hey guys. i was just wondering what everybody who's interested in Assassin's Creed is upto in terms of 'anticipation'. ie. before skate's demo came out, i [and im sure many other skater Skate fans] was skateboarding like crazy. Before bioshock released, i was beating the shit out of little girls [this is a joke by the way]. And now, since i can't go across the galaxy in a quest for an alien named Saren, i've started parcouring, and its only got me more hyped about assassin's creed.
i've got some camera-phone vids of me par-couring along with another friend of mine. my school friends are pretty impressed, and that just makes me wanna do more! anyways, so that's what i'm upto in anticipation of this game.
Par-cour, and fan-art.
how about u guys? going around assassinating people? randomly jumping at them? maybe making clay models or something?
i cuit ioff ,y fimngers to be li;e altair
[/ QUOTE ]
Ultimate devotion! ^_^
I'm anticipating it by trying to get through a backlog of other games so that in 5 years I can pick up this game for $5 and maybe enjoy it.
I'm a boring old sod now, i like relaxing exploration / puzzle elements more in games now, I played through oblivion a few times, played through overlord for my 3rd time now, assassins creed looks so good I cant wait
I just rewatch the videos though, does is count if I periodically think about killing people, not found time to stalk anyone yet!
@sectaurs: what can i do? lol skateboarding and par-couring are very realistic, possible things. And i already had a skateboard prior to skate, and all u need for par cour is a bus pass! [had that too!] plus, it seems that majority of my class mates par cour too.
but yes, im glad to be in somebody's wet dreams
unfortunately, its listed for NOV 15 in my canadian best buy and futureshop brochures... i'll have to wait an EXTRA DAY! noooo!
but yays. i cant wait. preordered my copy a few days ago.
its $60 up here as well, as opposed to 70. so even more happy.
dang i can't wait!
About the only thing I can say I'm "hoping" for (beyond the obvious expectation that this game will a great buy) is that they've got some way of allowing the player to free-roam and goof about after the storyline's done.
Sounds interesting to me.
That's going to be my xmas 360 trilogy of fun
The other night on south park, every break had a cinematic trailer for Assassin's creed, it was a good night!
As for Assassin's Creed I was in that same store on Saturday morning and they had a couple copies of the LE guide for the game from Prima Publishing...it comes with a hard cover art book!
I didn't really read much into this game before I played but DAMN I was shocked from the second the game started. Obviously don't want to ruin it for anyone...ill just say the storylines flow together amazingly well.
The only thing I don't like so far is combat, but I'm sure that I am not far enough into the game yet.
Picking this up on PS3 I think after watching some comparison videos.
Last I heard the ps3 version had dumber AI than the 360 version.
I am very interested to see the turnout.
LD - http://www.gametrailers.com/player/27754.html
HD - http://www.gametrailers.com/player/27616.html
For me 12-15 hours of gameplay = rental.
i hope they get it!
its the 1 which is 5 mins from my house... i got it preordered... so YAY!
i dont care of bad reviews... i've wanted this game too long... ill make my OWN damn opinion
don't understand the low[ish] scores
I think I can stand a few clipping issues in a game that looks this insane.
Only potential gripe is how damn choppy non-Altair animations are... some of the stuff looks like first-pass work.
story is incredibly cheesy and feels quite hacked together so far
it all kind of comes together. how far have you gotten?