisa polycounter lvl 17
    Wow, I was pleasantly surprised by the ending of this season. It was very entertaining. I'm happy now. :)

    Ok, someone else go ahead and tell us how horrible it was.
  • Psyk0
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    Psyk0 polycounter lvl 18
    Mezz wrote: »
    I'm just really glad it's the season finale tonight. This means... after tonight, I am free from my sick compulsion to keep watching this show :P (At least until next season starts again... I
    hope my will is stronger by then... o.o)

    Lol yeah, it's like a train wreck, cant stop watching even tho it's turning into a horrible pile of crap :(.

    "I'm Claire i just want a normal life!, no wait i want to show off and resurrect on live TV!"

    Didnt Nathan try to let people know about his abilities already?...that didnt help any of them. It's like those damn characters arent evolving at all.
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Ok, I could go on about how... ... not amazing the season finale was. Instead, I will focus on the one part of the entire episode I thought was GOOD.

    When Hiro is chatting with Charlie, and comes up with a plan to bring her back to her time, and re-live his life with her... and she lets him know, why would I want that? 65 years is a looong time. I've lived a wonderful life, and have a lot to show for it.
    And Hiro humbly realizes, yes, it's all been for himself.

    I was surprised to find this bringing a tear to my eye...

    But maybe, it was just cause I was SO GRATEFUL they resolved a lost relationship on this show :P
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    Once again Claire ruins everything, haha. Yeah I agree about the characters not developing/maturing at all, come on..we had good Sylar before this and he flushed that down the toilet by killing kristen bell, the only interesting hot chick in Heroes.
  • undeadink
    yeah claire needs to taken out of the show she has to much show-time in the show, i also think its lame that Hayden Panettiere plays her self in this show. she thinks hear tears will change the world.

  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    Yep, her character is getting increasingly annoying and self righteous. She had no right to expose them that way.
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    Jesus. That's their idea of a season finale? Fuck it, I'm finally done with this show. I want my time back. o_O
  • WesleyTack
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    WesleyTack polycounter lvl 7
    I'm also not liking this show at all anymore for the past what? 3 seasons... I keep watching because of 2 reasons:
    1. I hope to see a glimpse of what it could be.. (but this will never happen)
    2. I can use 45min breaks to eat/relax for a while, so pure for that reason I keep watching it ... but I think after this season I wont bother anymore, I'll re-watch other shit if I need to, anythings better than this crap
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    it's over, it's finally over :D
  • die_Kröte
    It is only by morbid curiosity that I continue to watch this show. God help me.
  • Gilgamesh
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    Gilgamesh polycounter lvl 12
    The show suffered from the great turnover that is American retarded tv programmers and writers. I've watched it time and time again, great shows cancelled before their time but what is worse is that some writers only actually plan for a single series ever being aired (as so many shows get the chop mid or after the first season is seems) that they have no idea or story lines for the continuing series, I could name countless series that just dropped like a rock after the first season it's so pitiful.

    How hard is it to take an idea, then plan for the future for it?

    Like how in the first series Sylar was actually supposed to be killed off, heavens knows why they bowed to retarded public pressure and brought him back for a really stupid plot line (that actually eventually went no where anyway). Have a good idea, plan for a few seasons, if you don't get picked up then no biggy for the public actually watching but if you do by chance last the first 6-12 eps and go a second season it isn't a pile of dribbling mess that loses viewing numbers by the millions per week.
  • JohnnySix
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    JohnnySix polycounter lvl 17
    Damn, that was season finale equivalent of a jizz in the pants, it was over before it'd even started.

    What happened to the potential of Samuel totalling everything on a grand scale in the "he can move mountains" way? He flattened a whole town without his posse around him but couldn't move a mound of earth more than 10 feet with all the other 'specials' around him?

    That or Sylar could nick Samuel's powers and go on the rampage, simultaneously flying, setting fire to stuff and turning the ground inside out, with a final zoomed out shot, 2012 style, of the whole coast tipping into the sea. :D

    They didn't do the back to the future thing of 'to be concluded' so I can only guess that they plan another two seasons at least, here's hoping they manage to rally some decent bad guys, of failing that kill off Clare. :p

    I was really hoping when she swan dived off the Ferris wheel her powers would fail.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    JohnnySix wrote: »
    I was really hoping when she swan dived off the Ferris wheel her powers would fail.

    same, was hoping we'd see the haitian in the background, claire spots him at the last second and get's an ohshit look on her face just before she goes splat
  • Thegodzero
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    Thegodzero polycounter lvl 18
    What i would love to see would be a reboot. None of the people have the full powers but later they get them(hero, can teleport but not time travel), finding people using their powers doing their jobs with out anyone knowing.(weatherman creating his forecast/ welder creating electric arcs with his powers to weld)

    There was some of that season that was cool, but there was just too much crap to let slide.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    What I didn't understand with Samuel was, how come he had the power to kill his brother, despite it was the only the two of them, but with Sylar, Claire, and Peter (at least) in the park, he couldn't gather enough power to blow dust. I love how rules need to change to fit their story.

    Oh, and Parkman, suck my ass. Is it me, or is his new power the ability to gain weight at an amazing pace?
  • undeadink
    i agree with what everyone is saying its more like they were writing the episode and forgot they had like 6 story arcs to finish in 45 mins. the level of interest in this show has dropped i cant really find one person whos like:

    "hell yeah Heros so good, my favorite is Claire god i relate to her so much because shes a whiny bitch" :)

    yeah im more interested in seeing Parkman's son's powers then Matt, he just bitches about everything.

    the only char that is a little interesting to me is petter's story because at least his trying to stay a hero with the world shitting on him all the time.
  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
    here's hoping they manage to rally some decent bad guys

    +1. I can only like sylar switching sides as often as I change my undies for so long.

    And I agree with the Peter Part, he's always been that little glimmer of hope in the series, get some decent bad guys who are hell bent on f*cking some shiz up.. and some good guys who arn't whiny bitches about everything and we'd have a decent season on our hands. (of course I realize thats the plot to 90 percent of the comic books out there - but theres a reason they are successful ;-) )
  • Entity
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    Entity polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah gotta love Peter, he seems to be the only character that's progressing throughout the story. Losing his original powers sucks though, but then again he wouldn't be a hero character if he didn't have shit thrown at him :)
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    I think killing Claire off would be the ONE thing they could do that could save the series.

    Ironically, I think that's the ONE thing that will never happen. Apparently, they think people like her? A lot?

    Ps. Anyone wanna place bets on whether or not her .. uh... girlfriend will show up in the next season? Or will she land in 'conveniently-forgotten-space' like all the past boyfriends?
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Forgotten space (I hope) She serves no purpose and I find her hard to look at in all honesty :/

    As much as I've liked HRG guy in the past, I was kind of hoping they were going to off him in the prize trailer, and leave her buried for a while.

    The Charlie part was the only redeeming thing about that episode. I'd prefer the slim things down to only covered a couple characters per week, rather than trying to fit them ALL in.

    Also, where was Suresh during all this? He was the focus of this show initially, but now we rarely see him.
  • LoTekK
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    LoTekK polycounter lvl 17
    The thing that really bugs me about the quality of the writing is the way they try so hard to create an ethical dilemma for the characters, but fail so hard. I mean you've got Suresh, who instead of trying to prevent the fucking destruction of the human race, decides, I'm sorry, I gotta go back and chill with mah gurl. Same with Fatman, I mean Parkman. I'm not gonna go let you save the fucking world, because I'm a whiny bitch. Also, now that I've decided to let you save the world, I'm not gonna help. Because I'm a whiny bitch.
  • die_Kröte
    Marine wrote: »
    same, was hoping we'd see the haitian in the background, claire spots him at the last second and get's an ohshit look on her face just before she goes splat

    Now THAT would have made the show interesting again in a split second. I agree with everyone who's said it... kill the cheerleader, save the show.
  • JohnnySix
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    JohnnySix polycounter lvl 17
    die_Kröte wrote: »
    kill the cheerleader, save the show.

    QFT. :thumbup:
  • Mezz
    Offline / Send Message
    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    die_Kröte wrote: »
    kill the cheerleader, save the show.


    Good quote! :D
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    Horrible ending to a horrible season.

    Hiro LIVED? Wtf. Noah lives? WTF! Samuel goes out with a puss wimper?? WHAT THE FUCK.

    Hiro should have died or at the very least, lost most of his powers. Leave him teleportation and kill the others. Noah should have suffocated FFS. What was with the lame ass water bitch saving him? How the hell did Noah's partner hear them through FIFTY FUCKING FEET of dirt? Good god. Then there's Samuel. One of the most powerful mutants in the world who was built up as a fucking badass all season long and he's defeated by people just walking away!!?? ARGH - I'm done with this fucking show.
  • apocalypse
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    apocalypse polycounter lvl 18
    I agree, Heroes is getting worse and worse. I dunno about you guys but everytime I watch I'm left going "wtf is going on??". I think the first season was awesome because they always had a defined goal/storyline which was "Save the world" and little stories inbetween that helped carry the story along.

    Now it's all over the place with characters I don't give a shit about and other characters just disappearing out of the show. I hate how they constantly made Sylar good then bad then good again. He was a fucking bad-ass in the first series and Peter was his opposite which is Hero and Villian 101.

    Even if Samuel leveled New York, who gives a shit? Hiro was there and healthy. Why teleport everyone when he could have stopped time. He could go back in time and stop him..

    I dunno, end of rant I guess. I can't stop watching that show because I'm HOPING that it will go back to the way it was.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Well, you guys don't have to worry about ignoring the show now ;)

    Kinda wish they would have allowed a couple more episodes to bring it to closure. I hate when they leave shows open like this (when it still had a decent following, even if it was dwindling).
  • vcool
    Well I'm glad it's over and done with.

    I was kinda of hoping to see what will happen now that their existence is public, but it's ok now.
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