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in aniticipation of :: Assassin's Creed



  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    http://www.penny-arcade.com/2007/11/14 Second post by gabe. I thought it was a very interesting view on why some of the scores coming in are low.

    He's got a great point that with open world games you sort of need to take your time to enjoy them, if you just rush through you miss the experience. Given the stupid amount of games coming out right now reviewers are likely burried under a load of games needing to be played through. So they rush through them, and games like Assassin's Creed get unfairly scored.

    That said, I haven't played it yet (Watched it being played and was mightily impressed though). I'll know forsure whether or not I agree with gabe after that, but I definitly can see his point.
  • indian_boy
    the game is BRILL!

    "okay okay. here i go.
    cons first:
    - opening cinemtic sequence is looong and arduos.
    - too many cutscenes, but they're nice to watch, especially trying to catch those visual glitches to unlock achievements
    - the tutorial is too long, and gets a bit boring. i know its a neccesary evil... but meh.
    - travelling from one point of the kingdom to another can be a pain. takes a long time. but its fun trying to find the 'flags' etc.
    - voice acting is overall very good. Altair's voice acting sux though. unfortunately.

    Now the pros:
    - control scheme takes LITTLE 'getting used to'. it took me 2 minutes, and im already par kouring like a G.
    - graphics are CRAZY good. Even on SD! so much self shadowing etc. its cray. The bloom is just right, the colour grading makes it cool, no stupid lens flares. And when u use those 'view points' and get a view of the city: WOW!
    - The score is brilliant. The music is really awesome, especially since im into 'that type' of music.
    - sound effects are GREAT! u've got a 5.1 too right? just HEARING the swords clash in a fight, and the ring afterwards. Or climbing to the top of a tower and hearing the birds. This might sound ripped off of an official review, but its TRUE. and i SWeaR when u walk thru the bazaar in damascus, ur like WOW! why is there no LAG?!
    - Fighting is FUN. timing is actually difficult sometimes. takes a bit getting used to. But sometimes i feel the AI can be stupid.
    - Par kour. need i say more? AMAZINGLY intuitive controls
    . And the animations are crazy! smooth like butter! and the feel is brilliant too. during my first chase i was actually remembering the locality ["oh wait! this place! that means theres a 'so and so nearby'! go for it!" type stuff] and i was enjoyin it!
    - Investigations... lets see. only a fraction are required before u can actually do the asassination. but if u do all of em [admittedly a bit boring at times] then u find some REALLY handy tips. im about to go kill my first target, and i've pretty much found out how to get in, and how to get out, just thru investigations. Now its up to me to pull it off!

    wat more can i say... nothing really.
    so far the game's lived up to the hype for me.
    all those reviewers complain cuz they dont play games to PLAY them. they have to rush. they can do the whole 'save citizen' stuff, or go to all the viewpoints... or spend hours par kouring and killing archers on rooftops. i feel sorry for them!
    but this game is awesome!"

    thats what i told one of my friends who was unsure of whether to purchase or not.

    i LOVE this game!
  • animatr
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    animatr polycounter lvl 18
    just beat it last night. holy fucking shit yes!
    it was awesome.
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    The ending was amazing, but not really as an ending. Felt like a tv show style cliffhanger, it just stopped instead of actually giving me completion and a hook to wait for.
  • seforin
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    seforin polycounter lvl 18
    ok not to like do things to give off hints or whatever

    but assassin creed = win for this reason

  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    what reason? looks like hes holding onto a windowledge?
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Yeah, I have absolutely no idea what you're getting at, sef.
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    That it looks good on SD TV...
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    the building to the left is supposed to look like the front of Optimus Prime.
  • indian_boy
    amen pliang.
    it looks AMAZING on SD...

    and the fact that u can literally hang on to anything adds to the fun too!
    i wonder how they do that?
    is it in the engine and the engine 'makes it as it goes' or is the info 'painted' on? watever... the climbing anims are awesome!
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Man I gotta pick this game up next week when payday comes. From everything I hear it's a gotta have game.
  • Mishra
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    Mishra polycounter lvl 18
    i dunno, i think its really rather meh. just so much potential for awesome that i think went to waste and it ended up being really pretty, but mediocre.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    [ QUOTE ]
    amen pliang.
    it looks AMAZING on SD...

    and the fact that u can literally hang on to anything adds to the fun too!
    i wonder how they do that?
    is it in the engine and the engine 'makes it as it goes' or is the info 'painted' on? watever... the climbing anims are awesome!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I remember reading somewhere that Ubisoft made an enginer for this type of maneuverability detection from the character. Basically, "anything that extrudes past 2 inches is able to be used as leverage by the player" was the quote for the tech.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    tonights rampage smile.gif


    This game is outstanding!
  • pliang
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    pliang polycounter lvl 17
    Not so subtle there...
  • Pseudo
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    Pseudo polycounter lvl 18
    Awesome Lee. Murdering guards in the small villages is my favorite way to warm up before the big kill. Much to my surprise, as I was hacking away at some guards and practicing my counters, a few achievements popped up for killing 25 guards in one combat and for killing 100 guards without dieing.

    In a game that emphasizes stealth I didn't think they would encourage that kind of behavior, but I was pleasantly surprised.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18
    did you find the broken city ruins? its just before this area.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Ahhh.. My wife picked up Assassins Creed for me this weekend in hopes I would feel better as I was seriously ill with something fierce. I was in bed pretty much all day Saturday and most of sunday until later today when I was able to finally eat something and fire up the 360.


    So much fun.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    I just beat the game, here are my thoughts in no particular order:

    --I've never had more fun moving a character in a game, ever.

    --The detection system of Altair and the environment was magnificant.

    --The environments were AMAZING. I loved the detail, the textures/shaders, everything. Such great atmosphere.

    --On that note I really loved the set for the part of the game that takes place in modern times.

    --The missions WERE repeatative, but...

    --...I still enjoyed them.

    --I don't know how I feel about the assassination part of the game, where you actually kill one of 'the 9'. Most of the time it just ended in me facing 8 or so goons + the target in a sword fight.

    --Enemy AI is both fun & weak all at once. It's lame how they only attack you one at a time but I like to think they were just too afraid of my awesome sword wielding talents. Ha!

    --The camera is horrific. I hate how it'd stop rotation if an objective was in the way rather than pull tighter to the player.

    Side note:

    I'd love to see this story jump to London, England circa Jack the Ripper era. I really hope the next game is NOT in a modern setting.
  • Keg
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    Keg polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]

    Side note:

    I'd love to see this story jump to London, England circa Jack the Ripper era. I really hope the next game is NOT in a modern setting.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Dear god yes!! that would so fun. And flaagan's comment about it:

    [ QUOTE ]
    <flaagan> keg... london fog, dude
    <flaagan> 'move like the mists' indeed

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I have to agree with per on how things are. I wouldn't have minded a mission or two where you kill the guy at night and drag the body to a nearby public place where people would find the body. Just killing the person in their room could easily lead to doubles and such to avoid chaos, plus dragging a corpse or just the head even to a public point would be neat and gruesome.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    animated%20siren%20gif%20animated%20siren%20gif%20animated%20siren%20gif%20drudge%20report.GIF THE GAME IS BEING DISCUSSED BELOW animated%20siren%20gif%20animated%20siren%20gif%20animated%20siren%20gif%20drudge%20report.GIF

    Also - where the heck was the crossbow he has in the opening trailer? I kept waiting for it to be unlocked to me but nooooo, I had to get a new shiny sword!

    EDIT: Oh and the chick with the finger. She reveals she's an assassin but then you look in first person and she has all her fingers? Wtf? Prosthetic that she can pull off just so she can reveal it's a fake? D'oh..
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    It's a thread about the game, no shit there'll be spoilers. (Dumbass.)

    animated%20siren%20gif%20animated%20siren%20gif%20animated%20siren%20gif%20drudge%20report.GIF THE GAME IS BEING DISCUSSED BELOW animated%20siren%20gif%20animated%20siren%20gif%20animated%20siren%20gif%20drudge%20report.GIF

    Back on topic: Another comment was the ragdoll physics. I remember when the first airing of AC gameplay was shown some comments were made at the lack of character physics. I reckon Ubisoft felt the pressure and quickly implemented this, thus resulting in poor ragdolls: Knee's bending forward, arms with full rotating, etc. I often watched my enemy fall to his death because the outcome was usually pretty funny because of the above mentioned flaws.

    Still, I am glad they went with a shoddy solution then no solution.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Asking me to be sensible in my posts and to follow etiquette while calling me a fag? How fun! I like you.
  • vahl
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    vahl polycounter lvl 18
    yay for endgame spoiler, GJ, this is why I never read those fucking threads before I beat the fucking game.

    that said, awesome game, what per said about the pacing, but honestly the assassination sequences are worth all the long investigation sequences (that you don't have to fully complete anyways)
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    I don't think people read a thread that is title "In anticipation of:" a game and expect to have the plot revealed. Breach of etiquette, Brome - own it and move on.

    per is still an ass, btw tongue.gif
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    yeah i wasn't really trying to find a spoiler here either.

    Where was my

    **SPOILER** Warning message???
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Yikes, seriously?

    Alright then - lesson learned. I'll put warning signs & sirens up whenever I am going to discuss the content of game in a thread about the game.

    I've, for years now, popped in to Polycount threads about movies/games and known the actual game will be discussed. (While its angry, read Vahl's comment. Same lesson he's learned, I learned).

    Vermillion, the games out now there is nothing to anticipate. Point made, however.

    EDIT: And besides the complaints, the ending wasn't ruined.
  • Wells
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    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    what ending?

  • East
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    East polycounter lvl 14
    [ QUOTE ]
    animated%20siren%20gif%20animated%20siren%20gif%20animated%20siren%20gif%20drudge%20report.GIF THE GAME IS BEING DISCUSSED BELOW animated%20siren%20gif%20animated%20siren%20gif%20animated%20siren%20gif%20drudge%20report.GIF

    Also - where the heck was the crossbow he has in the opening trailer? I kept waiting for it to be unlocked to me but nooooo, I had to get a new shiny sword!

    EDIT: Oh and the chick with the finger. She reveals she's an assassin but then you look in first person and she has all her fingers? Wtf? Prosthetic that she can pull off just so she can reveal it's a fake? D'oh..

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Spoiler etc, etc..
    I think she just bends her finger, giving Desmond a sign. Kind of like a secret handshake. None of the other assassins in Altair's memory had their finger cut off like that, as far as I could tell. You were the only real assassin anyway. All the other assassins were just wimpy pussies who whined about personal stuff, and made you do all their work. Pathetic.
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