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Street Fighter IV - It's out you know!

polycounter lvl 11
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ThatDon polycounter lvl 11
Not sure what's going on with the no sf4 thread yet but I thought I would kick things off.



  • greenj2
    Damn yeah! Picked up a copy with a few mates from work yesterday and played into the wee hours of this morning. Loving it so far. :D

    I'm ashamed to say I can't beat Seth yet. First round he goes down like a bag of wet rice but second round he teleport>throw combos me to hell. Can barely get a hit in! Bastard. :P
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    I'm planning on picking up a copy only after I get the Mad Catz joysticks for the 360. To play Street Fighter with a console controller is blasphemy!

  • bounchfx

    See you punks online! 360 version!

    and i'm still ultra weary about trusting mad catz..
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    I plan to play on the PC. With a controller.

  • TelekineticFrog
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    TelekineticFrog polycounter lvl 18
    So much truth about Seth and his non stop throws and teleporting after he gets a 1 round beat down.

    I beat him the first time using Blanka...go figure. :/ Ending credits were nicely done as is the game.

    Look forward to challenging some of you to some fights. :)
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 17
    What? They made a street fighter 4? When?
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    I won't purchase this game until I have completed a new arcade stick. I recently dismantled my old arcade control console in order to free up room in my garage. When I get the chance, I will clean up all of the old controls and assemble a new chassis to put them in. Hmmm...I actually have a four-day vacation coming up soon, could be a good project to occupy my time.
  • bounchfx
    just played some, holy crap it's awesome. the production values are through the roof and it's just gorgeous to look at.

    will play more, on live, later tonight.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Trying to hack in some final tweaks on my homemade stick just for this :P Trying not to buy the game until I got all this sorted out.

  • PixelGoat
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    PixelGoat polycounter lvl 12
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    oooh i want but because i want to keep pumping out art fast im not allowed to buy a game until i finish my italy scene :(
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18

    Oh shit, wrong game.

    Roommate pre-ordered this, so I'm totally looking forward to playing it!

    Pior, you gonna show us some updates on your arcade stick?
  • coldkodiak
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    coldkodiak polycounter lvl 17
    Am I the only one who thinks this game is just pretty much ugly?

    I was looking at it today, and after games like soul caliber 4, the char models and environments just look like ass. Even stylized, I thought they were so shoddy looking.

    Low fidelity on the textures, and the girls just look ugly.

    it's so bleh.
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    coldkodiak wrote: »
    Am I the only one who thinks this game is just pretty much ugly?

    I was looking at it today, and after games like soul caliber 4, the char models and environments just look like ass. Even stylized, I thought they were so shoddy looking.

    Low fidelity on the textures, and the girls just look ugly.

    it's so bleh.

    oh gawd please say you were being sarcastic pleeeeeaaase :poly122:
  • clee101
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    clee101 polycounter lvl 18
    Picked up my collectors edition today. It is awesome! The animation is very fluid and smooth. They brought back the good ol' skool gameplay from the original. I only wish they brought back the bonus rounds with destroying the cars and barrels.
  • bounchfx
    it's fun as hell but FUCK seth
  • Microneezia
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    Microneezia polycounter lvl 10
  • clee101
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    coldkodiak wrote: »
    Am I the only one who thinks this game is just pretty much ugly?

    I was looking at it today, and after games like soul caliber 4, the char models and environments just look like ass. Even stylized, I thought they were so shoddy looking.

    Low fidelity on the textures, and the girls just look ugly.

    it's so bleh.

    As a massive Soul Calibur 1&2 fan, I have to disagree. I think 4 isn't great. If Ivy's tits get any bigger, seriously. She is just grotesque looking now. And because they can have more polys in the game now, her sword is all messed up in neutral and the whole game doesn't play like it used to. Ass. And the Apprentice in the PS3 version is too overpowered.

    I haven't played SF yet, but the textures are supposed to be like that. They are more graphic while at the same time not cel-shaded. I think the character animation is great.

    And Chun-Li looks hotter than ever...if your into that sort of thing. I guess.
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    friday here :( I hate you don :(
    collector edition for me though !!!
  • RazorBladder
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    RazorBladder polycounter lvl 18
    Saw folks playing it here at the office... I wet myself.
    Hopefully my order will arrive in a few days :S
  • ThatDon
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    ThatDon polycounter lvl 11
    Went to frys and picked up my super duper version, can't wait to go home and try this badboy out@!
  • clee101
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    clee101 polycounter lvl 18
    I also wish they did remakes of the original environment levels from Street Fighter 2.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    been playing it all day :) xbox version is by far the best for online play. My friend bought his ps3 version over and online ranked and player matches were extremely quiet. Where as the 360 we were constantly getting challenges.

    Blanka and Viper are my current faves. Everyone seems to use Ken and do uppercuts constantly. I really like the focus attack, chaining it with fierce punch works great against people :)
  • man_o_mule
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    man_o_mule polycounter lvl 18
    omg.....i forgot the game was coming out. was soo excited all last week and then forgot about it because i decided to take up skateboarding again and went to the skatepark this morning instead of picking up my game. damn my old 26 year old brain.

    btw, screw madcatz. thier controllers are crap and break all the time. get a hori stick. i just bought one last month off of ebay and it rocks. only $50 too.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    I bought it and played it with some friends tonight... it's alright... not as awesome as I thought it would be. Hopefully I'll get more into it. We were having more fun with L4D. -_-
  • TheWinterLord
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Game is kinda cool, superb presentation.

    However the gameplay feels sluggish, especially compared to the sharpness of Third Strike. It's almost as if Capcom denies that episode?
    Hopefully it will grow and reveal itself with time but somehow I doubt it.

    Screenshots are beautiful and truly inspiring.

    Animations are really really bad... It's as if the moves dont have any weight, and the characters magically spring back to their original postitions from before an extended punch for instance? They should be tripping forward a little, catching their weight and whatnot... Also the Ryu/Ken jump arcs trajectories are really strange. I didn't get that feeling in earlier SFIIs, I wonder whats going on here?

    Curious to see if someone will eventually rip the animation frames out of screngrabs and port 2D renditions of SF4 characters to Mugen!!

    Can't wait for the PC version, hopefully it will be hackable for custom character meshes import. Starting a model in that regard tomorrow!!

    I wonder if the armpits-crosshatching (TM!) comes from the normal, or if this is some kind of neat screen filter applied to the terminator where light meets shade.

    I wish the mouthes were selfshadowed.

    I hope to see remixes/reworks of the original SFII musics and stages.

    Is the SFIV pop theme better or worse than the SFIII rap intro?
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    me want but apparently not out till tomorrow... arrrgghhhhhhh
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    pior wrote: »
    Animations are really really bad... It's as if the moves dont have any weight, and the characters magically spring back to their original postitions from before an extended punch for instance? They should be tripping forward a little, catching their weight and whatnot... Also the Ryu/Ken jump arcs trajectories are really strange. I didn't get that feeling in earlier SFIIs, I wonder whats going on here?

    It's a fighting game. They can't animate six seconds of overlap on every move. They are restricted by the technicalities of the genre.
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    rolfness wrote: »
    me want but apparently not out till tomorrow... arrrgghhhhhhh
    should have ordered it from game, would have been here this morning
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Marine wrote: »
    should have ordered it from game, would have been here this morning

    Nope, I bought from Game online. Nothing arrived so far. Release date is tommorow.
  • man_o_mule
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    man_o_mule polycounter lvl 18
    so sad. picked up the game today but i have to work from noon to 11pm. so i wont be able to play till i get home :(
  • alexk
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    alexk polycounter lvl 12
    Is it me or is the title music, the one with the singing, seem kinda gay?
  • FunkaDelicDass
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    FunkaDelicDass polycounter lvl 18
    Now's the time to play online because there's a bunch of Ken/Ryu dragon punch fireball spammers. Easy wins a plenty. Unless you get matched up with someone with a Japanese gamertag. Then get ready for pain.

    I'm really liking it so far. It seems really back to basics but once you start experimenting with the double punch/kick ex moves and discovering which moves armor break, you start really seeing the depth, especially with the new characters.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    now I just have to wait till the end of the day
  • man_o_mule
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    man_o_mule polycounter lvl 18
    i want to like this game. i want to like it allot. but i'm having issues. for one i suck at it. i can't tell the difference between the AI difficulty settings. i can beat some characters on ANY difficulty, but rufus and sagat own me even on the easiest settings. I've played like 30 online matches and lost every single one. I dont know what it is but i just can't get the mechanics down. I just end up hitting the buttons to attack as i'm getting hit...over and over. i lose almost every match with only hitting the opponent once or twice. what the hell am i doing wrong? i used to kick ass at super street fighter 2 and marvel vs capcom 2.

    btw i do love the art and animation, but that opening song is quite gay.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    From what I remember Sagat is kick ass, he only has one weak point and if you dont exploit it he will beat you up. And it acutally pleases me to hear that the game is hard, I would have been disappointed if it was easy. The online play is what Im really looking forward to. I used to play SF in the arcades and 2player was awesome.

    Im considering getting an arcade joystick for this. Anyone got any good recommendations? I dont think the PS3 controller will cut it.
  • Fliff
    just had my ass handed to me by one of the designers, sadly too broke this month to invest but soooon!

    Was fun but i agree with piors sluggishness perception though ... ah well, still felt exited like a 10 year old ;)

    ... woo just got it thanks to our great president ordering too many, bargain!
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Blender don't be a douche, you know it's not what I meant!!
    I am not saying that the animations should be longer. My problem is that in most cases after an 'extension' (like a punch forward) the character auto rewinds to its former position as opposed to naturally leaning forward. I have no problem with that with 2D and lower framerates, but in 60fps 3D I find it very ugly and distracting.

    Also the jumps and falls really look weird, I end up not jumping in the game just because of that hehe. I really hope for a new SF in full 2D now, that's a bit sad. Or maybe a SF4 mod where the frames displayed on screen are limited to what is really happening behind the scenes ? (since the collision engine in SF4 is 2D based anyways)

    I know the game is going to reveal itself in the long run, but at the moment it really makes me want to go back to older installments of the series as this one really reminds me of the PS1 3D versions of the game (EXplusAlpha)
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    pior wrote: »
    Blender don't be a douche, you know it's not what I meant!!
    I am not saying that the animations should be longer. My problem is that in most cases after an 'extension' (like a punch forward) the character auto rewinds to its former position as opposed to naturally leaning forward. I have no problem with that with 2D and lower framerates, but in 60fps 3D I find it very ugly and distracting.

    Every 3D fighting game under the sun works this way, why is it a problem now? Do you know what would be required to get what you are suggesting to work? The game wouldn't be out for another year!
  • _Shimmer
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    _Shimmer polycounter lvl 18
    Havent played yet so I cant say much about the gameplay but if its like this in the game I have to agree with pior and fliff aswell.

    I thought the characters would be off at first, but the real bummer behind the graphics, that are otherwise very nicely renderer and executed, is the animations of the characters.

    While the keyframes are tight and fit, the inbetween animation just seem wrong and off.
    Its the kind of reveresed tensions and lack of force and weight. its strange and really strikes as the rest of the game is way better executed.

    I think the game will rock and still looks beautiful but the animations kinda ruin the overall artisitc greatness for me, as I have the street fighter series as a well animated series in my mind.

    Back to 2D? No, but I would love to see more of the shaders explored and animtions made tighter and blended better. The game is really oldschool under the hood, as always with capcom.
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    I agree about the animations but otherwise love the game. Was playing as Blanka and kind of got sad when I saw some of his animations...It also comes across as more comedic than I remember older SFs being, but I got over that pretty quick. Overall, really enjoying it.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    So...360 or PS3 version?
  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    360, so I can rule you. >:]

    Although, the 360 controller has, possibly, the worst D-Pad I've ever come across. Makes pulling of "quarter-circle" moves hard as hell. I really really really want a ps3-clone controller for the 360. I needs my separated D-Pad buttons.

    I'm liking the game, despite how retardedly hard Seth is. He doesn't seem to adhere to the game mechanics at all. Stopping some moves mid animation to grab/teleport. There seems to be no "cooldown" on his teleport either.

    And when oh when will we get a friends only lobby system in play? I mean really, let's get a system where we get our XBLive buddies into a room, and start a 1v1 rotation going. Winner stays in (or can hand over the "controller"), loser gives up control to the next person in the lobby. If you're not playing, you get to sit back and watch the matches until it's your turn. Everyone can chat over voice comm. during matches. Essentially, emulating how you and your buddies would play at home, on the same console. Is that too much to ask for? :(

    I'd also love if there was a match setup like Capcom vs SNK2, where you could have 1 person vs 2 or 3, 2v2, or 2v3. Where health and power is spread evenly among the characters. If you play with just one guy, you're more powerful, with more health.

    If you're a SF fan, it's a must get...just mute your TV during the title screen/menu.
  • bounchfx
    dude, try using the analog on 360.. it's really not that bad for this game. the timing windows are open enough where it shouldn't pose a problem.

    if you're using the dpad you are asking for it.

    but yes, seth is one of the worst boss fights i've ever done. even on EASIEST setting. his grapple/throw interrupts anything, anytime, and he does it non stop. unless of course you just jam the HK.
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    I think the game is quite mediocre.

    I tried to like this game. Really I did. But I just think it's a 3D rehash of SF2, but with sluggish controls.

    It's not nearly as bad as my impressions after I tried it in the arcades last year, but it feels closer to that god awful EX than the main SF series.

    I personally think Alpha 2, and SF3 were WAY better in almost every way.

    I think the game is ridiculously overrated. It's ok, but not worth the 90%+ it's getting on MetaCritic.
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Geezus wrote: »
    360, so I can rule you. >:]

    That wouldn't be difficult.

    Hmm...I'd prefer the 360 for online, but think the PS3 pad would be better....

  • Geezus
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    Geezus mod
    Hmm...I'd prefer the 360 for online, but think the PS3 pad would be better....


    That's where I was when deciding. Basically, I realized I play Street Fighter to play with friends. I could care less about arcade mode, past unlocking characters. So 360 gives me more bang for the buck, as far as playability is concerned.
  • Rick Stirling
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