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Sketchbook: GED

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Ged interpolator
I think its about time I start a sketchbook here

**Critique is welcome on any of my work as I am looking to improve but dont go off on too much of a tangeant please.

This marks a good occasion too because Ive actually done sketches using nothing but my wacom for the first time! I usually do them in pencil or pen and then scan them. Anyway heres my first set of random unplanned sketches.
I painted these in an attempt to get better at rendering shadows and tones.



  • Inkfish
    Looking nice, the shadows could benefit from a touch of color, maybe some bounced light or a complimentary color. If you leave the shadows so black like in the girl in the lower right corner it flattens the form.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator

    I started this one as a sketch then dark grayscale an lighting on top then did the colours, this is a new way of doing things for me but I think its helping me get a grip on lighting and shadow and tone.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    playing in alchemy, mirror is so much fun :)

  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    this is a chamalien, 1 in a large army of shape changing aliens who can form weapons and armour from their own flesh.


    hmm cant seem to get my art to show up in img tags unless I upload it to deviantart :/
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    i would say that this seems like a texture rather than a concept, because the lightning doesnt seem to be coming from nowhere , dunno if i make sense, but its what i think heheh...
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Johny wrote: »
    i would say that this seems like a texture rather than a concept, because the lightning doesnt seem to be coming from nowhere , dunno if i make sense, but its what i think heheh...

    Does kinda make sense, this was an exercise in texturing and lighting my concepts, this started as a tiny pen sketch about 4cmx4cm which was just outlines. I guess I need to work more on my tones and how the light reads, its supposed to be over the top but a little bit in front of the character, as the shine on his forehead shows, with bounced light making the rest of him fairly lit up too.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    As a result of Johnys comment I decided to do a lighting study and also trying to paint a woman in frank frazetta style for fun, this woman looks a little african which was a surprise to me cause I didnt have any plans when I started painting and didnt use any reference pics either.

    :edited out pic cause it was rubbish:
  • EricElwell
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    EricElwell insane polycounter
    Frank Frazetta is a woman? I think you might benefit from flattening values just a little bit. I know we try to get a wide range, and cause gradations, but with lighting, I am finding more and more that some areas are lit, and some are shadowed. The range in value is not some much a gradation between shade and lit, but from focal points to less important areas, foreground to back ground, etc.

    Her head seems a little small too :)

    Keep going man!
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    EricElwell wrote: »
    Frank Frazetta is a woman? I think you might benefit from flattening values just a little bit. I know we try to get a wide range, and cause gradations, but with lighting, I am finding more and more that some areas are lit, and some are shadowed. The range in value is not some much a gradation between shade and lit, but from focal points to less important areas, foreground to back ground, etc.

    NOOOoooo LOL I tried to draw a woman in a similar style to the way frank frazetta draws them...not frank as a woman arrrgh

    But yes those are some good points, I was reading about tones and lighting in imaginefx and the artist of dinotopia James Gurney says that the area which you want to bring focus to should be lit well and the areas between the light and the dark are the areas that should have the most detail in order to get more realism. I know youve come along way Eric, I remember seeing your older concepts, your newer stuff is great. I will look forward to doing more studys and try to get this all to work together when I draw.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Anatomy study sketches, Im on a mission to get better at this stuff, especially hands and feet I still dont find them easy or natural to draw or paint and find posing them rather confusing sometimes.


  • JR
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    JR polycounter lvl 15
    Nice works, but the anatomy on the shadowed woman looks odd. Your color choice could includ more bright colors, there are too much greys and neutral colors on your paintings.

    Good studies on feet and hands. I must to do something like this too :P
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Nice works, but the anatomy on the shadowed woman looks odd. Your color choice could includ more bright colors, there are too much greys and neutral colors on your paintings.

    Good studies on feet and hands. I must to do something like this too :P

    Thanks Amuari, I had a problem in the past that I used to paint everything with too much colour because I was inspired by comic books etc but now Im trying to work it up from neutral colours or from grayscale sketches. I only just started doing grayscale sketches lately which is why alot of my stuff on this thread has gray and black in it.

    Heres a little sketch from today, trying to get back into using painter instead of always PS.

  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Entered the Creature of the Week challenge over at conceptart.org


    I just wanted a challenge today so I decided to join conceptart.org and take part, its a mix between a grey snow wolf and a red eyed tree frog :)
  • Joao Sapiro
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    Joao Sapiro sublime tool
    i like the last one, but there is some lightning incosistencies, like in the frog the light comes from the upper right corner, but in the log it comes from the upper left ? play a little more with shadows ;) keep it up !
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Johny wrote: »
    i like the last one, but there is some lightning incosistencies, like in the frog the light comes from the upper right corner, but in the log it comes from the upper left ? play a little more with shadows ;) keep it up !

    Good point Johny, I worked on it a little more and updated to the original post
  • kary
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    kary polycounter lvl 18
    Nice thread Ged, progress happening and it's not been long.

    It looks like you're dealing with an issue that I'm trying to clear up as well -- your brushwork looks overly fussy. With the wolf frog the fringe looks a little uptight / busy and it clashes with the loose background. The background is communicating as a defocused forest, but there is something in the edge contrast of the light / dark strokes, and level of saturation, that spot on. The frog's left wrist transition could be a bit more clearly articulated. Nice overall, looks like it could shine if it were a bit more unified.

    The pencil anatomy studies are good. Not completely even, but there are a few extremely well rendered / realized segments in there. The male figure is in a really tough perspective there. The zombie birthday party and 'toon on the stationary bike are a great touch ;), fun and very clear.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    kary wrote: »
    Nice thread Ged, progress happening and it's not been long.

    It looks like you're dealing with an issue that I'm trying to clear up as well -- your brushwork looks overly fussy. With the wolf frog the fringe looks a little uptight / busy and it clashes with the loose background. The background is communicating as a defocused forest, but there is something in the edge contrast of the light / dark strokes, and level of saturation, that spot on. The frog's left wrist transition could be a bit more clearly articulated. Nice overall, looks like it could shine if it were a bit more unified.

    The pencil anatomy studies are good. Not completely even, but there are a few extremely well rendered / realized segments in there. The male figure is in a really tough perspective there. The zombie birthday party and 'toon on the stationary bike are a great touch ;), fun and very clear.

    Thanks alot Kary. Just to clarify do you mean fussy as in overly complicated or fussy as in blurry and messy? Im enjoying this stuff, I do 3D all day at work and then I relax by painting or sketching stuff when Ive got some free time :). I did use reference for all the hands and female and male perspective pics, that is something I must do alot more of, correct perspective on human anatomy is sooo hard to achieve.
  • kary
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    kary polycounter lvl 18
    Absolutely. Knowing the anatomy alone is a right pain, then putting it into space... and heaven forbid something crazy, like a twisting of a wrist, happens. Then you've got the anatomy in new configuration and have to research that pose. I guess thats why we're supposed to do a few thousand life drawings :poly108:

    I'm about as far from qualified to comment as you can get to crit brushwork, but from what I can see it was a little bit of both. Looking at this robot: http://www.gd3dart.com/images/random_stuff13.jpg the character right shoulder is harder to read than the other. On the left you have a simple stroke for the highlight (running the length of the large piece beside the head), that sets up that shoulder, has it reading as metalic, as a machined surface, etc. The other side has a lot more strokes and is harder to read because of them. Digression: A fast / fun way to work in painter is to lay things in very quick with a scratchboard pen, and drop in the lighting with the glowfx brush. Very quick, reasonably palletable results.

    Wolffrog: The saturation seems even throughout. Looking at this http://www.nicewallpapers.info/pics/Photography/Macro/Macro_000.jpg the forground will be 70-100% saturated, and the back in the 30-40% range. That might be what was pulling me out of it more then brushwork. You're doing a dramatic, and fairly well known, optical effect -- so the wolffrog and branch don't pop out as they could. That had me looking for a painting technique reason when it was an optical effect throwing me. Take it with a large dose of salt. :poly129:
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    thanks for the tips Kary, I wasnt sure what you meant about desaturated because I just think of desaturated as a lack of colour and the background in my wolfrog pic has a lack of colour it just sits closer to black rather than white like your reference wallpaper picture. Although having it fade to white may have helped and lightened the tone of the piece and accentuated the values more. I will have to test this with later works. Thanks for the info about the glowfx brush, might try this sometime, Im kinda happy in photoshop at the moment, I guess it just feels more familiar.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    made a little base for my futuristic shogun dude, I gotta get him exported from my other computer before I can pose him and do the final renders. This is a pic from in xnormal

  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator

    Some more anatomy studys, mostly from Glenn Fabrys book

    now Im going ou side because Im in england and its actually sunny for once!
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator

    Did this concept for the gameartisans challenge, probably wont get the time to make him in 3D though.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    speed sculpt just cause I havent sculpted since dom war, +- 1hr no reference

  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator

    I got a bridgman book yesterday, full of crazy anatomy stuff that I dont understand but also alot of pictures that make some sense of things for me so I draw them.
  • Ferg
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    Ferg polycounter lvl 17
    nice pages ged, especially that last one. Another reminder that I need to hit up bridgeman. ZB sculpt face is ace too. Emo kid needs tighter pants and down-sloping sad boy eyebrows.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    thanks ferg, heres a study of lighting and pose, based on this dudes photo called rosie skywards http://www.ravivora.com/photography/


    its still a little bit WIP so if anyone has some crits please say them now :)
  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 16
    wow that's awsome! very very nice!
  • Jaco
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    Jaco polycounter lvl 17
    Sweet painting, only crit for me is that the hand isn't reading that well.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    wow thanks for the nice comments, Ive made some minor edits, she has a new hand and the back ground is textured, some more hair and fixed some small paint blobs here and there.

    In the original shes pulling on a tie/rope which attaches to her neck collar but I didnt like that much so I removed it but now her hand looks a bit odd so I tried to make it look like shes holding a pen or something :P has it worked or am I just going to have to change her hand entirely?
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator

    I wanted to use the stuff Ive learnt from doing that lighting study so I started a character for conceptart.org character of the week topic DEEP. Its an underwater utopia topic. I was wondering wether this composition looks better with or without the blue flame from the weapon?
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator

    Im trying to add detail without loosing the forms and making it flat, any tips?

    also I want to work on the mood and atmosphere of this alot more and make it more realistic and gritty and less clean cartoony looking.
  • EricElwell
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    EricElwell insane polycounter
    I think you could accomplish a lot with the right brushes.. looks like you are using an opaque round, which is ok.. but what i like to do, if I start with an opaque round my colors and edges tend to be muddy, so I'll use the color dropper with a hard square and start flattening out colors. Like the colors on the girl you've painted, the lighting is great, and you can see how you've used expanses of one color rather than the somewhat blobby look you have on the DEEP char especially noticeable on the thigh.

    So for texture or detail you are going for variations in hue, sat, and brightness in smaller expanses with crisper edges. But the trick is to manage the amount of contrast and sharpness of edge along the whole image, because the more contrast and sharper the detail, the more you will draw the eye. Sometimes I'll paint an overlay or multiply layer (don't just drop in a photo and call it good, remember to be mindful to lead the eye to the most important areas) I like multiply layers because they don't jack up your tones too much, and you can get some nice brightness transitions.

    For texture, I like to use hard brushes (high opacity + sharp edges) with a touch of scatter and some distance in spacing.

    Another technique is to use Alt+smudge with a very hard opaque brush. What you do is create a smudge brush that has a good amount of space between marks, you would need to set the strength fade to like 200 - 300. Then if you hold Alt as you take strokes, it dabs the color down and completes the stroke with smudge. With a hard spaced brush you get a choppy edge, but nice gradations. For example, I used it a bit on this piece to get the choppy edge on the rope and texture in the BG. The texture on the arm is just an opaque square brush. Here's a lengthier post on it at ConceptArt.org
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 17
    hey Ged odd question but what brushes are you using, are they standard or are there all your own custom ones?
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    seforin wrote: »
    hey Ged odd question but what brushes are you using, are they standard or are there all your own custom ones?

    They are a collection of my favorite brushes from other peoples brush collections, the round one I use alot is from this collection and varies in opacity with pressure.
    and some from the standard brush set and a scratches brush
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Thanks for the advice Eric I used some hard brushes and re did alot of the lit sections of the character and I tried to put alot of stuff Ive been reading about and heard about here into action in this piece. Theres warm and cold colours placed strategically to create depth, theres alot of funky anatomy hehe, theres some 2 point lighting and shadows etc. Im not sure how well this turned out but Im keen to get it over with now and start on the next thing, so Im pretty sure this is it finished for this character painting. Is there too much blueish? is it not warm enough on the character?

  • kary
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    kary polycounter lvl 18
    That's an interesting design, nice job rendering the face, but some of the proportions are unnatural:

    Things seem to be pushed to the frame left. Particularly the head and neck, but with the chest (on a smaller scale). If I connected those points correctly the centre line of the chest is too far to the left. I could be misreading things, but I thought I'd point those out. Interesting ideas, good sense of atmosphere within the water, you seem to be communicating more clearly with each piece :)
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    kary wrote: »
    That's an interesting design, nice job rendering the face, but some of the proportions are unnatural:

    Things seem to be pushed to the frame left. Particularly the head and neck, but with the chest (on a smaller scale). If I connected those points correctly the centre line of the chest is too far to the left. I could be misreading things, but I thought I'd point those out. Interesting ideas, good sense of atmosphere within the water, you seem to be communicating more clearly with each piece :)

    thanks for the crits and complements kary, I see what your getting at, for some reason I aligned that centre line to the spine of his body rather than the centre of his body so when it doesnt line up with the centre of the chest thats because at this camera angle the spine would be slightly to the right to account for the body mass between spine and chest. But I can see his head could be pushed back a little and that would definitely be more accurate and probably more regal.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    I started this shogun dude before dominance war, I finished off the textures and wanted to pose him today but max is being rubbish and making me wait 20seconds every time I press ctrlz to undo. Anyway heres where hes at, I just want to get him done, Ive learn loads since I started this model and now I think it looks pretty lame. :P
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    couldnt get him posed in time for my degree show so this is what Ive got of him, Im keen to move on anyway this ones too old now.


    Heres another experiment for the cow deep topic on conceptart.org, have I pushed the brightness and contrast too much? I can always tone it down a bit.

  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    I felt like trying my hand at a quick landscape, no reference used, about 1 1/2 hr

  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Im still here :) just dont have internet at home at the moment, moving in to a house share soon :) heres what Ive been up to for the comicon challenge at gameartisans

    reference image
  • RazorBladder
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    RazorBladder polycounter lvl 18
    You've improved a lot since your Domwar entry :)
  • jogshy
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    jogshy polycounter lvl 17
    Nice sketches!
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Hey thanks for the kind words RazorB and Jogshy. I worked more on deadpools proportions and did a simple paintover, Ive built the low poly but its not uvd yet.

  • Japhir
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    Japhir polycounter lvl 16
    loving the sculpt! your improving with heaps!
    is the last image the base mesh? if not, it needs knee/elbow geometry.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Japhir wrote: »
    loving the sculpt! your improving with heaps!
    is the last image the base mesh? if not, it needs knee/elbow geometry.

    No its the low poly but it still needs optimising for animation/rigging, hopefully I can rig it quickly with biped or maybe I will be stuck with rubbish zbrush traspose. The base mesh for deadpool was only like 64 polys or something lol.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    ok lowpoly is pretty much done, textures will come soon, heres just the lowpoly plus normal and AO.deadpool_lowpoly.jpg
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    more work on deadpool, started on the textures

  • hobodactyl
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    hobodactyl polycounter lvl 18
    This is turning out great!
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    thanks hobo heres some more work on the textures
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